File - Mr. Neadel`s AP World History

Robert W. Strayer
Ways of the World: A Brief Global History
Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources
Chapter Four, First Empires, 500 B.C.E.-500 C.E. (pp. 165-168)
Intermittent Empire: The Case of India
 Another empire played a rather less prominent role in India
 In Indus River Valley flourished the largest of the First Civilizations
 Planned cities such as Harappa show little evidence of any central political authority
Did the Aryans invade suddenly or did they migrate slowly into the Indus River valley, or were
they already there as part of the Indus Valley Population?
o Scholars have yet to reach agreement
o 2 ways to look at India’s History (History and History of History: some of it unclear)
600 BCE: Classical civilization of South Asia had begun to take shape
o Politically, that civilization emerged as a fragmented collection of towns & cities
o Range of ethnic, cultural, & linguistic diversity also characterized this civilization
o Political fragmentation & vast cultural diversity have informed much of South Asian
What gave Indian civilization a recognizable identity and character?
o A distinctive religious tradition known later to outsiders as Hinduism
o Unique social organization-The Caste System
Empires were not entirely unknown in India’s long history
o Northwestern India had been briefly ruled by the Persian Empire
o Persian & Greek influences helped stimulate the first and largest of India’s short
experiments (The Mauryan Empire)
o This empire encompassed all but the southern tip of the Subcontinent
Mauryan Empire was an impressive political structure, equivalent to the Persian, Chinese, and
Roman Empires
o Population of 50 million
o Empire boasted large military force (600,000 infantry, 30,000 cavalry, 8,000 chariots,
9,000 Elephants)
o Civilian bureaucracy with various ministries to provide rulers with local information
o Famous treatise (Arthashastra) articulated political philosophy for rulers
 Book showed how the political world does work and disclosed to a king what
brutal measures he carry out to preserve the state
o State operated many industries (spinning, weaving, mining, shipbuilding, & armaments)
o Complex financed by taxes on trade, animals, & land
Best known Mauryan emperor was Ashoka (268-232 BCE)
o Conversion to Buddhism and moralistic approach to governance gave his reign different
o Legacy to modern India has been that of an enlightened ruler who sought to govern in
accord with the religious values & moral teachings of Hinduism & Buddhism
Ashoka’s policies did not preserve the empire
o Broke apart soon after Ashoka’s death
o Gupta Empire (320-550 CE) marked India’s history, but didn’t last long
o India’s political history resembled that of Western Europe after the collapse of the
Roman Empire
o India’s unparalleled cultural diversity & invasions led to smashed states that provided a
nucleus for an all Indian Empire
Frequently vibrant economy fostered a lively internal commerce
o Cotton textile industry long supplied cloth throughout the Afro-Eurasian
o Strong guilds provided political leadership in major towns & cities & their wealth
patronized lavish temples
Absence of consistent imperial unity did not prevent the evolution of an enduring civilization