Resolution - Jefferson Parish Government

On motion of_______, seconded by________, the following resolution was
A resolution requesting and authorizing the Planning
Department and the Planning Advisory Board to conduct a
study of the text of Chapter 33, Unified Development
Code, Chapter 40 Zoning and Chapter 25, Article VI
Comprehensive Plan of the Code of Ordinances of the
Parish of Jefferson, specifically of the provisions related to
temporary storage units and accessory structures with the
intent of establishing definitions and regulations including,
but not limited to, height, setbacks, size, building materials,
and connections to principal structures; establishing
interim regulations during the study; and providing for
related matters. (Parishwide)
WHEREAS, the current regulations for temporary storage units and accessory
structures do not adequately address the numerous issues and various situations
presented by these structures; and
WHEREAS, portable storage units and shipping containers are built to transport
goods and for temporary use, and not as permanent residential storage buildings;
WHEREAS, ambiguous language in the Code of Ordinances and the potential
negative effects of portable storage units and shipping containers on surrounding
properties warrant the need for interim regulations to immediately address the issues
with these units in residential neighborhoods.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Jefferson Parish Council,
Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, acting as governing authority of said Parish:
SECTION I. That the Planning Department and the Planning Advisory Board are
hereby authorized to conduct a study of the text of Chapter 33, Unified Development
Code, Chapter 40 Zoning and Chapter 25, Article VI Comprehensive Plan of the
Code of Ordinances of the Parish of Jefferson, specifically the provisions related to
temporary storage units and accessory structures with the intent of establishing
definitions and regulations including, but not limited to, height, setbacks, size,
building materials, and connections to principal structures; and providing for related
SECTION II. That interim zoning regulations are hereby in effect that permit
portable storage units and shipping containers on the sites of single-, two-, three, or
four-family dwellings including manufactured homes and townhouses, subject to the
following criteria:
a. Portable storage units, shipping containers, or other similar repositories shall not
be located on a site for longer than thirty (30) consecutive days except under the
following conditions:
1. The Department of Inspection and Code Enforcement has issued the owner
of the site a building permit that is active and necessitates temporary storage
on the site.
2. The Director of Inspection and Code Enforcement has granted an extension
to the thirty (30) day limit.
b. Only one (1) portable storage unit or shipping container at a time shall be
permitted on a site.
c. The portable storage unit or shipping container shall not block a sidewalk or
extend into any public right of way
d. If visible from the street, the portable storage unit or shipping container shall be
placed on the site’s driveway or other approved hard surface unless an
unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty exists as determined by the
Department of Inspection and Code Enforcement
e. If visible from the street, the portable storage unit or shipping container shall be
maintained in a condition that is free of rust, graffiti, tears, ripping, and other
visible signs of deterioration.
SECTION III. That a moratorium shall be in effect that prohibits the use of
converted or refitted portable storage units, shipping containers or other similar
containers for storage, including but not limited to, containerized freight units (CFUs)
and trailers for 18-wheeler and semis, as accessory buildings on the sites of single-,
two-, three, or four-family dwellings including manufactured homes and townhouses.
SECTION IV. The interim zoning regulations and moratorium set forth in this
resolution are in accordance with and by the authority of Sec. 33-2.23 and Sec. 40880 of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances providing, in pertinent part, that
when a zoning or land use study has been initiated by resolution of the Jefferson
Parish Council and pending final disposition of said amendment, supplement,
change, zoning or land use study, a moratorium on the issuance of certificates of use
and occupancy or building permits for a building, structure or occupancy which would
be prohibited by passage of the proposed amendment shall be in effect for one (1)
year, which may be extended by the Jefferson Parish Council for not longer than one
(1), six (6) month period.
SECTION V. That the Council Chairman or in his absence the Vice-Chairman
be and is authorized to execute any and all documents necessary to give full force
and effect to this resolution.
The foregoing resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was
as follows:
The resolution was declared to be adopted on this the ___ day of ___, 2012.