The Homecoming Dance

The Homecoming Dance!
10/24/2013, 8:15am CDT
By Lizzie Lebow
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An insider look at the Saturday homecoming dance + pros and cons!
High school dances: that one time every few months that everyone goes into a dark room and
pretends to like Top 40 music for the sake of a good time. The music is loud enough to mute the
voice of your neighbor. Some people instinctively dance as though they are in a “who can look the
most uncomfortable?” contest. In all honesty though, student council did do a great job this time.
This year, Woodbury High School decided to do something new: put the homecoming dance on a
Saturday. This worked out fairly well. Instead of sweaty football players stinking up the place,
everyone was sweaty, however that’s nothing that can’t be fixed be a couple industrial fans. The
Saturday date invited people who in previous years may have thought, “Nah, I’m too tired to go to a
dance” after cheering on the football team at the homecoming game. Since the dance is no longer
after the game, the dance is not affected by a dismal mood if the team loses. The drawback of
Saturday dances for some is that it is an inconvenient day for a dance because it can be difficult to fit
on the calendar.
Another important thing to note is that this dance was a semiformal. No longer are the days of fist
pumping in t-shirts and shorts. Girls came in their sparkly vibrant dresses of all colors and boys in
their button down shirts and dress pants. For those who hesitate to come to school dances because
of the twerkers, come to a formal dance. The formal attire kept grinding to a minimum. Being
huddled together in a giant mass of body heat and wild dancing made everyone sweaty and gave
people messed up hair and just about every girl there had taken off her shoes by the end, but still, it
is fair to say that everyone felt a little classier that night.
The DJ played some great, danceable stuff. Music videos for the songs played on a projector which
was pretty cool. Student Council, the host of this dance, was pleasant considering that it came to
watch other people have fun. There were a couple of dance circles that erupted and a big swarm of
people stood on tippy toes to watch break dancing.
A negative would be the price. Just to get in, a person would have had to shell out eight dollars.
Water or pop was another dollar. It’s understandable; the DJ needs to be paid, Student Council needs
to fundraise, but if Student Council dropped the price just a little, they may get more students at the
Another negative would be the chaperones. They protected all the bathrooms and exits like prison
guards. What happened to trust? This generation may be a bit of a sketchy one, but we have earned
the right not to be treated like toddlers. Can’t a person go into a bathroom anymore without getting
his or her bagged searched?
Despite the negatives, it can be safely said that the majority of people had a good time, and those
who didn’t, at least he or she left with stronger calves thanks to all of the bounce-dancing that
everyone seemed to be doing.
What will happen next year? Will it be formal or informal? Will it be on Saturday or Friday after the
game? It is hard to tell as most things are a year in advance, but the dance went so smoothly that it
would not be surprising if it were a semiformal again. In just a couple short months, Woodbury will
host its usual Winter Semiformal. If anybody missed out on the fun of the school year’s first dance,
no worries; there’s at least a couple more. Be sure to come and check one of them out!