In-service Field Interaction, Innovation & Co-ordination (IFIIC) Dr. Sohrab Alam ------ Head, IFIIC, DIET, Darya Ganj 1. Year wise status of In-Service Training programmes since inception of DIET Daryaganj Sr. Year No. No. of Programmes No. of Participants 1. 1994-1995 02 103 2. 1995-1996 16 661 3. 1996-1997 10 339 4. 1997-1998 05 241 5. 1998-1999 10 214 6. 1999-2000 13 243 7. 2000-2001 08 598 8. 2001-2002 08 280 9. 2002-2003 02 82 10. 2003-2004 No Training Program; Because PAC was not convened. 11. 2004-2005 07 505 12. 2005-2006 18 1712 13. 2006-2007 20 2918 14. 2007-2008 11 1903 15. 2008-2009 04 4126 16. 2009-2010 08 6104 17. 2010-2011 22 1930 18. 2011-2012 19 2219 2. Training programme\Workshop organized Sr. No. 1. Name of the Activities/Training programme/workshop/lecture Organized for One day training organized for 40 special teachers in association with DURC. Date and Duration 1 day Organizing Agency DIET DG Faculty Member Dr. Rajesh Kumar 2. Course Director of INSET Programme for primary teachers of MCD Schools. Co-ordinate INSET Programmed for primary teachers of MCD Schools 5 days DIET DG 23-09-2011 to 30-09-2011 SKV No. 1 Moti Bagh Co-ordinated INSET Programme for T.G.T (Science) 23-09-2011 to 30-09-2011. SKV No. 1 Moti Bagh Dr.M.S. Alam 5. In service taining programme for T.G.T. (Urdu) DOE SCERT Dr.M.S. Alam 6. In service taining programme for primary teachers of MCD Schools 10-10-2011 to 15-10-2011 (5 DAYS) 26-12-2011 to 30-12-2011 DIET DARYAGANJ Dr.M.S. Alam 7. Lectures during five day training programs for HMs on Emotional maturely and leadership. Lectures during five day training programs for Nursery Teachers on development through Play activities. INSET Programme on Science –Prectical ( Bio, Phy., Chem. ) 5 days DIET DG Dr. Kanwaljeet Kaur 5 days DIET DG Dr. Kanwaljeet Kaur 10-10-11 to 1310- 11 (03days) 26-12-11 to 30-12-11 (05 days) 5 days SCERT, New Delhi Ms.Suman Devi DIET, Daryaganj, Delhi DIET DG Ms.Suman Devi 3. 4. 8. 9. Dr. Rajesh Kumar Dr.M.S. Alam 10. Need Based Programme for Nursery Teachers 11. Conducted 5 days In-service training for drawing teachers of DOE SCERT/DRU/OTHERS 1. Resource input during SSA like Girls counseling camps (Kishori Munch) and girls parents counseling. 3 days DIET DG Dr. Kanwaljeet Kaur 2. Community Survey during SEP through ETE Trainees. Literacy week celebrations. 3 weeks DIET DG 1 week DIET DG 4. Extension Lecture for ETE Trainees RTE Act 2009, Girls Education, Adult Education of CWSH and SC & ST and strategies to bring out of children in Schools. 1 day DIET DG Dr. Kanwaljeet Kaur Dr. Kanwaljeet Kaur Dr. Kanwaljeet Kaur 5. CLT programme (to be related in Feb IInd 1 month week ) Coordinator Sanskar Rangtoli Theater 1 month Summer workshop. 3. 7. DIET DG DIET DG Mr. Vimal Chand Dr. Kanwaljeet Kaur Mr. Vimal Chand 8. Coordinator Sanskar Rangtoli Theater 30 days workshop. (Saturday &Sunday associated with NSD. DIET DG Mr. Vimal Chand In- Service training Programme for Urdu medium teachers for MCD and DOE of District central of Govt. schools and Govt aided School. In-service training programme for Nursery teachers in ECCE of Distt. Central. Need based In-service training programme for 100Elementary Education Teacher of DoEGovt.,MCD and Aided School of the Central School A follow-up study of the INSET programmes for DoE School Primary Teachers conducted by DIET/DG