Section 4: Commercial Heifer Show

Section 4: Commercial Heifer Show
Co- Superintendents: Robert & Kim Smith 752-7364 or 633-3869
Co- Superintendent: Bob Shofner 640-0810, or Co- Superintendent: Ken Myers 524-5506
ENTRY DEADLINE: June 1, 2013 OWNERSHIP DATE: June 1, 2013
Free Tie outs are available first come. Tie out time at discretion of superintendent and should be
back in barn and stalled by 8 am.
** HEIFER WEIGHT FOR 2013 IS 400 lbs. **
This department is open to junior exhibitors as defined in the Benton County Fair General Livestock
Rules. All general livestock rules of the fair apply to this department. In addition, the exhibitors in this
section are subject to the following regulations.
1. The commercial heifer show will be three (3) divisions a) English Division - Crosses of the
Polled Hereford, Hereford, Angus, Red Poll, Shorthorn and other English breeds. b) Exotic
Divisions - Crosses of the Continental breeds such as Simmental, Charolais, Limousine, etc. c)
American Divisions - Crosses of Brahman, Beef master, Brangus, Santa Gertrudis, or others.
2. Heifers will be classified by the designated person on nomination day.
3. Purebred non-registered heifers will be eligible for the Commercial Heifer Show.
4. Commercial Heifers will be classified as described above (Rule #2) at the time of nomination. On
that day, Benton County Fair Tags will be placed in the heifers ears. Nomination will be held
June 2 from 8:00 am to 11:00. If a heifer loses a tag notify Superintendent of Show immediately.
5. Only commercial heifers with no permanent teeth “in wear” will be allowed to show in this
6. Commercial heifers will be weighed, classified and mouthed at 7:00 pm on Wednesday of the
Benton County Fair. The junior beef superintendent may adjust the time if needed.
7. Commercial heifers must weigh a minimum of 400 lbs. at the weigh-in/check-in at Benton
County Fair in August 2013. No tolerance to this rule. Heifer weight for 2013 is 400 lbs. a) the
scales used in the weigh-in will be the official scales. b) There will be no early weighing or
reweighing of the calves. c) There will be no maximum weight.
8. Commercial heifers must be polled or dehorned.
9. Commercial heifers must be weaned at show time.
10. Commercial Heifer cannot have calved prior to first day of fair August 14, 2013.
11. There will be a Grand Champion Heifer and Reserve Grand Champion Heifer selected for each
division as well as overall Grand Champion and Reserve Grand champion Commercial heifer.
12. Show order will be posted by the beef department superintendents on or before the opening day
of the Benton County Fair.
13. Exhibitors will not be allowed to enter and pay for extra stall spaces. Exhibitors will receive one
stall space per animal even if extra stall space is purchased. Every effort will be made to provide
an extra stall for each exhibitor. Tack isles are available to store feed and supplies. If you are
bringing fewer cattle than you entered, please contact the superintendent of this department. This
will allow stall assignments to be adjusted accordingly prior to the beginning of the fair rather
than upon your arrival.
14. No aisle (butt) fans allowed. This is to include overhead fans attached to fan cages.
15. All cattle must be back in barn by 9:00am.
16. No community water buckets are allowed. Animals must be watered in stalls.
17. All animals will be inspected INSIDE the trailer prior to entering the barn area. If any
animals on the trailer are contagious the ENTIRE trailer will be sent home immediately!
11th & up