Government of the Russian Federation Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education National Research University "Higher School of Economics" Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Course syllabus Research seminar For the Bachelor's Degree Program 030200.62 "Political Science" Author: Maria V.Ivanova, candidate of science (Russian equivalent of Ph.D.) ( Approved at the meeting of the Department of Humanities Head of the Department A.S.Kimerling______________________ «___» ___________ 2015 г. Adopted by the Academic Council Of Perm campus Higher School of Economics ______________________ «____» _______________ 2015 г. Perm, 2015 This syllabus cannot be used by other University departments and other institutes of higher education without the permission of the department that developed the syllabus 1 1. Scope of Use The present syllabus sets up minimal requirements and course objectives for students, defines the content of lectures and seminars and lays out students’ evaluation criteria. The course is designed for professors teaching this course, their teaching assistants and BA students majoring in "Political Science" (030200.62). The syllabus meets the educational standards of the Higher School of Economics developed for BA program 030200.62 "Political Science" adopted at 24.06.2011, protocol №26; the curriculum of the BA program 030200.62 "Political Science" as of 2013. 2. Learning Objectives The course is intended to introduce students to get skills of preparation and presentation scientific results and papers. Particularly, there are research proposal, academic articles, conference presentation and critical review. 3. Students' Competencies By the end of the course students have to be able: - to know about main types, features and specific of scientific papers; - to write academic paper; particularly academic article, research proposal, academic paper, review and academic presentation; - to make well-build academic paper, accordingly academic specifications; - to get skills of making academic article, presentation and review; - to get preliminary skills of writing and editing academic papers. Students' competencies expected by the end of the course: Competency Code Description Professional ПК-2 is able to comprehend modern mainstream methods of political science and apply it to the scientific research Professional ПК-1 is able to conduct research, analyze scientific problems, define goals and tasks, formulate the subject and the object of research, choose research methods and appraise the quality of research 4. The Course in the Structure of the BA program The course is closely connected to other disciplines such as Comparative Politics, Political Analysis and the Research seminar (at 2d year). 5. Course Plan 2 № Section Total hours Seminars Independ ent Work 1 Research strategies in Political Science 54 26 28 2 Presentation and evaluation in research area 54 26 28 Total 108 52 56 6. Forms of Control Students’ performance is evaluated by control work, participation at the seminar`s work and exam. The formula for calculating the final grade is the following: Оfinal = 0,4* Оseminars + 0,4*Оcontrolwork +0,2 *·Оexam 7. Course Contents 1. Research strategies in Political Science Topic 1. Research design. Description. Prediction. Causality. Theoretical interpretation. Variables. Indicators. How is possible to choose a research strategy? Data collection and analysis methods: еypes and strategies. Small number cases research, large number cases research. Research proposal. Academic article. Report. Paper. Topic 2. Strategies at qualitative research. Observation. Experiment. In-depth interviews. Focus groups. Expert semi-structured interviews. Delphi technique. Definition. Types. Problems. The principle of "funnels". Literature review Academic article features. Topic 3 Strategies at quantitative research. Interview. Observation. Experiment. Sampling. Methods of measuring. Contribution of statistical models in the study. General and special with qualitative research: advantages and disadvantages. Academic article features. 3 Reading: The Oxford Handbook of Political Methodology – ed. by J. Box-Steffensmeier, H. E.Brady, D.Collier. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. (доступен в электронном виде для студентов НИУ ВШЭ) The Oxford Handbook of Political Science – ed. by R. Goodin. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. (доступен в электронном виде для студентов НИУ ВШЭ) Greetham B. How to write better essays. Palgrave MacMillan. 2001. How to write a paper// ed. By F.Moss. BMJ publishing groups. 2001. Сh.6. Organizing democratic Choice: Party Representation over time. Ed. I.Budge, M.McDonald, H.Keman.Oxford.2012 Pennings P., Keman H. Kleinnijenhuis J. Doing Research in Political Science. SAGE, 2006 The Oxford Handbook of Contextual Political Analysis // ed. by R.Goodin and Ch.Tilly. Oxford University Press. 2009. P.3-34. Dunn W. Public Policy Analysis: анализ политического курса. Prentice Hall, 1994 Sheplse, Kenneth A., Bonchek, Mark S. Analyzing Politics. Norton&Company.1997 Miller, Hugh T. Public Admin : Criticism and Creativity : Governing Narratives : Symbolic Politics and Policy Change University of AlabamaPress 2012 =1&p00=public+policy&f00=all 2. Presentation and evaluation in research area Тopic 1. Research papers presentation. Individual style features. Followers. "Wide-spread" context and the results of the study. Limitation of research. How is it possible to identify the main elements of conclusions? Basic requirements to presentations. Mistakes. Topic 2. Research assessment. Basic requirements to the review. Relevance. Limitation of research. "Wide-spread" theoretical context. Conclusions. 4 The requirements to the review. Basic writing techniques. Readings: The Oxford Handbook of Political Methodology – ed. by J. Box-Steffensmeier, H. E.Brady, D.Collier. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. (доступен в электронном виде для студентов НИУ ВШЭ) The Oxford Handbook of Political Science – ed. by R. Goodin. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. (доступен в электронном виде для студентов НИУ ВШЭ) Greetham B. How to write better essays. Palgrave MacMillan. 2001. How to write a paper// ed. By F.Moss. BMJ publishing groups. 2001. Сh.6. Perie D. How to write critical essays. Taylor and Francis.1985. 5