Biomedical, Biological and Applied Sciences
SU Forum Unconfirmed Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 21 st October 2014 in 2S708 at 10:00
Present: Stephanie Riddell, Electra Webb, Alexander Vernon
In Attendance: Sarah Hickie (Secretary / Chair, UWESU) , JJ Clark (Vice President - Education, UWESU)
Apologies*: Isabel Heming , Katherine Bourne , Bianca Meredith, Alice smith, Megan Kenny, Jessica
Trigg, Chloe Shute , Roxanne Davies, Ellie Hansford, Jack Davis, Lucy Pullan
Jessica Tee, Ashley Campbell, Salam Sultan, Jordan Wallis, Kirsty Tomlinson-Leah, Alexia Balatsoukas,
Jess Tegg , L auren Webb, Lorna Flintham
001/1415 Welcome and introductions
001.01 Sarah Hickie welcomed the group to the Forum.
002/1415 Election of Department Chair
002.01 The election could not be run due to low attendance.
003/1415 Deputy Department Chair
003.01 The election could not be run due to low attendance.
004/1415 Department Committee members (Three delegates)
004.01 The election could not be run due to low attendance.
005/1415 Co-option of Postgraduate Positions
005.01 Sarah Hickie explained the protocol around the co-option of Post Graduate positions, including an update to the new elected position on SRC for one
Post Graduate Researcher Rep. The room voted in agreement for co-options if and when necessary.
006/1415 Minutes of the previous meeting
006.01 Sarah Hickie explained that the minutes to the previous meeting were circulated to those who attended and any amendments made. No one in the room had attended this meeting last academic year. She explained protocol around disseminating minutes and that those in attendance should check for accuracy and advise on any changes via email. A final check will be done in next meeting to ratify. It was also explained that minutes are shared with SU
Sabbatical Officers and Head and Associate Head of Department (who may share with colleagues).
007/1415 Study Spaces
007.01 Sarah Hickie introduced the agenda item and provided an update into the background of the Study Spaces Project VP Education is working on.
007.02 MSC Biomedical Rep advised that they used the learning zone for IT work and the quiet zone in the library.
007.03 A 3 rd year Forensic Biology student advised the tables are too low in group learning zone 4 th floor, and there are not enough computers or seating. Also she felt there was a weird arrangement of seating and many of the university facilities are not mac compatible.
007.04 A 2 nd year Conservation Biology student commented that they were aware of study spaces in J block bottom floor, which are bookable however many students don’t know how to book these. Students want more bookable, closed quiet rooms to practice presentations, quiet group study and project discussions. Also an issue with having to book rooms a week in advance.
007.05 The group felt that most people went to the library to study but their second choice would be the learning zone. However all felt frustrated by students using computers for things other than study.
Issues with 4 th Floor computers not recognising USBs.
MSC rep felt a lot of things have been moved around and money had been spent on furniture and layout, however computers seem out of date.
007.08 Rep from 3 rd year Forensics found problems with sending works she made on a Mac to print from UWE pc format. The entire group felt some Mac computers should be available even if only for these reasons.
007.09 MSC Rep asked if there were any dedicated masters areas on campus to us.
He felt they were wanted by students, even if it’s not department specific.
007.10 Entire group felt more private spaces were needed on campus for both quiet study and group work. Felt UWE move towards open plan and group space doesn’t echo this. The group felt there could be better signposting and communications around what is available to them is needed and most only know of library and OneZone.
007.11 3 rd year Forensic Biology felt inductions needed to cover how to book rooms and computers and wished the learning zone was open later.
007.12 MSC Rep felt that the 24 hour librarian chat is really helpful and supported with solving nearly everything and could signpost to other support.
VP Education to read and consider.
VP Education to collate and bring to Study Spaces Working Group (newly formed).
008/1415 AGM
008.01 Sarah Hickie provided an update on the forthcoming UWESU AGM, to which all student members are invited.
The forum was informed that the motion deadline for this year’s AGM is
November 6 th .
009/1415 Student Matters
009.01 3 rd year Forensics and 2 nd year Conservation haven’t received their £15 printing credit.
MSC Rep felt students want more info on hidden course costs campaign and why PG students aren’t receiving any money.
Reps to email
MSC Rep felt Buses are a real problem, can’t get one 2 hours or one hour before and continually. 70 First buses are getting worse, often full of college students.
Reps to email
MSC Biomedical Students weren’t getting 15% off masters (continuing) and many didn’t realise they hadn’t been given this, or still haven’t received this.
Communication problems between info point and finance, which led to problems not getting resolved quickly.
Action: Reps to consider raising to the Alumni Office
ccing in VP
009.04 All Biomedical students expressed Starbucks is too expensive, should be replaced with something much cheaper, also annoyed at formalities.
SU President to consider.
Reps to encourage students to give feedback via here:
009.05 2 nd year Conservation Student expressed that the library doesn’t stock enough recommended reading. When raised with staff they are telling students to buy these on Amazon. Both echoed that it is hard to know which books and reading to prioritise as can’t afford all of them.
Reps to raise with Library Services in case other formats, such as digital can be made available.
Reps to raise at Departmental Committee.
009.06 Conservation 2 nd year student advised that some students are confused about how finance works when on a placement, SFE aren’t helping to explain what loans they are entitled to. Students don’t know if they can afford living costs of a placement year. Staff are unsure also and signpost to SFE.
Reps to suggest students raise with Financial Advisors, which are available via infopoint for meetings.
UWE guidance does appear to be to speak to SFE or relevant body
010/1415 Time and date of next meeting
SU Forum: To be confirmed