Torrence Creek Elementary School SLT Meeting/Minutes October 14, 2015 Welcome and Introductions Chairwoman, Monica Museler, introduced Abby Satica, a parent of a K & 2nd grader, as the new Secretary to the group. Staffing Update Tina Patrinoni was hired as the new Kindergarten teacher, and this Friday (10/16) will be the Tranisition/Open House day for her students. School Improvement Program There were neither any changes nor additions to the current SIP Draft. A copy of the draft was forwarded by Leah Davis earlier this week to all staff members for review and input. It was concluded that unless there are no suggestions or requests that come from staff over the next week, this current version will be approved. Cambridge International Program Lisa Macafferi gave a general overview of the program describing the 5 key components of a CI student: Confident, Responsible, Reflective, Innovative & Engaged. She briefly described the application/selection process (the candidates’ applications were reviewed and final selections made by members of the Cambridge International Program). This year it is only being offered in the 5th grade, and currently 27 students are enrolled (with a max of 30 allowable). Fourth grade will be added for the 2016-17 school year, with 30 in that grade as well, for a total possible of 60 students enrolled in CIP at TCE. Students will remain with heterogeneous classmates for HR, specials, assemblies, lunch, dismissal, etc, but will block “to Cambridge” for Math, Literature, and Science. The Cambridge Program can be followed thru middle school and high school via Bradley and Hopewell – even if the student is slated for other area schools due to home location, transportation services to the CIP Schools will be provided. School Safety Plan A complete copy of the School Safety Program is on file in the front office. Staff who attended todays staff meeting reviewed it as a team on site, as there are limited full copies available as it is labelled a Confidential document, and in the interest of school safety is not to be shared publically. All staff are required to “sign-off” on the plan. Signature sheets are in the Main Office. Closing A request was made by Monica Museler for any additional items or concerns to be discussed today or to be included in the next meetings’ agenda – none were raised. Next Meeting SLT Meetings are scheduled for every 2nd Wednesday of the month. However, November’s meeting falls on 11/11/2015, a school holiday. The tentative date (awaiting Leah Davis’ approval) for the next SLT meeting, will be set as Wednesday, November 18th at 5:30pm. Respectfully submitted, Nicole Desch SLT/TA Representative