LEARNING Annual Collaborative Team Planning Template School Leadership Team (SLT)


Annual Collaborative Team

Planning Template

School Leadership Team (SLT)

Name the people who will be on the team in bullets to the right.

When and where will the SLT meet?

Enter dates and place of meetings in bullits for year. Meet a minimum of 2 times per month.

How will Collaborative Teams

(CT) be organized?

Grade Level, Subject Matter or courses?

When and where will each team meet & for what duration?

Enter day of week and location of

CT meetings in arrow to the right.

Recommended duration is at least one hour per week.

To what norms will we commit and how will we make decisions?

List norms in the arrow to the right of this text. Consensus or Majority?

Annual Collaborative Team

Planning Template

What are the Schools Goals?

Develop after data analysis by SLT with input from all staff. SMART Goals, keep them to 2 or 3 at a maximum, cycle in new goals as original ones are achieved.

What are the CT goals?

Develop after data analysis by each team from data pertinant to team’s students. Use SMART Goals. Cycle in new goals as original ones are achieved. Are goals aligned with school/district goals?

When our team(s) are not performing where will we seek assistance from capable others?

Book study, other teams, external contract, RESA, WVDE, Administration?

What is our communication plan?

How will SLT seek input and deliver direction? How will we use the team structure to enable communication?

How will we celebrate our successes in improved practice and increased student learning?
