Click here to view Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Commercial

All Breeds Registered Range Bull and
Commercial Female Sale
Department B
Begin Arrival:
In Place By:
Bull Sale:
Female Sale:
Begin Release:
Must be out by:
March 3
March 3
March 4
March 5
March 5
March 5
March 5
7 a.m.
4 p.m.
8 a.m.
10 a.m.
1 p.m.
4 p.m.
This show is subject to the Houston Livestock Show General Rules and Regulations and to the Special Rules of this section.
Where Special Rules conflict with other rules, Special Rules prevail.
Special Rules for All Breeds Registered Range Bull Sale
Sale Manager: The Show will employ a Sale Manager to coordinate with the All Breeds Livestock Sales Committee to
conduct a sale by auction and properly account for all aspects of the sale.
Entry Requirements: Entry in this division is open to individuals, firms, or partnerships. Consignor must be actively engaged
in the breeding of the particular breed consigned and must have bred and raised all bulls, except bulls bred by another
breeder purchased on or in dam or embryo or herd buyout, etc. If consignor is not the recognized breeder of the bull, an
explanation in writing must be attached to the nomination form. Bulls originating from outside of the state of Texas can
be consigned only by invitation of the All Breeds Livestock Sales Committee. Bulls must be registered in the herd books of
their respective breed associations; signed (transfer) original registration papers must be in the hands of the sale manager
prior to selling in the sale. (Sale manager WILL NOT accept application for registration in lieu of registration paper). This is
not a trading sale. Registration certificates are expected to be in the name of CONSIGNOR (or a family member that is a
member of the recording association). Transfer fees will be deducted from seller’s accounts of sale and are expected to be at
member rates. Sale Manager will send all transfer information to respective breed associations.
2a. Entry Requirements: A limited number of bulls from breed association programs that combine breeds and issue certificates
on the bulls will be accepted for the sale. Bulls must conform to all other rules.
Allowable Number of Bulls: Each consignor may enter not more than three bulls of any one breed in this division. The All
Breeds Livestock Sales Committee shall determine total number of bulls to be sold and the number of bulls of each breed that
will be sold to ensure a sale offering demanded by Today’s Progressive Cattle People.
Fees: Nomination fee of $150 per head must accompany nomination form. All nominations received by November 15, 2013
will be given priority status; and entry received after November 15 th will be considered in order of receipt. Selling fee
(commission) will be eight percent of the gross sale price of each bull with a minimum commission of $150. $90 of the
nomination fee shall apply to the commission. Total charges for bulls sold will be the same as in years past. Nomination fees
are non-refundable after acceptance of said nomination.
Nomination Form: A nomination is not valid unless nomination form is completely filled out and received in the Sale
Manager’s Office with correct amount of nomination fees. A valid entry must include a copy of the registration paper(s) and
breed EPD’s and/or within herd performance data per Rule 7.
Age: Bulls must be born between Aug. 15, 2011 and October 31, 2012 (there will be no spring or summer 3 year olds). Bulls
must be sound and in good service condition to perform satisfactorily under average range conditions. Bulls should be strong
boned, adequately muscled, well grown-out individuals with good heads, sound feet and legs, plenty of size for age and of an
acceptable disposition to the average cowman.
EPDs: Bulls are required to have breed EPD’s if breed has such a program. If the breed does not have a performance
program, bull must originate from herd with meaningful herd performance data to at least include weaning and yearling
information and ratios.
High performance bulls will be preferred over bulls with low performance as expressed through non-parent EPD’s. EPD’s will
be as important as the phenotypic criteria expressed in Rule 6 above. Preference will be given to bulls with low or moderate
birth weight EPD’s and/or actual birth weights and to virgin bulls.
Sales Mangers: Nominated bulls are subject to approval of a screening committee. Final determinations and approval will be
made within context of Rule 3. Nomination fees for bulls not accepted by screening committee will be returned to consignor.
Animals withdrawn from sale after acceptance by screening committee WILL NOT have nomination fee returned. Upon
notification of acceptance, signed original registration papers not previously sent to sale manager MUST be forwarded at this
Special Rules for All Breeds Registered Range Bull Sale
Catalog: Bulls accepted for sale by screening committee will be catalogued according to breed and breeder.
10. Grading: After arrival on Show grounds, all bulls will be subject to sifting and grading. A committee of experienced cattle
producers will inspect each bull prior to grading and eliminate from grading and selling any bull that shows any defect,
disease, infection, unsoundness or limitation that could potentially detract from the animal’s usefulness or that could
later become a point of contention. After sifting, each bull will be graded by a committee of not less than 10 and no more
than 20 experienced cattle producers. Bulls, regardless of breed, will be subjected to the same grading standards to be
determined by the All Breeds Livestock Sales Committee. Sale order of bulls will be established by the rank of the animal’s
average grade, regardless of breed.
11. Arrival. Bulls may enter the Show grounds after 7 a.m., Monday, March 3, 2014, and must be in place by 12 p.m. Grading of
all bulls will begin at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, March 4.
12. TAHC/Breeding Soundness Evaluation: : Each consignor shall comply with applicable rules and regulations of Texas
Animal Health Commission as well as Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, which can be found on page 31. Each bull must
have an individual official TAHC health certificate showing compliance with Brucellosis and Trichomoniasis regulations and/or
any other regulations in place at sale time. A separate “breeding soundness evaluation” statement supplied by the sale
committee must be completed for each bull. Each bull must score above the minimum score to be accepted for the sale.
This “breeding soundness evaluation” must be performed within 30 days of sale date and must accompany the TAHC health
13. Pens/Feed: Pens are assigned by the All Breeds Livestock Sales Committee. Pens are bedded with sand and sawdust on
concrete. Water troughs are supplied by the Show; however, it is consignor’s responsibility to provide his own feed trough.
All hay fed to bulls MUST be fed in a hay net, NO EXCEPTIONS. Feed and hay may be purchased at the Houston
Livestock and Rodeo Feed Store.
14. Sales: Bulls not rejected by sifting committee must sell through the auction sale. Private treaty sales are not allowed.
Consignor may pass out animal(s) if the highest bid is unacceptable; however, a pass out charge of 8 percent of the highest
bid will be assessed.
15. Guarantees: Guarantees of any nature shall be between buyer and seller and shall not in any way bind the Houston
Livestock Show and Rodeo, its officers, directors or the sale manager.
16. General: The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo along with Gulf Tex Livestock Marketing are not responsible for loss or
damage to any animal.
Special Rules for All Breeds Commercial Female Sale
1. Sale Manager: The Show will employ a Sale Manager to coordinate with the All Breeds Livestock Sales Committee to
conduct a sale by auction and to properly account for all aspects of the sale.
2. Entry Requirements: Entry in this division is open to individuals, firms, or partnerships. Entries can be registered, full bloods
or crossbreds, so long as they are in keeping with quality standards of the All Breeds Livestock Sales Committee. Preference
will be given to breeds and crosses that are demanded and recognized for their maternal contributions to the mainstream
commercial cowherds of the Gulf Coast area. Preference will be given to F-1 Brahman cross females. A limited number of
open heifers will be accepted only from those who have consigned them the year before and then others. Preference will be
given to females bred, raised, and consigned by one entity. Other females must have been owned by consignor by Oct. 1,
2013 Females originating from outside the state of Texas can be consigned only by invitation of the All Breeds Sale Manager.
3. Allowable Number of Females: An entry shall consist of not less than five females with a maximum of fifteen. They should
be uniform as to kind, age, size, pregnancy status, etc.
4. Fees: A nomination fee of $20 per head must accompany nomination form. All nominations received by Nov. 15, 2013, will
be given priority status; any entry received after Nov. 15, will be considered in order of receipt. A selling fee (commission) of
8 percent of the gross sale will be charged.
5. Screening Committee: Nominated females are subject to approval by a screening committee. Final selections will be made
to provide for a sale make up of high quality, useful, productive females demanded by today’s progressive commercial
livestock breeders. Nomination fees for females not accepted for sale will be returned to consignor. Consignments
withdrawn after acceptance and notice WILL NOT have nomination fees returned. Females accepted for the sale will be
sifted at the Show to eliminate animals injured in transit, or deemed not merchantable.
6. Judging: A champion pen of females will be named for up to eight classes if there are at least five pens of at least five head
and three consignors for the class. Classes will probably be (but not limited to) Braford, Brangus, Brahman and Brahman
Crosses, Santa Gertrudis and Crosses, English and Crosses and/or Exotics and Crosses. Sale Manager has the right to call
the breed or cross for judging and/or sale purposes. If any judging class makes up a major portion of the sale offering, the
Committee has the right to name Champion pens of pairs, bred and/or open cattle for that class. Judging may begin anytime
after 8 a.m. on Tuesday, March 4, 2014.
7. Pens/Feed: Pens are assigned by Sale Committee or Sale Manager. Pens are bedded with sand and sawdust on concrete,
and each has a water trough provided by the Show. Feed troughs, if desired, must be furnished by consignor. Each
consignor shall feed, water and otherwise care for his/her females. All hay fed to females MUST be fed in a hay net, NO
EXCEPTIONS. Feed and hay may be purchased at the Houston Livestock show and Rodeo Feed Store.
8. TAHC: Each consignor shall comply with applicable rules and regulations of the Texas Animal Health Commission as well as
Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo requirements listed on page 31. All females must be accompanied by an official TAHC
health certificate issued by an accredited veterinarian. It is highly recommended but not an absolute requirement that
females, regardless of origin and/or test status, should be official Brucellosis Calf-hood Vaccinates. All females must be TB
tested or originate from a TB Free Herd or State and meet applicable Texas regulations. Females, regardless of exposure
status or age, must be palpated except for those females that have recently calved. Open females must be declared to be
satisfactory potential breeders by an accredited veterinarian and so stated on the health certificate.
9. Sales: Private treaty sales are not allowed. Consignor may pass if the highest bid is unacceptable; however, a pass out
charge of 8 percent of the highest bid will be assessed.
10. Guarantees: Consignors guarantee females are to be reproductively sound and females palpated to be bred will calve when
indicated, according to either known breeding dates, dates of exposure and/or by best estimate of veterinarian. Consignors
are responsible for health and viability of all calves born shortly before and/or after arrival at sale facility. All guarantees of
any nature, either expressed or implied shall be between seller and buyer and shall not in any way bind the Houston
Livestock Show and Rodeo, its Officers, Directors or the Sale Manager.
11. General: The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo along with Gulf Tex Livestock Marketing are not responsible for loss or
damage to any animal.