Most Ancient Grand Court Heroines of Jericho, Inc. The Affiliated Adopted Body of Most Excellent Grand Chapter Holy Royal Arch Masons Prince Hall Affiliation, Commonwealth of PA Greetings The Most Ancient Grand Court, Heroines of Jericho, State of Pennsylvania will convene their 88th Annual Session on Saturday, October 24, 2015 through Tuesday, October 27, 2015. The Session will be held at the Doubletree by Hilton, Philadelphia Airport Hotel, 4509 Island Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19153. Our Most Ancient Grand Matron, Hattie M. Johnson and Worthy Grand Joshua, Ronald E. Morris, Sr. cordially invites you to the Annual Grand Session, in the spirit of love and friendship. Hotel Registration: The Most Ancient Grand Court’s room rate is $112.00 plus 15.5%tax, per night. Hotel reservations must be received prior to Thursday, October 1, 2015, otherwise reservations will be accepted on a space available basis only and the group rate will not be guaranteed. Phone reservations will be accepted at 1800-445-8667, or online at Please inform Hotel that you are with Holy Royal Arch Masons/Heroines of Jericho Registration: The deadline for pre-registration is Monday, September 30, 2015. The cost of pre-registration is $50.00. This includes lunch. Onsite Registration is $60.00, Lunch is not guaranteed. PMAGM and PWGJ are Gratis. All members including Elected Officers and PMAGM and PWGJ must register with their courts. The enclosed Registration forms must be completed and checks made out to MAGC Convention Committee, and mail to: Registration Chairperson, Iris R. Massey, PMAM, 1306 Barringer Street, Philadelphia, PA. 19119, 215-5494923. Souvenir Journal Contract: The Ad cost is Full page, $50.00. with or without photo; Half page, $30.00, with or without photo; Quarter page and business cards $20.00. Inside Back Cover $125.00 with or without photo; Outside Back Cover $150.00 with or without photo. The deadline for your personal greetings and expressions of love is Monday, October 3, 2015. Please adhere to this deadline and forward your completed contract and remittance payable to MAGC Convention Committee, to: Souvenir Journal Chairperson, Mildred Bing, 6958 Wister Street, Philadelphia, PA.19138, 215-276-354. Annual Banquet: This year we will be recognizing The Ladies of Distinction, the Grand Deputies, PMAM Saundra Fanning, No. 9, PMAM Valerie Hand, No. 15, PMAM LeDora Jackson, No. 9, and PMAM Diane McQueen, No 39 at the Annual Banquet, Monday, October 26, 2015. The Banquet begins at 7:00 P.M. Ticket donation: $50.00. Please adhere to the ticket deadline of Banquet Chairperson Myrtis Annastasia Gordon and forward your ticket request and remittance payable to MAGC Convention Committee to: Banquet Ticket Chairperson Anetta Gowans, PMAM, 34 Pershing Lane, Sicklerville, New Jersey, 08081, 856-728-5737. The Public Relations Educational Committee will host an entertaining program “Showcase Your Talent” on Sunday, October 25, 2015, at 3:00 P.M. The ticket donation is $15.00. Please adhere to deadline request of Public Relations Chairperson, PMAM Iris Lewis and make your checks payable to MAGC Convention Committee and forward to: Public Relations Ticket Chairperson, Lester B. Goode, PMAM, 2753 South 86th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19153, 215-937-1275. The Most Ancient Grand Court Memorial Service will be held on Sunday evening, assembly time is 6:30 P.M., Memorial dress required. We thank you for your continued support of the Most Ancient Grand Court and look forward to having our 88 th Annual Session enhanced by your presence.