MIDTERM CONFERENCE SUMMARY SHEET (FORM A): FALL 2014* FOR STUDENTS ON THE ORIGINAL CURRICULUM (Mandatory for an Early Spring 2015 Registration Time Ticket) Honors Student: _____________________________ Phone: ______________________ E-mail: _______________________________________ KSU ID#: ____________________ Mentor: ______________________________ Declared Major: _______________________ *This form must be completed, initialed by your Honors faculty advisor, and submitted to the Honors Office by November 3, 2014 if you wish to continue receiving an advanced priority registration time. Current Honors Standing (To be completed by the Honors Office) Student has met requirement that he/she complete an Honors-prefix course, gen. ed. Honors section, or Honors contract his/her first calendar year in the Honors Program Date of Midterm Conference Anticipated Date of Graduation (Adviser: Please complete) (Adviser: Please complete) (Adviser: Please complete) Yes/No/Not yet applicable HONORS STUDENT: PLEASE COMPLETE THE SECTIONS BELOW. Indicate in the line provided THE TERM AND YEAR in which you complete the following requirements (Requirements 1-5 do not need to be completed sequentially): __________(1) 1st Honors Colloquium (HON 3000) Course __________________ __________(2) 2nd Honors Colloquium (HON 3000) or Honors Seminar (HON 2290 or 4490) (If used to satisfy 2nd Honors Colloquium requirement, same section of HON 2290 or 4490 cannot also be used for Honors Experience I or III). Course __________________ __________(3) Honors Experience I: Honors Seminar, Honors Gen. Ed. Course, Honors Contract Experience in Non-Honors Course, Honors Directed Study. Course __________________ __________(4) Honors Experience II: Applied Learning Experience: How will you completed this requirement (through a non-honors course in your major with a field element? an internship? a volunteer experience related to your major? a teaching assistantship or work as a tutor? a S.A.L.T. fellowship? some other experience?) _____________________________________________________________ __________(5) Honors Experience III: Repetition of Honors Experience I or II Course __________________ __________(6) Honors Senior Capstone Experience (HON 4499) pre-req.: HONORS COUNCIL APPROVAL OF HONORS SENIOR CAPSTONE PROPOSAL TO HONORS MENTOR: Please initial below: __________(a) I approve of my advisee’s honors curriculum plan. __________(b) I am concerned that my advisee will not be able to complete the Honors requirements outlined above before graduating. __________(c) Student did not meet with me.