CLT Nomination Form - Denton Independent School District

Campus Leadership Team Nomination
Classroom Teachers
Teachers eligible to serve on Campus Leadership Teams will be full-time employees and will serve only on the campus that is designated as the teacher’s
primary campus. The nomination and selection procedure will not exclude any eligible teacher. A minimum of six classroom teachers will be nominated and
elected by the school staff. Teachers nominated must consent to serve prior to election. Elected teacher representatives will serve two-year staggered terms
and will be limited to two consecutive terms. Campuses may decide to elect the classroom teaching positions by places (i.e., grade-level, primary /
intermediate, departments). If places are used, the campus must ensure that all eligible teachers have the opportunity to be nominated, elected, and
represented within the places.
I would like to nominate the following general education classroom teacher(s) to serve on the CLT.
Teacher’s Name:
Teacher’s Name:
Campus-based nonteaching professional
Campus-based nonteaching professionals eligible to serve on Campus Leadership Teams will be full-time employees and will serve only on the campus that is
designated as their primary campus. The nomination and selection procedure will not exclude any eligible campus-based nonteaching professional. One
campus-based nonteaching professional employee will be nominated and elected by the school staff. Nominated representatives must consent to serve prior
to election. The elected representatives will serve a two-year term and will be limited to two consecutive terms.
I would like to nominate the following campus-based nonteaching professional to serve on the CLT.
Nonteaching Professional’s Name
Nonteaching Professional’s Name
District-level professional staff
District-level professional staff eligible to serve on Campus Leadership Teams will be full-time professional employees who have responsibilities at more than
one campus, including, but not limited to central office staff. The nomination and selection procedure will not exclude any eligible District-level professional.
One District-level professional employee will be nominated and elected by those members of the Campus Leadership Team that will return to the team for
the second year of their term. The elected representative will serve a two-year term and will be limited to two consecutive terms.
I would like to nominate the following district-level professional to serve on the CLT.
Nonteaching Professional’s Name
Nonteaching Professional’s Name
Campus-based paraprofessional
An additional member to be selected to the CLT will be a representative of the campus-based paraprofessional and operations staff. This person will serve as
an ex officio (nonvoting) member. The nomination and selection procedure will not exclude any eligible member. One representative of the campus-based
paraprofessional and operations staff will be nominated and elected by the school staff. Members nominated must consent to serve prior to election. Elected
representatives will serve a two-year term and will be limited to two consecutive terms.
I would like to nominate the following campus-based paraprofessional to serve on the CLT.
Campus-based Paraprofessional’s Name
Campus-based Paraprofessional’s Name
Parents eligible to serve on Campus Leadership Teams will be parents or guardians standing in parental relation to students at-tending the nominating
campus. The parent or guardian will not be an employee of the District. The nomination and selection procedure will not exclude any eligible parent. Two
parents will be appointed by the campus PTA or PTSA Executive Board from nominations received from any resident in the school’s attendance zone. Parents
nominated must consent to serve prior to selection. The presiding PTA or PTSA president will forward to the building principal the names of the selected
parent representatives. Parent representatives will serve two-year staggered terms and will be limited to two consecutive terms.
I would like to nominate the following parents to serve on the CLT.
Parent’s Name
Parent’s Name
Community Members
Community members eligible to serve on Campus Leadership Teams must reside in the District, must be at least 18 years of age, and must not be a parent or
guardian standing in parental relation to students attending the nominating campus. The nomination and selection procedure will not exclude an eligible
community member. Two community members will be nominated and selected by those members of the CLT that will return to the team for the second year
of their term. Community members nominated must consent to serve prior to selection. Community representatives will serve two-year staggered terms and
will be limited to two consecutive terms. The selection of the community members will provide for the adequate representation of the community’s diversity.
I would like to nominate the following community members to serve on the CLT.
Parent’s Name
Parent’s Name
Business Representatives
The committee will include business representatives, without regard to whether a business representative resides in the District or whether the business the
person represents is located in the District. The nomination and selection procedure will not exclude any eligible business representatives. Two business
representatives will be nominated and selected by those members of the CLT that will return to the team for the second year of their term. Business
representatives nominated must consent to serve prior to selection. Business representatives will serve two-year staggered terms and will be limited to two
consecutive terms. The selection of the business representatives will provide for the adequate representation of the community’s diversity.
I would like to nominate the following business representatives to serve on the CLT.
Parent’s Name
Parent’s Name
Submit this nomination form to