resolution accepting the lowest responsible bid of Boland Marine

On joint motion of all Councilmembers present, the following resolution was
A resolution accepting the lowest responsible bid of Boland
Marine & Industrial, LLC received on April 17, 2014, under
Proposal No. 50-109307, in the amount of $260,910.00 for a
two year contract to be provided on an as-needed basis for
Machine Shop services for the repair of components related to
Pumping Machinery, Drainage, Water and Sewerage
Departments. (Parishwide)
WHEREAS, Jefferson Parish received 2 bids on April 17, 2014 for a two year
contract to be provided on an as-needed basis for Machine Shop services for the repair
of components related to Pumping Machinery, Drainage, Water and Sewerage
Departments; and,
WHEREAS, Boland Marine & Industrial, LLC. submitted the lowest responsible
bid under Proposal No. 50-109307 at the total cost of $260,910.00; and,
WHEREAS, the Drainage department has reviewed the bids and has
recommended that award of contract be made to Boland Marine & Industrial, LLC.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Jefferson Parish Council, the
governing authority of said Parish:
SECTION 1. That the lowest responsible bid of Boland Marine & Industrial, LLC.
received on April 17, 2014, under Proposal No. 50-109307, in the amount of
$260,910.00 for a two year contract to be provided on an as-needed basis for Machine
Shop services for the repair of components related to Pumping Machinery, Drainage,
Water and Sewerage Departments, be and is hereby accepted.
SECTION 2. That the Chairman of the Jefferson Parish Council, or in his
absence the Vice-Chairman, be and they are hereby authorized, empowered and
directed to sign and execute a contract with Boland Marine & Industrial, LLC., which
contract shall include the bid proposal and specifications for said project as prepared by
Drainage Department.
SECTION 3. That the cost of construction shall be charged to Account Number
The foregoing resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was
as follows:
This resolution was declared to be adopted on this the 11th day of June, 2014.