Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Multi-agency CSE Risk Management Tool Child Sexual Exploitation Risk Management Tool Please remember: victims of CSE can be male and female, and maybe over 16. Perpetrators can be any age, including under 18 Client Information Name Address D.O.B Date Referred Completed by (name and agency) Contact Number Date of Assessment Living situation (LAC/at home/home LA/placing LA) Indicator 1. Episodes of missing from home/care/education Risk Level Risk Level 7. Coercion/control, association with gangs 2. Accommodation 8. Health and sexual health 3. School/college attendance and engagement 9. Emotional and mental health 4. Substance misuse 10. Contact with abusive adults/peers or risky environments 5. Family relationships 11. Use of social media/technology 6. Engagement with services 12. Other comments/indictors Indicated risk level: indicate total number of sections scored at each level High Medium Hannah Campling CSE Co-ordinator Low 1 May 2015 v1 Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Multi-agency CSE Risk Management Tool Please ensure that all boxes are ticked or completed where appropriate. Age at Assessment Ethnicity Primary Language Nature of Exploitation (If applicable) Internet Party Boyfriend Gender Lone Offender Disability Group/Gang Current Living situation (If applicable) At home Sofa surfing/at Foster Care friend’s Independen Placed out of LA area placed t Living area into: Residential Care Placed into area Education, Employment and Training School PRU College SEN/EHCP Health Substance Misuse Other Risk Factors History of safeguarding concerns Offending behaviour Known to YOT Employment Physical illhealth Missing Incidents Mental illhealth Domestic Violence Other Violence/abuse On Street Looked After Legal Status Placed by which LA? NEET Full-time/ parttime Emotional ill-health Learning difficult/disability If Yes Details Hannah Campling CSE Co-ordinator 2 May 2015 v1 Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Multi-agency CSE Risk Management Tool CSE Core Indicators – grading guidance It is important to include as much information as possible within your assessment – ensure you have contacted all other agencies involved with the young person. Any gaps identified in your knowledge highlighted by this assessment should be addressed as a priority. The risk level for each indicator should be considered within the section for professional judgment which is where you should consider what you believe the risk level to be. The risk level will then determine appropriate action and support. Remember to include who is responsible for each action 1. Episodes of missing from home/care/education Low Incidents of going out without permission and/or returning late Medium Whereabouts often unknown Repeated episodes of missing Regular breakdown of placements High Frequent periods of missing Missing with other young people at risk of sexual exploitation Often found at places/with people associated with CSE Evidence/professional judgement Actions required to mitigate risk inc who is responsible for each action Consider: Location where young person was found. Who they went missing with and how long for. Do you suspect the young person is missing more often than they are reported? Do you suspect they are placing themselves at risk when they are missing? 2. Accommodation Low Young person generally satisfied with accommodation, overall meets their needs Medium Unsuitable, unstable or temporary accommodation Overcrowded High Young person unhappy with accommodation and often stays elsewhere Homeless or sofa surfing Hannah Campling CSE Co-ordinator Evidence/professional judgement 3 Actions required to mitigate risk inc who is responsible for each action May 2015 v1 Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Multi-agency CSE Risk Management Tool Consider: What the young person’s care status is and whether this makes them more vulnerable to CSE. If living independently, consider who might have knowledge of the young person’s whereabouts and safety. 3. School/college attendance and engagement Low Mainly engaged in full-time education, employment or training Some/no attendance issues Medium Irregular/poor attendance Exclusion(s) due to behaviour Part time provision Whereabouts during school hours unknown High NEET Regular breakdown in provision due to behaviour Lack of motivation to engage in EET, lack of aspiration Whereabouts often unknown during school hours Evidence/professional judgement Actions required to mitigate risk inc who is responsible for each action Consider: consider the young person’s attendance and whether there are patterns in their disengagement from school/college: particular times of day/days of the week. Consider whether there is effective awareness of young person’s whereabouts during schools hours. Consider their attachment to learning and achieving and how this might affect their vulnerability to CSE. 4. Substance misuse Low Some use of substances inc alcohol Experimentation with substances and alcohol Medium Regular substance misuse inc alcohol Increased substance misuse Concerns for drug/alcohol dependency Hannah Campling CSE Co-ordinator Evidence/professional judgement 4 Actions required to mitigate risk inc who is responsible for each action May 2015 v1 Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Multi-agency CSE Risk Management Tool High Evidence of heavy drug/alcohol use or dependency Consider: type of substance(s), inc legal highs. How might young person be funding their use/who might be supplying them. Where, who with and how often are they using substances? Substance misuse may be cause or effect of exploitation. 5. Family relationships Low Parent(s)/carer(s) shows some warmth and support to young person Communication is good but inconsistent between young person and parent/carer Some support available from wider family Reported decline in relationship between young person and parent/carer Medium Parent(s)/carer(s) lack understanding or warmth towards child Family relationships are strained Evidence of decline in relationship/family breakdown Parents fail to report missing episodes High Little or no communication Lack of warmth/understanding/trust Family/friends/peers known/suspect perpetrators of CSE Evidence/professional judgement Actions required to mitigate risk inc who is responsible for each action Consider: how the above indicators affect the young person’s vulnerability to CSE. Whether there has been a recent change in communication/relationships and what might have caused this. Are there factors affecting the parents’ capacity to effectively safeguard the young person: substance misuse, mental illhealth etc. Are parents/carers aware of who the young person’s friends are/who they spend their time with? Siblings relationships: any decrease in communication or changes that a brother or sister might be aware of. 6. Engagement with services Evidence/professional judgement Actions required to mitigate risk inc who is responsible for each action Hannah Campling CSE Co-ordinator 5 May 2015 v1 Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Multi-agency CSE Risk Management Tool Low Reasonable engagement, some difficulty in contacting young person Willingness to understand/decrease own vulnerability to CSE Medium Some engagement but sporadic contact Often misses appointments without explanation Limited recognition of own vulnerability to CSE High Frequent failure to attend appointments Refusal to engage with services Lack of awareness/acceptance of vulnerability/being a victim of CSE Consider: whether there are particular agencies whom the young person does/does not engage with. If you suspect they are a victim of exploitation, are they willing to accept support to reduce the risk of harm to them? Consider their willingness to accept they might be a victim and how this might have an impact upon them. 7. Coercion/control, association with gangs. Low Reduced or superficial contact with family/friends Recent change in peer group Medium Limited contact with family/friends Negatively influenced by others Disclosure of physical/sexual assault followed by withdrawal of allegation Extensive/secretive use of mobile phone or more than one phone Hannah Campling CSE Co-ordinator Evidence/professional judgement 6 Actions required to mitigate risk inc who is responsible for each action May 2015 v1 Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Multi-agency CSE Risk Management Tool High No contact with family/friends Concerns that relationship might be controlling/abusive/violent Consider: who the young person spends the majority of their time with and how this might affect their vulnerability to CSE. Whether you feel they are able to make free choices over where they spend their time and who with. 8. Health and Sexual Health Low Access to and engagement with sexual health services/universal health services Medium Concerns about untreated or multiple sexually transmitted diseases/infections Frequent use of emergency contraception High Multiple miscarriages/terminations Physical symptoms suggestive of sexual assault or physical abuse Frequent attendance at A&E/GP Evidence/professional judgement Actions required to mitigate risk inc who is responsible for each action Consider: age of the young person and their level of maturity. Is the young person open or secretive about their health and/or sexual health. Do you have concerns about their use of contraception, or for young women, their menstrual cycles? If they are attending health services regularly: are they attending alone or with someone? Is this of concern? 9. Emotional and mental health Low Fatigue, low self-esteem, low mood Some or reduced concerns of self-harm or eating disorders Medium Low self-esteem impacting upon young person’s presentation Expressions of despair Concerns about self-harm Bullying, threatening and/or violent Hannah Campling CSE Co-ordinator Evidence/professional judgement 7 Actions required to mitigate risk inc who is responsible for each action May 2015 v1 Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Multi-agency CSE Risk Management Tool behaviour, offending behaviour Concerns the young person may be exposed to violence High Chronic low self-esteem Changes or extremes in mental health Suicidal ideation Evidence of emotional abuse from domestic violence, as witness or victim Evidence of self-harm, eating disorders, previous suicide attempts or overdoses Consider: any recent changes in emotional health and what these might be associated with, e.g. bereavement. Whether the young person is willing to engage with services or support to need their emotional health needs. 10. Contact with abusive adults/peers or risky environments Low Some association with unknown adults/older peers and/or other young people at risk or victims of sexual exploitation, some positive peers New or expensive possessions that are unaccounted for Medium Disassociation from positive peers in favour of adult or peers associated with sexual exploitation Spending time in areas where CSE and or street sex work is known to have taken place Getting into cars with unknown adults or suspected perpetrators of CSE Funding for drugs/alcohol from unknown sources Hannah Campling CSE Co-ordinator Evidence/professional judgement 8 Actions required to mitigate risk inc who is responsible for each action May 2015 v1 Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Multi-agency CSE Risk Management Tool High Evidence of association/relationships with adults/peers believed or known to be involved in CSE Being moved around for sexual activity Abduction or forced imprisonment Meeting different adults/peers for sexual activity Consider: some of the above factors may demonstrate a higher risk for some young people than others. Consider their access to an income. What do you know about those with whom the young person spends their time? Are they open or secretive about their friends? In this context ‘risky’ means that they either present a direct risk to the young person (i.e. in terms of physical violence or sexual abuse / exploitation) or they are likely to draw the young person towards other adults / peers who present this risk. 11. Use of social media/technology Low Talking to/communication with unknown adults/peers via the internet (social media, messaging services e.g. BBM) Medium Use of internet to share inappropriate or sexual images Meeting in person, adults or peers following contact via social media. Concerns young person may be being groomed Lack of awareness of online safety Extensive/secretive use of mobile phone More than one mobile phone Evidence/professional judgement Actions required to mitigate risk inc who is responsible for each action High Use of internet to regularly meet in person unknown adults/peers Secretive use of social media/online gaming/webcam Evidence of sexual bullying through social media/internet Consider: age of young person and access to internet and technology appropriate to their age. Any recent changes in behaviour which cause concern. Hannah Campling CSE Co-ordinator 9 May 2015 v1 Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Multi-agency CSE Risk Management Tool 12 Other Comments or Indicators Consider: a description here of the young person’s day to day involvement with professionals. Are there periods of time when the young person’s whereabouts are not know or confirmed? What do you think they key vulnerabilities for the young person are? Are there risk indicators that have not been mentioned above? Use this section to explain if you feel the indicated risk level does not represent the actual perceived risk in your professional judgement. Protective Factors: please details here those factors present for the young person which might protect them from or strengthen their resilience to sexual exploitation. Hannah Campling CSE Co-ordinator 10 Actions required to strengthen protective factors inc who is responsible for each action May 2015 v1 Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Multi-agency CSE Risk Management Tool Information sharing Which agencies have contributed to this assessment? Have there been any difficulties in gaining information? What action needs to be taken to gain any further information? Summary of actions required to mitigate risk of sexual exploitation Hannah Campling CSE Co-ordinator Who is responsible for each action? 11 Timescale May 2015 v1 Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Multi-agency CSE Risk Management Tool What Next? Low Suggested Actions: Indicators suggest the young person may be at some risk of being groomed and/or exploited. Referral to specialist service might be appropriate: Peterborough: NSPCC Protect and Respect programme, or via the Early Help Team to the MASGs for support from preventative services. Cambridgeshire: Locality Teams for support from preventative services. Continued support from single agency completing this tool might be most appropriate Ensure information gathered to complete this assessment is shared with agencies working with the young person. Consider a professionals meeting for this purpose. Medium Indicators suggest the young person is vulnerable to being sexually exploited. Professionals completing the assessment should seek advice from the allocated Social Worker if the case is open to Children’s Social Care, or the MASH hub if not. Complete the Child Protection referral form, ticking the CSE box on page 1 and attach this assessment. Consider whether a strategy discussion is needed to share information with other professionals involved and ensure actions identified to mitigate risk are undertaken. High Indicators suggest the young person is at immediate risk of significant harm from sexual exploitation. Professionals completing the assessment MUST seek advice from the allocated Social Worker if the case is open to Children’s Social Care, or the MASH hub if not. Complete the Child Protection referral form, ticking the CSE box on page 1 and attach this assessment, making it clear that it is believed there is a risk of significant harm to ensure a strategy discussion can be held within 24 hours. If it is felt that the child is at immediate risk of harm, the Police must be contacted on 101. Any referral where the child is at risk of serious harm should be made by telephone first: Cambridgeshire Tel: 0345 045 5203 Fax: 01480 376748 Email: Hannah Campling CSE Co-ordinator Peterborough Telephone: 01733 864170 Fax: 0870 238 4083 Email: 12 May 2015 v1 Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Multi-agency CSE Risk Management Tool Hannah Campling CSE Co-ordinator 13 May 2015 v1