Clinician Investigator Program (CIP): Research Education Session- Lecture Evaluation Form College of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba Instructor Name: _______________________ Date: ________________ Time: ________ Room: _______ TOPIC: N/A Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Very Poor Poor Average Good Very Good Excellent The choice of topic was relevant to me. I have found the topic intellectually challenging and stimulating. I have learned something which I consider valuable. My interest in the subject has increased as a consequence of this session. I have learned and understood the subject matter in this session. The volume and complexity of the information was appropriate. Instructor was enthusiastic in teaching the session. Instructor’s style of presentation held my interest during the session. Instructor’s explanations were clear. Proposed objectives agreed with those actually taught in the session. Lecture/workshop was well prepared and executed. Instructor used high quality visual aids (where applicable). Instructor offered a session that involved interaction with the residents. Residents were encouraged to ask questions and were given meaningful answers. Residents were invited to share their ideas and knowledge. Instructor was friendly towards individual residents. Instructor presented the background or origin of ideas/concepts developed in class. Instructor contrasted the implications of theories presented. Instructor presented points of view other than his/her own when appropriate. Instructor adequately discussed current developments in the field. Instructor related content to current evidence in the literature. Required readings/texts were valuable to me (where applicable). Required readings contributed to appreciation and understanding of subject (where applicable). I believe my learning within this session is an important part of my training within CIP. I believe my learning within this session will contribute to my development as a clinician scientist. I believe my learning within this session will contribute to establishing my professional identity as a researcher. I believe this topic is an important part of CIP education. Compared with other sessions I have taken in CIP, I would say this session is: As an overall rating, I would say this session is: Compared with other instructors I have had in CIP, I would say this instructor is: As an overall rating, I would say this instructor is: I believe this session was geared towards (circle one): I believe this session benefits this group of residents the most (circle one): Masters Masters PhD PhD Postdoctoral Fellows Postdoctoral Fellows All groups All groups What did you learn in this session? How can you apply your learning from this session to your development as a clinician scientist? One question I still have on this topic is: What were the two best things about the session? 1. What two things about the session would you like to see improved? 1. 2. 2. Other Comments: Based on the University of Manitoba Instructor/Course Evaluation that was based on the Student Evaluation of Educational Quality (SEEQ), permission granted ©1976, 1991, 1993 Herbert W. Marsh.