Seasons (2:21) - English on Spot

many seasons are there in a year?
2.How can you describe weather in winter?
Lots of snow, ice and frost
Hot and warm
Dry and cool
3.What clothes do we usually wear in winter?
Swimsuits and hats
Raincoats and rainboots
Coats, boots, gloves and scarfs
4.What do we do in winter?
Go in for sledging, skating, snowman buildiing, snowboarding
Ride a bike, plant gardens
Play football, soccer, baseball
5.What is the weather like in spring?
It is hot and sunny
The ice melts and it rains a lot
It is dry and cool
6.What do we wear in spring?
Coats, boots, scarfs
Raincoats and rainboots
7.What do children usually do in spring?
Play outdoors, ride bikes, plant gardens
Go skating and snowboarding
Go swimming and enoy watersports
8.How can you describe weather in summer?
Hot and sunny
Dry and cool
9.What clothes do we usually wear in summer?
Raincoats and rainboots
Hats, swimsuits, shorts
10.What activities are enjoyable in summer?
Go in for sledging, skating, snowman buildiing, snowboarding
Ride a bike, plant gardens
Go swimming and enoy watersports
11.What is the weather like in autumn?
It is hot and sunny
It is cold
It is dry and cool
12.What clothes do we usually wear in autumn?
Raincoats and rainboots
Hats, swimsuits, shorts
13.What do children usually do in autumn?
Go in for sledging, skating, snowman buildiing, snowboarding
Go swimming and play watersports
Play football, soccer, baseball