Honors 352: Natural Sciences : The Evolution of Human Nature Instructor: Office: Office Hours: Class: Spring 2014 Ben Campbell Sabin Hall; 125C; tel. 229-6250; email: campbelb@uwm.edu TW 2:00 -4:00 and by appointment Honors 190 MW 3:30-4:45 COURSE DESCRIPTION: What makes us human? Ever since Darwin, this question has been sharpened by our understanding of the human species as a product of evolution. The very traits thought to separate us from nature are in fact a product of nature. However, until recently the fossil evidence for human evolution provided only broad insights into the evolutionary origins of human nature. Now, a growing understanding of primate behavior, genetics, the fossil record, and human biology has enabled anthropologists and others to address how essential human qualities such as tool use, language, self-awareness and complex social behavior emerged over the course of human evolution. In this seminar we will consider the evolutionary origins of the human species and its implications for human nature. In doing so we will focus on four important controversies; 1) what makes human behavior different from that of our great ape relatives; 2) was there a single critical environmental event that give rise to our remarkable human abilities; 3) how different are we from Neanderthals; 4) in what way are the consequences of our evolutionary past still discernible in our behavior today. By the end of the course, students should have a clear grasp of how evolution explains our seemingly un-natural human capacities Reading: De Waal, Franz. 2007.Chimpanzee Politics Falk, Dean. 2013. The Fossil Chronicles Stringer, Chris. 2012 Lone Surviors: How We Came to Be the Only Humans on Earth. Brooks, Rob 2012. Sex, Genes and Rock & Roll: How Evolution Shaped the Modern World Course Requirements Students will write a one to two page (single spaced) response to each of the books required for the course. In addition, students will write an eight to ten page (doubled space) research paper on two of the four main topics of the course. Students will have the opportunity to revise their research papers. In addition to the assigned readings, students will be expected to find and read an article from a specified popular press sources each week on the topic under discussion as part of their preparation for class discussion. These articles will be collected in class and counted for half of the class participation grade; the other half will be based on participating in the discussion. Student performance will be evaluated as follows: 4 Book Responses @ 5%: 20% 2 research papers @ 25%: 50% Class participation: 30% Time Requirements: It is expected that students will spend 6hr/week outside of class, reading writing papers Course Outline Week Reading/Assignment Jan.22 Introduction & Overview of Course Why are you human? Jan.27 Chimpanzees How human? Chimp Politics pgs. 3-76 Bring in article about chimp personality Feb. 3 Chimpanzees Politics Chimp Politics pgs. 77-150 Article about male chimps Feb.10 Chimpanzees Sociality Chimp Politics pgs.151-212 Article about chimp sociality Book Response #1 Due Feb. 17 Early Human Ancestors Early Controversy Fossil Chronicles pgs. 1-108 Article about Australopithecines Feb. 24 Human Ancestor? Modern Controversy Fossil Chronicles pgs. 109-189 Article about Homo Florenesis Book Response #2 Due Mar. 3 Modern Human Origins Lead Up Paper #1 Due Lone Survivors pgs. 1-80 Article about Neanderthals Mar. 10 Modern Human Origins Symbols Lone Survivors pgs. 81-170 Article about Mind Mar 17 No Class; Spring Break Mar. 24 Modern Human Origins Genes Lone Survivors pgs.171-278 Article about AMHS Genetics Book Response #3 Due Apr. 7 Living Humans No class on 4/9 Rock n Roll pgs. 1-77 Apr.14 Living Humans Reproduction Rock n Roll pg. 78-174 Article about Evol. & Reprod. Apr. 21 Living Humans Music Rock n Roll pg. 175-268 Article about Evol. & Music Book Response #4 Due Apr. 28 Living Humans Paper #2 Due Campbell Article about Middle Childhood May 5 Wrap Up Now why do you think you are human? TBA Personal Statement