Orchard Surgery Patient Group Meeting Date of Meeting: Thursday 11th September 2014 Present: Richard Hall (Chair) Michelle Futter Peter Crockford Vanessa Crockford Barbara Fisher Kathy Turner Mary Creed Donald Ryder Ted Worby Apologies From: Steffi Spooner John Hunt Dr M Kumar Introduction Richard welcomed everyone to the meeting. Minutes The last meeting minutes were agreed and actions reviewed. Matters Arising 2014/15 Patient Survey Results Michelle distributed the results of the Patient group survey. The Survey was available for patients to complete on line and in the surgery between 5 th August and 8th September 2014. 241 responses were received. Michelle advised that she had included an on-line patient group sign-up as numbers had dropped significantly this year due to patients moving to other practices, Deaths and incorrect email addresses. Outcome of the survey 1. 64% of patients advised that opening on a Tuesday from 7:30 to offer nurse appointments would be of benefit to them. Due to the clear Yes response this is now in place. Dr Cheesbrough is now also running a clinic on Wednesday at 07:30 in line with other surgery doctors. It was agreed that this part of the action could be closed. 2. 63% of our patients want to see their own GP within 1 to 2 weeks and an overall of 89% within three weeks. Current wait times for patients to see their own GP’s are three to four weeks and with an unnamed doctor within two weeks. This will be reviewed in November after our two new GP’s have started. 3. The introduction of telephone appointments – 78% said it was an improvement to the service. It was agreed that this action could be closed. 4. Appointment times – 52% said that they waited less than 15 minutes to be seen and a total of 68% less than 30 minutes. The majority of the people surveyed had sit and wait appointments however only 4% of people said that they did not have an appointment time. Michelle discussed the sit and wait clinic with the group and it was agreed that the original benefits seen through the sit and wait clinic are no longer visible and for that reason the members of the group agreed that the sit and wait clinic would be stopped and appointment times offered instead. This question will be reviewed in the November survey to see what difference this has made. 5. 85% of patients would like regular updates if surgery is running late. Michelle advised the group that the check in screen advises if the doctors are running late, she agreed to find out if it was possible to have this added to the receptionist screens so that they could advise patients. If this is not possible Michelle will arrange for a white board to be placed in reception which will be updated during the day with wait times. 6. 59% of patients surveyed felt that they did not have to wait too long for their appointments to start after their appointment time. This will be reviewed as per Q5. 7. 72% of patients advised that children under 2 should be given specific appointment times and not a sit and wait appointment. Please see Q4 it has been agreed that sit and wait appointments for all patients would be stopped. 8. Confidentiality at reception – 28% of patients were not happy at being overheard at reception, 14% said that people could not overhear and 45% said they could be heard but didn’t mind, the rest did not answer the question. This was discussed within the group, Michelle advised that they have taken on two new members of staff to cover the late shift so that those on front desk did not have to answer the phones. It was felt by the group that it depended on hearing ability as to how loud people had to talk and a hearing loop was suggested, Richard will investigate this. 9. 56% of patients surveyed agreed that the barrier at reception had improved confidentiality. It was agreed that this part of the action could be closed. 10. 44 % of patients were aware of the interview room for confidentiality. It was agreed that the practice needed to advertise this to the patients more clearly – it was agreed that a sign will be put in place. Future Patient Survey The main yearly survey was discussed and it was agreed by the group that the GPAQ – R2 survey would be used. The questionnaire also has the following new questions: 1. Asking who is filling in the form, i.e. carer. 2. How likely are you to recommend your GP surgery to friends and family? The other questions remain the same as the GAPQ-V3 used last year which will allow a direct comparison to see which areas have improved or declined. In addition to the GPAQ-R2 the patient group wanted to review the changes made following the mid-year survey. The agreed questions for this are as follows: As a result of our last patient survey we have amended our extended hour clinics You can now book appointments on a Monday until 19:30 and on a Tuesday and Wednesday from 07:30. Do you feel that this is an improvement to the service we offer? - Yes/No How long do you have to wait to see your own GP for a routine non-urgent appointment? – 1 to 2 weeks, 2 to 3 weeks, 3 to 4 weeks, 4 weeks + The average delay to the start of appointments following the appointment time is 15 minutes. Do you think this wait is acceptable? – Yes/No We are providing updates regarding delays to the start of appointment times though check in and the notice board. Do you feel that this is an improvement to the service we offer? – Yes/No Do you feel that offering timed appointments rather than running the sit and wait clinic for on the day emergencies is an improvement to our service? – Yes/No In the Reception Area, can other patients overhear what you say to the receptionist? - Yes but don’t mind, Yes and am not happy about it, No other patients can’t overhear, Don’t know Are you aware that the surgery has a separate interview room for confidentiality purposes? – Yes/No It was agreed that all future patient questionnaires would incorporate questions to see who is filling it in i.e. patient or carer and questions to capture the patient demographic. This is not required when running alongside the GPAQ as it already incorporates this information. Orchard Surgery News Overall current patient numbers have stabilised at 10,400. The planning application for a new housing estate on Yaxham Road has been put on hold. One new GP, Dr Santosh, has now started part time. A further GP, Dr Ramikiri, will be starting on the 2nd November working full time. At the end of this year there will be medical students on site and Dr Foster will be leading their training. The students will ‘sit in’ on various doctor’s clinics. Steffi Spooner sent her apologies for not attending the meeting. She has been looking into the Norfolk Mental Health Provision which is inadequate. Previously Mental Health Link workers were assigned to surgeries, she is looking into getting that provision back. Other Business Donald Ryder asked if information regarding Choose and book wait times could be displayed in the surgery. It was explained that we would be unable to do this as times were different for each department the patient was being referred to. Barbara Fisher stated that the temperature in the waiting room was oppressive. Could a review of the reception ambience (temperature control/decoration/pictures) take place. The group were asked for any feedback regarding the Out of Hours Service. Mary Creed was the only person to have used the service and stated that she had excellent service. The Flu vaccination posters have been put up in reception stating the two dates in October, however it was pointed out that it did not include times. This will be remedied. All the doctors will be in attendance and some of the HCAs. Children from the ages 2 – 4 will be encouraged to have the flu vaccine via nasal spray. Next Meeting: Thursday 11th December 2014 at 10am.