Center for Excellence in Applied Computational Science & Engineering (CEACSE) Centers of Excellence Grants Program Notice of Intent to Apply (optional): 5:00pm on February 23, 2016 Proposal Submission Deadline: 4:00pm on March 7, 2016 Purpose & Overview The Center of Excellence in Applied Computational Science and Engineering (CEACSE) is issuing a call for research proposals for FY 2017. The strategic goal of CEACSE is to provide seed funding to enhance and expand UTC’s strength in all aspects of applied computational science and engineering, thereby gaining national recognition as a premier multidisciplinary research and education center for applied computational science and engineering. These funds will be awarded on a competitive basis via a review of the funding criteria below and the strategic merit of each proposal. The primary goal of this program is to enable development of new capabilities and extramural projects in the area of Computational Sciences. This year, we have three (3) priority areas for this funding: Urban Science; Energy & Environment; and Defense/Aerospace. We will be looking for proposals that: i) result in high-impact peer reviewed publications; and ii) “seed” larger, long-term extramural funding. Proposals that leverage community assets and partners are strongly encouraged. Selection Criteria for Funding All projects proposed must be capable of being conducted within the time and other award constraints noted below in “Application Details and Requirements.” Proposals will be reviewed and scored based on the following criteria: 1) Scientific Merit. Proposals should demonstrate scientific merit. 2) Capacity Building. Proposals should document a strong potential to directly transform anticipated results into NEW extramural funding initiatives. 3) Strategic Excellence. Proposals should clearly articulate how they align with strategic goals of the department, college, and institution. If you are uncertain as to whether your research project meets the above criteria, please contact either Dr. Joanne Romagni (VC Research), Dr. Daniel Pack (Dean, CECS) or Dr. Reinhold Mann (Interim Director, SimCenter) before preparing an application. Application Details and Requirements Eligibility Faculty from all disciplines are eligible to serve as the PI(s). A faculty member is eligible to be the lead PI on only 1 proposal and may be a research team member or co-PI on no more than 2 proposals. Award and Duration Awards will not exceed $100,000; however, depending on the availability of funds, awardees may have an opportunity to request supplemental funding to respond to extraordinary opportunities that arise in the course of the project period. The start date for all projects will be July 1, 2016. The budget period will be 12 months (July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017). Please plan a project that can be completed within the project period. Use of Funds Requested funds must be used solely to carry out the research project as outlined in the proposed budgets. Budgets must be well justified, appropriate to the type and extent of the proposed project, and will be carefully evaluated. Changes in scope or cumulative budget revisions of more than 25% of the award amount require prior approval by the Vice Chancellor for Research. Unallowable costs include the following: extra services compensation during the academic appointment term, administrative or clerical support costs, indirect or F&A costs, and supplantation of costs typically covered by other institutional sources. Allowable costs include the following: Release / replacement costs for UTC faculty or staff Up to 2 months of summer salary for faculty Other personnel costs Student wages Fringe benefits associated with requested salary/wages Equipment (items with a value of $5,000 or more) Software Travel Supplies Tuition Application Process 1) NOTICE OF INTENT: A notice of intent is requested but not required and will be used to help with the selection of an appropriate pool of reviewers. Please provide the following information in an email to Lead Principal Investigator Collaborating Investigators including Affiliation (departmental or institutional if external) Working Title of Project Brief Summary (100 words or less) 2) FULL APPLICATION: Applications are to be submitted (as a single PDF of the complete application) to Baley Whary ( by 4 pm, Monday, March 7, 2016. A completed application includes the following components: A CEACSE Cover Form (see below) signed by the Lead PI’s Department / Unit Head. A Proposal Narrative outlining the proposed research within the context of the 3 review criteria (scientific merit, capacity building, and strategic excellence). Include the following information: (1) How does this proposed project compare with your current and previous research efforts? (2) What are the specific roles of each Co-PI in the proposed project? (3) What will be the end product of the proposed project? (4) What are risks associated with the proposed project? An Extramural Funding Plan which addresses the following points: (1) Describe your precise plan to obtain extramural funding? (2) List potential sponsors and funding programs to which you plan to apply to sustain / extend proposed activities. (3) Include a timeline and benchmarks associated with seeking external funds. Budget & Budget Justification form (please use required Excel form available here: Notification of awards will be on April 14, 2016 at the Research Dialogues. Brief quarterly progress reports/presentations and a year-end final report/presentation will be required. Note the following points: 1) These funds cannot be used to supplant funds or resources that are available from other sources. 2) When relevant, investigators are strongly encouraged to submit IRB and/or IACUC applications when they submit their proposals to minimize delays in initiating funded projects. 3) Applications will be reviewed by topical review panels with expertise in computational science and engineering. The Review Panels will assign a merit score to each submitted grant proposal based on the selection criteria. All proposals will be rank-ordered by score, and funding recommendations will be made to the VCR, Dean of CECS and Director of SimCenter. They will consider the merit scores and other factors (such as compatibility with institutional initiatives and areas of focus; likely success of a given project; and potential importance to a field of study) in making the decision about projects that should be funded. There will be a brainstorming and information meeting on February 5, 2015 during which potential applicants can obtain answers to clarifying questions related to this call. CEACSE Grants Application Cover Page Project Information Lead Principal Investigator: The Lead PI is the designated project lead and will be the point of contact for the project. The lead PI’s department will administer the project funds (on a cost-reimbursement basis), as outlined in the proposal budget. Collaborating Investigator(s): List the Co Investigators comprising the research team. Title of Project: Abstract / Summary (100 word limit): Funds Requested: $ Compliance Requirements (if applicable): ☐ Human Subjects (IRB review needed) ☐ Export Control ☐ Intellectual Property ☐ Use of animals (IACUC review needed) ☐ Additional Space or IT Resources Needed* ☐ Conflict of Interest* *Conflict of Interest and Space issues must be resolved prior to submitting the proposal. Approval Signatures – Lead PI Department By signing here, the Lead PI’s Department / Unit Head agrees to provide general oversight and administrative support for project implementation if the project is selected for funding. Lead PI Department/Unit Head:_________________________________________________________ _______ Signature Date