CENTER FOR EXCELLENCE IN APPLIED COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING CEACSE SESSION OVERVIEW Overview – CEACSE New & Improved Internal Funding Opportunity CEACSE Program Details Application Process: Notice of Intent & Proposal Questions & Answers Brainstorming & Networking WHY? CEACSE funds provide seed funding to enhance and expand UTC’s capacities in all aspects of applied computational science & engineering. UTC is seeking to deploy these funds more broadly on campus to stimulate and “seed” research activity related to computational science and engineering across a broader range of investigators, disciplines, and departments. Goal is for these funds to stimulate and build capacity to attract external funds; NOT to take the place of extramural funding. WHAT? We are seeking proposals that…. Build capacity among faculty to engage in computational research. Result in high-impact peer reviewed publications. “Seed” larger, long-term extramural funding. Leverage community assets and partners. WHO? Faculty from ALL disciplines are eligible to serve as the Lead PI and Co-PIs. Lecturers, adjuncts, post-docs, and staff who do not hold faculty appointments may participate as team members. All teams must receive an endorsement and signature from the Lead PI’s Department Head! You do not have to have a history of external research funding to be eligible. NOTE: A faculty member is eligible to be the lead PI on only 1 proposal and a team member or co-PI on no more than 2 proposals HOW & WHEN Submit a Notice of Intent (Requested but OPTIONAL) by 5:00pm on February 23, 2016 Submit a Full Proposal by 4:00pm on March 7, 2016 Please note, late proposals will not be accepted for any reason. CEACSE PROGRAM DETAILS PRIORITY AREAS Urban Science Energy & the Environment Defense & Aerospace URBAN SCIENCE The high complexity of flows and processes involved in urban systems drives the need to model and simulate so as to develop planning, design and control strategies. Our ability to collect, transmit and analyze data, and to derive information from large amounts of data enables modeling and simulation. Data rates and volumes, and the complexity and scale of models drive the need to use increasingly powerful computing systems. The city of Chattanooga has emerged as a leading smart gigabit city and pioneer in urban renewal and sustainable development. The Gigabit infrastructure provides the foundation for the collection and exploitation of large amounts of heterogeneous data intended to improve city services Examples of ongoing effort is “smart cities” include: Intelligent transportation Smart grid Healthcare Wellness management Real-time air pollution monitoring Multiple agencies are making investments in R&D and demonstration projects related to the Smart and Connected Communities Framework ( - among these are NSF, DOE, DOT and others. AEROSPACE & DEFENSE This area has been at the forefront of utilizing modeling and simulation for evaluation and design of vehicle and weapons technology. Tennessee is currently embarking on an Aerospace Initiative in order to attract future industry to the state. With the possibility of research budgets stabilizing in the Aerospace and Defense sector, many opportunities exist for establishing external funding. Projects that enhance resident expertise at UTC, and modeling and simulation capabilities, have several opportunities to generate extramural funding, for example from sponsors within the Navy, Air Force, and NASA (Glenn, Langley). ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT Among the defining global, national and regional challenges for this century is ensuring adequate supply of energy without compromising our collective ability to sustain our changing habitat as the global human population is on a path to grow from presently some seven billion to nine billion or more. S&T challenges in this broad area relate to energy production, transmission, storage and efficient use; vehicle technology, transportation systems; critical infrastructures; dynamics of ecosystems, climate change impacts and adaptation; and others. Several federal agencies support important R&D programs related to Energy & Environment, e.g., NSF (INFEW and others), DOE (EERE, SC-BER and others), ARPA-E, DOD, others. SELECTION CRITERIA Scientific Merit Capacity Building Strategic Excellence AWARD AMOUNT & DURATION Maximum Award Amount = $100,000 Anticipated Number of Awards = 10-15 Project Period = 12 months; July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 Plan your project accordingly. There will be no additional funds granted, and “no-cost extensions” will be considered for up to 6 additional months only with a strong justification. USE OF CEACSE FUNDS Allowable Funds: Release / replacement costs for UTC faculty or staff Summer salary for faculty – 2 months max. Other personnel costs (postdoc, etc.) Student stipends or wages (undergrad. or grad.) Associated fringe benefits Equipment Travel Supplies Tuition (for GAships) USE OF CEACSE FUNDS UN-Allowable Funds: Extra Service Compensation during the academic appointment term Administrative or Clerical support costs Indirect / F&A costs Supplantation of any costs typically covered by other institutional sources APPROVALS REQUIRED The Lead PI’s Department Head (must have signature on cover page) IRB or IACUC approval (not required for submission, but needed before research with humans or animals begins) Export Control issues (contact ORI if applicable) Conflict of Interest issues (contact ORSP if applicable) Additional space, equipment, or IT needs (must be approved in advance by appropriate administrator) CEACSE APPLICATION PROCESS NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPLY Please send by 5:00pm on Feb. 23, 2016. Notice of Intent will help us prepare for a sufficient number of appropriately qualified reviewers. Notice of Intent is not evaluated for content. It is fine if there are some changes between the notice of intent & full application phases. Notice of Intent is simply an email to that includes the following: Lead PI name Collaborating Investigators w/ Affiliation Working Title for Project Brief Summary (100 words or less) FULL APPLICATION Due by 4:00pm on March 7, 2016 CEACSE Cover Form (included in guidelines) Proposal Narrative (3-pg limit) Extramural Budget Funding Plan Form (Excel form on website) REVIEW PROCESS Topical review panels comprised of external reviewers will be assembled. Reviewers will independently score each proposal assigned to their panel. A composite score will be developed for each proposal. Proposals will be rank-ordered based on score. Final funding decisions will be made at the campus level based on review panel findings and recommendations. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION / ADMINISTRATION Prior approvals by the VCR will be required for changes in personnel, changes in scope of the research project, or budget revisions that exceed a cumulative total of 25% of the award. An interim and final report will be required of all awardees. Failure to fulfill the reporting obligation will have implications for future eligibility. No-cost Time Extensions of up to 6 additional months may be approved with sufficient justification. It is highly unlikely that additional extensions beyond this will be approved. QUESTIONS?