Name: ________________________________________ Periods: ____________ Date: ___________________________ Vocabulary List #5-Week #1Wildcats Stem Definition Words Origin vita life vitamin, vitality, vital, revitalize, viable, vitalism, devitalize Latin demo people democracy, demography, undemocratic, democratize Greek stereo solid stereoscope, stereophonic, stereotype, stereopticon, stereotropism Greek ism doctrine Marxism, capitalism, Imagism, Cubism, nihilism, pluralism, tribalism Greek cogn known recognize, cognizant, incognito, cognoscenti, cognomen, precognition Latin sur over surplus, surpass, surcharge, surface, surfeit, surmount, surname, surtax Latin alter other alternator, alteration, alter ego, alternative, altruism, altercation Latin astr star astronomy, astrology, asteroid, disaster, asterisk, astrophysics, astrolabe Greek dyna power dynamic, dynamo, dynamite, dynasty, dynamometer Greek chron time chronometer, chronological, synchronize, chronic, anachronism Greek hyper over hyperactive, hyperventilate, hyperbole, hyperacidity, hypertension Greek luna moon lunar, lunatic, lunate, luna moth, lunette, sublunar, lunular Latin octa eight octameter, octogenarian, octagon, octarchy, octave, octopus, octahedron Greek gyro turn gyration, gyroscope, gyre, gyrate, spirogyra, gyromagnetic, gyrocompass Greek contra against contradict, contrary, contrast, contrapuntal, contraband, contravene Latin geo earth geography, geothermal, geology, geophysics, geometry, geosynchronous Greek helio sun Helios, heliotropic, heliocentric, heliograph, perihelion, aphelion Greek thermo heat thermostat, thermos, thermotropic, thermonuclear, thermocouple Greek tetra four tetrameter, tetrahedron, tetroxide, tetragon, tetrachloride, tetracycline Greek meter measure thermometer, millimeter, octameter, hydrometer, odometer Greek scope look telescope, microscope, periscope, radarscope, horoscope, electroscope Greek son sound sonar, unison, sonorous, sonnet, dissonance, resonant, supersonic Latin dec ten decade, decaliter, decimal, decagon, decathlon, decimate, dodecahedron Greek stell star interstellar, stelliform, stellar, constellation, stellate, stellify Latin amat love amatory, amateur, amorous, amiable, amigo, amour-propre, amity Latin Week 1 Assignments (check off each as you finish): □ Create a flashcard for each stem □ Review/Study all flashcards (at least 5 minutes/day) □ Complete List 5 Sentences □ Complete List 4 Review List 5 Sentences Directions: Write the meaning of each bolded word. Try to use the meaning of the stem and context clues. Make sure the definition fits in the sentences and makes sense! HIGHLIGHT THE STEM IN THE DEFINITION YOU WRITE!-NOT OPTIONAL Example: Unearned income must be reported to the Internal Revenue Service unearned: not earned 1. In the spring of 2215, the rebuilt New York was a revitalized city. rebuilt: ______________________________________________________ 2. The theory of democracy was proven effective by the United States. 3. If there is a stereophonic sound, can there be stereo smell? democracy: ___________________________________________________ 4. Is capitalism the opposite of Marxism? capitalism: ___________________________________________________ 5. The Leader was traveling incognito to avoid recognition incognito: ____________________________________________________ 6. The overwhelming economic disasters could not be surmounted. 7. Our previously unchanged plans have suffered an alteration. 8. If the asteroid struck the earth, it would be a disaster. surmounted: __________________________________________________ 9. Her dynamic personality made her an obvious choice for the powerful role 10. Please synchronize your chronometers. 11. The hyperactive child began to hyperventilate. dynamic: _____________________________________________________ revitalized: ___________________________________________________ stereophonic: _________________________________________________ stereo: _______________________________________________________ recognition: __________________________________________________ alteration: ____________________________________________________ asteroid:______________________________________________________ disaster: _____________________________________________________ synchronize: __________________________________________________ hyperactive: __________________________________________________ hyperventilate:________________________________________________ 12. Are lunatics really subject to lunar influences on their sanity? lunatics: _____________________________________________________ 13. The octarchy decided to invade Macedonia 14. Which earth study do you prefer: geology, geography, or geophysics. octarchy: _____________________________________________________ lunar: _______________________________________________________ geology: _____________________________________________________ geography: ___________________________________________________ 15. The thermatropic plants were killed by thermatropic: _________________________________________________ the cold front. 16. Is a square a tetragon or a tetragon: _____________________________________________________ tetrahedron? tetrahedron: __________________________________________________ 17. The hydrometer measured the flow of the trout stream. 18. Alien warships appeared on the radarscope. hydrometer: __________________________________________________ radarscope: ___________________________________________________ 19. The Olympic decathlon winner was famous for a decade. decathlon: ___________________________________________________ 20. The interstellar spaceship launching was a stellar occasion. interstellar: ___________________________________________________ decade: ______________________________________________________ stellar: _______________________________________________________ Part 2 Directions: Read each sentence and based on the context of the sentence and the meaning of the stem choose the best dictionary definition or thesaurus synonym. _______ 21. Galileo thought that the solar system was heliocentric, not earth-centered. a. distance to the sun from the earth b. sun-lit c. sun-centered d. sun-dependent _______ 22. Their contradictory remarks offered a sharp contrast of views. a. harmonious b. unsure c. hostile d. conflicting _______ 23. The dancers’ spinning gyrations continued into the night. a. rotations b. whirling c. routes d. currents _______ 24. The senator’s sonorous voice was her best political weapon. a. high-flown; grandiloquent b. loud, deep, resonant sounding c. producing or capable of producing sound d. rich or full language _______ 25. The amateur astronomer was an amiable fellow who loved his hobby. a. an athlete or sportsman b. an unskilled person with limited knowledge on a subject c. an unprofessional approach d. a person who participates in an activity for fun List 4 Review Fill in the Blank: Fill in the blank with the best word. You will not use all of the words in the word bank Word Bank: population verdict beneficial populous novice benefactor verify hydrophobia agoraphobia innovation 1. The judge asked the jury for the _____________________________ so he could make his ruling in the case. 2. Studying my notecards each day was _____________________________ when preparing for the final exam. 3. As a ____________________________ snowboarder I fell down the hill over and over. 4. My friend was able to go on his family cruise due to an extreme ________________________. 5. California is one of the most _______________________ states. Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________ Periods: ______________________ List 5 Illini-Week 1 Stem Definition Words Origin demo people democracy, demography, undemocratic, democratize Greek cogn known recognize, cognizant, incognito, cognoscenti, cognomen, precognition Latin sur over surplus, surpass, surcharge, surface, surfeit, surmount, surname, surtax Latin astr star astronomy, astrology, asteroid, disaster, asterisk, astrophysics, astrolabe Greek chron time chronometer, chronological, synchronize, chronic, anachronism Greek hyper over hyperactive, hyperventilate, hyperbole, hyperacidity, hypertension Greek luna moon lunar, lunatic, lunate, luna moth, lunette, sublunar, lunular Latin octa eight octameter, octogenarian, octagon, octarchy, octave, octopus, octahedron Greek geo earth geography, geothermal, geology, geophysics, geometry, geosynchronous Greek helio sun Helios, heliotropic, heliocentric, heliograph, perihelion, aphelion Greek tetra four tetrameter, tetrahedron, tetroxide, tetragon, tetrachloride, tetracycline Greek meter measure thermometer, millimeter, octameter, hydrometer, odometer Greek scope look telescope, microscope, periscope, radarscope, horoscope, electroscope Greek son sound sonar, unison, sonorous, sonnet, dissonance, resonant, supersonic Latin dec ten decade, decaliter, decimal, decagon, decathlon, decimate, dodecahedron Greek Week 1 Assignments (check off each as you finish): □ Create a flashcard for each stem □ Review/Study all flashcards (at least 5 minutes/day) □ Complete List 4 Review □ Complete List 5 Sentences List 4 Review Fill in the Blank: Fill in the blank with the best word. You will not use all of the words in the word bank Word Bank: population verdict beneficial populous novice benefactor verify hydrophobia agoraphobia innovation 1. The judge asked the jury for the _____________________________ so he could make his ruling in the case. 2. Studying my notecards each day was _____________________________ when preparing for the final exam. 3. As a ____________________________ snowboarder I fell down the hill over and over. 4. My friend was able to go on his family cruise due to an extreme ________________________. 5. California is one of the most _______________________ states. List 5 Sentences Directions: Write the meaning of each bolded word. Try to use the meaning of the stem and context clues. Make sure the definition fits in the sentences and makes sense! HIGHLIGHT THE STEM IN THE DEFINITION YOU WRITE!-NOT OPTIONAL Example: Unearned income must be reported to the Internal Revenue Service unearned: not earned 1. The theory of democracy was proven effective by the United States. democracy: ___________________________________________________ 2. The Leader was traveling incognito to avoid recognition incognito: ____________________________________________________ 3. The overwhelming economic disasters could not be surmounted. surmounted: __________________________________________________ 4. If the asteroid struck the earth, it would be a disaster. asteroid:______________________________________________________ 5. Please synchronize your chronometers. synchronize: __________________________________________________ 6. Are lunatics really subject to lunar influences on their sanity? lunatics: _____________________________________________________ 7. The octarchy decided to invade Macedonia 8. Which earth study do you prefer: geology, geography, or geophysics? octarchy: _____________________________________________________ 9. Is a square a tetragon or a tetrahedron? tetragon: _____________________________________________________ 10. The hydrometer measured the flow of the trout stream. hydrometer: __________________________________________________ 11. Alien warships appeared on the radarscope. radarscope: ___________________________________________________ 12. The Olympic decathlon winner was famous for a decade. decathlon: ___________________________________________________ recognition: __________________________________________________ disaster: _____________________________________________________ lunar: _______________________________________________________ geology: _____________________________________________________ geography: ___________________________________________________ decade: ______________________________________________________ Part 2 Directions: Read each sentence and based on the context of the sentence and the meaning of the stem choose the best dictionary definition or thesaurus synonym. _______ 13. Galileo thought that the solar system was heliocentric, not earth-centered. a. distance to the sun from the earth b. sun-lit c. sun-centered d. sun-dependent _______ 14. The senator’s sonorous voice was her best political weapon. a. high-flown; grandiloquent b. loud, deep, resonant sounding c. producing or capable of producing sound d. rich or full language c. exhausted d. overheated _______ 15. The hyperactive child began to hyperventilate. a. excitable b. disturbed Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________ Periods: ______________________ List 5 Huskies-Week 1 Stem Definition Words Origin sur over surplus, surpass, surcharge, surface, surfeit, surmount, surname, surtax Latin chron time chronometer, chronological, synchronize, chronic, anachronism Greek hyper over hyperactive, hyperventilate, hyperbole, hyperacidity, hypertension Greek octa eight octameter, octogenarian, octagon, octarchy, octave, octopus, octahedron Greek geo earth geography, geothermal, geology, geophysics, geometry, geosynchronous Greek tetra four tetrameter, tetrahedron, tetroxide, tetragon, tetrachloride, tetracycline Greek meter measure thermometer, millimeter, octameter, hydrometer, odometer Greek scope look telescope, microscope, periscope, radarscope, horoscope, electroscope Greek son sound sonar, unison, sonorous, sonnet, dissonance, resonant, supersonic Latin dec ten decade, decaliter, decimal, decagon, decathlon, decimate, dodecahedron Greek Week 1 Assignments (check off each as you finish): □ Create a flashcard for each stem □ Review/Study all flashcards (at least 5 minutes/day) □ Complete List 5 Sentences □ Complete List 4 Review List 5 Sentences: Directions: Write the meaning of each bolded word. Try to use the meaning of the stem and context clues. Make sure the definition fits in the sentences and makes sense! HIGHLIGHT THE STEM IN THE DEFINITION YOU WRITE!-NOT OPTIONAL Example: Unearned income must be reported to the Internal Revenue Service unearned: not earned 1. The overwhelming economic disasters could not be surmounted. surmounted: __________________________________________________ 2. Please synchronize your chronometers. synchronize: __________________________________________________ 3. The octarchy decided to invade Macedonia octarchy: _____________________________________________________ 4. Which earth study do you prefer: geology, geography, or geophysics? geology: _____________________________________________________ 5. Is a square a tetragon or a tetrahedron? tetragon: _____________________________________________________ geography: ___________________________________________________ 6. The hydrometer measured the flow of the trout stream. hydrometer: __________________________________________________ 7. Alien warships appeared on the radarscope. radarscope: ___________________________________________________ 8. The Olympic decathlon winner was famous for a decade. decathlon: ___________________________________________________ decade: ______________________________________________________ Part 2 Directions: Read each sentence and based on the context of the sentence and the meaning of the stem choose the best dictionary definition or thesaurus synonym. _______ 9. The senator’s sonorous voice was her best political weapon. a. high-flown; grandiloquent b. loud, deep, resonant sounding c. producing or capable of producing sound d. rich or full language c. exhausted d. overheated _______ 10. The hyperactive child began to hyperventilate. a. excitable b. disturbed List 4 Review: Fill in the Blank: Fill in the blank with the correct word. You will not use all of the words in the word bank Word Bank: corporal patriarch paternity megalopolis magnate corporation magnificence 1. The new father took a ten day _________________________ leave from work 2. I was in awe of the ___________________________________ of Niagara Falls. 3. The entire Chicago area is considered to be a ___________________________________. 4. Several insurance offices decide to join together and form a large ___________________________. Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________ Periods: ______________________ List 5 Redbirds –Week 1 Stem Definition Words Origin chron time chronological, synchronize, chronic, anachronism Greek hyper over hyperactive, hyperventilate, hyperbole Greek octa eight octogenarian, octagon, octopus Greek geo earth geography, geology, geometry Greek scope look telescope, microscope, periscope Greek son sound unison, sonorous, sonnet Latin dec ten decade, decagon, decathlon Greek Week 1 Assignments (check off each as you finish): □ Create a flashcard for each stem □ Review/Study all flashcards (at least 5 minutes/day) □ Complete List 5 Sentences □ Complete List 4 Review New Words Definitions chronic (adj) continuing for a long time Sentences The doctor diagnosed her chronic pain as arthritis chronological (adj) arranged according to time The teacher gave us a list of events and asked us to put them in chronological order. The hyperactive child jumped on the trampoline for three straight hours with no break. A stop sign is in the shape of an octagon. You play this melody on the piano, and I will play the same tune one octave higher. The geographer mapped the area and noted all the landmarks. The region’s geology included large slabs of volcanic rocks. hyperactive (adj) abnormally or extremely active. octagon (n) a figure with eight sides octave (n) a group of eight lines; eight notes; any group of eight geographer (n) a person who studies the natural features of the earth. geology (n) the science that deals with rocks and the physical history of the earth. kaleidoscope (n) an instrument for viewing objects arranged in changing but symmetrical patterns. unison (n) sounding the same note or tone at the same time; agreement; harmony sonorous (adj) capable of emitting a sound, especially with a rich, full quality decade (n) ten years decathlon (n) a contest with ten different events List 5 Sentences: The children played happily for hours with the kaleidoscope watching the changing patterns. The class sang in unison. The sonorous tuba pumped out the melody. There was a difference of exactly three decades between Robert’s age and his father’s age. It takes great skill and stamina to take part in a decathlon. Directions: Fill in the blanks using the correct vocabulary words. Word Bank: octopus telescope geography synchronize unison hyperactive hyperbole chronic chronological decade 1. The teacher asked the class to arrange the events in ____________________________ order. 2. I pointed out to my dad that he was using ______________________when he said, “I’ve told you a thousand times to clean your room. 3. Mabel looked through the ____________________________________ and was able to see Venus better. 4. The whole class read the first page together in _____________________________. 5. To avoid confusion, we will _________________________________ all of the clocks in the school. 6. After given some time to play the _________________________________ child began to calm down. 7. Today’s _______________________ lesson focused on volcanoes and glaciers. 8. My grandmother had a ___________________________ pain in her back that she was unable to get rid of for several years. 9. The marine biologist looked forward to studying the eight-legged ________________________________. 10. Cell phones have gone through significant changes over the last ______________________________. List 5 Review: Fill in the Blank: Fill in the blank with the correct word. You will not use all of the words in the word bank Word Bank: corporal patriarch paternity megalopolis magnate corporation magnificence 1. The new father took a ten day _________________________ leave from work 2. I was in awe of the ___________________________________ of Niagara Falls. 3. The entire Chicago area is considered to be a ___________________________________. 4. Several insurance offices decide to join together and form a large ___________________________.