Nonlinear Modeling and Investigating the Nonlinear Effects on Frequency Response of Silicon Bulk-mode Ring Resonator Abstract: This paper presents a nonlinear analytical model for micromechanical silicon ring resonators with bulk-mode vibrations. A distributed element model has been developed to describe the dynamic behavior of the micromechanical ring resonator. This model shows the nonlinear effects in a silicon ring resonator focusing on the effect of large amplitudes around the resonance frequency, material and electrical nonlinearities. Through the combination of geometrical and material nonlinearities, closed-form expressions for third-order nonlinearity in mechanical stiffness of bulk-mode ring resonators are obtained. Using the perturbation method and the method of harmonic balance, the expressions for describing the effect of nonlinearities on the resonance frequency and stability are derived. The results, which show the effect of varying the AC drive voltage, initial gap, DC applied voltage and the quality factor on the frequency response and resonant frequencies, are discussed in detail. The nonlinear model introduces an appropriate method in the field of bulk-mode ring resonator design for achieving sufficient power handling and low motional resistance. Keywords: Micromechanical ring resonator, nonlinearity, bulk-mode, frequency response, power handling Introduction: Today, in this rapidly-developing world of micro-communications, how to develop micromechanical resonators and filters with high quality factor, high power handling capability and low motional resistance, is a matter of debate. The silicon micromechanical resonators due to their small size, low cost and compatibility with integrated circuit (IC) technology are a promising alternative to surface acoustic wave (SAW) and quartz crystal resonators. However, low motional resistance and high power handling make them difficult 1 to handle with linearity and small size. And, due to their small size, these resonators cannot store high energy and, therefore, they should be driven at high excitation value which causes them to be easily driven into nonlinear regimes [1]. Moreover, the most direct methods for lowering the motional resistance in micromechanical resonators, like scaling down the electrode to resonator gap and raising the DC applied bias voltage, decrease the linearity [2]. The ability to accurately model nonlinearity and investigate its effect on frequency response is, therefore, a key requirement to optimum design of silicon micromechanical resonators. Several mechanical and electrical nonlinearities exist in silicon micromechanical resonators. Depending on the resonator design and operating conditions, different nonlinearities may be dominant and result in hardening or softening behavior in the dynamic behavior of micromechanical resonator [3]. A lot of research has been conducted on modeling the nonlinear effects in micromechanical resonators. Gui et al. [4] investigated the nonlinear effects on the performance of a micro-bridge, using Rayleigh’s energy method, and showed the dependency of the hysteresis criterion on the quality factor, operating conditions, geometric and material properties of the micromechanical resonator. Mestrom et al. [3] studied the frequency responses and the nonlinear dynamic properties of clamped-clamped beam resonator and predicted the hardening behavior. They also compared their analytical results with the results from experiments and found a reasonable agreement. Alastalo et al. [5] presented a very useful study on the longitudinal mode resonators with respect to mechanical and electrical nonlinearity. Assuming a high quality factor, some of the aforementioned works have ignored damping coefficient in calculating the shift resonance frequency caused by nonlinearities. Moreover, the study on the nonlinearities in bulk-mode micromechanical resonators is inadequate, and previous works have only focused on the longitudinal and square extensional mode resonators [6]. This paper deals with the effects of nonlinearities on frequency response of silicon bulk-mode ring resonators. First, a 2 comprehensive nonlinear model of this resonator is derived. The model includes the effect of large amplitudes around the resonance frequency, material and electrical nonlinearities. Then, the effect of key parameters on nonlinear frequency response is evaluated applying perturbation techniques and the method of harmonic balance. 1. Bulk-mode Ring Resonator Among silicon micromechanical resonators, bulk-mode ring resonators offer lower motional resistance and higher quality factor due to their high structural stiffness, ring geometry and having four quasi-nodal points at their outer periphery in some non-axisymmetric bulkmodes like wine glass and extensional wine glass. Therefore, they are more extensively developed in RF transceiver front-end architectures [7]. r θ (a) (b) Figure 1: The schematic views of the bulk-mode shapes of the ring resonator a) wine glass (WG) b) extensional wine glass (EWG) In the bulk-mode ring resonators which are shown in Figure 1, assuming that the width of the ring is much larger than its thickness (Ro-Ri >> t), the 2-D linear equations governing the vibration of a ring, without body force and internal heat source can be given by [8,9]: 2u E A E A0 u u A 0 t 2 12 2(1 ) (1) where E, υ, ρ and A are Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, density of structural material and transduction area of the resonator, respectively. The displacement vector u=xer+weθ is defined in terms of the radial (x) and circumferential displacements (w) in polar coordinates through the time and mode shape functions as follows: 3 x (t , ) X r (t ) cos(n ) , w (t , ) W r (t ) sin(n ) (2) where X r (t ) X rq cos(q t ) , W r (t ) q 1 W rq cos(qt ) (3) q 1 where at the natural resonance frequency of ωnm=hnm√(E/ρ(1-υ2), the radial displacement at inner and outer radius can be assumed as: x o (t , ) X o (t ) cos(n ) , x i (t , ) X i (t ) cos( n ) (4) and X o (t ) U o (t ) U o cos(t ) , X i (t ) U i (t ) U i cos(t ) (5) where Uo=Ur=Ro and Ui=Ur=Ri can be expressed by following equation: Ur An hnm d n C Bn D Y n (hnm r ) n J n (hnm r ) n Y n (hnm r ) J n (hnm r ) An An r An dr (6) In the above equations, Jn and Yn are Bessel functions of the first and second kind, respectively. hnm and knm are mode consonants of non-axisymmetric mode shape of (n,m), while knm is related to hnm by knm/hnm=√2/(1-υ). It should be noted that the relative constants of elastic waves (Bn/An, Cn/An, Bn/An) can be found by solving the equation of det (M4×4) =0. The element of M was explained in detail in Ref. [7,10]. 1 NODAL SOLUTION STEP=1 SUB =6 FREQ=.220E+09 USUM (AVG) RSYS=0 DMX =431715 SMN =8020 SMX =431715 8020 55097 Quasi-nodal points MN MX Y Z X 102174 196329 290483 384638 149251 243406 337560 431715 Figure 2: ANSYS simulation of EWG mode shape ring resonator In the rest of the paper, the extensional wine glass (2,4) mode ring resonator with the specifications presented in Table 1 has been used to evaluate the frequency response caused 4 by nonlinear effects. Therefore, the subscript nm is omitted and the subscript n=2 representing the second order mode are used in the following equations. Table 1: The related EWG mode parameters for silicon ring resonator Parameter Inner radius (Ri) Outer radius (Ro) Thickness (t) Electrode angle (θe) Resonance frequency (fnm) Linear Young’s modulus (E0) Poisson ratio (υ) Density (ρ) First order corrections (E1) second order corrections (E2) Value 30.16 50 2 35 220 170 0.28 2330 -2.6 -8.1 Unit μm μm μm deg MHz GPa Kgm-3 2. Modeling Approach Since both actuation and detection of the micromechanical ring resonator is realized using the inner and outer electrodes, it can be assumed as a two separate ring resonator attached at the radius of (Ri+Ro)/2 and each ring resonator is also modeled as a distributed element. Considering an infinitesimal element, the gap variations in capacitive transducers are assumed along the radial direction. Input electrodes (Ro+Ri)/2 Ko xo Fo Mo fi(θ) θe fo(θ) bo Kc Ki mi(θ) mo(θ) Mi bi Fi xi Output electrodes (b) (a) Figure 3: a) The schematic view of the infinitesimal element b) The equivalent mass-spring damper system of the ring resonator Thus, the governing equation of a second order mechanical system (mass-spring-damper) for an infinitesimal element of the ring resonator can be expressed as: mo ( )x o bo ( )x o k mo ( )x o k c x o x i 2 f do ( ) f so ( ) 5 (7) mi ( )x i bi ( )x i k mi ( )x i k c x i x o 2 f d i ( ) f s i ( ) (8) where x represents the radial displacements of the effective lumped mass of m and b, km and kc are damping coefficient, mechanical stiffness and coupling stiffness, respectively. The subscripts i and o denote the inner and outer ring resonators, respectively. The effective masses for infinitesimal element in inner and outer resonators are given by: Ro mo ( ) t R i Ro U r2 rdr 2 U o2 , m i ( ) R i Ro 2 U2 r Ri U i2 t rdr (9) Assuming that the first mode is the dominant mode of the system, the inner to outer displacement ratio can be expressed as: x i (t , ) x o (t , ) Ui Uo (10) Substituting equations (4) and (10) into equations (7) and (8) and combining them together results in the following expression: mo ( ) m i ( ) cos(2 ) X o (t ) bo ( ) bi ( ) cos(2 ) X o (t ) k m o (11) ( ) k m i ( ) cos(2 ) X o (t ) f ( ) where f ( ) 2 f d o ( ) f d i ( ) 2 f so ( ) f s i ( ) (12) 3. Modeling the Origins of the Nonlinearity Nonlinearity in micromechanical resonators generally arises from electrical and mechanical origins. The electrical nonlinearities include the electrostatic force nonlinearity caused by variable gap capacitive transducers and fringing effect. The large structural deformation can be contributed to geometrical and material nonlinearities, classified as mechanical nonlinearities. 3.1. Electrical Nonlinearity: 6 In many micromechanical bulk-mode resonators, the initial gap between electrodes and the resonator is not negligible as compared to the thickness of structure (small aspect ratio). Also, the fringing fields are considerable. Therefore, the electrostatic force nonlinearity can be modeled using the parallel plate capacitor approximation together with the correction term of Cf representing fringing effects as follows: f d f s ( ) f d i ( ) o o C ( ) C ( ) 1 V P v i (t ) 2 o i 2 x d x 1 C ( ) C i ( ) ( ) f s i ( ) V P2 o 2 x s x (13 a) (13 b) where C i ,o ( ) C f C 0i ,o ( ) 2 3 4 x i ,o 2 x i2,o 3 x i3,o d d d d x s C f C 0i ,o ( ) C i ,o ( ) 2 3 4 1 x i ,0 2 x i2,o 3 x i3,o d d d d x d (14) (15) where C0o(θ)=εRot/d and Coi(θ)=εRit/d imply the capacitance over the outer and inner gaps when the outer and inner radial displacements are equal to zero and d is the corresponding initial gap width. According to sense (or drive) electrodes configuration, the value of β would be equal to 1 or -1 as the sense (or drive) electrodes are placed at the same side or different side, respectively. The correction term of capacitances for the fringing effect depends on the dimensions of the structure as per the following equation [11]: 1 4.246 ; 0 0.005 C f 1 11.0872 2 0.001097 ; 0.005 0.05 0.8258 ; 0.005 1 1.9861 (16) where λ=d/t is the ratio of initial gap per thickness of the ring structure. 3.2. Mechanical Nonlinearity Mechanical (material and geometrical) nonlinearities are caused by the stresses developing inside the resonator structure under large displacements. Depending on the operation mode, 7 the material or geometrical nonlinearities can be dominant in micromechanical resonators. Unlike the electrical nonlinearities, which can be easily represented by Taylor series with respect to displacement, the mechanical nonlinearities can be approximated for the bulkmode ring resonator by deformation analysis. For this purpose, the mechanical nonlinearity is first modeled by adding the higher order terms to the mechanical stiffness as follow: k mi ,o ( ) k m0i ,o ( ) 1 k 1i ,o x i ,o k 2i ,o x i2,o (17 a) 2 k m 0i ,o ( ) m i ,o ( ) nm (17 b) In order to consider the geometrical nonlinearities, the geometrical deformation caused by large radial displacement in infinitesimal element could be given by: e A 2 e A ( ) d (18) 2 where R A ( ) R t 1 R x A0 ( ) 1 r (19) Figure 4: The geometrical variation in infinitesimal element of the ring resonator Moreover, the large displacement develops internal stresses inside the structure of resonator and therefore, nonlinear elastic behavior of silicon result in nonlinear Young’s modulus as follows [12]: 2 x x E E 0 1 E 1 E2 r r (20) 8 where E1 and E2 denote the first and second order corrections to linear Young’s modulus of E0, respectively. The values of E1 and E2 are listed in Table 1 for bulk-mode silicon oriented along [100] [13]. Substituting equations (18) and (20) into equation (1) and multiplying by cos(2θ) and then integrating both sides, from θ=0 to θ=2π results in the approximate expressions for third order nonlinearity in mechanical stiffness, k2o and k2i, as follow: k 2o 1 U o2 Ro R i Ro 2 Ro R i Ro 2 (r )dr (r )dr , k 2i 1 U i2 R i Ro 2 Ri R i Ro 2 Ri (r )dr (r )dr (21) where 2 U 2 2U U U r r r (r ) U r E 2 (2 3) E1 r ( E E ) 2 1 2 r r r r 2U r (r ) U r r 2 U U r 2 3 r r r r 3 U r r r (22) (23) In fact, the second-order nonlinearity term caused by symmetry of the ring structure and mode shape is omitted. Using the self-written numerical codes in MATLAB software, the values of k2o and k2i for the case study of this paper were calculated to be -2.842×10-11 Nm-1 and -1.024×10-10 Nm-1, respectively. 4. Analysis of the Nonlinear Effect on Frequency Response Based on the electrostatic and mechanical nonlinearities and multiplying equation (11) by cos(2θ) and then integrating over the range of 0 to 2π, the governing equation of a second order mechanical system of micromechanical ring can be rewritten as: X o (t ) t Q X o (t ) t2 X o (t ) 2 X o2 (t ) 3X o3 (t ) g 0 v i (t ) g 1 g 2 X o (t ) g 3X o2 (t ) (24) where ωt is the resonance frequency caused by electrical nonlinearity and Q denotes the mechanical quality factor. The notations used in the above equation are presented in Table 2 and θe denotes the electrode to resonator overlap angle. 9 Table 2: Definitions used in the equation (24) Parameter Definition t K re M 1 K re K m0 k e K m0 K m 0o K m 0i Ke V P2d 2 C 0i C 0o sin(2e ) 2e K m 0o ,i 0 Q B 1 MK re B 0 g0 V P2d 1M 2 2 k m 0o ,i ( ) cos 2 (2 ) d bo ( ) bi ( ) cos2 (2 ) d 1 C 0i C 0o sin(e ) 2V P d 1M 1 C 0i C 0o sin(e ) V P d 2 M 1 C 0i C 0o sin(2e ) 2e g1 g2 1 cos2 (e ) 2 sin(e ) V P2d 3M 1 1 2C 0i C 0o cos2 (e ) 2 sin(e ) 2V P d 3M 1 2C 0i C 0o g3 2 3 M 4 3 1 K m 0o 1 1 k 2o 3 K m 0i k 2i V P2d 4 3C 0i C 0o sin(2e ) cos(e ) e 3 2 The DC term in equation (24) has no effect on the nonlinear analysis of frequency response and it could be ignored: X o (t ) t Q X o (t ) t2 X o (t ) 0 d 1X o (t ) 2 X o2 (t ) 3X o3 (t ) (25) where 0 g 1v i (t ) , 1 g 2v i (t ) d , 2 g 3v i (t ) 2 d , 3 3 d (26) The approximate analytic method can be used to solve the equation above. Assuming weak nonlinearities, this problem can be solved by perturbation technique. This method assumes that the resonance frequency along with the solution varies as a function of perturbation terms and the solution is given by: X o (t ) X o0 (t ) d n X o n 1 n (t ) (27) 10 t t (28) d n n n 1 The second order approximation of this solution can be used to achieve a more exact evaluation as: X o (t ) X o0 (t ) dX o1 (t ) (29) t t d 1 (30) Substituting equations (29) and (30) into equation (25) and grouping the terms in power of d, the two following expressions are obtained: X o0 (t ) X o1 (t ) t X o0 (t ) t2 X o0 (t ) 0 Q t Q X o1 (t ) t2 X o1 (t ) 1 Q (31) X o0 (t ) 2t1 1 X o0 (t ) 2 X o20 (t ) 3X o30 (t ) (32) When the input drive voltage vi(t)=|vi|cos(ωt) is used, the solution of Xo0(t) can be obtained as X o0 (t ) Re g 1 v i e jt H ( ) g 1 v i H cos(t ) H sin(t ) (33) where H ( ) 1 t j 2 2 t H ( ) jH ( ) (34) Q where H΄ω and H˝ω denote the real and imaginary parts of the transfer function of H(ω), respectively. Substituting equation (33) into the right hand side of equation (32) and setting the secular terms to zero, the expression of ω1 is approximately given by: 2 3 3 g1 v i 1 8 2 H 2 H 2 (35) t Thus, substituting equation (35) into (30), the resonance frequency caused by mechanical and electrical nonlinearities, ώt, is expressed as follows: t t 2 (36) 1 3 t2 3 g12v i2 (H 2 H 2 ) 2 2 11 As shown in the equation above, ώt is a function of the amplitude of the first order approximation of the solution. By Substituting equation (33) into (32), the solution of Xo1(t) is calculated and, therefore, Xo(t) can be expressed as follows: X o (t ) g1 v i G1 cos(t ) G1sin(t ) G 2 cos(2t ) G 2 sin(2t ) G3 cos(3t ) G3sin(3t ) (37 ) where 3 G1 H g 1 v i 4 2 3 G1 H g 1 v i 2 2 4 4 2 1 2 g 13 H H g 3H H H 3 (38 a) 5 1 H g 13H H 2 H 2 g 3 H 2 H 2 6 5 (38 b) 1 G 2 v i g 12 2H 2 H H H 2 H 2 H 2 g 2 H H 2 H H 2 2 1 G 2 v i g 12 2H 2 H H H 2 H 2 H 2 g 2 H H 2 H H 2 2 1 G 3 g 1 v i 4 (39 a) (39 b) 2 1 3 2 g 13H 3 H 3H 3 H g 13H g 3 3 (40 a) 2 3H 3 H H g 13H g 3 H 2 H 3 g 13H g 3 3 1 G 3 g 1 v i 4 21 1 3 2 g 13H 3 H 3H 3 H g 13H g 3 3 2 (40 b) 3 2 H 3 H H g 13H g 3 H 2 H 3 g 13H g 3 2 3 where H΄nω and H˝nω (n= 2,3), denote the real and imaginary parts of the transfer function of H(nω), respectively. Substituting equation (37) into (4a), the output current for infinitesimal element of micromechanical ring resonator can be expressed using the following equation as: i om (t , ) 2V P x o (t , ) 2 (41 d C 0o C 0i 2d C 0o 2C 0i x o (t , ) 3 C 0o 3C 0i x o2 (t , ) 3 t d ) Multiplying by cos(2θ) and then integrating both sides, from 0 to 2π, the total output current due to applied drive voltage at resonance frequency, is finally derived as: i o (t ) i oq cos(qt q ) (42) q 1 12 The experimental results of the study conducted by Xie et al. [7] were used to experimentally verify derived expression for presented model in linear regime and electrical stiffness. As shown in Figure 5 (a) and (b), the frequency response is measured using the mixing approach [7]. To adapt this approach to the proposed model, the equations of |vi|=(VLO|vRF|)/2 and Po=(RL|io|2)/2, (RL=50 Ω) [14] are used in the derived expressions. -50 Exprimental [7] Exprimental -80 linear model [7] linear model [7] Nonlinear model Nonlinear model Power (dBm) Power (dBm) -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -90 220.5 220.8 221.1 435.3 Frequency (MHz) 435.6 435.9 436.2 Frequency (MHz) (a) (b) Figure 5: The frequency response of polysilicon EWG mode ring resonator a) 220.8 MHz b) 435 MHz It can be seen from Figures 5 and 6 (a) that the frequency response and resonance frequency change of the nonlinear model agree well with experimental data. However, the low difference between their amplitude and resonance frequency may be arise from the parasitic capacitance or resistance in experimental measurement. 0 -40 (ft-fnm)/fnm (ppm) (ft-fnm)/fnm (ppm) 0 -80 Experimental [7] Analytical [7] Analytical (This work) -120 0 2 4 6 8 10 DC applied voltage (V) -1000 -2000 -3000 -4000 2 1.5 12 14 x 10 -7 1 d (m) (a) 0.5 50 60 70 80 90 100 Vp (V) (b) Figure 6: The fractional resonance frequency change caused by electrical nonlinearity for a) Polysilicon EWG ring resonator with f0=220.8 MHz b) Silicon EWG mode ring resonator (as Table 1) 13 According to the expression of electrical stiffness, Ke, when applied DC voltage (VP), increases or the initial gap between the electrodes to resonator (d) decreases, the resonance frequency caused by electrical nonlinearity (ωt), shifts down as shown in Figure 6(b). In order to address the nonlinear effects on frequency response, assuming that the first mode is the dominant mode and using the first order approximation, the solution is assumed as: X o (t ) X o cos(t ) X o g1 v i (43) H 2 H 2 (44) Thus, the phase difference between the drive applied voltage vi(t), and solution Xo(t), is maintained as the phase of applied voltage and is fixed as the phase of solution as follows: v i (t ) v i cos(t ) v 1 cos(t ) v 2 sin(t ) (45) Substituting equations (28) and (29) into (25) and using the method of harmonic balance, the following equations are obtained: v1 X o 33X o2 4 2 t2 3g 3X o2 4g1 , v2 4t X o Q g 3X o20 4 g1 (46) Substituting the above equation into v12+v22=vi2, leads to the relation between the amplitude of drive applied voltage and vibration amplitude as: X 3 X 2 4 2 2 3 o t o 3g 3X o2 4 g1 2 4t X o 2 Q g 3X o 4 g 1 2 v i 2 (47) To study the effect of drive voltage on the frequency response, the DC bias voltage VP, is assumed constant and the drive voltage varies. In Figure 7(a), it is shown that as drive voltage (vi) increases, the resonator frequency response changes from an almost linear curve to a completely nonlinear one (hysteresis). In fact, higher drive voltage leads to larger vibrations and eventually results in a jump in frequency response. This behavior is evident when there are two amplitudes of vibration for a given forcing frequency at high drive 14 voltage. Moreover, the peak frequency tilts to a lower frequency as the vibration amplitude increases and the ring resonator, therefore, exhibits a softening behavior. 10 180 vi=3 Vpp vi=4 Vpp ώt 150 vi=5 Vpp vi=6 Vpp 6 4 (degree) ( Xo x10 -8 ) 8 120 90 vi=3 Vpp 60 vi=4 Vpp 2 vi=5 Vpp 30 vi=6 Vpp 0 219.70 219.72 219.74 219.76 219.78 0 219.70 219.80 219.72 Frequency (MHz) 219.74 219.76 219.78 219.80 Frequency (MHz) (b) (a) Figure 7: Effect of AC drive voltage on frequency response of a EWG mode ring resonator with Q=8000, d=90 nm and VP=100 V 10 10 VP=90 v VP=100v 8 d=80 nm d=90 nm d=100 nm d=110 nm 8 Xo x10 -8 ) ) -8 4 6 ( ( Xo x10 ) -8 VP=120v 6 ( Xo x10 ( Xo x10 -8 ) VP=110v 2 4 2 0 219.55 219.60 219.65 219.70 219.75 219.80 219.85 Frequency (MHz) 0 219.6 219.7 219.8 219.9 Frequency (MHz) (a) (b) Figure 8: Effects of DC bias voltage and initial gap variations on frequency response of a EWG mode ring resonator with Q=8000 a) d=90 nm and vi=5 VPP b) VP=100 V and vi=5 VPP It can also be seen from Figure 8 that an increase of the VP or a decrease in d, tilts the resonance peak more, and the softening behavior of the micromechanical ring resonator becomes more pronounced. Quality factor is a fundamental parameter to design of micromechanical resonators for MEMS-based filters with a low insertion loss. There exist several intrinsic and extrinsic energy-loss mechanisms in the bulk-mode resonators like air damping, anchor loss and thermoelastic damping (TED); for a bulk-mode resonator operating 15 in high vacuum, the air damping mechanism can be ignored. Also, in these resonators, the thermoelastic damping is negligible as compared to the anchor loss and, therefore, anchor loss is the dominant energy-loss mechanism [15]. It is demonstrated that, anchor loss is strongly dependent to the support beam dimension, and it can be reduced by mechanically isolating the support beams from the substrate and optimum design of support beams dimension [16,17]. As shown in Figure 9 (a), the nonlinear effects on frequency response become more apparent by increasing quality factor. The greatest vibration amplitude before hysteresis, called the critical vibration amplitude, Xc, can be used to estimate the limit for power handling as given by Ec=(Km0Xc2)/2 [12]. Where Ec is the maximum stable energy stored in the resonator. In Figure 9 (b), it is shown that under the same condition, a higher quality factor decreases the critical vibration amplitude and therefore, lowers maximum stable energy stored. 10 8 Q=6000 Q=8000 Q=10000 Q=12000 ) 6 ( Xo x 10 -8 6 ( Xo x 10 -8 ) 8 4 Q=6000 Q=8000 Q=10000 Q=12000 7 Xc=51.6 nm 5 4 Xc=45.3 nm Xc=40.8 nm Xc=37.7 nm 3 2 2 1 0 219.70 219.72 219.74 219.76 219.78 0 219.70 219.80 Frequency (MHz) 219.72 219.74 219.76 219.78 219.80 Frequency (MHz) (b) (a) Figure 9: The Effect of Q-factor on a) Frequency response of a EWG ring resonator with vi=4 VPP, d=90 nm and VP=100 V b) Critical vibration amplitude (XC) of a EWG ring resonator with d=90 nm and VP=100 V 5. Conclusion This paper deals with the nonlinear modeling of micromechanical silicon ring resonators with electrostatic actuation and detection on both inner and outer radius. The origins of nonlinearities in the micromechanical resonators were completely modeled as a distributed 16 element using Taylor series and deformation analysis. Based on the derived expressions for third-order nonlinearities in mechanical and electrical stiffness, the expression of the resonance frequency was obtained using the perturbation method. The nonlinear effects on frequency response were addressed in details, as well. It was shown that the micromechanical ring resonator exhibits the softening behavior. Moreover, there is a trade-off between the conventional methods to reduce motional resistance and stability of the frequency response in micromechanical ring resonators. While the applied DC voltage is increased or the initial gap is decreased, the ring resonator becomes more susceptible to nonlinear effects. In addition, increasing the resonator quality factor was shown to tilt the peak frequency toward lower frequencies and decrease the maximum energy stored. The presented model and the results of this paper allow designers to optimize the design of micromechanical ring resonators and improve the performance of MEMS-based filters and oscillators. 6. References [1] Mestrom R. M. C., Fey R. H. B. and Nijmeijer H., “Phase feedback for nonlinear MEM resonators in oscillator circuits”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechartonics, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 423-433, Aug. 2009. [2] Demirci M. U., Ahdelmoneum M. A. and Nguyen C. T. C., “Mechanically cornercoupled square microresonator array for reduced series motional resistance”, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 1419-1436, Dec. 2006. [3] Mestrom R. M. C., Fey R. H. B., Van Beekb J. T. 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