WASTE MANAGEMENT ON CALIFORNIA DAIRY FARMS A Comparison of Waste Management Systems Melissa Rothstein, UC Davis School of Vet Med July 31, 2015 I. INTRODUCTION State of the Industry California dairies are home to approximately 1.78 million dairy cows on around 1,400 farms.1 California leads the country in milk production,1,2,3 producing over 20% of the country’s dairy supply in 20124 and creating about $7.6 billion in sales in 2014.1 For the past few decades, the industry has been trending towards fewer dairies in the state, but more cows per dairy and higher levels of milk production per cow.5,6 In 2009, California dairies faced historic low milk prices and high costs of production, resulting in a loss of 100 dairies across California.2 Challenges to Water Quality and Other Environmental Concerns Dairies are a source of agricultural air and water pollution,5,7 and 47% of California’s water footprint is associated with the meat and dairy industry, including the production of feed.8 The industry might also contribute from eighteen percent9 to as much as fifty-one percent10 of greenhouse gas emissions, and the San Joaquin Valley Air district has identified dairies as significant sources of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions in the valley.11 Regulations have been placed on the industry to mitigate the environmental impact of dairies, including the General Order adopted by the Water Board in May 2007.12 Waste Management Systems The degree of environmental impact from a dairy farm is largely dependent on the storage and management of its manure.12 Manure management systems are complex and their efficacy is influenced by many factors, including animal husbandry, feed, bedding, housing, climate, and available land.6,13 This paper will focus on manure collection and processing. Methods of manure collection in California include flushing, scraping, or some combination of these systems, with flushing being the most common method in the Central Valley. The majority of dairy farms (95.9%) have storage or treatment ponds, and many use some method of separating solid and liquid waste.5 II. STAKEHOLDERS State Agencies The storage and use of manure is a source of nutrients, pathogens, and salts that can adversely affect surface and groundwater quality,12 while emitting greenhouse gases and other air pollutants. While state and local agencies share common goals of protecting the environment, public, economy, and industry, they have different areas of focus. For example, the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (Central Valley Water Board) is highly concerned with nitrates and salts, which can leach from lagoons or through soils after land application of manure. The Air Resources Board (ARB), on the other hand, is concerned with methane and other greenhouse gases (GHGs), while the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (Air District) focuses Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions and air quality. CDFA is working with CalRecycle to fulfill the requirements of the Healthy Soils Initiatives. A collaborative solution brought about by each of these agencies working together and alongside the industry could more broadly address environmental goals. Animal Health and Welfare Animal health and welfare are of importance to dairy farmers, their animals, and consumers, because healthy animals produce milk more safely and efficiently. Two of the primary animal health concerns in the dairy industry are the incidence of mastitis, or infection of the udders, and hoof health or lameness issues.14,15,16 Both of these are best managed with prevention, which primarily consists of keeping cows clean and dry.14,17,18 The gold standard for animal husbandry does not always coincide with the best environmental practices or with what is most economically feasible, but should be a serious consideration in management decisions. For example, sand is the ideal bedding for cow comfort and health,13,19,20 but causes complications with most waste management systems.21 It is therefore important to either invest in adequate sand separation technology or ensure a clean and dry solid manure product for bedding. Industry In order for the diary industry to succeed and thrive, any solutions to be implemented must be economically viable and practical. Due partially to unfavorable economic climate, coupled with the sustained drought, the dairy industry has been changing and consolidating, and the CDFA is concerned with keeping the industry viable. CDFA, along with farmers and industry representatives, recommend voluntary and incentivized programs for reducing the impact of the industry, as well as a variety of solutions that are flexible and appropriate to each individual dairy.13,22 The Central Valley Dairy Representative Monitoring Program (CVDRMP) has identified a framework for how to implement better nutrient management, which will include more accurate measurements of irrigation water input, nutrient input, and nutrient removal; improved record keeping of manure application amounts; and a means of measuring dynamic nitrogen processes and organic N release in real time.23 The industry and its representatives have also expressed a desire for more consistent relationship with the Central Valley Water Board, including clearer guidelines, better interpersonal relationships, more positive feedback to farms that comply with or exceed standards, and stronger enforcement actions for farms with violations. They recognize the need for enforcement in addition to incentives and voluntary actions.22 Nonprofits Many nonprofit and advocacy groups have concerns for the environment, wildlife, farm animal welfare, and public health. These groups could potentially be used as a resource to conduct research or build public support for environmental initiatives. For example, Sustainable Conservation’s executive director, Ashley Boren, spoke at the July public meeting for the Central Valley water board, and the group has completed research and put together an extensive report on strategies to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from dairy farms. 24 Given the environmental impact of dairy farms, there are some populations of people who are disproportionately vulnerable to the effects of pollution, namely lower income communities and immigrant workers who live or work in the San Joaquin Valley and close to farms. Groups like the Center for Race, Poverty, and the Environment (CRPE) advocate for these groups. Some waste management solutions have been proposed and marketed as beneficial to these communities, though more accurately, the efforts are attempting to relieve part of the pollution burden experienced by these communities. It is important to take these communities into account when designing a solution and acknowledging the urgency of the problem. III. WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Flushing Flush systems are those that clean manure out of the freestalls or barns by flooding water, using large pipes, through the barns and into the lagoon. This water is usually recycled from the lagoon, so it does not require more fresh water than what is already being used on the farm to clean the milk parlor and cool the milk. Inspectors and farmers alike perceive this to be a cleaner system that is better for the animals, as well as being easier to manage with less maintenance and labor. Liquid manure is easier to apply than solid manure and can be applied year round, rather than being restricted to times in between harvests. Although some sources recommend flushing barns while cows are being milked and are out of the barn,15 it is often done while cows are in the barn, which some believe helps to clean them. Cows seem to prefer to defecate in the running water, allowing the manure to be washed away.18 It is possible, however, that exposing the cows to bacteria-containing lagoon water could increase the risk for mastitis15 or hoof infection, and this possibility warrants further research. Ammonia emissions can be reduced by diluting or acidifying manure slurry, or covering slurry storage,25 and the use of more fresh water to flush barns can decrease N volatilization,3 so flush systems could be beneficial. However, there is a concern about having large quantities of liquid waste in lagoons that could potentially cause air and water contamination. Lagoons could therefore be lined to prevent seepage and covered to reduce air emissions. Scraping Scrape systems use tractors or automatic blades to scrape manure out of barns. Scraping is done either manually with a tractor, in which case cows need to be removed from the barn, or with an automatic system that moves slowly and which cows can step over. Scrape systems are mainly used in cold climates where flush water cannot be used because it would freeze in the winter. Scraping tends to reduce volatile solids (VS) and methane emissions from the liquid fraction of manure waste,24 so ARB is interested in acquiring cap and trade funding to convert some flush systems to scrape systems to lower these emissions. Scrape systems would also reduce the volume and manure content of lagoons, and drier manure would be easier to transport, compost, or digest. Switching from a flush system to a scrape system, however, would require the addition of extensive infrastructure to manage the scraped manure properly, would require large capital investment, and may not be favorable among farmers.24 One unintended consequence of scrape systems is that cows may slip due to the concrete being scraped smooth (in the case of using a steel blade), which one farmer said resulted in a loss of 10% of his cows from slipping injuries alone. It is also possible for calves or downed cows to be pushed into the manure pit in a system that is operating 24 hours a day without monitoring.26 In general, inspectors and farmers report that cows are dirtier on scrape systems due to poor management of solid manure. 26 It is possible that using flush systems is why west region dairy farms were found to have better cow hygiene and fewer severe hock injuries than east region farms, where scrape systems are more common.27 Because of the mechanical components of a scrape system, it can be harder to provide a back up in case of system failure than in a flush system. Therefore, converting existing flush systems to scrape systems is not currently supported by the data. On the other hand, newer dairies being built could employ new scrape system technologies. For example, vacuum scrape trucks might not be feasible on existing dairies because they cannot necessarily fit the proper equipment or sustain the weight of the trucks on their concrete. If implemented in new diaries, however, vacuum scrape systems would provide the benefit of reduced water in the lagoons and would allow manure to be transported easily off site. Vacuum scrape might also prove to be the cleanest option for cow health out of the confined free stall systems. Vacuum scrape produces the lowest volume of manure, though one study determined that a scrape system with flush flumes offers the best balance between producing the lowest volume per cow and giving a consistent product to be utilized.13 This option warrants further research. Anaerobic Digesters Anaerobic digesters can be used to reduce air emissions, odor, pathogens, and weed seeds, and can produce renewable resources in the form of biogas or biofuels.21,28 They can be used with either flush or scrape systems.21 The solid product provides a fluffy material to be used as bedding or composted, while the liquid portion would contain fewer volatile solids (VS) and emit less methane while being stored in a lagoon for land application, and nutrients might be more plant available for use as a more predictable fertilizer.21 Current digester technologies use combustion engines, however, which produce nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, another air quality concern, so there is room for improvement in this technology. Digesters do not reduce the nitrogen content of the liquid manure, which is then still stored in a lagoon. However, digesters funded by the recent CDFA grants are required to install double-lined lagoons, which provide water quality benefits. Thus far, digesters are not always economically viable, because of conventional energy prices, costs of interconnecting with utilities, lack of capital investment, and economies of scale.28 Viability can be improved through new technologies, such as the use of co-digestion, along with governmental program support and capital investment, with the most economically feasible system being a large-scale biomethane system with co-digestion.28 Revenue for the projects will come from electricity, heat, biomethane, fertilizer, and compost produced, as well as renewable energy credits and carbon reduction credits.28 Some caution should be exercised with this technology, because many of the digesters previously funded by the federal government failed, leaving farmers with a negative impression of their reliability. One reason for this may have been that digesters were not appropriate to the existing waste management systems on the farms, so it will be important to tailor projects to individual farms. Agency support should ensure that projects meet regulatory requirements and receive adequate funding for both construction and maintenance. Solid-Liquid Separation Solid-liquid separation is an important aspect of waste management, because it could potentially lower the solids content in lagoons and the quantity of liquid waste to manage, as well as helping to produce a usable or saleable solid product. Although separators like settling basins remove solids but not nutrients,7 liquid or semi-solid manure has a lower pH, which slows ammonia volatilization, though this effect may be lessened through long-term lagoon storage.29 Additionally, having fewer suspended solids in the lagoon water being used to flush barns could have positive implications for animal health. While most farms in the Central Valley already utilize some form of solids separation,5 this aspect of waste management warrants further research and attention. Some separators are mechanical while others utilize gravity, as in a settling basin or weeping wall. Weeping walls have been shown to be more effective than mechanical separators or settling basins,30,31 and are often preferable because they have fewer mechanical parts that might require maintenance. A two-stage separation system allows for most effective separation,31 and one case study showed that the largest amount of total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) and Phosphorus were removed by two-stage separation process that included a stationary inclined screen separator, gravity settling, and a pond additive.32 Pond additives have also been identified as an area needing further research.5 Compost Higher soil organic matter (SOM) content can increase plant productivity, water retention, soil structure stability, aeration and water filtration, gas exchange and root development, nutrient uptake, soil microbial communities, and carbon sequestration, and can reduce erosion and leaching.33 Improved soils can be achieved through composting as well as strategies such as cover cropping, crop rotation, and soil amendments. It will be important to consider potential air emissions that might result from composting, and to employ impermeable surfaces to prevent compost leachate from seeping. However, considering the many environmental cobenefits and relatively few risks, compost is a viable and cost-effective solution that can be implemented now and with the cooperation of many agencies. CalRecycle and CDFA have already hosted a joint interagency meeting to discuss this technology. Pasture Pasture is an option that is often seen as infeasible, but is highly desirable to many non-profits, advocacy groups, and consumers. This has been successfully implemented in the northern Sonoma area where the climate and topography are more suitable, but farms in the valley also employ pasture grazing and receive a higher premium for their products when they receive organic certification. This option warrants consideration. I. CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS Good Management Waste management systems are extremely complex and variable, and there is no silver bullet solution that would be feasible on every farm. The solution will not be as simple as converting from flush to scrape or building an anaerobic digester. Solutions should be tailored to individual farms and their existing systems. Whatever the system, it needs to be managed very well to mitigate environmental impacts. Move Forward with Good Technologies Composting has many co-benefits, and agencies are in a position to work collaboratively to push compost forward in a manner that benefits all stakeholders. Solid-liquid separation is an important part of the waste management system that warrants further research and investment in technological upgrades. Anaerobic digesters should be constructed with support from agencies so that they meet regulations and are sustainable. Finally, the industry is researching better methods of measuring nutrient application, which need to be understood and implemented as soon as possible. Collaboration This subject will require more research moving forward, which can be supported by outside groups and institutions, including university scientists and faculty, non-profits, and farmers themselves. Agencies must also work together and alongside industry and organizations to find common solutions. II. RESOURCES 1. California Milk Advisory Board. “California – The Nation’s Dairy Leader.” http://www.californiadairypressroom.com/Press_Kit/Nations_Dairy_Leaderhttp://www.californiadairypres sroom.com/Press_Kit/Nations_Dairy_Leader 2. California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA). 2010. “California Cost of Milk Production Annual Report for 2009.” 3. Chang, A., T. Harter, J. Letey, D. Meyer, R.D. Meyer, M.Campbell Mathews, F. Mitloehner, S. Pettygrove, P. Robinson, R. Zhang. 2003. 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