Grade/Course Fifth Grade Month # Days 3 August 4 September September 9 5 SOL Strand 5.1 Place Value Number and Number Sense 5.1 Rounding 5.4 (+/-/x/÷) with/withou t remainders 5.4 con’t… 5.5 Decimals Number and Number Sense Computation and Estimation Computation and Estimation Subject Math Essential Knowledge (incl. vocabulary) Semester 2014-2015 Essential Skills Learning Activities Assessment Vocabulary decimal and whole number, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, ten thousandths, nearest whole number, place value, expanded form, standard form, and written form Bloom’s Level: Applying -Round decimals numbers to the nearest whole number, tenth, or hundredth. SOL 5.1 Place Value/ Rounding Interactive Achievement enVision Math Series Other formal assessments Vocabulary Addition, sum, multiplication, product, factor, division, quotient, divisor, dividend, estimate, remainder Bloom’s Level: Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Select appropriate methods and tools to compute with whole numbers. Create single step and multistep problems. Estimate the sum difference, product and quotient of whole numbers. SOL 5.4 Interactive Achievement Vocabulary Addition, sum, multiplication, product, factor, division, quotient, divisor, dividend, estimate, remainder Bloom’s Level: Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Go to Teacher Resource Folder Icon on Desktop Other formal assessments enVision Math Series SOL 5.5 Decimals -Determine an appropriate method of calculation to find the sum, difference, product and quotient of decimals. -Use estimation, mental computation, and calculators. Go to Teacher Resource Folder Icon on Desktop enVision Math Series Interactive Achievement Other formal assessments Grade/Course Fifth Grade Month # Days September 4 September / October 3/2 October 4 SOL Strand 5.5 (con’t) Computation and Estimation 5.19 Distribut ive Property 5.7 Order of Operatio ns Patterns, Functions and Algebra Computation s and Estimation Subject Math Essential Knowledge (incl. vocabulary) 3 Adjustm ent to Pacing/ Remedi ation Essential Skills Vocabulary Addition, sum, multiplication, product, factor, division, quotient, divisor, dividend, estimate, remainder Bloom’s Level: Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating -Determine an appropriate method of calculation to find the sum, difference, product and quotient of decimals. Use estimation, mental computation, and calculators Vocabulary Mathematical sentence, sum, product, parenthesis, operation, expressions, equation, distributive property Bloom’s Level Understanding Evaluating -Investigate and recognize the distributive property of whole numbers, using diagrams and manipulatives. Vocabulary Simplify the expression, Order of Operations, Evaluate the expression -Simplify expressions by using the order of operations given an expression with more than one operation. Bloom’s Level Analyzing Understanding October Semester 2014-2015 -Recognize it as an equation as well. Learning Activities SOL 5.5 Decimals Go to Teacher Resource Folder Icon on Desktop Assessment Interactive Achievement Other formal assessments enVision Math Series 5.19 Distributive Property Go to Teacher Resource Folder Icon on Desktop Interactive Achievement Other formal assessment enVision Math Series 5.7 Order of Operations Interactive Achievement Go to Teacher Resource Folder Icon on Desktop Other formal as Assessment enVision Math Series Youtube Video Mr.Tomai’s Class – PEMDAS Shuffle Grade/Course Fifth Grade Month # Days SOL Strand October 8 5.15 Stem and Leaf Plots Probability and Statistics Line Graphs October 6 5.16 Mean Median Mode Range Probability and Statistics Subject Math Essential Knowledge (incl. vocabulary) Semester 2014-2015 Essential Skills Vocabulary Probability, outcomes, tree diagram, favorable outcomes, possible outcomes, sample space, prediction, ascending order, descending order, axis and scale, increase, decrease, data, frequency Bloom’s Level: Applying Analyzing Evaluating -Collect data and organize into a chart, table, stem and leaf plot and line graph. Vocabulary Measures of center, variation, range, fair share, average, mean, median, mode Bloom’s Level: Understanding Applying Analyzing -Find the mean, median, mode and range of a group of numbers, representing data from a given context. -Construct line graphs, labeling the vertical axis and horizontal axis. Learning Activities SOL 5.15 Stem and Leaf Plots/ Line Graphs Go to Teacher Resource Folder Icon on Desktop Assessment Interactive Achievement Other formal assessment enVision Math Series SOL 5.16 Mean, Median, Mode and Range Go to Teacher Resource Folder Icon on Desktop Interactive Achievement Other formal assessment enVision Math Series Hey Diddle Diddle Mean Meadian Mode Range Riddle November 4 5.9 Circles Measurement Vocabulary Diameter, radius, radii, chord, circumference, line segment, equal distance, center Bloom’s Level: Remembering Understanding -Identify and describe the relationship between diameter, radius, chord and circumference. SOL 5.9 Circles Go to Teacher Resource Folder Icon on Desktop enVision Math Series Literature: Sir Cumference And the Knights of the Round Tables Interactive Achievement Other formal assessment Grade/Course Fifth Grade Month # Days November 4 SOL 5.12 Classifying Angles and Triangles Strand Geometry Subject Math Essential Knowledge (incl. vocabulary) Vocabulary angles; complete; rotation; protractor; angle ruler; right angle; acute angle; square corner; classify; polygon; triangle; scalene; isosceles; equilateral; quadrilateral; parallelogram Semester 2014-2015 Essential Skills -Classify angles as right, acute, or obtuse. -Classify triangles as right, acute, or obtuse. -Classify triangles as equilateral, scalene or isosceles. Bloom’s Level: Analyzing November 5 5.11 Measuring Angles Measurement Vocabulary Protractor, right, acute, obtuse, straight angles, point, line, ray, plane, line segment, parallel lines, intersecting lines, perpendicular lines, degree, square corner, classify, polygon, scalene, isosceles, equilateral Bloom’s Level: Applying Analyzing November 3 Adjustment to Pacing/ Remediation Learning Activities SOL 5.12 Classifyin g Angles and Triangles Assessment Interactive Achievement Other formal assessment Go to Teacher Resource Folder Icon on Desktop enVision Math Series -Identify the appropriate tools used to measure and draw angles and triangles. -Measure right, acute, obtuse and straight angles and recognize the angle measure as additive. -Solve addition and subtraction problems to find unknown angles on a diagram. SOL 5.11 Measuring Angles Go to Teacher Resource Folder Icon on Desktop enVision Math Series Interactive Achievement Other formal assessment Grade/Course Fifth Grade Month # Days December 4 SOL 5.13 Plane Figures Strand . Geometry Subject Math Essential Knowledge (incl. vocabulary) Vocabulary parallel; diagonal; vertices; congruent; plane figures; kites; rhombi; trapezoids; noncongruent; similar; line of symmetry; geometric transformations: translations, reflection, rotation, base leg, isosceles trapezoid, adjacent, reflected image, line of reflection, point, size, shape, cylinder, cone, cube, square Semester 2014-2015 Essential Skills -Develop definitions for squares, rectangles, triangles, parallelograms, rhombi, and trapezoids. -Investigate and describe the results of combining and subdividing plane figures. Learning Activities SOL 5.13 Plane Figures Go to Teacher Resource Folder Icon on Desktop Assessment Interactive Achievement Other formal assessment enVision Math Series Bloom’s Level: Evaluating Creating December 10 5.6 Add and Subtract Fractions and Mixed Numbers Computation and Estimation Vocabulary numerator, denominator, mixed number, equivalent fractions, simplest form, multiples, least common multiples, factors, greatest common factors, least common denominator -Solve single-step problem and multistep practical problems involving addition and subtraction with fractions having like and unlike denominators. Denominators in the problems should be limited to 12 or less (e.g., 1/5 +1/4) and answers should be expressed in simplest form. -Solve single step and multistep practical problems involving addition and subtraction with mixed numbers having like and unlike denominators, with and without regrouping. Denominators in the problems should be limited to 12 or less, answers should be expressed in simplest form. SOL 5.6 Add and Subtract Fractions and Mixed Numbers Go to Teacher Resource Folder Icon on Desktop enVision Math Series Interactive Achievement Other formal assessment Grade/Course Fifth Grade Month # Days SOL January 5 Adjustment to Pacing January 3 5.8 . Measurement Perimeter . . January January 5 3 Measurement Area and Area Square Units Measurement Volume Strand Measurement Subject Math Essential Knowledge (incl. vocabulary) Vocabulary volume, perimeter, area, measure of capacity; length: inch, feet, yard, mile, millimeter, centimeter, meter, kilometer; measurement of weight/mass: ounce, pound, ton, gram, kilogram; liquid volume: cup, pint, quart, gallon, milliliter, liter, measure of area square unit; temperature: Celsius, Fahrenheit, freezes, boils, body temperature, U.S. customary unit, balance (balances), metric unit, degrees, metric, prediction, estimation, temperature, length, mass, volume, millimeter, centimeter, meter, kilometer, gram, kilogram, milliliter, liter, degree Celcius Bloom’s Level Evaluating Creating Applying Analyzing Semester 2014-2015 Essential Skills Learning Activities -Determine the perimeter of a polygon, with or without diagrams, when - the lengths of all sides of a polygon that is not a rectangle or a square are given; - the length and width of a rectangle are given; or - the length of a side of a square is given -Estimate and determine the perimeter of a polygon, and area of a square, rectangle, and right triangle following the parameters listed above, using only whole number measurements given in metric or U.S. Customary units, and record the solution with the appropriate unit of measure (e.g., 24 square inches). -Estimate and determine the area of a square, with or without diagrams, when the length of a side is given. -Estimate and determine the area of a rectangle, with or without diagrams, when the length and width are given. -Estimate and determine the area of a right triangle, with or without diagrams, when the base and the height are given. -Difference among the concepts of area, perimeter, and volume. -Develop a procedure for finding volume using manipulatives (e.g., cubes). -Determine volume in standard units. -Describe practical situations where area, perimeter, and volume are appropriate measures to use, and justify their choices orally or in writing. SOL 5.8 Measurem ent Go to Teacher Resource Folder Icon on Desktop enVision Math Series Assessment Interactive Achievement Other formal assessment 5.8 January/ 4 February 6 Metric Measurement s and Equivalent Length, Mass, Liquid Volume Metric Measurement s Using Customary Units Length, Weight, Mass, Capacity Metric Measurement s Problem Solving Use Metric and/or US Customary Units Length, Mass, Weight, Liquid Volume, Temperature Measurement -Identify equivalent measurements within the metric system for the following: - length: millimeters, centimeters, meters, and kilometers; -mass: grams and kilograms; liquid volume: milliliters and liters. -Solve problems involving measurement by selecting an appropriate measuring device and a U.S. Customary or metric unit of measure for the following: - length: part of an inch (1/2, 1/4, 1/8), inches, feet, yards, millimeters, centimeters, meters, and kilometers; -weight: ounces, pounds, and tons; -mass: grams and kilograms; -liquid volume: cups, pints, quarts, gallsons, milliliters, and liters; -area: square units and -temperature: Celsius and Fahrenheit units. -Water freezes at 0° C and 32°F -Water boils at 100°C and 212°F. - Normal body temperature is about 37°C and 98.6°F. Grade/Course Fifth Grade Month February # Days 3 SOL Strand 5.10 Elapsed Time Measurement Subject Math Essential Knowledge (incl. vocabulary) Vocabulary elapsed time, hours, minutes, 24-hour period Semester 2014-2015 Essential Skills -Determine elapsed time in hours and minutes within a 24hour period. Learning Activities SOL 5.10 Elapsed Time Go to Teacher Resource Folder Icon on Desktop Bloom’s Level Analyzing Assessment Interactive Achievement Other formal assessment enVision Math Series February 4 5.3 Prime, Composite, Even, and Odd Number and Number Sense Vocabulary prime number, composite number, factorization, factor tree, factors, even, odd -Identify prime numbers less than or equal to 100. Bloom’s Level Understanding Creating Remembering -Explain orally and in writing why a number is prime or composite. -Identify composite numbers less than or equal to 100. -Identify which numbers are even or odd. -Explain and demonstrate with manipulatives, pictorial representations, oral language, or written language why a number is even or odd. February 1 Adjustment to Pacing SOL 5.3 Prime, Composite, Odd and Even Go to Teacher Resource Folder Icon on Desktop enVision Math Series Interactive Achievement Other formal assessment Grade/Course Fifth Grade Month February # Days 6 SOL Strand 5.2 Fractions and Decimals Number and Number Sense Subject Math Essential Knowledge (incl. vocabulary) Vocabulary fraction, numerator, denominator, greatest common factor, least common factor, simplest form, mixed number, greater than, less than, equal to, half (halves), fourth (fourths), eighth (eighths), tenth (tenths), decimal number (decimal numbers) Bloom’s Level Analyzing Understanding February 1 March 5 Adjustment to Pacing 5.18 Variables Patterns, Functions, and Algebra Vocabulary infinite number, repeating pattern, growing pattern, function (functions), variable, variable expression, equal sign, verbal quantitative expression, open sentence, linear equation Bloom’s Level Evaluating Creating Understanding Semester 2014-2015 Essential Skills -Represent fractions (halves, fourths, fifths, eighths, tenths, twelfths) in their equivalent decimal form and vice versa. -Recognize and name equivalent relationships between decimals and fractions with denominators up to 12. -Compare and order from least to greatest and greatest to least a given set of no more than five numbers written as decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers with denominators of 12 or less. -Describe the concept of a variable (presented as boxes, letters, or other symbols) as a representation of an unknown quantity. -Write an open sentence with addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division, using a variable to represent a missing number. -Model one-step linear equations using a variety of concrete materials such as colored chips on an equation mat or weights on a balance scale. -Create and write a word problem to match a given open sentence with a variable and one operation Learning Activities SOL 5.2 Fractions and Decimals Assessment Interactive Achievement Other formal assessment Go to Teacher Resource Folder Icon on Desktop enVision Math Series SOL 5.18 Variables Go to Teacher Resource Folder Icon on Desktop enVision Math Series Interactive Achievement Other formal assessment Month # Days March SOL Strand 5.17 Number Patterns Patters, Functions, and Algebra Essential Knowledge (incl. vocabulary) Vocabulary infinite number, repeating pattern, growing pattern, function (functions), variable, variable expression, equal sign, verbal quantitative expression, open sentence, mathematical sentence Essential Skills -Describe numerical and geometric patterns formed by using concrete materials and calculators. -Describe the relationship found in patterns, using words, tables, and symbols to express the relationship. Learning Activities SOL 5.17 Number Patterns Assessment Interactive Achievement Other formal assessment Go to Teacher Resource Folder Icon on Desktop enVision Math Series Bloom’ Level Understanding Analyzing March 5 March 6 Adjustment to Pacing 5.14 Probability Probability and Statistics Vocabulary probability, outcomes, event, favorable, outcomes, possible outcomes, ratio, impossible, unlikely, as likely, as unlikely, equally, likely, certain, sample space, list, chart, tree diagram, counting principle conclusion, prediction (predictions), ascending order, axis, scale, category (categories), increment, variable, continuous data, title, vertical axis, frequency, same, increase (increased), decrease (decreased), key, mean, median, mode, range Bloom’s Level Analyzing Evaluating Applying April 3 April 10 Adjustment to Pacing SOL Review -Construct a sample space, using a tree diagram to identify all possible outcomes of a single event. -Construct a sample space, using a list or chart to represent all possible outcomes of a single event. -Predict and determine the probability of an outcome by constructing a sample space. The sample space will have a total of 24 or less possible outcomes. SOL 5.14 Probability Interactive Achievement Go to Teacher Resource Folder Icon on Desktop Other formal assessment enVision Math Series