French 4 Group/Pair work oral assessment

French 4 Group/Pair work oral assessment
Assessment criteria
Level descriptor
Communication does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
The response and communication are of very limited effectiveness.
Pronunciation and intonation used limit the understanding of the message.
The range of vocabulary is very limited. The student mixes French and English words.
Basic grammatical structures are rarely used accurately. Most verb forms in the present tense are incorrect. Adjectives
rarely agree with the nouns they describe. Word order can be a problem.
The response and communication are partially effective.
Pronunciation and intonation used generally limit the understanding of the message. Heavily anglicized.
The range of vocabulary is limited. Some English words are used when the student does not know the correct word needed
in French.
Some basic grammatical structures are used accurately. Present tense and adjectival agreement is inconsistent.
The response is generally accurate and communication is generally effective.
Errors of pronunciation cause some sentences to be unclear, though most of the presentation is understandable.
The range of vocabulary is varied. There is evidence that the student can use some of the vocabulary taught on the topic
Basic grammatical structures are used accurately and there is evidence that the student can communicate in the following
tenses : Present, passé composé, futur proche
The response is accurate and communication is effective.
A few words may be mispronounced and the ‘R’ sound may be a little anglicized but the message is clear.
Vocabulary is varied and effective. The student is able to use a range of vocabulary taught on the topic discussed.
Basic grammatical structures are used accurately and there is evidence that the student can communicate in the following
tenses : Present, passé composé, futur proche
Some complex grammatical structures are also used, though there may be errors. Example of tenses : Present Imperative,
Imperfect, futur simple, conditional present and past, pluperfect, present subjunctive . Other complex structures :
comparatives/superlatives/past Infinitives/object pronouns/ si clauses with Imperfect+ Conditional where appropriate.
The response is accurate and communication is very effective.
Occasional mispronunciation of unfamiliar words does not prevent understanding of the message. Excellent pronunciation
overall. Excellent ‘R’ sound.
Vocabulary is rich and effective. Excellent use of topical vocabulary.
Basic grammatical structures are used accurately and there is evidence that the student can communicate in the following
tenses : Present, passé composé, futur proche
A good range of complex grammatical structures are also used successfully. Example of tenses : Present Imperative,
Imperfect, futur simple, conditional present and past, pluperfect, present subjunctive . Other complex structures :
comparatives/superlatives/past Infinitives/object pronouns/ si clauses with Imperfect+ Conditional where appropriate.
Message /Interaction
Level descriptor
Comprehension and interaction do not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
Comprehension and interaction are limited.
Limited responses in the target language are produced and rarely demonstrate comprehension.
Limited appropriate information is provided.
Participation is limited : most questions must be repeated and/or rephrased. The student struggles to react and requires a
lot of help to answer.
Comprehension and interaction are partially sustained.
Responses in the target language are produced and occasionally demonstrate comprehension.
Appropriate information is occasionally provided.
Participation is partially sustained : some questions must be repeated and/or rephrased. The student can answer but is
very hesitant and not very convincing.
Comprehension and interaction are generally sustained.
Responses in the target language are produced and generally demonstrate comprehension.
Appropriate information is generally provided with pauses and hesitations.
Participation is generally sustained. Basic opinions are expressed though not always justified.
Comprehension and interaction are mostly sustained. The student understands questions and has no difficulty answering
them in French.
Appropriate information is provided. A good amount of detailed information is given, showing that the student has
researched the subject well.
Participation is sustained. The student understands questions and is able to answer briefly without too much hesitation.
The student expresses opinions and justifies them.
Comprehension and interaction are consistently sustained.
Responses in the target language are produced and demonstrate comprehension.
Appropriate and very detailed information is provided as well as interesting or unusual facts/anecdotes.
Participation is sustained with some independent contribution. The student understands questions and has no difficulty
French 4 Group/Pair work oral assessment
answering them, giving full opinions and justifications. The student is quick to react and can engage in a detailed
discussion. Exclamations/Rhetorical questions/good range of expressions of opinion
French 4 Group/Pair work oral assessment