Scheme & Record of Work – Language Development in Maths T01a Purpose: Scope: Provides “map” / delivery plan for course and a record of what was covered in each session. Complete for all courses, except for Tasters (2-5 hours). Keep in the register cover at all times – must be readily available for observers, managers, inspectors and anyone who covers a session for an absent tutor. Timescales: Finalise no later than 2 weeks after the start of the course and update regularly. Complete Record of Work column after every session. Assessment Methods: tasks, group discussion, verbal Q/A, group presentation to others, guided discovery tasks – self assessment, formative, Tutor Name: Course Title: Curriculum Learning Area: Language support for maths Course Code: This scheme covers an overview of aspects that can be covered. Select aspects from each week that are appropriate for the needs and level of the learners. The last section ‘glossary includes ideas for building up mathematical and general vocabulary throughout the course. Aspects for tutors to consider in delivery for these sessions: Use effective questioning to encourage verbalisation of terminology and draw out reasoning of methods and explanations Give learners time to think through their responses Expect learners to give demonstrations, give explanations and reasons Explore reasons for wrong answers Regular oral and mental work secures visualisation weeks Topic / Outcome Intro to Functional Skills – what it means Aspects to read, solve, answer questions that could -D.I.C.E. Decide, identify, calculate, be explain covered during week 1 -meaning of represent, analyse, interpret 1 Suggest level E3+ Type of activity -Powerpoint -Word problems to follow D.I.CE. E3/L1 L1/2 -Sort words Resource Eggs Discounted Carpet Meaning of represent, analyse, interpret Record work done Scheme & Record of Work – Language Development in Maths weeks Suggest level Topic / Outcome Type of activity T01a Resource Vocabulary – notation Number calc: -/+ x /÷ multiple representations x represent x / ÷ E1 E2-3 E2 E2/3 E2/3 different notation/verbal representations for ÷ confusion of linear combinations 45 / 4a confusion spatial elements 18oC Vocabulary - Place value E3+ L1/2 -Match notation with visual representation -Show visual representation for notation – In pairs – one give verbally for other to represent -Match problem, sentence, notation, representation -Match different representations Problem Solving with addition and subtraction The language of maths – grid and wordle Match Notation - Maths for Life Show Visual Representation – use bottle tops/counters Match problem, sentence, notation, representation Interpret Multiple Representations -Match meanings with different arrangements Combine linear elements and spatial elements – discuss misconceptions 180 42 Words/Numbers – grid Place Value numbers – notation and written to back – cut in half. A reads to partner for them laminate L1 & L2 version to write – swap over – compare Place value grid – link vocabulary HTU / -Complete grid, notation& numbers ThHTU / -Pair –talk & write. Laminate sheets back to larger With decimal 2 -Sorting words Record work done Scheme & Record of Work – Language Development in Maths weeks Topic / Outcome Solving problems considering Aspects vocabulary for that could addition / subtraction be covered during week 1 +/-/÷/x Suggest level E2/3 E2-L1 E3 L1 L1 L1/2 L2 Comparing – vocabulary linked – expected Entry terminology C&G E3: difference, more than, less than, best offer price Terminology linked to number Odd and even Ordinal Numbers Terminology in C&G papers 3 E1/2 E1/2 E3 Type of activity -Cloze exercise – choose correct word -Sort problems as + or - (24 problems –can be cut on separate cards. After sorting if =+/can then solve -Word problems to solve – note words that identify calculation - Interactive IT mini/full group– identify x / ÷ -Put number problems into worded problems T01a Resource Choosing addition or subtraction Choose addition/subtraction task 3 Word Problems for calculations e.g. 13 + 12 .../suggestion-13 people were sitting on a bus. Another 12 got on at he first bus stop. How many were on the bus? Jumbled sentences -Sort the jumbled sentences to match the answer -Identify calculation to match problem / -Write problems for other calculations Language problems 2.9 (LSIS) -Consider how changing wording changes the operations -Put number problems into worded problems e.g. 5.26+3.12 / suggestion -Pinochio’s nose was -Range of questions requiring identification of 5.26cm long. When he lied it grew 3.12cm. How calculation required – note vocab clues long was his nose? -Sort given numbers to answer all criteria on Mixed operation questions the grid – will involve moving numbers possibly many times requiring constant Language problems – numbers recapping of vocabulary -Range of questions –identify calculations required Identify the Calculation Required -Verbally & written explain cheapest price Internet: online shopping sites between different items. Emphasis on correct Catalogues use of vocabulary. -Write sentences using appropriate vocabulary -Sort numbers -Identify position of patients -Bingo game Odd or Even Patients grid Bingo – terminology for C&G Record work done Scheme & Record of Work – Language Development in Maths weeks Topic / Outcome Terminology with fractions E3+ Vocabulary linked ratio Vocabulary linked with the 2 types of % questions: changing a value by a % Finding the % change already made Terminology linked with graphs Axis, horizontal, key etc Interpret data on charts-using titles, labels, scale, key Continuous / discrete data L2 Terminology range / mean L1 median, mode 4 Suggest level Type of activity T01a Resource Fraction picture, word, notation cards Show me fractions L1+ L2GCSE -Match words, notation, pictures I-n pairs – take in turns to have notation /picture cards – ‘Show me a ........ -Match words, notation -Sort questions into question type – then solve E3 E3 -Label parts of charts -Match charts with tabular information Comparative chart – label terminology Add titles, axis and read scales in bar charts L1+ -In pairs select a chart and ‘present’ the chart Look at charts-what do they tell you – travel from to others – verbalise what it does/doesn’t say uk. /what more info is needed. Encourage pairs Realia – charts in newspapers/charts for Pol Tax/ to make comparisons between elements of service industries data shown -Read through each sentence on information sheet in 2/3s – discuss/check they Discrete and continuous data understand – give other suggestions – share with full group -Use data from learner group to find averages – shoe size, no children in family, -birth month, birth date, etc Consider ways to remember which is which L2 Words, notation Percentage Changes (workshop skills) Record work done Scheme & Record of Work – Language Development in Maths weeks 2 Topic / Outcome Week Manage information – identify what is relevant – choose the calculation -Clearly show method / compare own approaches with given solutions – note aspects to aid clarity -look at completed solutions -statistics Suggest level L1 L1/2 L2 Manage the information – identify what is E3 relevant, organise to connect ideas , order or sort E3 E3-L1 L1 Consider maths included in different contexts Consider possible maths questions E3 L1/2 L2 5 Type of activity -Worksheet of questions – compare results with partner – explain approach -Give just the top section of each sheet with the question. Work in pairs, recording process. Share with another pair. Then compare with method shown on sheet. Discuss clarity of approach written between pairs and on sheet – note aspects that help clarity T01a Resource Level 1 test questions Functional maths and study guide P24 gardener P25 builder with slabs P68-9 paint tin P70 artist P71 conversions P72 architect P73 plan of a house P74 family travel P75 builder with square decking P77 surgery waiting area P78-9 marathon route -Look at given solutions – consider different approaches, relevance of analysis chosen Looking at solutions -Work in pairs - identify problem and organise Dan the Detective facts to connect ideas. Explain method to Hard boiled maths (have eggbox/empty shells or others. substitute) -In pairs – read cards, decide an age for each Presents person. Calculate when they were born. Classify, order and sort – E3- decide the ages Place people in age order – compare with other pairs – justify decisions -In pairs - identify problem and organise facts Shape Puzzle (white board grid could be useful) to connect ideas. Explain method to others Circle sums -Set scene –person going to Halloween fancy Slick Jim dress – needs hairspray. In pairs sort cards Classify order & sort L1 Choosing the can into order most appropriate purchase (hairspray) -2x more ideas similar to above Realia – holiday brochures/car sales info and file – ‘classify order and sort L1’ -Consider various contexts, pictures, tables – Create questions that can be asked Looking for the maths -Create scenarios that match calculations Ask questions about the context Cut out cards to sort – solve problems (18) 16 cards Managing information :Travel to college 16 cards Voting Retail commission Record work done Scheme & Record of Work – Language Development in Maths weeks Topic / Outcome Week 3 Shape terminology – with 2D shapes - sides, same length, recap or round, flatter more from week 1 sides corner opposite parallel 3D shapes - face, flat, curved, corner, edge Suggest level Type of activity T01a Resource E1/2 E1-3 -Match shape, name, property: 2D shapes (workshop skills E1-2) -Write shape name in shapes encourage 2 dimensional shapes (E1-3) learners to give list names square, octagon, triangle, oval, rectangle, hexagon, trapezium, rhombus, circle E2 -Complete property grid (5 shapes) 2D shape grid (E2) E3 -Match name, shape, property: 2D shapes (E3) E1-2 -More shapes, names, properties to match 3D shapes (workshop skills E1-3) E3-L2 -Complete property grid 3D shapes grid (E3-L2) E3-L2 -Write names of shapes – encourage learners 3D shapes E3-L2 to give list names: cylinder, square based pyramid, cube, cuboid E3+ -Identify the shape from property details What am I? L1/2 -Draw 2D shapes Drawing 2D shapes Link knowledge of shapes with positional E1-L2 -Range of activities involving describing Using shape and positional vocabulary activity accord to position of shapes in pile, placing vocabulary instruction guide and activity cards E1:use cube, cuboid, rectangle, square, no. & appropriately, select criteria cards to match range of selected box, draw and describe shapes seen Circle shapes -In back to back– one has picture made up of E2: cylinder, pyramid, triangle E3: regular polygons shapes – verbalises description to the other – Draw my picture L1: draw 2D in different orientation compare pictures L2+ -As pairs within full group – listen, verbalisefollow me game Follow me-shape names, properties L2 E2-3 E3+ E3+ E3+ -Sort words according to criteria -Crossword -Match contexts with appropriate measures -Worksheet – which measures needed L1-2 -As pairs within full group, listen, verbalise and calculate All shapes and properties Week 4 – Measures recap or Length, Weight, Capacity more from Grams, metres, litres etc week 1 24hr time link with vocabulary – past/present tense recap vocabulary for calculations-link with E3-L2 N1/N2/MSS1 topics 6 Metric Measures Wordle + grid Length, Weight, Capacity crossword 9 Context pictures and measures Which units, abbreviations and measuring instruments? Follow me -24hr clock -Spread cards over table. Learners take turns Mixed bag – what is the calculation. (Select range to select a card – read it out and answer it, appropriate for level) giving explanation – winner has most cards Record work done Scheme & Record of Work – Language Development in Maths weeks 5 Topic / Outcome Week Justify decisions – use appropriate language. Suggest level E3-L1 There can be more than one way/view Justify decisions L1-2 L1+ Answering Questions Consider different approaches Using a writing frame -Sort true, false or maybe. Encourage verbalisation of thinking -Open discussion to enc verbalisation of thinking -3 in a row game. learners select options for 3x3 grid – tutor picks criteria at random. Winner =1st to have 3 in a row -Sort statements according to ‘agree or disagree’. Learners to explain their choice using appropriate language. Common misconceptions included, so should provoke discussion -Justify how each value can be the odd man out. -Place statements according to probability – justify choice Resource True, false or maybe How many things can you think of? (E2/3 & L1) 3 in a row Justifying decisions Odd one out probabilities E3+ -Demo using the writing frame – in pairs try Using a writing frame with appropriate level question -In pairs consider table/grid method for Nick names solving problem – explain method/reasoning Anyone for tennis to others L1+ - Consider approaches that could be taken to Questions to encourage learners to choose solve problems – pair/mini group share ideas. approaches Explain approaches to others - In pairs or mini groups select approach and solve problems – share approaches with Jewellery boxes others Am I on target? Carpeting your L-shapes room Put to the test On the move How do they fit in? Ben’s wages Going for an interview Check you answer the question L2 Extract data & make a table/grid to solve problems Make sure answer the question (follow D.I.C.E.) L1 L2 7 Type of activity T01a Record work done Scheme & Record of Work – Language Development in Maths weeks Topic / Outcome Suggest level Tactics to encourage learning of new skills using writing prompts Build Glossary – Maths terminology -build up as Entry + up weeks progress througho ut course L1 GCSE L1& L2 Revision of terminology General vocabulary used in Edxcel maths papers L1 Dyslexia screening checklist Course evaluation: Complete end of course evaluation forms (L06) Use continuation sheets if necessary 8 version E3-L2 Type of activity T01a Resource Demo making a writing prompt – select a Writing mathematical prompts – guidance notes and topic chosen by learners – work it through sample together. Recap another topic for learners to write their own prompts (encourage peer support even though writing for themselves)) -Note words that are new or confusing as Mathematical key word – blank grid they are introduced – write word/definition and example on the grid. Can have separate grids for number, measures, handling data -Cut words/definitions to match up and write own example Words, meanings and examples -Add definition to terminology grid – extend grid with new words as required Mathematical key words - Cut sheets into word&definition cards. class split into 2 mini groups. 1st chooses a card Revision L1 / L2 and says word on their card to the other group. 2nd group has 1min to say as many things as they can about the word as they can. Get 1 pt for each item listed on the card. Groups take turns to ask Qs -Each week take a different section of the word list (alphabetical) Discuss unfamiliar Words used in Edxcel maths papers L1 words – in pairs select 5-10 words (according to level) and create sentences/questions to ask other pairs. Encourage verbalisation of vocabulary Record work done