1 Assessing the suitability of miRNA-142-5p and miRNA-541 for bloodstain deposition 2 timing 3 4 Karolina Lech1, Katrin Ackermann1,2, Andreas Wollstein1,3, Victoria L. Revell4,Debra J Skene4 5 and Manfred Kayser1* 6 7 1 8 Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 9 2 -Department of Forensic Molecular Biology, Erasmus MC University Medical Centre -Current affiliation: School of Chemistry and Centre of Magnetic Resonance, University of St 10 Andrews, St Andrews, Fife, UK 11 3 12 Munich LMU, Planegg-Martinsried, Germany 13 4 14 Guildford, Surrey, UK -Current affiliation: Section of Evolutionary Biology, Department of Biology II, University of -Centre for Chronobiology, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey, 15 16 * 17 Prof. Dr. Manfred Kayser, Department of Forensic Molecular Biology, Erasmus MC University 18 Medical Centre Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 19 Email: m.kayser@erasmusmc.nl 20 Tel: +31 10 703 80 73 21 Fax: +31 10 704 45 75 22 23 - Corresponding author: 24 Abstract 25 26 A recent proof-of-concept pilot study proposed using microRNA (miRNA) markers for 27 time of death determination. The markers - miRNA-142-5p and miRNA-541, were reported to 28 show considerable expression differences in vitreous humor between individuals who died 29 during the day or night. Here, we investigated whether these miRNA markers show the same 30 diurnal expression pattern in blood, which would make them useful for estimating bloodstain 31 deposition time to allow molecular alibi testing for forensic casework. We analyzed venous 32 blood samples collected from 12 healthy individuals every 4 hours during the 24 h day/night 33 period under controlled sleep-laboratory conditions. MiRNA-142-5p normalized against 34 miRNA-222 showed no statistically significant expression differences between blood samples 35 collected during daytime and nighttime (one-way ANOVA p=0.81), and also no statistically 36 significant rhythmicity during the 24h day/night period (cosine fit for all individuals p>0.05, 37 averaged data p=0.932). MicroRNA-541 amplification in blood was above the 34-cycle 38 threshold applied in the study, indicating too low quantities for obtaining reliable data. Overall, 39 we conclude that the two miRNA markers previously suggested for time of death determination 40 in vitreous humor are not suitable for estimating the deposition time of forensic bloodstains. 41 Future studies may find out if miRNA markers with significant diurnal expression pattern can be 42 identified and how useful they would be for forensic trace deposition timing. 43 44 45 46 47 Introduction 48 49 Circadian rhythms are entrainable, endogenously generated oscillations with a period of 50 approximately 24 hours (h), present in most organisms, including humans. In recent years it has 51 been shown that every cell contains its own molecular clock composed of a network of 52 oscillating mRNAs and their protein products [1,2]. Numerous biological processes exhibit 53 significant daily variations including activity and behavior, heart rate, hormone secretions, or 54 sleep-wake cycle amongst others [3,4]. Knowledge about the underlying molecular pathways of 55 these processes and their components could provide a plethora of potential rhythmic biomarkers 56 also for forensic applications. In principle, such rhythmic biomarkers can be useful for molecular 57 time estimations in two forensically relevant ways: estimating the time of death and estimating 58 the deposition time of biological traces found at a crime scene. The latter would provide a 59 molecular alibi test allowing DNA-identified sample donors to be linked with criminal acts, 60 which is highly appreciated for crime investigation [5]. 61 The first approach to estimate trace deposition time by incorporating a chronobiological 62 aspect into the forensic field was published in 2010 [6]. In this proof-of-principle study, the 24 63 hour profiles of two circadian hormones, melatonin and cortisol, were reproduced in small blood 64 and saliva samples collected around the clock. The feasibility of applying this approach in a 65 forensic setting was also shown - it requires only minute amounts of samples and utilizes 66 commercial assays together with basic laboratory equipment. The time frame estimated with 67 those two hormones is, however, limited to either late night (melatonin) or early morning hours 68 (cortisol) [6], and both hormones are known to be influenced by external factors [6]. Hence, the 69 exploration for additional biomarkers with rhythmic changes in concentration that eventually 70 would prove invaluable for increasing the precision of biological trace deposition timing in 71 forensic applications, is encouraged. 72 Determining the time of death with biochemical markers, i.e., melatonin, has been 73 described earlier [7,8], and recently a proof-of-principle study proposed utilization of 74 microRNAs (miRNAs) for that purpose [9]. MicroRNAs are of great interest for various forensic 75 applications [5], due to their small size, tissue specific expression and higher resistance to 76 degradation compared to mRNA, and were previously proposed as suitable markers for forensic 77 body fluid identification [10,11,12]. In recent years various microRNAs have been implied in the 78 regulation of circadian clock [13,14,15], and some of them were shown to exhibit diurnal 79 expression changes in diverse tissues, such as liver or suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) [14,15]. 80 In their study [9], the authors assessed the miRNA expression profile of vitreous humor, 81 and discovered that miRNA-142-5p and miRNA-541 exhibited considerable variations in their 82 expression levels between individuals who died during day- or nighttime, when normalized 83 against the reference marker miRNA-222. They also showed that there was no correlation 84 between miRNAs expression and the time elapsed after death, suggesting in-vitro stability of the 85 markers for at least 24 h, which is an important prerequisite for forensic applications. 86 In the present study, we investigated whether these two miRNA markers exhibit the same 87 diurnal changes in expression levels in other types of forensically relevant biological samples, in 88 this case blood, and if they do, to what degree their combined use together with melatonin and 89 cortisol could increase the precision of estimating blood trace deposition time. For this purpose, 90 we determined the temporal profiles of miRNA-142-5p and miRNA-541 in blood samples from 91 12 individuals collected every 4 hours during a 24h day/night cycle under controlled wake/sleep 92 laboratory conditions. 93 Materials and methods 94 95 1. Biological samples 96 Detailed characterization of sample collection as well as the sleep laboratory protocol used, is 97 described elsewhere [16]. In short, two-hourly blood samples were collected from 15 healthy 98 male volunteers aged 19 – 35 years (n = 15; mean age ± SD = 24 ± 5 years) participating in the 99 66 hour-long study (Clinical Research Centre, University of Surrey, UK) after various medical 100 assessments and completion of sleep questionnaires. The subjects underwent a week of regular 101 sleep-wake routine, before being admitted into the sleep laboratory. The sleep laboratory 102 protocol design controlled for food intake and lighting conditions and included an adaptation, 103 baseline and sleep deprivation night. 104 For the current study, 7 four-hourly blood samples (spanning a course of 24 hours) per each 105 participant (n = 12) were included. Three subjects were omitted from analysis due to having 106 either significantly shifted melatonin profiles or an abnormal white blood cells (WBC) count 107 [16,17]. The analyzed samples were collected during the baseline night (N2) at 22:00, 02:00, 108 06:00 h (n=36) during which the participants were not subjected to sleep deprivation (normal 109 sleep) and during a wake period (D3) mimicking a normal day, at 10:00, 14:00, 18:00 and 22:00 110 h (n=48). 111 112 2. RNA Isolation and quantitation 113 Blood samples were collected in EDTA tubes and stored at -80oC until use. Total RNA was 114 extracted from 400 µl of whole blood using the miRNeasyMiniKit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) 115 according to the manufacturer’s protocol with minor modifications, such that the samples after 116 homogenization were incubated on ice for 30 minutes and centrifuged at 4oC, speed 13 000 g for 117 5 minutes, and one volume of 70% ethanol (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) was used for 118 precipitation. Purity of each sample was assessed with NanoDrop ND-2000 (NanoDrop 119 Technologies, Wilmington, DE, USA) and the quality and quantity were determined using the 120 Bioanalyzer 2100 (Agilent Technologies, Waldbronn, Germany). Total RNA samples were 121 stored at -80oC until assayed. 122 123 3. Reverse Transcription Reaction 124 Reverse transcription (RT) reactions were performed in a final volume of 15 µl, using the 125 TaqMan MicroRNA Reverse Transcription Kit (Applied Biosystems, Life Technologies, 126 Carlsbad, CA, USA). Each reaction contained 100 ng of total RNA, 6 µl TaqMan MicroRNA 127 Assay RT Primer Pool (containing miRNA-142-5p, miRNA-222, miRNA-541), 0.2 µl of 128 100mMdNTPs, 3 µl of MultiScribe Reverse transcriptase enzyme (50 U/µL), 1.5 µl of reverse 129 transcription buffer (10x) and 0.19 µl of RNase Inhibitor (20 U/µL). The RT primer pool was 130 prepared according to the manufacturer’s instructions concerning custom primer pool preparation 131 (Applied Biosystems, Life Technologies, User Bulletin_4465407) with the exception of using 132 nuclease-free water instead of 1x TE buffer. Negative controls containing distilled water instead 133 of RNA were included. RT reactions were performed on MJ Research Thermal Cycler PTC-200 134 (GMI, Minnesota, USA) with the following program: 16oC for 30 minutes, 42oC for 30 minutes, 135 85oC for 5 minutes and 4oC on hold. Samples were kept at -20oC until assayed. 136 137 138 139 4. RT-qPCR reaction 140 MiRNA-142-5p and miRNA-222 expression levels were tested in 84 samples (12 subjects, 7 141 time points per subject). MiRNA-541 expression was tested in a subset of 14 samples (2 142 subjects, 7 time points per subject). The RT reaction contained 0.5 µl of appropriate TaqMan 143 MicroRNA Assay (Applied Biosystems, Life Technologies), 2 µl of two times diluted RT 144 product, 5µl of TaqMan Fast Universal PCR Master Mix (2x) NoAmpErase UNG (Applied 145 Biosystems, Life Technologies) and 2.5 µl of nuclease-free water in total volume of 10 µl. No- 146 template controls (NTC) with distilled water instead of RT reaction product were included. All 147 reactions were run in triplicate in 384-well plate format on Roche LightCycler 480 (Roche 148 Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany). The program consisted of a 10 minutes pre-incubation step 149 in 95oC followed by 45 cycles of incubation and extension at 95oC for 15 seconds and at 60oC 150 for 60 seconds, respectively, and finished with 30 seconds at 40oC. 151 152 5. Data Analysis 153 Relative quantification of microRNA amplification was performed with the second derivative 154 maximum method (Roche Diagnostics) followed by the delta cycle threshold (CT) method [18]. 155 All samples with CT values over 34 were considered as not expressing the tested microRNAs. 156 MiRNA-222 was used as the reference gene for the calculations, because it was shown to be 157 amplified stably and consistently in vitreous humor samples and was identified as the best single 158 candidate reference gene by the Genorm program [9]. Additionally, initial testing of miRNA-222 159 with the NormFinder [19] in a subset of blood samples revealed it to be a good candidate for 160 normalization purposes. To exclude the possibility of time-of-day dependent rhythmicity, 161 normalizer levels were further analyzed with nonlinear curve fitting and single cosinor methods. 162 The expression levels for miRNA-142-5p were estimated as fold change (FC), defined by the 163 equation FC=2dCT. Assessment of rhythmicity was performed with three independent methods. 164 First, a one-way ANOVA analysis was implemented to determine the difference of normalized 165 miRNA-142-5p expression levels between samples collected during the day and night. Secondly, 166 the relative expression values for each subject were analyzed with the single cosinor test with a 167 24-hour period to determine the presence or absence of diurnal expression pattern [17]. The 168 analysis was performed for each subject separately, as well as for averaged expression data from 169 all subjects. 170 Next, nonlinear curve fitting was performed using a cosine function with a 24-h period on 171 z-scored, miRNA-222-normalized expression data of miRNA-142-5p for all individuals 172 simultaneously, as described elsewhere [20], to obtain the estimates for amplitude and peak and 173 the significance of fit. The equation for nonlinear curve fitting is presented as 174 follows: normalized z − score = πΌπ + π½ β cos(2π β 175 term for individual i, β is the amplitude and t is the peak time of the cosine function. ππ−π‘ 24 ), where TP is the time point,πΌπ is the 176 177 Results 178 179 The expression levels of miRNA-142-5p (in the range of 31 – 33.6 CT) and miRNA-222 180 (between 22 – 25 CT) during the 24 h day/night cycle were tested in total RNA isolated from 84 181 blood samples of 12 subjects collected at 7 time points every 4 hours, and for miRNA-541 in a 182 subset of 14 samples from 2 participants. Testing of miRNA-541 was not performed in all 183 subjects due to initial data analysis indicating amplification of this particular miRNA above 34 184 CT (on average 37 CT), which was the detection threshold applied in this study. This result 185 indicates that the level of miRNA-541 found in these blood samples was too low for reliable data 186 generation. Before normalization we determined the significance of fit of a cosine curve on 187 miRNA-222 data, in order to exclude the possibility of using a rhythmic normalizer in our 188 analysis. With the single cosinor test, p-values > 0.05 were obtained in 11 out of 12 individuals, 189 and no significant time-of-day variation was found using nonlinear curve fitting for both 190 amplitude (p = 0.61) and peak (p = 0.35) estimates. 191 Calculated fold-changes of miRNA-142-5p, normalized against miRNA-222, throughout 192 the 24 h period are presented in figure 1. No significant differences between daytime and 193 nighttime expression levels were detected (one-way ANOVA p=0.81). Furthermore, rhythmicity 194 assessment using the cosinor method revealed no statistically significant results for any subject 195 individually (all p-values >0.05) and for data averaged across individuals (p = 0.932). The 196 expression of miRNA-142-5p for all subjects and all time-wise samples simultaneously was 197 additionally assessed with the nonlinear curve fitting method and the results are presented in 198 figure 2. The estimates for peak and amplitude obtained with this method are not statistically 199 significant (estimateamplitude = -0.05; pamplitude = 0.74; estimatepeak = -16.67; ppeak = 0.15). All the 200 applied methods showed that miRNA-142-5p levels do not display any rhythmic changes in the 201 blood samples we analyzed. 202 203 Discussion 204 205 In our study we aimed at establishing the 24 h day/night expression profiles of miRNA- 206 142-5p and miRNA-541 in blood, because both markers were recently proposed to be suitable 207 for time of death determination, due to observed diurnal differences in their expression levels in 208 vitreous humor [9]. In addition, previous microarray data suggested oscillation of miRNA-142- 209 5p in murine liver, however this finding was not confirmed by RT-qPCR [21] as it typically is 210 recommended in order to avoid technical artifacts. These findings motivated our study for testing 211 the suitability of both microRNA markers to estimate bloodstain deposition time for future 212 forensic applications. 213 Our data for miRNA-142-5p suggest that this miRNA marker is found in blood in 214 reliably measurable quantities, but also that its expression in this sample type does not oscillate 215 in regard to day- and nighttime. Although our data do not allow us to ultimately conclude 216 whether the changes in miRNA-142-5p expression that were reported in vitreous humor are 217 driven by the endogenous clock, or are a response to external stimuli or both, we suggest further 218 testing on miRNA-142-5p expression in vitreous humor and other human tissues before this 219 marker is applied for time of death determination. Because of its non-rhythmic profile in blood, 220 we do not regard miRNA-142-5p as suitable for any forensic time estimation from blood, 221 including trace deposition timing as well as death timing. 222 Our results for miRNA-541 suggest that it is found in blood at levels too low to provide 223 reliable results, at least when using RT-qPCR, which is currently the standard method for single- 224 marker expression analysis. MiRNA-541 is a member of the microRNA 379-410 cluster of 225 brain-specific microRNAs, and was shown to be abundantly expressed in distant axonal neuron 226 cells [22]. Hence, the low levels detected in blood samples in our study, may not be too 227 surprising and may possibly be a consequence of the tissue-specific expression of miRNA-541. 228 We conclude that, due to low quantities of miRNA-541 found in blood, it is not suitable for any 229 forensic time estimation from blood including trace deposition timing as well as death timing. 230 Although we could not confirm the previous findings from vitreous humor in blood, we 231 would like to emphasize the suitability of our protocol and samples to validate or de-novo 232 identify oscillating biomarkers potentially useful for trace deposition timing as well as for time 233 of death determination. The choice of sample type i.e., blood was based on its suitability in light 234 of both the forensic and chronobiological aspects. Blood represents the forensic trace 235 encountered commonly at crime scenes, typically allowing the occurrence of violent crime to be 236 confirmed, and is usually available with dead bodies. The blood samples we used in our analysis 237 were collected around the clock, spanning a full 24 h day/night period and allowing assessment 238 of temporal expression of a possibly rhythmic biomarker. Collection of these samples occurred 239 under strictly controlled conditions in a dedicated sleep laboratory specialized for human 240 chronobiology research, to assure elimination or minimization of exogenous factors that could 241 confound the rhythm of the internal clock. In particular, such a laboratory setting allows blood 242 sample collection during undisturbed sleep, which is otherwise impossible. Additionally, our 243 study design entailed stringent criteria of selection of participants – exclusion of extreme 244 chronotypes, restriction of the influence of sex and age on the phase of the clock [23,24] etc. The 245 conditions such as lighting intensity, meal composition and timing were controlled, yet still 246 resembled natural everyday settings, which is important when confronted with the real crime 247 case scenarios. 248 The ultimate goal of our study was to combine the time estimates obtained with 249 melatonin and cortisol together with miRNA-142-5p and miRNA-541 expression data to 250 increase the precision of bloodstain deposition timing. However, since miRNA-142-5p levels in 251 analyzed blood samples were found to be stable during the 24 h day/night period, and miRNA- 252 541 was not present in quantities high enough to allow reliable detection with the method used, 253 we could not consider these miRNAs as markers useful for our aim. Hence, until new suitable 254 biomarkers are identified in future studies, our previously suggested melatonin and cortisol 255 system [6] remains the only available molecular approach for a person’s alibi testing directly 256 from crime scene stains. 257 258 Acknowledgements 259 260 The authors thank the Surrey CRC medical, clinical and research teams for their help with the 261 sample collection. This study was supported by the Erasmus MC, a grant from the Netherlands 262 Genomics Initiative (NGI) / Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) within the 263 framework of the Forensic Genomics Consortium Netherlands (FGCN), grant 727.011.001 by 264 the NWO Forensic Science Program, and by the EU 6th Framework project EUCLOCK 265 (018741). AW received additional funding by Volkswagen Foundation (ref 86042). 266 267 References 268 269 [1] Takahashi JS, Hong HK, Ko CH, McDearmon EL. 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The black line represents the average fold change across all individuals 331 with the standard deviation bars. The high FC value of R07 at 22:00 h is probably due to partial 332 coagulation of this particular blood sample. 333 334 Figure 2. Z-scored, miR-222 normalized levels of miRNA-142-5p in each of the 12 individuals 335 depicted in colored lines with a superimposed cosine curve as calculated with the nonlinear curve 336 fitting method [19] depicted in black. 337 338