CBS Firm data: format and description of the record Universe: Firms for which there is at least one completed individual survey. Worker coops (FirmCoopType=”WORKER”) are excluded. File Format: One record per firm, including all firm-level data in the CBS database except that which could permit identification of individual firms. Variables and Variable Naming: The variables come from two general sources: 1) UWCC staff research, and 2) answers from the surveys of the firm’s CEO/GM and Board Chair. Most of the survey questions that explore characteristics of the respondent’s firm were asked of both the CEO/GM and the Board Chair, if both were surveyed. Some of those variables were recorded as attributes of the firm rather than as separate survey answers for each respondent. In those cases, if there were in fact two responses to a question the CEO/GM’s response took precedence. Categorical Variable Values: Click on the “Values” internal hyperlinks below. Missing Values: There is a certain incidence of the database NULL (nonexistent) value in all variables. These will leave blank cells in a spreadsheet exported from the UWCC website. In numeric and categorical variables the following negative integer codes have a consistent meaning: -7=N/A -8=Don’t Know -9=Refused FirmID Description: Unique arbitrary ID of the firm Format: integer Interviewer ID Description: Unique ID number for the firm’s primary interviewer Format: integer MergedUpID Description: ID of firm into which this firm was merged Format: integer CoopType Description: Type of coop Format: alpha Values Sector Description: Coop’s economic sector Format: alpha Values State Description: Two-letter postal abbreviation of the firm’s state Format: alpha MemCat1 Description: Membership category 1. Respondent-created category. Default Members Format: alpha MemCat2 Description: Membership category 2. Respondent-created category. Format: alpha MemCat3 Description: Membership category 3. Respondent-created category. Format: alpha MemCat4 Description: Membership category 4. Respondent-created category. Format: alpha MemCat5 Description: Membership category 5. Respondent-created category. Format: alpha NumMem1 Description: Number of members in category 1 [MemCat1] Format: integer NumMem2 Description: Number of members in category 2 [MemCat2] Format: integer NumMem3 Description: Number of members in category 3 [MemCat3] Format: integer NumMem4 Description: Number of members in category 4 [MemCat4] Format: integer NumMem5 Description: Number of members in category 5 [MemCat5] Format: integer CapConAmt Description: If [CapCon] is selected, dollar amount of the required capital contribution. Format: real CapCon Description: What does it take to become a member of your organization? Capital contribution. Format: boolean PatCom Description: What does it take to become a member of your organization? Patronage commitment. Format: boolean QStan Description: What does it take to become a member of your organization? Quality standard. Format: boolean LngCom Description: What does it take to become a member of your organization? Long-term commitment. Format: boolean ReqOther Description: What does it take to become a member of your organization? Other. Format: boolean ReqDK Description: What does it take to become a member of your organization? Respondent doesn't know. Format: boolean ReqRef Description: What does it take to become a member of your organization? Respondent refuses to answer. Format: boolean ReqOtherComment Description: If [ReqOther] is selected, explain: geography, application process, board approval, supply/demand, etc. Format: alpha LargestMember Description: What percentage of respondent's firm's total business does the largest member contribute? Best guess. Format: real Largest10 Description: What percentage of respondent's firm's total business do the 10 largest members contribute? Best guess. Format: real NumBoard Description: How many members are on the board? Format: integer NumBoardF Description: How many board members are women? Format: integer MtgsPerYear Description: How many times per year does the board meet as a group? Format: integer MtgLength Description: On average, how long is a board meeting? (hours) Format: integer MtgAttendees Description: Who typically sits in on board meetings besides CEO/GM and board members? Format: alpha VotingNonmbr Description: Are there any voting members of the board who are not members of the firm? Format: alpha (Y/N) VotingNonmbrN Description: If YES to [VotingNonmbr], how many? Format: integer NVotingNmbr Description: Are there regular non-voting participants in board meetings? Format: alpha (Y/N) NVotingNmbrComments Description: If YES to [NVotingNmbr], what is their role? Format: alpha AdvisorsYN Description: Are there any third-party advisers to the board? Format: alpha (Y/N) AdvisorsList Description: If YES to [AdvisorsYN], what is the advisers' role? List and describe the advisers. Format: alpha BoardInexperience Description: How many board members have served for 3 or fewer years? Format: integer BoardExperience Description: How many board members have served for 20 or more years? Format: integer BoardSlots Description: How many board slots are open for election each year? Format: integer ContestedElections Description: What is the number of contested elections in the last 5 years? Format: integer Committees Description: What are the committees of your board? List and describe. Format: alpha BrdAutho Description: Is there a committee that has full board authority? Format: alpha (Y/N) BrdAuthoWho Description: If YES to [BrdAutho], who is on the committee? Format: alpha BrdAuthoWhen Description: If YES to [BrdAutho], when does the committee meet? Format: alpha BrdCEOMtg Description: Does the board and CEO/GM ever meet without staff present? Format: alpha (Y/N) BrdCEOMtgComments Description: If YES to [BrdCEOMtg], for what purpose? Format: alpha BrdWoCEO Description: Does the board ever meet without the CEO/GM being present? Format: alpha (Y/N) BrdWoCEOWhen Description: If YES to [BrdwoCEO], for what purpose? Format: alpha NumCEOs Description: How many CEO/GMs has the company had in the past 20 years, that is since about 1990? Format: integer OutsideCEOs Description: Of the number of CEO/GMs in [NumCEOs], how many were hired from outside the company? Format: integer SuccessionPlan Description: Is there a succession plan in place for the CEO/GM? Format: alpha Values SuccessionComments Description: If YES to [SuccessionPlan], can respondent describe this plan? Is it written or unwritten? Format: alpha CEOContract Description: Does the CEO/GM have a written employment contract? Format: alpha (Y/N) CEOContractComments Description: If YES to [CEOContract], describe this contract. Format: alpha CEOQuantAssess Description: Does the board set specific quantifiable measures for performance? Format: alpha (Y/N) AssessCEOComments Description: If YES to [CEOQuantAssess], describe these measures. Format: alpha FirstYearEval Description: If a new CEO/GM has been hired in the last 5 years, on what criteria does the board evaluate a new CEO/GM in the first year of their tenure? Format: alpha FirstYearEvalFreq Description: How many times does the board evaluate a new CEO/GM in the first year of their tenure? (BCs and CEO/GMs of less than 5 years tenure) Format: integer CEOComp Description: Summarize the CEO/GM compensation agreement. Format: alpha Benchmarks Description: Does the firm use any industry standard benchmarks for compensation? Format: alpha (Y/N) BenchmarksComments Description: If YES to [Benchmarks], list benchmarks and other CEO/GM compensation notes. Format: alpha IncentivePay Description: What percentage of total compensation is performance incentives? Format: real CompConsultant Description: How often does the board use a compensation consultant? Format: integer Values CompConsultantComments Description: Notes relating to use of a compensation consultant. Format: alpha DiscretionaryPct Description: What percentage of performance incentives are discretionary rather than by formula? Format: real assets Description: Total assets from the firm’s annual report indicated in the variable [FinancialsYear] Format: real liabilities Description: Total liabilities from the firm’s annual report indicated in the variable [FinancialsYear] Format: real income Description: Gross income (total business sales less cost of goods sold) from the firm’s annual report indicated in the variable [FinancialsYear] Format: real expenses Description: Total operating expenses from the firm’s annual report indicated in the variable [FinancialsYear] Format: real FinancialsYear Description: Year of firm’s financial data (assets, liabilities, income, expenses) Format: integer Version Description: Month and year of dataset creation Format: alpha Appendix: Bookmarks to Values of Categorical Variables CoopType values WORKER None PRODUCER PURCHASING CONSUMER Sector values WATER/WASTE RURAL ELECTRIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS HEALTHCARE GROCERY CREDIT UNION OTHER EDUCATION AGRICULTURE ARTS & CRAFTS FARM CREDIT BIOFUELS MEDIA MUTUAL INSURANCE SuccessionPlan values Yes Yes, written Yes, unwritten No CompConsultant values 1=Never 3=On occasion 5=Regularly