Committee Report

Rebalancing Technology Committee Report
January 30, 2015
1. Membership
2. Meeting Information
3. Summary Report
4. Information Technology Master Plan Goals, Summary
5. Information Technology Master Plan Goals, Detailed
6. Rebalancing Budget Proposal
a. Appendix A: Refresh Proposal, work in progress
Section 1:
Beni Asllani, College of Business
Amy Brock-Hon, College of Arts & Sciences
Vic Bumphus, College of Arts & Sciences
Beth Crawford, College of Health, Education, and Professional Studies
Parthasarati Dileepan, College of Business
Jennifer Ellis, College of Health, Education, and Professional Studies
Bryan Ennis, College of Engineering & Computer Science
Karl Fletcher, College of Engineering & Computer Science
Tyler Forrest, Business and Financial Affairs
Yancy Freeman, Enrollment Services
Amie Haun, College of Business
Tom Hoover, Information Technology, co-chair
Tim Johnson, Student Development
Catherine Kendall, College of Health, Education & Professional Studies
Theresa Liedtka, Library, co-chair
Jeffery Wetherill, Center for Academic and Innovative Technology
Li Yang, College of Engineering & Computer Science
Section 2:
Meeting Information
Minutes and agenda available via BlackBoard
Nov. 10
Nov. 17
Dec. 1
Dec. 11
Dec. 31
Jan. 5
Jan. 12
Jan. 23
Jan. 26
Organizational meeting
Review of existing IT Goals to add to, modify, fine-tune goals
Review and finalize IT Goals
Review of proposed Governance or Organizational Model to add to, modify,
fine-tune and agree on model
Meet with leadership of Partner/Distributed IT
Preliminary discussion of budget related goals
Discussion of budget related goals
Review of goals with budget; prioritization of all goals
Affirm budget-related number, proposed phases of implementation,
Section 3:
Summary Report
1. Updated Information Technology Master Plan, with special emphasis on goals related to
governance, structure and with budget implications.
2. Met with Partner Information Technology Group to discuss governance and structure and to
request submission of current job descriptions and organizational charts for Partner and Central IT
staff members for review and to better define Partner IT.
3. Developed Rebalancing Budget Proposal
Section 4:
Information Technology Master Plan Goals, Summary
- Suggested implementation phases
High priority goals
Phase 1 Goals
Governance *
Technology Community Structure *
Information Technology Budgets and Peer Comparisons *
Technology Purchasing, Reporting, Intake, and Management
Student Technology Fee Budgeting Process
Technology Refresh / Reassessment
Computer Lab Management
Accessibility Initiative
Data Flow
Phase 2 Goals
Customer Care
Service Catalog
Network Access, Architecture, and Storage
Annual Review
Technology Assessment and Communication
System Dashboard
Web Site
Technology Community Training
UTC Campus Employee Training
Section 5:
Information Technology Master Plan Goals, Details
- Suggested steps to goal completion
- Suggested possible budget Implications
Establish IT Governance Model
- Suggested steps to completion: a) establish Information Technology Steering Committee, b)
establish Technology Review Board, and c) establish Partner IT
- Budget:
no budget implications
Technology Organization
- Suggested steps to completion: a) Review information technology related PDQs from Central
and Partner IT, b) Evaluate existing organizational structure for inefficiencies and redundant
services, c) Define and clarify structure, reporting, and relationships across Partner and Central
IT, e) work with HR to develop evaluation criteria to assess technology competence, f) embed
criteria into PDQs and include in SPDR process.
- Budget:
no immediate budget implications, pending completion of PDQ analysis and
structural review.
Information Technology Budgets and Peer Comparisons
- Suggested steps to completion: a) gather holistic UTC information technology spending across
all divisions, including all personnel, services, software, and hardware, from all sources, b)
analyze data, c) compare spending to peers institutions and ensure apples to apple
comparisons, d) make any necessary adjustments.
- Budget:
no immediate budget implications, pending result of data gathering and
Technology Purchasing, Reporting, Intake, and Management
- Suggested steps to completion: : a) Report IT purchases to CIO via IRIS coding or determine
another means, b) Establish thresholds for review of high impact technology, c) Design,
implement, and communicate a consistent technology purchase, intake, and inventory process
that includes guidance on purchases, a checklist of the documents approval process and a visual
model (see p. 73 Appendix 7: suggested Purchase Process Flow)
- Budget:
no budget implications
Student Technology Fee Budgeting Process
- Suggested steps to completion: a) review current recurring spending b) develop a proposal,
spending, and reporting process for STF, c) consider a possible 10% set aside for one time
discretionary spending that impacts students and move personnel to E/G accounts, d) Identify
source of inflation funding for items on the STF, e) make sure outcomes are clear, f) ensure
student have a role in the distribution of any freed up funds
- Budget:
budget implications
o Proposal:
 $250,000 for innovation grant opportunities and to move one FTE staff member
from the STF to an E/G account per year.
 $220,000 Debt Fee to remain unallocated until Fall 2015
Technology Reassessment / Refresh
- Suggested steps to completion: a) establish refresh for computers (faculty, staff, labs), network
devices, services, other peripherals, b) assess plan and priorities annually (TRM should inform,
not dictate, see appendix 6), c) create standard workstations, operating, servers, etc. to simplify
troubleshooting, d) establish budget. See pgs. 71-72 Appendix 6: Suggested IT Refresh
- Budget:
budget implications
o Proposal
 $250,000 faculty and staff
 $250,000 infrastructure
 $500,000 one-time for mission critical needs
Computer Lab Management
- Suggested steps to completion: a) inventory and determine a manageable number of labs,
designate them, and consider as part of refresh cycle.
- Budget:
no immediate budget implications, but pending review of Computer Lab Report
and outcomes, it might have potential saving due to lab closures and/or some
costs incurred pending inclusion in Refresh Goal.
Accessible Technology Initiative
- Suggested steps to completion: a) participate in the Accessible Technology Initiative, b) assess
current learning environment as it relates to information technology and accessibility, including
software, hardware, and current practices, c) make necessary adjustments
- Budget:
no immediate budget implications, pending analysis and outcomes.
Data Flow
- Suggested steps to completion: a) examine the current flow of across the University with an
eye towards creating more timely, effective, and efficient transfers, including impact on and offboarding of personnel.
- Budget:
no budget implications
Phase 2
Enhance Customer Care
- Suggested steps to completion: : a) create one point of contact, b) establish longer hours, c)
makes sure service is accessible and branded, d) consider a shared Service Management System
(ticketing system) for Central and Partner IT, e) find permanent home location for the team
- Budget:
no immediate budget implications, pending completion of PDQ analysis and
structural review.
Information Technology Service Catalog
- Suggested steps to completion: a) create online menu of service options, ideally with links to
Service Mgt. System, b) delineate service ownership: Central, Partner, UT, c) include customers
served, how to contact, and cost, if applicable, d) group who puts together should include a
project team of Central and Partner IT, see p. 64 Appendix 3: Suggested IT Service Model
- Budget:
no budget implications
Network Access, Architecture, and Storage
- Suggested steps to completion: a) create a network plan, consider outsourcing and VOIP,
include budget. b) review IT Security Plan provides balance of security and patron friendly
standards, c) develop campus storage proposal and plan.
- Budget:
no immediate budget implications, pending report completion.
Banner, Next Steps
- Suggested steps to completion: a) move from implementation to production, b) establish
ongoing role, c) establish ongoing budget, d) discuss intended use of portal versus web site
versus Banner and develop a long-term plan.
- Budget:
no immediate budget implications, but note it is estimated in 3 to 4 years than
an ongoing Banner operating budget will need to establish, at present Banner
operations operating off designated one-time funds.
Annual Systems Review
- Suggested steps to completion: a) work with ITSC and TRB to assess and review systems,
software, hardware, and more.
- Budget:
no immediate budget implications, pending possible changes.
Technology Assessment and Communication
- Suggested steps to completion: a) Review TechQual survey to determine if that can be a
starting point for assessment feedback, and/or develop instrument to assess target audience
satisfaction, future use, needs, and wants, b) create "single point of feedback" that serves to
continually assess services provided and customer satisfaction, c) assign responsibilities among
technology community to ensure that all Partner IT have a communication liaison to Central
and vice versa, d) design communication program that is considerate of audience needs and
desires, e) build a communication scorecard that enables communicators to perform selfassessments, f) establish acceptable vehicle for communicating with IT brand
- Budget:
no budget implications
System Dashboard
- Suggested steps to completion: a) establish performance metric that identify minimum
downtime for the UTC network and critical systems and services, b) standardize technology
communication to be clear and consistent; including if action is required, and c) assess available
tools, d) establish schedules conducive to user needs
- Budget:
no budget implications
Website Redesign
- Suggested steps to completion: a) focus group and/or survey to determine satisfaction, future
use, needs, and wants, b) develop consistent policies for updating content and set expectations
for regular updates, c) training for end users and implementers
- Budget:
no budget implications
Technology Community Training
- Suggested steps to completion: a) define community of technology workers, b) establish
technology training and support group, c) identify training needs, d) outline process by which
training funds can be requested and accessed,
- Budget:
no immediate budget implications, pending completion of PDQ analysis and
structural review.
UTC Employee Training
- Suggested steps to completion: a) identify technology skills per position, include in PDQ, b)
based on skills identified build a campus-wide training program, c) develop on-boarding process
where employees are trained when employed, d) develop training process for new software, e)
develop or adopt training documentation, f) work with HR to implement recurring technology
training, g) identify budget, h) partner with UT community to reduce training costs, including
online training possibilities.
- Budget:
no immediate budget implications, pending completion of PDQ analysis and
structural review.
Section 6:
Budget Implications
Overall budget implications from IT Master Plan
Goal with no budget implications:
Goals with potential budget implications
Goals with immediate budget implications
Rebalancing budget proposal
Student Technology Fee Budgeting Process
$180,000 for innovation grant opportunities for the campus
 Remove personnel from the STF equal to $180,000 and move to E/G
$220,000 Debt Fee to remain unallocated until Fall 2015
Refresh / Reassessment
Total Request:
$250,000 faculty and staff
$250,000 infrastructure
$500,000 one-time for mission critical essentials
Recurring funds:
One-time funds: