General provisions
Art. 1
1. The Rules lay down the types, scope, terms and conditions for provision of services by INPROGRESS, terms and conditions of entering into
contracts for provision of such services as well as the complaint handling procedures and terms and conditions for provision of electronic
2. By ordering services, the User confirms that he has read and acknowledged its descriptions, terms and conditions and the Rules as well as his
acceptance of the Rules in their entirety.
3. INPROGRESS customer service unit: Kraków, [street name] ul. G. Zapolskiej 38/303, tel. 123579579, fax: 123783324.
4. The User may contact INPROGRESS by e-mail at:; by calling: 0048 123579579 from 8.00 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon-Fri, by fax: 004
123783324 or by post addressed to INPROGRESS customer service unit.
Art. 2
The Rules - shall be the Rules for provision of services contained herein.
Inprogress – INPROGRESS Sp. z o.o. ul. G. Zapolskiej 38/303, 30 – 126 Kraków, Tax ID NIP 67723570010).
Service – shall be the website:
User – shall be a private individual, a legal person or an organisational unit without a legal personality awarded with legal personality by law,
who make any use of the Service.
Open training – shall be the services offered in the Service at, available to each User subject
to timely submission of an application, availability of seats at the training upon receiving of the application by INPROGRESS and subject to
enrolment of the required number of training participants.
Closed training – shall be the service organised for the Ordering Party, for which a sufficient group of interested people have been enrolled to
ensure profitability and sensibility of the undertaking. A catalogue of services offered can be found in the Internet Service at
Ordering Party – shall be a private individual, a legal person or an organisational unit without a legal personality awarded with legal personality
by law, who enrolled (a) person(s) for participation in a Closed or Open training or who enrolled for an Open Training him/herself.
Participant – shall be a person who is or will be taking part in a Closed or Open Training.
Consumer – shall be a User, Participant or Ordering Party being a natural person, engaging with the entrepreneur in a legal action not directly
related to their business or professional activity. All regulations concerning a User, Participant or Ordering Party shall also apply to a
Consumer, unless stated otherwise.
10. Enquiry – shall be an enquiry concerning a Closed Training, Open Training or an Offer, sent to INPROGRESS in any form.
11. Enrolment – shall be a declaration of will expressed in writing, orally, sent via e-mail or via Internet Service functionality, or via fax, whereby the
Ordering Party enrols him/herself or third parties to an Open Training.
12. Order Form – shall be a document as per template provided by INPROGRESS, filled in by the Ordering Party and signed by persons authorised
to incur obligations on the part of the Ordering Party, constituting the basis for Enrolment.
13. Enrolment acknowledgement – shall be an e-mail sent to the Ordering Party or a Participant by INPROGRESS or its representatives,
acknowledging the receipt of Enrolment.
14. Training Confirmation - as regards Open training event – it shall be an e-mail sent to the Ordering Party or a Participant by INPROGRESS or
its representatives, confirming readiness to organise Open Training on the date stated in the Confirmation; as regards Closed Training –
confirmation of training in a manner agreed upon between INPROGRESS and the Ordering Party.
15. Offer – shall be a document where INPROGRESS proposes the scope and terms and conditions of the Closed Training that can be provided
to the Ordering Party.
16. Contract – shall be a document wherein INPROGRESS and the Ordering Party accept the terms and conditions presented in the offer. It
serves as a basis for INPROGRESS to conduct a relevant Closed Training and issue the invoice.
17. Training Completion Certificate – shall be a document confirming the participation in an Open or Closed Training, signed by an authorised
representative of INPROGRESS, received by each Participant upon completion of an Open or Closed Training.
Types and scope of services provided via the Internet Service and by INPROGRESS
Art. 3
1. Internet Service is a portal presenting offer of INPROGRESS, via which registered Users can submit Enrolments, send Enquires, and buy Open
training event.
2. INPROGRESS provides training services. Internet Service offers the possibility to execute a contract for sale of training services and specifies the
terms and conditions for the provision thereof.
3. INPROGRESS also provides a "Newsletter" functionality via the Internet Service.
"Newsletter" is sent electronically.
4. "Newsletter" service consists in sending messages with information on current offer, special offers, discounts and rebates available at
INPROGRESS. The service is free and requires granting consent to being sent commercial information, and specifying the e-mail address to
which the messages are to be sent.
5. "Newsletter" agreement shall be executed for an unspecified period.
6. INPROGRESS shall make every effort with a view to guaranteeing the top class standard of the services offered as per description of a given
training course and relevant standards.
Enrolment Conditions
Art. 4
1. To enrol to an Open Trainingevent:
1) Click on the applicable Open Training, select the applicable additional options, i.e. exam or textbook, and - in the case of PRINCE2,
ITIL and AgilePM training event - select the relevant package; provide all obligatory data (marked with a star) and click on "enrol" or
"enrol and pay" button; or
2) Send an e-mail to the address: or an e-mail address of a sales representative of INPROGRESS; or
3) Call a representative of INPROGRESS; or
4) Send a fax to 123783324.
2. Enrolment to an Open Training event shall contain, at least, the following information:
1) Full name or company name of the Ordering Party;
2) Full name(s) of Participant(s)
3) Contact details of the Ordering Party;
4) E-mail addresses of Participant(s);
5) Training title;
6) Selected training package - applicable to PRINCE2, ITIL i AgilePM training event;
7) Training dates;
8) Training venue (city)
3. Based on the Enrolment for Open Training the Enrolment Acknowledgement is issued to the Ordering Party with respect to the Participant(s)
enrolled. INPROGRESS shall without undue delay issue Enrolment Acknowledgement, respond to Enquiries and prepare Offers or refuse to
conduct an Open or Closed Training, not later than within three business days of receipt of an Enrolment or Enquiry concerned.
4. Enrolments to an Open Training may be sent 24/7/365.
Art. 5
1. To make an Enquiry concerning a Closed Training event:
1) Send a message via "Contact us" form available in the Internet Service, providing all obligatory details;
2) Send an e-mail to the address: or an e-mail address of a sales representative of INPROGRESS;
3) Call a representative of INPROGRESS;
4) Send a fax to 123783324.
2. Based on the Closed Training Enquiry, the Ordering Party shall receive an Offer or information that INPROGRESS resigns from preparing the
3. Should the Offer be accepted by the Ordering Party, INPROGRESS shall send the Closed Training Confirmation and/or commence
negotiations on the terms and conditions of providing Closed Training.
Terms and Conditions for Provisions of Services
Art. 6
1. Open Training is provided on the basis of the syllabus and detailed agenda, subject to the terms and conditions prescribed in the Internet
Service and the Rules.
2. Selected Open Training may be purchased in three packages: Silver, Gold or Platinum – "The Rules for the Training Packages" are available
in the Internet Service.
3. Selected Open Training may be purchased with additional options:
1) with an accredited exam or exams,
2) with a textbook.
4. Open Training shall be confirmed by means of a Training Confirmation sent at least 5 days prior to a given Open Training.
5. A detailed agenda of the relevant Open Training shall be sent to the Ordering Party and/or participant(s) at least 5 days prior to the Open
Training concerned. Upon consent of all Participants the syllabus or detailed agenda of the Open Training may be changed. The trainer
delivering theOpen Training may change the syllabus or the agenda of the Open Training, if he/she thinks such change(s) will make the Open
Training more efficient or better responding to the needs of the training group.
6. INPROGRESS shall have the right to amend and/or modify the Open Training within 1 day prior to the commencement of a given Open Training
event. Changes may refer to: training venue, schedule, dates, trainer. Changes may not refer to: training syllabus, number of training hours,
training price. In exceptional circumstances INPROGRESS may make changes within less than one day prior to the commencement of the
training concerned.
7. A Participant or the Ordering Party may resign from participation in the Open Training not later than four days prior to the commencement
thereof. In the event of a late resignation, the Ordering Party shall pay full costs of the training. Resignation can be communicated via e-mail,
fax, or phone. These provisions do not apply to the Consumers. Resignation from Open Training by a Consumer shall be governed by art.12.
8. Failure to cancel Enrolment and to participate in the Open Training shall result in charging the Participant or the Ordering Party will full training
9. Should an Open Training be cancelled by INPROGRESS, the Ordering Party shall have a right to:
1) participate in the Open Training on another date, as proposed by INPROGRESS;
2) demand refund of the amount paid and resign from participation in the Open Training on another date.
10. The information on cancellation of the Open Training shall be communicated to the Ordering Party or the Participant via e-mail, fax, or phone.
11. If the option referred to in clause 9 pt. 2) is selected, any amount already paid shall be refunded immediately to the bank account indicated by
the Ordering Party. If the payment was made via a card, the refund shall be debited to the card account.
12. When the Ordering Party or a Participant has received the textbook, the refund mentioned above shall be made upon return of the textbook to
INPROGRESS. The costs of return of the textbook shall be borne by the Ordering Party or Participant. These provisions do not apply to a
Consumer. In the event of a refund to a Consumer art. 12 shall apply.
13. After completion of the Open Training the Participantshall receive Training Completion Certificate. In the event of Open training event
purchased with exam or exams, as mentioned in clause 3 pt. 1, the Participant shall receive within four weeks after such exam, accredited
certificate, provided that the Participant has passed the exam and paid for the training.
Art. 7
1. Closed Training events are based on the syllabus, conducted subject to the terms and conditions prescribed in the Offer, Contract or otherwise
agreed upon between INPROGRESS and the Ordering Party.
2. Closed Trainingevents shall be confirmed, cancelled, or postponed subject to the terms and conditions agreed up by the Ordering Party and
Payment terms
Art. 8
1. Ordering Party shall pay for the Open Training before commencement of the Training concerned. Upon payment, the Ordering Party or the
Participant shall receive pre-training materials (if applicable for a given Open Training) and the textbook, if the Ordering Party have selected
the option of Open Training with the textbook. Payment for the training shall be made via a bank transfer, on the basis of the pro forma invoice
or a receipt, to the bank account indicated therein or via on-line payment service (przelewy24).
2. Failure to pay for the training shall constitute resignation from participation in a given Open Training.
3. If the Ordering Party is not a private individual, upon request of the Ordering Party, the payment may be made after completion of the Open
Training. Should this be the case, INPROGRESS shall send to theOrdering Party an Order Form to be filled in by the Ordering Party.
Payment shall be then made on the basis of the invoice issued after the Open Training within the payment deadline prescribed in the Order
Form. After duly completed Order Form is sent to INPORGRESS, the Ordering Party or Participant shall receive pre-raining materials (if
applicable for a given Open Training) and the textbook, if the Ordering Party has selected the option of Open Training with the textbook.
The price provided by each Open Training is binding at the time of placing the order.
Open Training price shall cover participation in the training, training materials, training completion certificate, as well as coffee breaks and
lunch breaks on each day of training. The textbook, exam and additional benefits offered in the gold and Platinum package shall be subject
to extra payment.
All costs of travel, parking, and accommodation shall be borne by the Ordering Party.
In the event of Enrolment by a private individual, the prices quoted in the Internet Services shall be gross prices (invoice with "VAT
exemption" annotation); in the event of Enrolment by a business entity, the prices quoted in the Internet Service shall be net prices, and
shall be decreased by applicable VAT at a rate of 23%.
Exam prices as quoted in the Internet Service shall apply exclusively to exams purchased along with Open Training. Price list of exams
purchased without Open Training shall be made available by INPROGRESS upon request of a User.
Art. 9
Payments for Close training event shall be made subject to the terms and conditions prescribed in the Offer, Contract, or otherwise agreed upon between
INPROGRESS and the Ordering Party.
Copyrights and Ownership
Art. 10
1. All training materials created for the purpose of and during Open or Closed Training are protected by copyrights. INPROGRESS hereby
represents that it has a right to use the training materials or is a holder of copyrights thereto.
2. All materials developed in the course of Open or Closed Training and made public by INPROGRESS may be used exclusively for own use
and non-commercial purposes, with the indication of the course of origin thereof.
3. INPROGRESS shall not allow any public dissemination, modification, transmission, printing, reproducing, public presentation of any
materials developed in the course of any Open or Closed Training.
4. Use of materials developed in the course of and for the purpose of the training event for commercial or other than own use shall each time
require a written consent of INPROGRESS.
5. In the event of Closed training event INPROGRESS and the Ordering Party may agree upon different provisions concerning copyrights.
Privacy Policy and Personal Data Protection
Art. 11
1. Sending the Enrolment details requires from the User, Participant or the Ordering Party the consent to include the personal data provided in the
data base of INPROGRESS and to their processing in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act of 29.08.1997 (O.J. of 2002, No. 101,
item 926, as amended) and the Act on electronic provision of services dated 18th July 2002 (O.J. 2002 No 144, 1204, as amended). User,
Participant or the Ordering Party hereby grants their consent to the processing of their personal data to the extent necessary to handle the
Enrolment and conduct the training.
INPROGRESS gathers only the data necessary to adequately provide the services offered.
Personal data of a User, Participant or Ordering Party may be transferred to third parties exclusively inasmuch as necessary for the purpose of
adequate provision of the services hereunder, in particular to accrediting entities (AXELOS, PEOPLECERT, APMG, EXIN), entities providing
intermediary services as regards ordering messenger's services, Poczta Polska, messenger companies
for the purpose of shipment sending.
Data base containing personal data of Users, Participants and Ordering Parties shall be subject to legal protection. The data are protected and
secured particularly against unauthorised access.
INPROGRESS, as the data controller, shall process the data in compliance with Personal Data Protection Act of 29.08.1997 (O.J. 2002, No.
101, Item 926, as amended), for service provision and marketing purposes.
User, Participant or Ordering Party shall have a right to review their personal data and request supplementing, updating, correcting or
temporary/permanent suspending of processing, or deleting their data.
Exercising the right to delete one's personal data shall mean resignation from the services provided by INPROGRESS.
Withdrawal from the contract for provision of training services
Art. 12.
1. A Consumer who has entered in a contract for sale of training services outside INPROGRESS registered seat (hereinafter "the contract"), shall
have a right to withdraw from the contract without stating the reasons for such withdrawal. This right is, however, limited in time and shall exist
for 14 days (legal basis: art. 7 clause 1 of the act of 2nd March 2000 on protection of certain consumer rights and on liability for damage caused
by hazardous products). This time limit is final and shall count from contract execution date, i.e. from the moment of receipt of Enrolment
Acknowledgement. Sending the relevant notice before the elapse of that time limit shall be sufficient.
2. Withdrawal is effected via sending a notice on withdrawal from the contract, in particular using the formÄ…pienie-od-umowy_INPROGRESS.docx
and sending the same by any means of communication, including e-mail, to the address, or in writing to the following
correspondence address: INPROGRESS Sp. z o.o. ul. G. Zapolskiej 38/303, 30 – 126 Kraków, Tax ID NIP 67723570010).
3. INPROGRESS shall, without undue delay, send to the Consumer the confirmation of receipt of the notice on withdrawal from the contract to an
e-mail or postal address provided by the Consumer.
4. A Consumer shall not have a right to withdraw from the contract for provision of services, if the entrepreneur has already provided the service
upon express consent of the Consumer who has been informed prior to commencement of the provision of the service that, after the service is
provided, the Consumer will be no longer entitled to withdraw from the contract.
5. If the Consumer exercises the right to withdraw from the contract, the Consumer shall return to the seat of INPROGRESS the textbook, if
purchased, within 365. Consumer shall also have a right to return the textbook by delivering the same to a person authorised
byINPROGRESS, subject to the above-mentioned deadlines. The deadline shall be deemed met if the textbook is sent back within deadline.
6. A Consumer shall bear the direct costs of return of goods (costs of shipment) and shall choose the method of shipment, ensuring that the
textbook is received undamaged by INPROGRESS. INPROGRESS shall bear the costs of return if:
1) the textbook is returned via a courier service ordered byINPROGRESS;
2) the textbook is adequately secured by theConsumer, in a manner eliminating any risk of damage during
7. A Consumer shall be liable for reduced value of the textbook, resulting from using the textbook in a manner other than necessary to check the
nature, features, and functions of the textbook.
8. INPROGRESS, not later than within 14 days of receipt of the Consumer's notice on withdrawal from the contract, shall refund to the Consumer
any and all payments already made by them. INPROGRESS shall refund the money in the same manner it has been paid by the Consumer,
unless the Consumer has expressly agreed to the refund in a different manner, which does not incur any costs on the part of INPROGRES.
9. If INPROGRESS proposes to collect the textbook itself, it may withhold the refund of monies received from the Consumer until receipt of the
textbook or delivery by the Consumer of shipment confirmation, whichever happens first.
10. INPROGRESS does not accept cash on delivery shipments.
Contracts for electronic provision of services
Art. 13.
1. When subscribing for a Newsletter via the Internet Service, a User executes with INPROGRESS a contract for electronic provision of services for
an unlimited time. Under the contract, INPROGRESS shall send commercial information to the e-mail address provided in the subscription
2. INPROGRESS shall have a right to terminate the contract for electronic provision of services, if:
1) the manner the services are used is overtly at variance with the rules and purposes of the Internet Service,
2) the activities of a subscribed User infringe common social and moral standards, incite violence or the commission of criminal acts, or infringe any
third party rights
3) INPROGRESS has received official notice informing of illegal character of the provided data or activities related thereto,
4) a subscribed User sends out unwanted commercial information (spam),
5) a subscribed User grossly or repeatedly infringes the Rules.
3. Notice of termination of the contract by INPROGRESS shall be sent to the e-mail address provided by the User. Termination of the contract
shall result in permanent removal of the User's e-mail from the Newsletter database.
Notice on termination of the contract for electronic provision of services by the User may be sent via e-mail or ordinary mail to the registered seat of
Termination or withdrawal upon mutual consent shall not affect the performance of other already executed contracts, unless the parties agree otherwise.
Notice period shall be 14 days.
The Rules shall come into force upon publication at and shall be valid for an unspecified period.
Any disputes between INPROGRESS and third parties, concerning these Rules and their application, shall be resolved by the parties
amicably. In the event of failure by the parties to reach an agreement, the dispute shall be referred for resolution by common court competent
for the seat of INPROGRESS.
INPROGRESS shall have a right to amend and modify these Rules unilaterally.
General provisions
Art. 1
1. These Rules specify the terms and conditions governing the special offer "Training Package", hereinafter referred to as the Special
2. By enrolling to the Special Offer Training, the user accepts these Rules.
3. Special Offer shall apply to the following training event offered at
1) PRINCE2® Foundation accredited training
2) PRINCE2® Practitioner accredited training
3) Combined training PRINCE2® Foundation and Practitioner - accredited training
4) ITIL® Foundation
5) AgilePMTM Foundation accredited training
6) AgilePMTM Practitioner accredited training
7) Combined training AgilePMTM Foundation and Practitioner - accredited training.
Detailed terms and conditions applicable to training packages
Art. 2
The following special offer packages are available: Silver, Gold, and Platinum. This table contains details of the Special
Offer. "X" indicates additional benefits awarded to a user selecting a given package.
Advantages of
50% discount on
100% discount
and Practitioner training
Practitioner training
Combined training
ITIL® Foundation
AgilePMTM Practitioner
AgilePMTM Foundation
and Practitioner training
repetition of
training upon
of project
voucher for
other training
in electronic
5 questions
to the trainer
after training
P2ware Project
Manager 7
Personal with
2300 2900
The prices quoted in the table are net prices. If the price quoted at is lower than the one in the table, the
lower price shall apply.
3. The prices quoted in the table are exclusive of the costs of accredited exams and/or textbooks.
4. Enrolling to a training under Special Offer scheme is possible via,, e-mail ( or phone. If
the training is cancelled, an alternative date will be proposed to a participant. Enrolment may be cancelled upon the
participant's request.
5. After a Participant has paid for Special Offer training or used any of the bonuses offered in a Special Offer package, the
package cannot be exchanged for another.
Art. 3
Training shall mean single participation in the training purchased under Special Offer scheme, on the set date, in line with the
training's agenda. The training agenda shall be available upon request.
Art. 4
Exam shall mean single participation in accredited exam finishing the training purchased under Special Offer scheme on the set date indicated in the
training's agenda. The training agenda shall be available upon request.
Art. 5
1. 50% discount on repeated exam shall mean a one-off 50% discount on one accredited exam adequate for the scope of the purchased Special
Offer training for open groups, to be used within six months from the date of exam referred to in art. 5. The list of exams is available upon
2. The discount is granted on the net amount of PLN 500 for Foundation level exams and PLN 750 for Practitioner level exams.
3. Participation in the exam referred to in clause 1 shall be notified at least seven days prior to the planned exam date.
4. If the exam referred to in clause 1 is cancelled, the participant will be offered an alternative exam date.
5. If, as a result of cancellation of the exam referred to in clause 1 above the Participant's 50% discount on repeated exam expires, the validity
of the discount shall be extended until the nearest exam that takes place.
6. If the Participant has not purchased the package with Exam or has purchased the package with Exam, but passed the Exam referred to in art.
5, the rights resulting from a 50% discount on repeated exam shall expire and the Participant shall not be entitled to any cash refund.
Art. 6
1. 100% discount on repeated exam shall mean a one-off free participation in one accredited exam adequate for the scope of the purchased
Special Offer training for open groups, to be used within six months from the date of exam referred to in art. 5. The list of exams is available
upon request.
2. Participation in the exam referred to in clause 1 shall be notified at least seven days prior to the planned exam date.
3. If the exam referred to in clause 1 is cancelled, the participant will be offered an alternative exam date.
4. If, as a result of cancellation of the exam referred to in clause 1 above the Participant's 100% discount on repeated exam expires, the validity
of the discount shall be extended until the nearest exam that takes place.
5. If the Participant has not purchased the package with Exam or has purchased the package with Exam, but passed the Exam referred to in art.
5, the rights resulting from a 100% discount on repeated exam shall expire and the Participant shall not be entitled to any cash refund.
Art. 7
1. Free repetition of training on request shall mean single free participation in the same training as the one purchased under the Special Offer
scheme on open training within a year after completion of the training referred to in art. 3. The list of open training dates can be found at
2. Participation in the training referred to in clause 1 shall be notified at least seven days prior to the planned training date.
3. If the training referred to in clause 1 is cancelled, the participant will be offered an alternative exam date.
4. If, as a result of cancellation of the training referred to in clause 1 above the Participant's entitlement to free repetition of the training upon
request expires, the validity of the entitlement shall be extended until the nearest open training that takes place.
Art. 8
1. Discount Voucher for other training event shall mean the receipt of a voucher in electronic or paper form, entitling the participant, within six
months after completion of the training referred to in art. 3, to a 10% discount on any open training offered at
2. Special Offers available at and the discount offered in the voucher can be used in combination.
3. Participation in the training referred to in clause 1 shall be notified at least seven days prior to the planned training date.
4. If the training referred to in clause 1 is cancelled, the participant will be offered an alternative exam date.
5. If, as a result of cancellation of the training selected by the Participant, referred to in clause 1 above, the Participant's discount voucher expires,
the validity of the entitlement shall be extended until the nearest open training that takes place.
Art. 9
1. Electronic materials shall mean electronic materials made available to Participants, pertaining indirectly or discussed during the training
referred to in art. 3. The materials will be recorded on a data carrier or made available for downloading.
2. Participant shall use the materials referred to in clause 1 exclusively for its own use and shall not disseminate them.
Art. 10
1. 5 questions to the trainer after training shall mean a right to send within six months after completion of the training referred to in art. §3, 5
questions on the subject of the training to the trainer who conducted the training or other trainer indicated by INPROGRESS. The questions
shall be sent in one e-mail.
2. The trainer shall respond within five business days.
3. After receiving the response, the participant shall have a right to ask one supplementary question. The provisions of clause 2 shall apply
Art. 11
P2ware Project Manager 7 Personal with PRINCE2® shall means providing the participant with a license to use P2ware Project Manager 7
software (application to be used on two personal computers) and PRINCE2® for P2ware Project Manager.
Final Provisions
Art. 12.
Trainings or exams referred to in these Rules, may be cancelled without stating the reasons and the participant shall be immediately notified of
such cancellation. If a training or exam is cancelled, Participant shall be entitled to:
1) participate in the training or exam on another date; or
2) resign from participation in the training or exam. If a given Participant has already paid for the training or exam, the payment shall be
Art. 13.
Notwithstanding art. 12, if a Participant fails to use one or more benefits included in the package within the time limits prescribed in the Rules, such
unused benefits shall expire. Should this be the case, the Participant shall not be entitled to any refund.
Art. 14
Any amendments to these Rules shall be communicated to Participants electronically, immediately upon introducing the same.