2015 e-waste collection day at the hartford town hall

3rd Annual - Town of Hartford
2015 E-WASTE
SATURDAY, April 25th
9am – 12pm
(rain date Sat. May 2nd)
The Town of Hartford will partner with Northern Atlantic Trading Group to provide a
FREE of charge E-waste Collection Day for Hartford’s citizens and businesses.
Bring your E-Waste to the Hartford Town Hall located at #165 County Route 23 Main
Street Hartford.
E-Waste (Electronic Waste) is basically anything that is powered by electricity, whether
it be powered by an A/C power cord or a D/C battery (please do not bring the dry cell
batteries). This also includes such items as old TVs, Computers, Monitors, Printers,
Telephones, Microwaves, Window A/C units, Refrigerators, Freezers, Radios, Stereos,
Tape Players, Vacuums, Lead Acid Car Batteries, etc.
In 2013 citizens dropped off 9,440 lbs of E-Waste. 2014 = 9,260 lbs. This year ???
UNACCEPTABLE ITEMS: Dry cell batteries (Alkaline, NiCad, Lithium, AAA, AA, 9v, C,
D, Watch, Button, etc.) and Light bulbs.
This E-Waste collection event is free and will coincide with the Town Wide Cleanup Day
(same day, same time) where Hartford volunteers pick up litter from the Town roads.
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help, please call the
Hartford Town Supervisor Dana Haff @ 632-9178