TEACHING SPEAKING USING “SUGGESTOPEDIA METHOD” IN EFL CONTEXT AT THE 8TH GRADE OF SMPN 1 MANDE CIANJUR Januar Aripin (09.22.0396) Januarifin30@gmail.com English Education Study Program Language and Arts Department Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Siliwangi Bandung ABSTRACT The objective of this research entitled “Teaching Speaking Using “Suggestopedia Method” in EFL Context at the 8th Grade of SMPN 1 Mande Cianjur” was to find out whether or not Teaching English Speaking Using Suggestopedia Method was effective to improve students’ speaking ability. This research used one group pretestposttest design and quantitative research method. The population of this research was six classes consisted of 240 students of the eighth grade of SMPN 1 Mande Cianjur in Academic Year 2012-2013, and the sample was class 8D consisted 39 students selected using cluster random sampling technique. The data of this research was collected by giving speaking test to the student sample. The collected data was analyzed using t-test formula. The results of the data analysis showed that mean score of pretest was 68.8, mean score of posttest was 74.6, and tobserved was 10.2. The t-critical value with df = n-1 (39-1 = 38) and significance level at 0.05 was 1.70. Based on the data analysis above, the alternative hypothesis of this research was accepted, because the t-observed was higher than t-critical value (10.2>1.70). It also means that teaching speaking using suggestopedia method could improve the students’ speaking ability. Key Words: Teaching Speaking, Suggestopedia Method, EFL Context However, this research the writer is presenting one of the ways to make the lesson interesting, exciting and less stressful this is using suggestopedia. Suggestopedia method was develop in the 1970’s by a Bulgarian educator, named Georgi Lozanov (Brown, 2004:27) says: “Human brain could process great quentities of materias if given the right conditions for learning, among which are a state of relaxation and giving over of control to the teacher.” Even though Suggestopedia was supported by old theories, this method was still used in many studies periodically from the past until the current years. This research would like to find out to the extent to which Suggestopedia method can improve speaking English in junior high school. Therefore, the writer is aiming to analyze the teaching of English speaking using Suggestopedia Method in middle grade junior high school in SMPN 1 Mande Cianjur. A. BACKGROUND English is the one of the foreign languages in our country. There are millions languages used by the people in the world. Indonesia has hundreds regional languages and one nation language. But, as part of the world, Indonesia sees the need to learn and understand English. In learning English language, there are integrated skill to be mastered by the learners such as: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing. In teaching language for student can’t be separated from speaking activities. It is because speaking is one of the important factors in doing conversation in the class. According to Brown (2004:140), “speaking is a productive skill that can be directly and empirically observed, those observation are invariably colored by the accuracy and effectiveness of a test-taker’s listening skill. Which necessarily compromises the reliability and validity of an oral product test”. For this case, student should master several speaking components, such as: comprehension, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and fluency. In brief, English teacher should create and develop their teaching and learning instruction to be good atmosphere, improve students’ speaking skill, give attention to the speaking components, and make English lesson more interesting. B. LITERATURE REVIEW 1. Teaching English in EFL Context Language teaching means exposing a language many times to the student. Harmer (1998:24) said that language learning is: The children and adults are usually exposed to language which they more or less understand even if they can’t produce the same language spontaneously, the student are 1 applicable to a variety of audiences in a variety of contexts.” Brown (2000:16) motivated to learn the language in order to be able to communicate, and the student have opportunities to use the language they are learning, thus giving themselves chances to flex their linguistic muscles and check their own progress and abilities. Relating to the definitions above, it can be conclude that method is a way for the teacher in the classroom to conduct teaching and learning process. 2. Teaching Strategy According to Harmer (2001:134), “teachers may use a variety teaching aids to explain language meaning and con6struction, engage students in a topic, or as the basis of a whole activity”. They are some strategy that we have to 6 used in this method such as :comfortable, environment, the use of music, peripheral learning, free errors, homework is limited, and integrated learning. 3. Speaking 1. Definition of Speaking Speaking is the productive aural/oral it consist of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning. Speaking is “an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving, and processing information. “(Florez, 1991:1) 2. The function of Speaking According to Brown and Yule (1983:6) made a useful distinction between the interactional functions of speaking “in which it serves to establish and maintain social relations, and transactional functions, which focus on the exchange of information”. 3. Speaking Activities Speaking is a crucial part of second language learning and teaching. The speaker produce utterance are sent to the listener (receiving) and he or she processes the information, after that the listener gives, immediate feedback to the speaker. Communicative language teaching is based on real-life situation that require communication. I brief, teachers should create a classroom environment where students have real-life communication, authentic activities, and meaningful. This can occur when student collaborate in groups to achieve a goal or to complete a task. (Hayriye Kayi http://unr.edu/homepage/hayriyek). This signifies that if we teach our lesson based on this way, we may give a change to the children to learn language in a better way. Teaching is a process of communicating a subject or lesson. The main factor that influences the student achievement is the way of the teacher to teach the subject or lesson to their students. Brown (1994:7) said that: “teaching is defined as showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving acknowledged causing to know understand”. From the statement above, teaching means giving instruction to the student to learn something, which affect them in such a way that learning is facilitate and the student can acquire knowledge. Therefore, they will know or understand something. 1. Teaching Approach According to Brown (2000:16), approach is theoretically well-informed positions and beliefs about the nature of language, the nature of language learning, and the applicability of both to pedagogical settings. Relating to the definitions above, it can be conclude that approach is language acquisition by naturally. 2. Teaching Technique According to Brown (2000:16), “technique is any of a wide variety of exercises, activities, or tasks used in the language classroom for realizing lesson objectives”. In this research, the writer wants to describe the conversation or dialogue teacher’s technique in teaching speaking. Conversations are the interaction between people in environment. Teaching speaking for using suggestopedia, the teacher should take three steps Lozanov (1982). The writer concludes that dialogue is one of teacher’s techniques in teaching speaking. Dialogue is the conversation between two or more people to share ideas. In fact, dialogue used in such school to improve the students’ speaking ability by treats them to represent their conversation in pairs to the class. 3. Teaching Method Brown claims about method in Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (2000). He states that: 4. Suggestopedia According to Bulgarian scientist Georgi Lozanov and a modern understanding of how the human brain works and how we learn most effectively. “in order to make better use of our mental reserves, the limitations we think we have need to be “desuggested” (Freeman, Larsen and Diana, 1986:72) In teaching learning using suggestopedia we used a varied of range method: dramatized texts, music, active participation in songs and games, etc. In this research the writer using all of “Method is a generalized set of classroom specifications for accomplishing linguistic objectives. Method tends to be concerned primarily with teacher and student roles and behaviors and secondarily with such features as linguistic and subject-matter objectives, sequencing, and materials. They are almost always thought of as being broadly 2 According to Burns (1995:125) “research design is essentially a plan or strategy aim at enabling answer to be obtained to research questions.” In this research the writer, chose the quantitative design. According to Crowl (1996:10) “Quantitative design are used to examine question that can best be answered by collecting and statistically analyzing data that are in numerical form”. Quantitative designs consist of corelational, experimental and t-test. This research used the pre-experimental as its design. Pre-experiment are the samples form of research design. In a preexperiment either a single group or multiple groups are observed subsequent to some agent or treatment presumed to cause change. Experiment is the ultimate form of research design, providing the most rigorous test of hypotheses that is available to the scientist (Borg&Gall, 1979:512). method from suggestopedia it self. Suggestopedia derives from the words suggestion and pedagogy. This, suggestopedia could be defined as the application of suggestion to science of teaching, of which the aim is to minimize or even eliminate the student psychological barriers to learning. This method was developed by a Bulgarian Scientist, Georgi Lozanov. Lozanov who was a physician and psychotherapist, developed his method in Bulgarian and the method was then introduced in the Soviet Union, Hungary and East German Suggestion has a great and invaluable influence toward learning situation. The technique is administered through the use of direct and indirect means, such as telling the students that the learning English is going to be a pleasant activity and creating a convenient classroom environment. In this case, Leonhardt (1997:2) mentioned: 2. Research Method Principally suggestion can influence the result of learning situation. Some techniques used for conveying positive suggestion are applied by seating the students in a comfortable way, playing soft music in the classroom increasing individual participation, using poster to give a great impression while showing information. This study employed quantitative method, a preExperimental design as suggested by Crowl (1996:289) was chosen. The design of one group pretest-posttest as follows: 1. Principles of suggestopedia Based on the observation toward several techniques used to give positive suggestion like direct and indirect mentioned above, the writer summarizes some important principles of suggestopedia stated by LarsenFreeman (1986:77) as follows. a. A student can learn from what is present in the environment, even if his attention is not directed to it (peripheral learning). b. The teacher should recognize that learner bring certain psychological barriers with them to the learning situation. 2. Procedures of Suggestopedia The teacher should administer the procedures of teaching reading using suggestopedia method with a view to fulfilling the principles of suggestopedia. The followings are prominent procedures of teaching reading using suggestopedia that should be conducted successively: a) The students are seated in an unusual, comfortable classroom. b) The teacher plays soft music, the early Romantic period is suggested. Pretest Treatment Posttest O1 X O2 Figure 3.1 design of one group pretest-posttest In this research, the researcher used quantitative method. Quantitative is used for designed to collect data in such a way that treats reliability and validity of research. This method is not only sampling collecting data but also data analysis and interpretation the research problems. 3. Research Instrument The instrument is to get data of observation and to know the condition of teacher, teaching method in teaching and learning English process in classroom activity and the pretest, teaching material, posttest was given. The writer used pretest and posttest as his research instruments. D. RESEARCH DATA COLLECTION To obtain the data to answer the research question, the writer did the following steps: 1. Pretest Before the researcher gave pretest for collect the data. Firstly, he introduced about speaking and that gave pretest to know as long as student speaking skills C. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 1. Research Design 3 before using suggestopedia method in teaching speaking. The pretest held on April 01, 2013 to the eight-grade student as the sample in this research. 2. Treatment After introducing speaking and giving the pretest, the researcher explained about the step how to be good speakers when the student spoke in the front of the class. The writer gave some steps in teaching speaking for the experimental class and the control class as follows: a. The method by using suggestopedia method in teaching speaking for the experiment class: 1) The teacher gave some short texts to the students, 2) the teacher read the text in front of the class, 3) the teacher asked the student to read the short text one by one in front of the class, this activity could motive the students to learn speaking skills and pronunciation to be brave in speaking, 4) at the end the teacher gave test on lesson explained. b. The method by using suggestopedia with listening the short text for the control class: 1) The teacher gave some short text to the students, 2) the teacher read the short text in front of class,3) at the end the teacher gave posttest. 3. Posttest Therefore, the researcher gave the posttest to students when the students finished lesson, read the short text and get stimulant in learning English. The researcher does posttest as pretest that to know as long as students speaking skills after using suggestopedia method in teaching and learning speaking. d the total number are 39 students, it was found the result below: Table 4.1 No Instrument 1 Pretest 2 Posttest Sum 2685 2910 Average 69 75 Mean 68.8 74.6 1. Data Analysis of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Score In this part, the writer explains several steps to analyze the data. There are several steps to accomplish the result of the data analysis, the steps is as follows: a. The Students’ Pretest and Posttest Scores Table 4.2 No Name Prete st score Posttest score Gain (X) Gain Squared (X2) E. SUBJECT 1. Research Population and Sample Crowl (1996:8) stated that “Populations are group consisting of all people to whom a researcher wishes to apply the findings of a study”. Therefore, the population of this research was at the 8th grade of SMPN 1 Mande Cianjur, there are sixth class is took as populations of this research consisted of 240 students. “The samples are subsets of people used to represent populations”. (Crowl, 1996:8) In addition, the writer is took one class at the 8th grade as the sample of this research and the sample was class 8D consisted 39 students selected using cluster random sampling technique. F. FINDING AND DISCUSSIONS In this research, the writer explained about the result pretest and posttest at SMPN 1 Mande Cianjur of eight4 1 Student 1 60 75 15 225 2 Student 2 70 75 5 25 3 Student 3 65 70 5 25 4 Student 4 60 70 10 100 5 Student 5 70 75 5 25 6 Student 6 75 80 5 25 7 Student 7 70 70 0 0 8 Student 8 65 70 5 25 9 Student 9 80 85 5 25 10 Student 10 70 75 5 25 11 Student 11 60 70 10 100 12. Student 12 65 70 5 25 13. Student 13 70 75 5 25 14. Student 14 65 70 5 25 15. Student 15 70 80 10 100 16. Student 16 60 70 10 100 17. Student 17 65 70 5 25 18. Student 18 70 75 5 25 19. Student 19 70 80 10 100 20. Student 20 70 80 10 100 21. Student 21 70 75 5 25 22. Student 22 65 70 5 25 23. Student 23 75 75 0 0 24. Student 24 65 70 5 25 25. Student 25 80 85 5 25 26. Student 26 70 80 10 100 27. Student 27 75 75 0 0 28. Student 28 75 75 0 0 29. Student 29 70 70 0 0 30. Student 30 70 70 0 0 31. Student 31 75 80 5 25 π= (∑ π)2 π π−1 2 √∑ π₯ − ∑ π₯2 = 1775 (∑ π)2 = (225)2 π = 39 ∑π₯ π=√ 2 2 −(∑ π) π π−1 (225)2 ππππ− π = √ 39−139 1775− π=√ 50625 39 38 1775−1298 38 π=√ 32. Student 32 70 75 5 25 33. Student 33 65 75 10 100 34. Student 34 60 70 10 100 35. Student 35 70 75 5 25 π = √12.6 = 3.5 36. Student 36 65 70 5 25 37. Student 37 70 75 5 25 38. Student 38 70 75 5 25 d. Finding Out the t-observed Using the t-test Formula The elaborated below is the result of non- independent t-test conducted on pretest and posttest scores. 39. Student 39 75 b85 10 100 2685 2910 ∑X = 225 ∑X2 = 1775 SUM 477 π = √ 38 π‘= b. Mean Based on the result of data analyzed, the writer calculated the mean used the following mean formula: π= Μ π· 2 2 − (∑ π·) ∑ π· √ π π(π − 1) Source: (Crowl, 179:1996) ∑π π Μ π· = 5.8 ∑ D2 = 1775 (∑ π·)2 = (225)2 N = 39 ∑ x = 225 π = 39 ∑x π = π 225 = 39 = 5.8 c. Standard Deviation The writer calculated the standard deviation by using the formula below: Μ π· π‘= (∑ π·) 2 √∑ π· − π 2 π(π−1) 5.8 π‘= (225)2 √1775− 39 39(39−1) π‘= 5.8 50625 1775− 39 39(38) √ 5 π‘= π‘= 5.8 and t-critical value, t-observed was higher than t-critical value (10.2>1.70). The result showed there is a significant difference between the score before and after the treatment was completed. After students got the treatment, their score was good. It also means that suggestopedia method is effective to improve student speaking ability. 1775−1298 √ 1482 5.8 477 √ 1482 5.8 = 0.57 = ππ. π e. Degree of Freedom The writer calculated the degree of freedom as the final step of data analysis, the writer uses the formula below. 2. Suggestion Based on the result of this research, the writer suggested to teachers and students to use alternative method in teaching and learning process. One of the alternative methods was suggestopedia methods. Because of suggestopedia method made student easier to understand the materials in learning and teaching process especially in the speaking. The writer conducted this study in junior high school as a subject. Thus, the writer suggested for the next researcher in the suggestopedia method field to choose another subject to conduct this study at another grade students, it can be in lower or higher-grade students. d.f = (n – 1) n = 39 df = (39–1) df = 38 t-critical value The writer used directional hypothesis with df of 38 percent level of significant 0.05, the t-critical value based on (Crowl, 1996: 388) was 1.70. It means that the alternative hypothesis of this research is accepted because t-observed was higher than t-critical value (10.2>1.70). 2. Research Discussions The statistical calculation reveals that there is a significant influence of Suggestopedia method can improve the students ‘speaking ability’. It means that in the implementation, there are positive responses from the students toward speaking ability. However, based on statistical above, it can be found that there is significant but there is some negative responses from the students too , it can be seen in their score. Finally, based on the elaborated above the result of the writer study showed that there is some improvement of students’ score in speaking and suggestopedia method is one of the alternative effective methods for learning and teaching process in speaking H. BIBLIOGRAPHY Burn, Anne. 1998. Teaching Speaking. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 18:102-203.. Brown, H. Douglas. 1994. Teaching by Principles. San Francisco: San Francisco State University. Brown, H. Douglas. 2000. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching: San Francisco: San Francisco State University. Harmer, J. 1993. The Practice of English Language Teaching. America: Longman. Freeman, Larsen, D. 1996. Technique and Principles in Language Teaching. London: Oxford University Press. Harmer, J. 1998. How to Teach English. America: Longman. Lozanov, G . 2005. Suggestopedia- Desuggestive Teaching. Austria: Vienna Crowl, Thomas K. 1996. Fundamentals of Educational Research (Second Edition). USA: Brown and Benchmark Publisher. (Hayriye Kayi http://unr.edu/homepage/hayriyek). G. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 1. Conclusions Based on the statistical elaborated in chapter four, the writer study showed that there is some improvement of students’ score in speaking and suggestopedia method is one of the alternative effective methods for learning and teaching process in speaking. It showed in t-observed 6