Block Outcomes

KS1 Topic: Weather Experts Block B: Meteorologists
Explore aspects of weather. Make simple weather measuring instruments and contribute to a class
weather station and weather chart.
Block B: Meteorologists
[5 sessions]
By the end of this block you will have
achieved the following outcomes:
Main outcome: Geography
Other outcomes: Science, D&T
Gain a better understanding of the weather through
weather observations, gathering data and performing
simple tests.
Make and use weather instruments to collect and
analyse data and report the weather in assembly.
Session 1: Science/Geography/D&T
Watching the Wind
Make observations about the wind using
geographical vocabulary and make a wind
Children will
 Use observations to answers questions about the wind.
 Use compass points and directional language.
 Talk about daily and seasonal weather patterns in the
United Kingdom.
 Use a range of materials to make a wind streamer.
Session 2: Geography/D&T/Science
Let’s Go Fly a Kite!
Explore the air and the wind. Research kites
from around the world and harness the
power of the wind as you make your own
Children will
 Identify weather patterns in autumn.
 Name and locate the world’s 7 continents using a world
 Use a range of tools and equipment to perform
practical tasks.
 Use their observations to answer questions about the
Children will
 Use their observations to answers questions about
 Perform simple tests to understand from what clouds
are made.
 Use a world map identify the world’s 7 continents.
 Use atlases to identify continents.
Session 3: Science/Geography
Clouds And Rain
Research the phenomenon of clouds and
rain and investigate their make-up. Further
explore rain by making your own rain
Session 4: Geography/Science/D&T
Sun And Temperature
Learn about temperatures and the sun’s
influence. Find out about the sun itself and
how to measure temperatures while
making a sun catcher.
Children will
 Understand the significance of the equator in relation
to climate.
 Know that climates vary in different parts of the world.
 Perform simple tests with thermometers.
 Use equipment to make sun catchers.
Session 5: Geography/Science
Weather Charts
Using simple weather measuring
instruments record measurements on a
chart and report the results.
Children will
Talk about seasonal weather patterns in the United
Gather data using weather instruments and record
this on a weather chart.
Answer questions about weather data.
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KS1 Topic: Weather Experts Block B: Meteorologists
Session 1
Provided: How To Make a Wind Streamer; Observation Record Sheet; Questioning Tips;
Weather Task Explanation
You will need: A paper plate; Wire or string; Sticky tape; Scissors; Hole punch; Tissue paper;
Objects that move in the wind (ribbons/scarves; plastic bags; bubbles; shop-bought windmills)
Session 2
Provided: ‘Kites’ poem; Ping Pong Experiment
You will need: Kites Around the World Website; A ping pong ball; A hairdryer; Kite-making materials
for chosen kite design (see Weblinks in session plan)
Session 3
Provided: World’s Annual Rainfall; How To Make a Rain Gauge; Measurements Resource;
You will need: An old plastic bottle; Scissors; A ruler; Scrap paper; A pen; Sticky tape
Session 4
Provided: A Folk Tale (Part 1); A Folk Tale (Part 2); How To Make a Sun Catcher
You will need: Small plastic beads (available from most craft shops); A non-stick cake tin / shape cutter
and non-stick baking tray; Wire; Metal foil and glue (optional); An oven (away from the classroom); A
candle and matches / a lighter; A thermometer
Session 5
Provided: How To Make a Weather Chart; Weather Table; Compass Directions; The Beaufort Scale;
How To Use Your Sun Catcher & Words to Describe the Temperature; Discussing the Results
You will need: Coloured pens or pencils; The wind streamers, rain collectors and sun catchers
previously made; A compass
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter collectively referred to as the ‘Links’)
have been checked by Hamilton Trust (being the operating name of the registered charity, William Rowan Hamilton Trust) and to the best of Hamilton
Trust’s knowledge, are correct and accurate at the time of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other terms and conditions on the Hamilton
Trust website, you acknowledge that Hamilton Trust has no control over such Links and indeed, the owners of such Links may have removed such Links,
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Hamilton Trust excludes all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any Links.