International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Volume: 1 Issue: 1 e-ISSN: 2394-8299 p-ISSN: 2394-8280 REALTIES – CLOUD-BASED REAL ESTATE INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Shubham S. Kale1, Riya Patankar2 1 Student, Computer Department, DYPIEMR, Student, Computer Department, DYPIEMR, 2 ABSTRACT “Realties” is an ERP solution for Construction Business & Real Estate for resolving all the sweltering issues related to industry whether it is Material Billing, Man Power Deployment, Multi Location Inventory, Sub Contracting, Financial Management, Multiple Project Monitoring etc. “Realties” is developed for people in different arenas such Accountants, Project Superiors, to provide them with a Management tool that offers integrated visibility. The result of this tool will be Organizational Effectiveness and Improved Productivity. Keywords: Cloud, Inventory, Purchase, Vendor, Sales, Billing, etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. INTRODUCTION With the trending Real Estate business, the demand to manage many different things at a time have increased drastically. The Managers need to use various software for managing different areas under the project, such as inventory management, tally and etc. Realties is a proposed integrated system which provides functionalities of all the different software’s in one. This makes business easier and a personnel driven approach can be converted to system driven approach by streamlining the business procedure. 2. OBJECTIVES To provide a system driven approach to that companies which have been depending on personnel for getting the work done. With the increasing attention to the infrastructure sector in India, real-estate companies are fronting massive burden in retaining expert manpower and streamlining the operations. This system ensures continual working of the real estate operations, even in such high mobility environment. 2.1 ALGORITHMS: A. DEFLATE ALGORITHM - File Compression This defines a lossless compacted data format that compresses the data using a combination of LZ77 algorithm and the Huffman’s coding algorithm, with the efficiency comparable to the currently best available general purpose compression methods. The data can be consumed or produced, even for an indiscriminately long successively presented input data stream, using only an apriori bounded amount of intermediate storage. The format can be easily implemented in a manner not covered by the patents. The purpose is to define lossless compressed data format that: Is not at all bounded by the CPU type, the operating system used, file system, and character set, and hence can be used for interchange; Can be consumed or produced, even for an arbitrarily long sequentially presented input data stream, and hence can be used in data communications or similar structure such as Unix filters; IJRISE|| International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Volume: 1 Issue: 1 e-ISSN: 2394-8299 p-ISSN: 2394-8280 Compresses the data with efficiency which is comparable to the currently best available compression methods, and in particular considerably better than the “compress” program; Can be easily implemented in a manner which is not covered by patents, and hence can be practiced freely; Its provides compatibility with the file format produced by the widely used gzip utility, in that conforming decompressors will be able to read data produced by the existing gzip compressor. The data format defined, does not attempt to: Facilitates random access to the compressed data; Compress the best currently available specialized algorithms along with the specialized data (e.g., raster graphics). B. NATURAL ALGORITHM - String Comparison The confidence of a match is measured in terms of the number of the primitive operations required to convert the string into an exact match. This number gives us the edit distance between the string and the pattern. The usual basic operations are: insertion: cot → coat deletion: coat → cot substitution: coat → cost These operations may be generalized as forms of substitution by addition of a NULL character (here denoted by *) wherever a character has been inserted or deleted: insertion: co*t → coat deletion: coat → co*t substitution: coat → cost Some estimated matchers also treat transposition, in which the positions of two letters in the string are exchanged, to be a basic operation. An example of a transposition can be given as Change in cost. Different constraints are imposed by different approximate matchers. Few matchers use a single global unweighted cost, which is, the total number of basic actions that are needed to convert the match to the pattern. For example, suppose the pattern is COIL, FOAL by two substitutions, FOIL differs by one substitution, OIL by one deletion, and COILS by one insertion. If all actions amount as a single unit of cost and the limit is set to one, FOIL, OIL, and COILS will amount as matches while FOAL will not be amounted as a match. Supplementary matchers state the number of actions of each type distinctly, while still others set a total cost but allow unlike weights to be allocated to unlike actions. Particular matchers allow distinct assignments of limits and weights to discrete collections in the pattern. A possible definition of the approximate string matching problem is the following: Given a pattern string, A = a_1,a_2...a_m and a text string B = b_1,b_2\dots b_n, find a substring B_{j',j} = b_{j'} \dots b_j in B, which, of all substrings of B, has the smallest edit distance to the pattern A. A brute-force tactic would be to calculate the edit distance to A for all substrings of B, and then choose the substring with the least distance. However, this algorithm would have the running time O(n3 m). A better answer, which was suggested by Sellers, trusts on dynamic programming. It uses an alternative construction of the problem: for each position j in the text B and each position i in the pattern A, compute the least edit distance amongst the i first characters of the pattern, A_i, and any substring B_{j',j} of B that ends at position j. IJRISE|| International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Volume: 1 Issue: 1 e-ISSN: 2394-8299 p-ISSN: 2394-8280 For each position j in the text B, and each position i in the pattern A, go through all substrings of B ending at position j, and determine which one of them has the least edit distance to the i first characters of the pattern A. Write this minimal distance as D(i, j). After computing D(i, j) for all i and j, we can easily find a solution to the original problem: it is the substring for which D(m, j) is minimal (m being the length of the pattern A) Computing D(m, j) is very similar to computing the edit distance amongst two strings. In fact, we can use the Levenshtein distance computing algorithm for D(m, j), the only difference being that we must initialize the first row with zeros, and store the path of computation, that is, whether we used D(i − 1,j), D(i,j − 1) or D(i − 1,j − 1) in computing D(i, j). In the array containing the D(x, y) values, we then choose the minimal value in the last row, let it be D(x2, y2), and follow the path of calculation backwards, back to the row number 0. If the field we arrived at was D(0, y1), then B[y1 + 1] ... B[y2] is a substring of B with the minimal edit distance to the pattern A. With the dynamic programming algorithm calculating the D(x, y) array takes O(mn) time, while the backwardsworking phase takes O(n + m) time. C. HASHING ALGORITHM- Security Any function that can be used to map data of random size to data of fixed size can be called as a Hash Function. The hash codes, hash sums, or simply hashes are the values returned by a hash function. Hashing Algorithm uses a data structure called a hash table, which is widely used in computer softwares for rapid data lookup. Hash functions accelerates the search process by detecting replicated records in a large file. 2.2 ADVANTAGES: Centralized data storage which will be easier to integrate and use for any user. Organizational efficiency and improved profitability. Resolves all the issues related to real estate industry which can be Multi Location Inventory, Deployment Man-Power and Billing of Materials, Multiple Site Monitoring, Sub Contracting, Financial Management etc. 2.3 APPLICATIONS: For Constructors Sub Contractors Inventory Management Financial Management Project Management IJRISE|| International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Volume: 1 Issue: 1 2.4 ARCHITECTURE DIAGRAM: Fig 1: Architecture Diagram 2.5 STATE MACHINE DIAGRAM: Fig 2: State Machine Diagram 3. CONCLUSION IJRISE|| e-ISSN: 2394-8299 p-ISSN: 2394-8280 International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Volume: 1 Issue: 1 e-ISSN: 2394-8299 p-ISSN: 2394-8280 Real Estate & Construction Services will become efficient and improve profitability with the use of Realties. It is an Integrated Product which gives all the functionalities at an instance for which earlier we had to use a different software for every distinct task. It is being developed to allow Project Managers, Accountants, a Management tool that provides integrated visibility. The result is organizational efficiency and improved profitability. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We might want to thank the analysts and also distributers for making their assets accessible. We additionally appreciative to commentator for their significant recommendations furthermore thank the school powers for giving the obliged base and backing. REFERENCES [1] Eric Chan (2012). “Management Perspective for TQM Solution”. Science and Engineering Company. 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