Clase de español G5 Sra. Evelyn Proyecto #1 Proyecto: Mi Libro de las Vocales Due Date: 5-1 Completed project due 10/14 5-2 Completed project due 10/13 Task: You will demonstrate your understanding of the Spanish vowels A –E –I –O –U by making a vowel picture book that will provide your reader with illustrations and vocabulary words for each vowel. Procedure: This is an individual project not partner work. 1. Go on the quia web site: or use vocabulary I give you in class to make lists of Spanish words that have a prominent Spanish vowel in them. If you are able to get on the quia web site: scroll down to the Useful Links at the bottom of the class page. The first 3 links will take you to online flashcards or dictionaries where you can find, see, and sometimes listen to vocabulary words that have the Spanish vowels as prominent sounds in them. Some examples for each of the vowels include: A - manzana, E – enero, I – invierno, O – hola, U – uno 2. Find and write down 4 Spanish words for each of the 5 vowels (include the English translation on your rough draft so I am sure you have the correct meaning). You will only do 4 words at a time. Each list will be due at a different time. I will check all of your word lists before you can use them in your final project. A words due 9/15 or 9/16; E words due 9/20 or 9/21; I words due 9/26 or 9/27; O words and U words due 10/3 or 10/4 3. Make a Spanish vowel book. You will be required to illustrate and correctly label 4 Spanish words for each vowel. The vowel sound should be prominent in the word but does not have to be the first letter. You will do 1 page per vowel for a total of 5 pages plus a front cover and back cover. * You may do more words and pages if you wish. Each page will include clipart or magazine pictures of the vocabulary or you can draw the pictures yourself. You will have some class time to create your front and back cover for the book and put it together. Class time will be announced a head of time so you can collect and bring to class your word lists, coloring supplies or picture clip art or magazine cut outs. You will be graded on the following criteria: Spanish vocabulary words and pictures (20 pts.) Neatness, spelling and punctuation (10 pts.). Total Points 30; Project due date: ________________________. ** Some of you have started turning in pages in advance, which is great. Be prepared to make corrections if I find mistakes. We will make the front and back covers to the book on 10/11 and 10/12 and bind the book in class. If you wish to make your title page on the computer please have me check your title in advance.