Callie Ellis Lesson Plan 2 SPED 507 Math 7 – Solving Proportions COS Standards AL.ALEX.2010.MA.7 - 3.) Use proportional relationships to solve multistep ratio and percent problems. [7-RP3] Concurrent Skills/Competency Focus Listening, following directions, solving simple multi-step equations Instructional Objectives TSW use proportions to solve problems. INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES SET: TTW ask students if they have ever heard of a proportion and will explain that they are similar to equivalent fractions. TTW explain the vocabulary at the beginning of the PowerPoint: equivalent ratios, proportion, cross products. TTW use the attached PowerPoint to explain what a proportion is to students. TTW use the example problems in the PowerPoint to instruct students on the steps to solving a proportional equation: write the proportion, find the cross products and multiply, divide and solve for the variable. TTW work more example problems, calling on students to answer questions as the teacher works through the steps. CLOSURE: TTW use the popsicle stick method to randomly draw students names to answer questions about the steps to solving proportions and the steps to another example problem. MATERIALS/RESOURES Solve Proportions PowerPoint Projector screen Cup of Popsicle sticks with students’ names on them ASSESSMENT TTW use the Popsicle stick method to randomly draw students’ names to answer questions about the steps to solving proportions and the steps to another example problem. ASSIGNMENT TSW be assigned homework problems in the textbook. ADAPTATIONS/ACCOMMODATIONS/MODIFICATIONS Academic: Provide student with copy of the PowerPoint; explain that after cross multiplying the proportion, you solve it just like a simple multi-step equation; make sure the student is on the correct page in the textbook for the homework assignment and give a personal cue to get started. Behavioral: Seat the student close to the teacher; check to make sure the student is on task and copying the notes; let the student aid help student with homework assignment Callie Ellis Lesson Plan 2 SPED 507 TTW also follow any guidelines listed in the student’s IEP. TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION None. REFERENCES “Solve Proportions.” (2012). Math Connects. Glencoe McGraw-Hill. Taken from Chad Burdett. ..\Math 7 - 5-1D Solve_Proportions.ppt Alabama Learning Exchange-ALEX. (2010). Courses of study: Mathematics [Electronic version]. Montgomery: Alabama Department of Education. Retrieved from Assisting the Reluctant Starter. "Making Modifications in the Classroom: A Collection of Checklists," Arlington County Public Schools, Arlington, Virginia. Retrieved from Materials. "Making Modifications in the Classroom: A Collection of Checklists," Arlington County Public Schools, Arlington, Virginia. Retrieved from Attention. "Making Modifications in the Classroom: A Collection of Checklists," Arlington County Public Schools, Arlington, Virginia. Retrieved from