Alternate Title: Prenatal De Novo Duplication 10q22.3-10q23.2 and Unexpected Deletion Xp21.1 in the Dystrophin Locus detected by Microarray Sub-microscopic duplication resulting in prenatal ultrasound findings seen in partial trisomy 10q syndrome Paul C. Browne, M.D.1 Janice G. Edwards, M.S.2 Robert Best, PhD.2 Courtney Riley Brooks, M.D.1 Peggy Walker, M.S.2 Anthony R. Gregg, M.D.1,2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine1 Division of Clinical Genetics and Molecular Medicine2 University of South Carolina School of Medicine 2 Medical Park, Suite 208, Columbia, S.C. 29203 Introduction Partial trisomy of the 10q region was originally reported in 19791. For 25 years, the diagnosis was made cytogenetically based on large (by today’s standards), visible insertions in the region identified by karyotype analysis. Previous case reports have included unbalanced translocations and large duplications/insertions in the 10q region. Probands with partial trisomy 10q syndrome have developmental delay, cranio-facial abnormalities, talipes and congenital heart disease. Prenatal diagnoses by karyotype have been reported following diagnosis of sacrococcygeal teratoma, renal pyelectasis and other fetal abnormalities. We report the prenatal ultrasound and MRI findings associated with diagnosis of partial trisomy 10q with normal karyotype and abnormal microarray. . Case Report The patient was a 36 year old Caucasian female Gravida 3, Para 0-0-2-0 referred at 13 weeks gestation for first trimester screening. The past obstetrical history was significant for 2 elective first-trimester pregnancy terminations. The patient’s past medical history was remarkable for anxiety/depression disorder. The patient’s prenatal course was complicated by medication exposure to Xanax and Buspar, which were discontinued by the patient in the first trimester when she became aware of the pregnancy. The patient’s prescription medications included prenatal vitamins. The patient completed genetic counseling wherein age-related risks for aneuploidy and options for first trimester screening versus invasive prenatal diagnosis were considered. First trimester screening for aneuploidy rather than diagnostic testing or neither was preferred. The patient’s nuchal translucency measurement and first trimester screening study were within normal limits. The nuchal translucency measured 1.2 mm at 13weeks 3 days weeks (crown rump length 76.3mm). The patient returned for second-trimester targeted ultrasound at 17 weeks’ gestation. Widening of the palatal shelf with hypertelorism and unilateral talipes were demonstrated. The lateral ventricles were asymmetric with a more forward projection noted on the ZZ side. The differential diagnosis included abnormal palatal development and an encephalocoele. Follow-up genetic counseling session included discussion of diagnostic procedures including amniocentesis with standard karyotyping and possible follow-up microarray analysis. The patient requested amniocentesis and the karyotype was a normal 46,XX at the 500 band level (see Figure 1).Amniotic fluid alphafetoprotein analysis was within normal range at 0.85 MoM.. Cultured amniotic fluid cells were then forwarded to Signature Genomics (Spokane, Washington) for microarray analysis with the Signature Chip OStm. Follow-up ultrasound at 21 weeks’ gestation noted microcephaly. The ultrasound images suggested widening of the paranasal sinsuses as the cause of the hypertelorism and broad nasal bridge (see Figure2). The differential diagnoses included occult anterior encephalocele or cleft palate as the cause of the hypertelorism. Fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed to further characterize the mid-face defect (see Figure 3). The MRI confirmed the widening of the paranasal sinuses and nasal bridge as the primary abnormality. Further counseling included discussion of the potential outcome for a child with severe hypertelorism and talipes . It was anticipated that binocular vision would not be possible and that craniofacial surgeries to normalize orbital position in addition to probable surgical treatment for clubfoot could be expected. The patient opted for pregnancy termination at 21 weeks gestation by dilatation and evacuation. Given the termination method, fetal autopsy was not possible. Microarray analysis completed after pregnancy termination and revealed two abnormalities. The first abnormality (see Figure 4) was a duplication of 7.1 Mb, corresponding to 10q22.3-10q23.2. FISH studies on both parents were normal in relation to this duplication, thus the duplication was considered de novo based on the lack of a similar gain or rearrangement in either parent. (Insert Table with gene gains noted associated with this region). The second finding was a deletion of 87.9 Kb in the Xp21.1 region (Figure XX) and included exon sequence{Janice clarify}(molecular results pending) within the dystrophin gene. Neither parent demonstrated clinical features of muscular dystrophy. Both parents were studied using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and the same deletion Xp21.1 was identified in the father. The unexpected deletion in the dystrophin locus was further evaluated by molecular genetic analysis in the father who had no clinical symptomatology of muscular dystrophy at age 32 with the following finding : results pending. Discussion I suggest the discussion is be reworked in the following order: 1. Case result with 10q duplication as likely cause of anomalies Reference medication exposures as unlikely cause Comment on gene gains in duplication as likely cause of developmental abnormality 2. Mention 10q duplication from literature but point out (or leave out) those that do not share the same duplicated material as this case. Highlight/Make specific comparison to Erdogan microarray result case. 3. Utility of prenatal microarray and ACOG committee opinion 4. Unexpected deletion in dystrophin gene with comparison to Catrell et al 5. Conclusion Only 4 prior cases of prenatal diagnosis of partial trisomy 10q have been reported. {Not sure if prenatal is correct since the results were returned after the termination – nuance difference, however management did not follow the microarray, rather the MRI confirmation and subsequent counseling. A reviewer might not pick this up – we’ll see} All prior cases involved identification of microscopic karyotype abnormalities. The current case represents the first prenatal diagnosis of a 10q22-10q23 duplication syndrome with a normal karyotype. This case highlights the importance of prenatal microarray in patients with abnormal prenatal ultrasound findings with and normal routine karyotype. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists currently acknowledges the utility of microarray studies after normal karyotype in some cases where significant birth defects are identified (Paul we should read carefully ACOG wording). The combination of microcephaly, craniofacial abnormalities and talipes (clubfoot) encompasses a broad differential diagnosis. A normal karyotype is considered reassuring, and can eliminate aneuploidy. However, a normal karyotype does not eliminate smaller genomic changes duplications or deletions. In our case both were identified. Many clinicians mistakenly equate a normal karyotype to a “normal” genotype. With the advent of microarray analysis, geneticists can now identify many previously described genetic conditions wherein genomic abnormalities are sub-microscopic. Karyotype analysis can no longer be considered adequate genetic evaluation after a “normal” result, especially in the presence of fetal abnormalities identified by high-resolution ultrasound studies. The fetal abnormalities identified in the current case have not been reported to be associated with prenatal exposure to Buspar. Midface abnormalities such as cleft lip/cleft palate have been associated with prenatal exposure to benzodiazepines such as Valium, but have not been reported with exposure to Xanax. (need reference for this statement)Duplication in the 10q22-10q23 region is associated with a well-defined syndrome of abnormalities including a broad nasal bridge, microcephaly, congenital heart disease, talipes (clubfoot) and developmental delay. (note references)Although the duplication was smaller than many reported in the literature, the prenatal ultrasound findings closely resemble the syndrome of partial trisomy 10q. Summary An apparent de novo interstitial duplication in 10q was demonstrated by microarray technology in a fetus with significant microcephaly, severe hypertelorism and talipes The genomic imbalance was not demonstrated on conventional karyotype at the 470 Mb resolution given the small size of the duplication (7.1 Mb pairs). Clinicians should advise patients with suspected fetal abnormalities and a normal karyotype to consider microarray analysis to detect sub-microscopic duplications and deletions. Despite unexpected information and results where clinical significance is uncertain, microarray analysis can aid physicians, genetic professionals and their patients in navigating pregnancy management decisions and importantly, provide parents with information not otherwise available with conventional cytogenetics. Bibliography 1. Kep-de-Pater JM, Bijlsma JB, de France HF, Leschot NJ, Duijndam-Van den Berge M, Van Hernel JO. Partial trisomy 10q. A recognizable syndrome. 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Unexpected Detection of Dystrophin Gene Deletions by Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization. Am J Med Genet Part A 152A:2301-2307. 10. Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization in Prenatal Diagnosis. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee Opinion Number 446, November 2009.