Pleasant View Middle School “A family learning atmosphere where kids come first” “Home of the Lions” 2013-2014 Handbook Pleasant View Middle School 23600 Everett Road Pueblo, Colorado 81006 Telephone: (719) 542-7813 FAX: (719) 545-6291 Dennis Downs Dean of Students Period Ronda Rein Principal 2013 -2014 CLASS SCHEDULE Subject Teacher 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Access Hour 1 Jason Neal Counselor Room PLEASANT VIEW MIDDLE SCHOOL “A family learning atmosphere where kids come first” School Colors: Purple and Gold Mascot: The “Lions” GREETINGS: Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year! During this school year, our staff will be working hard to provide the best educational experience to all of our students. We will continue to provide our students with two nationally renowned programs: Pre-Advanced Placement classes and the Gateway To Technology curriculum. Pre-AP classes will be available to students that are accepted into the program. In the Gateway To Technology program, all sixth grade PV students will go through nine weeks of this program which will introduce them to engineering fields and hands on technology. Seventh and eighth grade students will be able to take the GTT classes as a semester long elective. We are also very proud of all of the different clubs, activities and sports that we provide for our students. Please look into everything we have to offer and find something that is the right fit for you. This student handbook is intended to acquaint you with the school policies at Pleasant View Middle School. Students and parents should become very familiar with this information, so you should read this section of the booklet carefully. Students are expected to understand and abide by the policies contained in this handbook. It is our desire to make this school year successful for all of our students. Good luck as you strive for excellence during the 2013—2014 school year! Pleasant View Putting Respect In Diverse Education NOTICE In order to provide for the safety of our students and staff, ALL VISITORS entering the school building are REQUIRED to check into the office. No person will be permitted to enter the classroom area, gym, shop, or cafeteria without prior authorization from office personnel. The policies and procedures outlined in this student handbook are accurate at the time of printing and are subject to change. Pueblo School District No. 70 does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or handicap (disability) in admission or access to, or treatment, or employment in its educational programs or activities. Inquiries about ADA, Section 504, and Title IX may be addressed to the Superintendent of Schools, 24951 East Highway 50, Pueblo, Colorado 81006. (719) 542-0220 2 THE 8 PERIOD SCHEDULE NOTE: Students should arrive at school no later than 7:25 a.m. Late arrivals are considered TARDY unless excused by the office. Students arriving after 7:35 AM must have a parent sign them in. 7:30-8:31 8:35-9:31 9:35-10:31 10:35-11:31 11:35 12:05 12:09 12:39 12:43 1:13 1:17-2:13 2:17-3:13 3:19-3:45 SOME EXPENSES YOU CAN ANTICIPATE (subject to change) School Lunch Extra Milk Snacks Adults without Milk Breakfast 1st Period 2nd Period 3rd Period 4th Period 1st Lunch Begins 1st Lunch Ends Tardy Bell/5th Period Dismiss for 2nd Lunch 2nd Lunch Begins 2nd Lunch Ends 6thPeriod 7th Period Access Hour $ 2.05 .40 .50-$2.00 $2.60 FREE Student Insurance (available if desired): Premiums depend on coverage. Information will be sent home to all students at the beginning of the school year. Students participating in athletics should have medical insurance, either a policy purchased at school or a family health insurance plan. Gym Uniform $20.00 Gateway To Technology (Each Class) $10.00 Materials for Shop, Art, or other electives and up, depending on projects selected $5.00 School Pictures, if desired and up $8.00 Middle School Activities, dances or assemblies $1.00-$3.00 Middle School Athletic Events (Preschool with parents) FREE (Students through middle school) (High School Students and Adults) $1.00 $2.00 Athletics: $60 participation fee for the first sport/child and $50.00 per sport thereafter. Athletic fee must be paid by the first practice session for each sport. Families with hardship situations are encouraged to contact the principal to make arrangements for athletic fees. Memory Book (estimated) $35.00 (Cost not yet determined for 2013-2014 school year) 3 Such items that are used on school time will be confiscated and returned only to the parent at the end of the school day and a consequence as a disruption will be given. Under no circumstance will the school be responsible for loss or damage to property. Personal property is brought to school at your own risk. WE WILL NOT CONDUCT SEARCHES FOR LOST OR STOLEN ELECTRONICS. PARENT COMMUNICATION/PARTICIPATION We not only welcome, but encourage parent communication with staff. Many venues of communication to parents are used throughout the year. A monthly newsletter is available online with important information and dates. At any time, parents may request a conference with teachers, which should be arranged through the counselor, Mr. Jason Neal. If you wish to visit your child’s classroom, please sign-in at the office window to receive a visitor’s badge. Our computerized grading system is available to parents, so that you may check your student’s grades at any time. PLEASANT VIEW MIDDLE SCHOOL GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS Administration reserves the right to change or modify these general rules and regulations due to safety concerns or changes in District policy. 1. We also welcome parent participation through the school accountability committee, office help, tutoring help, or occasionally helping with the concession stand. Please call the office, 542-7813, if you can help. 2. CHANGE OF ADDRESS If at any time during the school year it becomes necessary to change the home or mailing address or phone number, please report this change immediately to the office. It is also vital for the school to have the current employer, address, and phone number of both parents or guardians in case of an emergency. 3. 4. 5. LEAVING SCHOOL GROUNDS Permission to leave the school grounds early in case of illness, doctor appointments, etc., must be cleared through the office. All calls home to arrange for parents to take students home need to be made in the office. If you leave the school grounds without signing out you will be considered truant for the school time missed. PARENTS MUST COME INTO THE OFFICE TO SIGN OUT STUDENTS. THE SCHOOL MUST HAVE WRITTEN PERMISSION FOR A STUDENT TO LEAVE SCHOOL WITH ANOTHER STUDENT OR PARENT. 6. 7. CELL PHONES, CD PLAYERS, I-PODS, ETC. School is a place of learning and should be treated as the student’s “workplace.” Cell phones, pagers, cd players, i-Pods, etc. should not be taken into or used in the classroom unless requested by the instructor. MP3 should not be used before or after school because this causes the students to miss announcements and possible emergency information. These items have become both a disruption and safety issue at Pleasant View over the past few years. 8. 9. 4 Maintain a respectful attitude toward other students, teachers, and administrators. Insubordination toward any staff member will not be tolerated and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. Students shall not create disturbances while classes are in session. Students shall not interfere in any way with the learning process in the classroom. No drinking, tobacco or use of narcotics are allowed in the school building or on the school grounds at any time. Students, while in the building or on the school grounds, are not to hold hands, hug, kiss, or show any outward demonstration of affection. Fighting will not be tolerated on school property, on the way to or from school, or on the bus or at the bus stop. Any infraction will result in police charges and suspension, possibly expulsion. Students are not to threaten or do any bodily harm to school personnel and/or personal property. This is a violation of State Law and School District 70 policy, and is grounds for suspension/expulsion. Permission to leave school grounds must be granted by PVMS Office Personnel. If a parent or guardian cannot be contacted, the student will not be permitted to leave campus. If the student leaves anyway, they will be marked truant or unexcused and may be suspended. No parent will be allowed to excuse the student at a later date. Any student who leaves the grounds during the day for lunch, ditching classes, etc., faces disciplinary action. Damaging school property is considered a serious offense and the expense of repairs and replacement will be paid for by the offender. Offender faces suspension and police charges. Throwing snowballs, rocks, or other objects is not allowed on school grounds because of the 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 15. danger involved to other students, and could result in suspension. Scuffling, running or yelling in the halls is not allowed. Rudeness, vulgarity, rebelliousness and profanity will not be tolerated at any time. Students are not permitted to wear hats, caps, leg, arm, or head bands in the building. The use of radios/cassettes/electronic games is strictly prohibited. These items are not to be brought to school. The school will not be responsible for confiscated or stolen items and PVMS will not investigate lost or stolen electronic items, including Ipods, cell phones, etc. The use of water guns/water balloons or similar items on the campus of Pleasant View Middle School is prohibited. Any student who disregards this rule could be suspended from school. These items will be confiscated and may not be returned. Graffiti will not be tolerated and any student found defacing school property may face suspension and/or expulsion. Cell phones may not be used during class time (including text messaging.) Parents, please do not call your student on his/her cell during school hours. In case of an emergency, please call PVMS Office at 542-7813. Serious offenses and repeated violations of the above rules and regulations are grounds for suspension. Colorado Law permits students to be suspended or referred for possible expulsion for “habitual disruptive behavior.” Specific procedures to identify “habitually disruptive students” are outlines in District 70 policies JK and JK-R. Students suspended are not allowed at any school function or activity during the time of their suspension. Infractions can and/or will be referred to proper authorities. Students suspended are not allowed at any school function or activity during the time of their suspension. Infractions can and/or will be referred to the proper authorities. DISCIPLINARY PROCESS Once a student is referred to the office with a written discipline referral, it is at the discretion of the school administration, along with school and board policy, on what actions will be taken. The action(s) taken would depend on the severity and number of offenses by the individual student. Consequences range from verbal and/or written warning, detention, and out of school suspension or possible referral for expulsion. If a parent or student has any questions they should refer to the Pueblo School District No. 70 Student/Parent Information Handbook or the Pueblo School District 70 Board Policy Manual. Please call Pleasant View Middle School’s administration if you have any further questions or concerns. CODE OF CONDUCT FILE: JICDA The principal may suspend or recommend expulsion of a student who engages in one or more of the following activities while in school buildings, on school grounds, in school vehicles or during a schoolsponsored activity and in certain cases when the behavior occurs off of school property. Suspension or expulsion shall be mandatory for serious violations in a school building or on school property. 1. Causing or attempting to cause damage to school property or stealing or attempting to steal school property of value. 2. Causing or attempting to cause damage to private property or stealing or attempting to steal private property. 3. Commission of any act which if committed by an adult would be robbery or assault as defined by state law. Expulsion shall be mandatory in accordance with state law except for commission of third degree assault. 4. Violation of criminal law which has an immediate effect on the school or on the general safety or welfare of students or staff. 5. Violation of district policy or building regulations. 6. Violation of the district’s policy on dangerous weapons in the schools. Expulsion shall be mandatory for carrying, bringing, using or possessing a dangerous weapon without the authorization of the school or school district, "HANDS OFF" POLICY” Pleasant View Middle School has a "hands off" policy. Students are not to touch other students in an unwelcome manner. Pushing, shoving, tripping, bumping, grabbing or hitting other students is prohibited. Students are expected to refrain from horseplay while at school. STUDENT DISCIPLINE The Board of Education of School District 70 assigns the responsibility of student discipline to the principals of each building and their staff. Refer to Colorado Revised Statute 123-20-7. Students must respect the rights of others as outlined in the Code of Conduct. 5 unless the student has delivered the firearm or weapon to a teacher, administrator or other authorized person in the district as soon as possible upon discovering it, in accordance with state law. 7. Violation of the district’s alcohol use/drug abuse policy. Expulsion shall be mandatory for sale of drugs or controlled substances, in accordance with state law. 8. Violation of the district’s tobacco-free schools policy. 9. Violation of the district’s policy on sexual harassment. 10. Throwing objects, unless part of a supervised school activity, that can cause bodily injury or damage property. 11. Directing profanity, vulgar language or obscene gestures toward other students, school personnel or visitors to the school. 12. Engaging in verbal abuse, i.e., name calling, ethnic or racial slurs, or derogatory statements addressing publicly to others that precipitate disruption of the school program or incite violence. 13. Committing extortion, coercion or blackmail, i.e., obtaining money or other objects of value from an unwilling person or forcing an individual to act through the use of force or threat of force. 14. Lying or giving false information, either verbally or in writing, to a school employee. 15. Scholastic dishonesty which includes but is not limited to cheating on a test, plagiarism or unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work. 16. Continued willful disobedience or open and persistent defiance of proper authority including deliberate refusal to obey a member of the school staff. 17. Behavior on or off school property which is detrimental to the welfare or safety of other students or school personnel. 18. Repeated interference with the school’s ability to provide educational opportunities to other students. PROHIBITION AGAINST TOBACCO AT SCHOOLS THE USE OF Effective July 1, 1999, all Colorado public schools, K-12 are required under Colorado law to prohibit tobacco use on all school property, including building interiors and grounds, and at all school-sponsored activities. This applies to students, teachers, staff, and visitors. If students are observed with tobacco products during the school day, those tobacco items will be confiscated and possible suspension will occur. ZERO TOLERANCE: USE, POSSESSION, AND ABUSE OF ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS Student use, possession, distribution, or sale of alcohol or other drugs is prohibited in all District #70 schools, on school grounds, at school sponsored activities, or when students are being transported in vehicles dispatched by the District at any time during the calendar year. Students violating this policy shall be subject to disciplinary sanctions which may include suspension and/or expulsion from school and referral for prosecution. The term “other drugs” includes, but is not limited to, narcotics, stimulants, depressants, inhalants, hallucinogens, and cannabis derivatives, other than that which can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription or prescribed by a licensed physician, or any other item being represented as a drug. The regulations which shall guide the enforcement of this policy shall be in keeping with applicable laws and shall be observed by all school personnel. Appropriate procedures shall be followed by all District #70 school personnel in working with students who may: 1. Be “under the influence” of alcohol or other drugs on school grounds, at school sponsored activities or when students are being transported in vehicles dispatched by the district. 2. Possess alcohol or other drugs on school grounds, at school sponsored activities or when students are being transported in vehicles dispatched by the district. 3. Be engaged in acts of using, selling or distributing alcohol or other drugs on school grounds, at school sponsored activities or when students are being transported in vehicles dispatched by the district. Each principal shall post a copy of these rules in a prominent place in each school and post the handbook/rules on the school website for students, parents, and community to review. Copies shall be available to any member of the public upon request. STUDENT TOBACCO FREE POLICY Notice of enactment of Colorado law - C.R.S., Section 25-14-103.5(3)(a)(II) 6 agency or officer who shall then investigate the incident or determine the appropriateness of filing criminal charges or initiating delinquency proceedings. 5. A copy of this policy shall be distributed to each student and posted in each school building 6. The foregoing shall not be construed as a limitation on the normal powers of a Superintendent in regard to suspension or expulsion. H. If suspension or expulsion involves a handicapped child (as defined by federal and state law), before such child can be expelled, it shall be determined (1) that the child has been appropriately placed and (2) that the child’s conduct giving raise to suspension or expulsion was not caused by the child’s handicap. A handicapped child may be suspended however in an emergency situation in which the child is endangering himself/herself or others. Otherwise during the pendency of any administrative or legal proceedings the placement of the child shall not be changed. The foregoing factors shall be determined by the same group established to determine placement and the same procedures shall be used. After an affirmative finding as to both factors, the foregoing grounds for a suspension or for an expulsion shall be applied and the factors set out shall be applicable. I. Suspension/expulsion is considered an unexcused absence per district/state policy. (JED-R) Assignment to In School Suspension/In School Exclusion is also considered an unexcused absence. Students who have been assigned to ISS/ISE will be required to take final exams in the classes that were not attended as a result of being assigned to ISS/ISE. *Please note that these grounds may support suspension and could be grounds for expulsion as further highlighting A, but grounds of A are the only ones provided for in the statute. GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OR EXPULSION The following may be grounds for suspension or expulsion of a child from the schools: A. Any grounds authorized by the Colorado Statutes including but not limited to the following: 1. Continued willful disobedience or open and persistent defiance of proper authority; 2. Willful destruction or defacing of school property; 3. Behavior which is detrimental to the welfare, safety, or morals of other pupils. B. Violation while on school property or while engaged in school functions or school sponsored activities of any criminal statute of the State of Colorado, or the doing of an act made unlawful by the statutes of this state. *C. Violation of any policy of the Board of Education. *D. Violation of any written rule or regulation adopted by the principal of any school, or adopted by any other employees of the district who is authorized by the Board of Education to establish rules and regulations in regard to a particular school, or in regard to a particular activity. *E. Insubordination or continued and willful misconduct. *F. Student behavior which is detrimental to the welfare and safety of teacher or school employees. G. In addition to the foregoing, the following procedures shall be followed in instances of assault, disorderly conduct, harassment or alleged criminal offense by a student directed toward a teacher or school employee. These same procedures shall be followed in instances of damage by a student to the personal property of a teacher or school employee occurring on school district premises. 1. The teacher or employee shall file a written complaint with the building principal, the Superintendent’s Office and the Board of Education. 2. The principal, after receipt both of the complaint and adequate proof of the charges, shall suspend the student for up to five days in accordance with established procedures. 3. The Superintendent shall initiate procedures for the further suspension or expulsion of the student. 4. The Superintendent or his designee shall report the incident to the district attorney or the appropriate local law enforcement COLORADO SCHOOL LAWS 1971, ARTICLE 29 PROPERTY DEFACING CONTROL LAW 40-29-1. Legislative Declaration. It is the intent of the general assembly by this article to prohibit throughout the state any and all defacing of public and private property and thereby to curb harm to the health, welfare, and safety of its citizens. This article shall not be construed to preempt or limit the authority of any city, city and county, or town. 7 40-29-2. Short Title. - This article shall be known and may be cited as the “Property Defacing Control Act.” 40-29-3. Unlawful to Deface. - It shall be unlawful for any person to deface or cause, aid in, or permit the defacing of any public or private property without consent of the owner of such property. 40-29-4. Definition. - The term “defacing” as used in this article shall include any painting, marking, or in any other manner placing of any letter, character, sign, paper, or device upon any public or private property so as to change in any way its former appearance. Any person 40-29-5. Violation - Penalties. violating the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not to exceed thirty days. 40-29-6. Public Officials Required to Publicize Article. - All public officials having supervision of properties of this state are authorized, empowered, and instructed to establish and to post signs and to otherwise publicize the requirements of this article along state roads and highways, in, on, or about public areas where defacing frequently has been or is likely to be a problem. prohibited. Students shall not distribute any material which advocates commission of unlawful acts or violation of Board policy and/or regulations, which violates another person’s right to privacy or which causes a material and substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school. Students who distribute materials in violation of this policy and/or materials that cause a material and substantial disruption or damage to a person or property in the judgment of school officials shall be subjected to appropriate disciplinary action. School equipment and supplies shall not be used for publication of such written material unless authorized as a school-sponsored activity. Students who wish to distribute non-curricular printed materials on school property or in conjunction with a school activity must notify the principal a minimum of one day in advance so that details may be worked out regarding the time, place, and manner of distribution. Students do not have to produce an advance copy of the materials that will be distributed for the principal’s review. However, materials which are distributed on school grounds containing information prohibited by Board policy and/or materials that create a significant or substantial disruption or damage to persons or property in the judgment of school official may subject the responsible students to disciplinary action following distribution. STUDENT DISTRIBUTION OF NONCURRICULAR MATERIALS (CONSTITUTIONAL RELATIVITY) SEE POLICY JIC BC To understand Constitutional values such as the right to free speech, students must not only study such principles but also have an opportunity to put them into practice. However, there are limitations on the right of student free speech in the school setting that have been upheld by the courts because of the unique nature of the school community. The following restrictions will apply to all requests for distribution of non-curricular materials by students: 1. PLACE Distribution of printed materials must be made at places within the school or school grounds as designated by the principal except that in no event may such materials be distributed in any classroom of any building then being occupied by a regularly-scheduled class. 2. TIME Distribution may be made one-half hour before school and/or 15 minutes after the close of school. Any other times during the school day are considered to be disruptive of normal school activities. 3. LITTERING All distributed items discarded in school or on school grounds must be removed by the persons distributing such materials. 4. MANNER No student may in any way be compelled or coerced to accept any materials being distributed by any person distributing such materials or by It is the goal of this policy to strike a necessary balance between a student’s right of free speech and the school’s responsibility to maintain an orderly school environment which respects the right of all students on school grounds and during school sponsored activities. Students shall be allowed to distribute non-curricular materials on school property subject to restrictions on time, place, and manner of distribution set out in the accompanying regulations and the prohibitions set out below and in state law. Any written materials containing expression which is obscene, libelous, slanderous or defamatory shall be 8 any school official. In the alternative, no school official or student may interfere with the distribution of approved materials. turned in complete, no more will be sent home until the first request is completed. Violation of any of these regulations will be sufficient cause for denial of the privilege to distribute materials at future dates, subject to the right of appeal as stated above. LATE WORK Late work will be accepted in accordance to each teacher’s policy, as outlined in their syllabus. Teachers may accept late work for partial credit, but they may not penalize the student more than 40%. It is at the teacher’s discretion whether they take late work or not, but they must remain consistent with their policy in their syllabus. GANG ACTIVITIES Pleasant View Middle School has a Zero Tolerance Policy for gang-related behavior and/or paraphernalia (including clothing). Some of these behaviors or paraphernalia may be, but are not limited to, weapons, threatening language or gestures. Students may be subject to suspension and/or referral to the superintendent or other legal authorities for any behavior that jeopardizes the safety and welfare of any other student(s). PLEASANT VIEW DRESS CODE The Board of Education has approved a school uniform for Pleasant View Middle School. Pleasant View will follow the rules below for the uniform: 1. MAKE UP WORK Make-up work shall be provided for any class in which a student has an excused absence unless otherwise determined by the building administrator or unless the absence is due to the student’s expulsion from school. It is the responsibility of the student to ask the teacher for any make-up assignments on the day returning to class. There shall be one day allowed for make-up work for each day of absence. 2. Make-up work shall be allowed following an unexcused absence or following a student’s suspension from school with the goal of providing the student an opportunity to keep up with the class and an incentive to attend school. Unless otherwise permitted by the building administrator, make-up work shall not be provided during a student’s expulsion. Rather, the district shall offer alternative education services to the expelled student in accordance with state law. The district shall determine the amount of credit the expelled student will receive for work completed during any alternative education program. 3. 4. For prolonged absences or pre-arranged absences homework assignments will be given upon request for two or more days’ absence. These requests should be made before 10:00 a.m. to allow adequate time to gather materials. Homework for a one-day absence can be made upon return to school. Makeup work completed at home should be returned to school before asking for more work to be sent home. If all homework previously requested is not 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 Clothing must be size-appropriate. It is understandable to purchase clothing a size bigger, so that growing middle school students can fit into them for a time period. However, we will not accept excessively baggy pants or tops that are too long. Pleasant View accepts pants, slacks and shorts that are traditional in nature. Pants are acceptable if they can be pulled away from the student’s thigh no more than four inches. Excessively baggy pants, ragged pants that are torn, ripped or cut up are not considered traditional. Short and skirt length should be no less then 2 inches from the knee. Cargo pants are acceptable, but military style pants with expanding pockets are not acceptable. Pants will be worn on the hips or higher, no exceptions. Any pants that are being worn below the hips will be considered sagging. Chains attached to pants and wallets are not acceptable. Building staff will have the discretion to determine if pants are sagging. No adornments can be added to uniform clothing. The only outer garment allowed is the fleece zipper jacket. Students will not be allowed to wear other sweatshirts. Heavy jackets worn to school will remain in the student’s locker for the day. All pants/shorts must be worn on the waist line. Tights are NOT part of the uniform. Students must be in uniform at all school sponsored events. Trench coats are not acceptable at any time. Hats are not to be worn in the building. The term hat includes stocking caps and bandanas. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Pleasant View accepts all forms of shoes as the manufacturer originally produced them. Sandals are acceptable if they do not distract from the learning environment. Laced shoes will be laced and tied at all times. Slippers are not allowed at any time at school. Any hair color, hairstyle, haircut, or arrangement that distracts from the educational environment is considered unacceptable. (For example, Mohawks, brightly colored hair, long hair in to the face covering the eyes.) Pleasant View accepts traditional hair colors, whether natural or colored with dyes. Colored hair that is considered distracting to the educational environment, such as green, orange, blue, etc., is not acceptable. Traditional ear piercing is accepted as appropriate attire. Piercing through the nose, eyebrows, tongue, and lips is not acceptable and cannot be worn in the school building. Tattoos need to be covered if they are determined to be a distraction, as determined by administration. Spiked jewelry of any kind is not allowed at school. Undergarments, including bras, should not be exposed when the student walks, stands, bends, kneels, or sits. Non-traditional clothing, make-up, nail polish, lipstick, piercings and other attire that distracts from the educational process and environment is not acceptable. Traditional attire is defined by the building administration. Building administration reserves the right to make any modifications or changes to the dress code as it deems necessary. VALUABLES Students should not bring valuables of any kind to school. Jewelry, expensive clothing, collectable items, etc. that have value should remain at home. THE SCHOOL WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO VALUABLES BROUGHT TO SCHOOL NOR WILL WE LOOK FOR THEM IF THEY ARE STOLEN. TARDY POLICY Tardiness is defined as the appearance of a student without proper excuse after the scheduled time that a class begins. Because of the disruptive nature of tardiness and the detrimental effect upon the rights of the non-tardy student to uninterrupted learning, appropriate penalties may be imposed for excessive tardiness. Parents/guardians shall be notified of all penalties regarding tardiness. Getting up late in the morning is not an excused tardy, even if a parent calls the tardy into the office. In an unavoidable situation, a student detained by another teacher or administrator shall not be considered tardy provided that the teacher or administrator gives the student a pass to enter his next class. Teachers shall honor passes presented in accordance with this policy. Students are expected to be in the classroom and to be seated before the time class is scheduled to begin. Students who are late to class due to being detained by a teacher should obtain a pass to admit them to the next class. Students who are tardy and are not excused will have the following consequences, which will start over at the beginning of each semester: This dress code has been established by the Pleasant View Middle School administration and faculty to create a positive learning environment that promotes academic growth and safety for all students and staff. 1. 2. 3 4. 5. 6. CONSEQUENCES FOR DRESS CODE VIOLATION Warning/call to parent Lunch Detention Friday School 1 day out of school suspension 2 day out of school suspension 5 day out of school suspension for willful disobedience 3 tardies in any class per semester– 1 lunch detention 6 tardies in any class per semester – 1 week lunch detention 9 tardies in any class per semester – 1 day Friday school 12 tardies in any class per semester– parent conference and Friday school 15 tardies in any class per semester – parent conference, behavior plan, Friday School ATTENDANCE POLICY Regular attendance is absolutely essential for success in your school work. When an absence is necessary, it is the student’s responsibility to see that work is made up in a reasonable amount of time. Generally, students will have one school day to make up each day’s work while absent. Parents are asked to call the school office, 5427813, on the day of the absence, before 10:00 a.m. 10 attendance generally achieve higher grades, enjoy school more and are more employable after leaving school. For at least these reasons, the Board believes that a student must satisfy two basic requirements in order to earn full class credit: (1) satisfy all academic requirements and (2) exhibit good attendance habits as stated in this policy. PARENTS MUST STATE THE REASON FOR THE ABSENCE. FAILURE TO STATE A REASON WILL BE CAUSE TO CONSIDER THE ABSENCE TO BE UNEXCUSED. Each student who is absent from the building any period of the school day must report to the office as soon as he/she returns to school. If the parent or guardian has not talked with the office, the student must present a written excuse for their absence signed by the parent or guardian. At that time the student will receive a class admission slip either excused or unexcused signed by the office staff. Students may not miss any class period throughout the year to be eligible for perfect attendance. Access Hour is considered a class period. ALL ABSENCES MUST BE CLEARED IN THE OFFICE WITHIN 24 HOURS OR THE ABSENCE(S) WILL BE UNEXCUSED. THE DUE DATE FOR PREARRANGED WORK IS THE FIRST DAY THE STUDENT RETURNS TO SCHOOL. Excused absences The following shall be considered excused absences: 1. A student who is temporarily ill or injured or whose absence is approved by the administrator of the school of attendance on a prearranged basis. Prearranged absences shall be approved for appointments or circumstances of a serious nature only which cannot be taken care of outside of school hours. 2. A student who is absent for an extended period due to physical, mental or emotional disability. 3. A student who is pursuing a work-study program under the supervision of the school. 4. A student who is attending any school-sponsored activity or activities of an educational nature with advance approval by the administration. 5. A student who is suspended or expelled. Students must be in attendance for ½ day to participate in school or athletic events. Additionally, students must be passing all classes to attend any out-of-school events or field trips. As applicable, the district may require suitable proof regarding the above exceptions, including written statements from medical sources. If a student is in out-of-home placement (as that term is as defined by C.R.S. 22-32-138(1)(e), absences due to court appearances and participation in court-ordered activities shall be excused. The student’s assigned social worker shall verify the student’s absence was for a court appearance or court-ordered activity. ATTENDANCE Based on the Board’s attendance philosophy outlined in the District 70 Student/Parent Handbook, student absences will be closely monitored. One criteria of a student’s success in school is regular and punctual attendance. Frequent absences may lead to poor academic work, lack of social development and possible academic failure. Regular attendance is of utmost importance for school interest, social adjustment and scholastic achievement. No single factor may interfere with a student’s progress more quickly than frequent tardiness or absence. Parents must report the absence within 24 hours of the occurrence of the absence. In situations where an extended absence will be necessary, the parents need to communicate with the school ahead of time. It is important that parents attempt to arrange medical appoints outside of school hours. If this cannot occur, parents are expected to have their student’s absence pre-approved by building administration. Students are allowed to have prearranged absences for up to three days if the absence has an educational value. These will need to be prearranged with building administration and will be granted only if the student does not have unexcused absences. If the excused absences appear to be in excess, the principal/designee may require suitable proof that the absence was justified. If a student misses 4 or more days in a month or 10 days in a year, documentation will need to be provided in order for the absences to be excused. The proof may include written statements from the student’s According to state law, it is the obligation of every parent/guardian to ensure that every child under their care and supervision receives adequate education and training and, if of compulsory attendance age, attends school. Each year the Board establishes the school attendance period by adopting a school calendar. Secondary students are required to have actual teach-pupil instruction and contact time of 1,056 hours for secondary students and 968 hours for elementary students during each school year. Continuity in the learning process and social adaptation is seriously disrupted by excessive absences. In most situations, the work missed cannot be made up adequately. Students who have good 11 students are missing classes without their parent’s knowledge and the code of conduct will be applied in these cases. In addition, the following consequences will be imposed for unexcused absences: • Fifth Absence-Notify parents with a warning letter and call parents, student will be required to attend Friday school for remediation. • Eighth Absence – Notify parents with a warning letter, student will be required to attend Friday school for remediation. • Twelfth – Notify parents with letter of truancy, parent conference, student will be required to attend Friday school. physician. Students may not miss more than 10 days in a school year, excused or unexcused or judicial proceedings will be considered. Unexcused Absences Unexcused absences are those absences that are not approved by the school officials and may include, but are not limited to, absences due to baby-sitting, shopping, truancy, or waking up late. School officials will determine if an absence is excused or unexcused. Please provide a doctor’s note for any medical absences. An unexcused absences is defined as an absence that is not covered by one of the foregoing exceptions. Each unexcused absence shall be entered on the student’s record. The parent/guardians of the student receiving an unexcused absence shall be notified orally or in writing by the district of the unexcused absence. FREQUENT ABSENCES DUE TO ILLNESS Students who are absent from school for three or more consecutive days will need a medical excuse from a physician stating that the student cannot attend school because of medical reasons in order for the absences to be excused. In accordance with law, the district may impose appropriate penalties that relate directly to classes missed while unexcused. Penalties may include a warning, school detention or in-school-suspension. Academic penalties, out-of-school suspensions or expulsion shall not be imposed for any unexcused absences. Six or more absences in any one nine-weeks grading period will require the parents to contact the school to explain the frequent absences. A doctor’s excuse may be required in order for the absences to be excused. Re-occurring absences will require a physician’s statement to explain why the child cannot attend school on a regular basis. Students and parents/guardians may petition the Board of Education for exceptions to this policy or the accompanying regulations provided that no exception shall be sustained if the student fails to abide by all requirements imposed by the Board as conditions for granting any such exception. Continued absences from school without a physician’s excuse may result in the child being referred to the district truancy officer for legal action according to School District Policy and State Law. Habitual (more than 10) absences in a school year will be unexcused without a doctor’s documentation. The maximum number of unexcused absences a student may incur before judicial proceedings are initiated to enforce compulsory attendance is 10 school days during any calendar year or school year. INCOMPLETES Incompletes are given only where work has been missed because of an extended absence. An “I” automatically becomes an “F” three weeks after it is given unless the work is made up satisfactorily before that time. No incompletes will be given at the close of the second semester. Any student who has been absent from class for six consecutive weeks or more in any one school year, except for reasons of expulsion, excused long term illness or death, is considered a “dropout” and shall be reported to the Department of Education by the school district. However, if the student is in attendance at the end of the school year, or enrolled in another school, home study course or on-line program, such student is not considered a dropout and shall not be reported. EARLY CLOSING OF SCHOOL If bad weather or other emergency situations requires the early closing of school, parents should arrange for the supervision of their children. Parents should indicate on the “Emergency Information” form the name, address, and telephone number of a neighbor or relative near your home where your child should be taken in the event of early school closure. CONSEQUENCES FOR ABSENCES For each unexcused absence, the student may be allowed to make up work for up to 60% of the grade at PVMS. Truancies are unexcused absences where HONOR ROLL/ MERIT ROLL 12 The purpose of the honor roll is to encourage students to maintain high scholastic achievement. In order to qualify for the honor roll, a student must maintain a 3.5 average on a 4.0 scale. Students cannot be on the honor roll if they receive an “F” or unsatisfactory grade in any class. The honor roll will be published at the end of each nine week period and at the end of each semester. Students who are on the honor roll will be eligible for certain activities as a reward for good grades. MEDICINE AND PRESCRIPTIONS Any medication or prescriptions needed by our students are to be stored in the office and dispensed there. We are not allowed to dispense any prescription or non-prescription medication without a Medication Form (available in the office) signed by your doctor. This includes all prescription drugs as well as non-prescription medications such as aspirin, cough drops, Tylenol, etc. STUDENT PROGRESS REPORTS Parents will have computer access to look at student grades. You will need to get your access code and password from the school office. Please allow teachers time to grade assignments and enter them. Teachers will have grades updated in a timely manner A 3.0 average is required of all students to qualify for the merit roll. Students cannot be on the merit roll if they receive an “F” or unsatisfactory grade in any class. Students who are on the merit roll will be eligible for certain activities as a reward for good grades. If you wish to have a printed grade report, please call the counselor’s office to arrange this. COUNSELING SERVICES When a student needs to see the counselor at anytime, he/she should sign up on the sheet provided in the office and he/she will be called to the office as soon as possible. Remember to sign up - do not wait! The goal of the counselor’s work is to help students with school problems, social problems, growing up problems, and career exploration. PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES Parents are encouraged to communicate on a regular basis with the teaching staff. Parent-teacher conferences can be arranged at any time through the counselor’s office. Scheduled parent conferences will be held during the second and fourth quarters. Information will be sent to parents. REPORT CARDS Report cards are issued by the teachers at the end of each nine week period. These reports are intended to inform students and their parents about the quality of work done. Please contact the school counselor for any questions about your child’s report card. SICK ROOM When a student feels ill, a sick room is provided. The student must first get teacher permission to go to the sick room. STUDENTS MUST CHECK WITH THEIR TEACHER, AND THEN MUST SIGN IN WITH THE OFFICE STAFF TO USE THE SICK ROOM. If you are ill and feel you need to go home, you must check with the nurse or office staff before calling home. The office staff will call home if a student is too ill to continue in school. FIELD TRIPS Occasionally, field trips are scheduled by teachers to supplement class content with experiences outside of the school setting. The instructor in charge is directly responsible to the school and the parents for the conduct of students on the field trip. PHYSICAL EDUCATION EXEMPTIONS Physical education is required of all students. A doctor’s excuse is required to be excused from physical education for more than one day. Any student who has excessive absences: five (5) or more unexcused or excused absences in any semester, may not be school excused for field trip activities. If you are ill or have an injury and cannot participate in PE, you must bring a note from your parents to the office between 7:55 and 8:00 a.m. Parent notes can excuse a student for up to two days. Exemption for more than two days requires a written statement from a physician. If you have a note from your doctor, you will be excused from PE as the doctor prescribes. Parent permission is required for any field trip. Permission must be received at least one day prior to the field trip and must be in written form. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Students must be passing all classes in order to be eligible for field trips or school-sponsored activities. Attendance for field trips at the end of the year will be determined by student discipline record. Alternate assignments will be given to earn the daily PE grade. For extended exemptions from Physical Education, your schedule may be changed to replace PE with another class. 13 DAMAGE OR LOSS. Replacement costs for textbooks are usually $30-$50. BUS PASSES Students must ride their own bus and get on or off at their designated stop. No passes will be given unless there is an emergency or for baby-sitting purposes. PRIOR written notification from parents is required for bus passes. Written requests for bus passes should be turned in to the office as soon in the morning as possible. BICYCLES/WALKING We prefer that students not ride bikes to our middle school. This is due to the danger to students because of narrow roads. Students are to ride school buses, in their parent’s car, or walk. If a bike is ridden to school, the school will not be responsible for the bike during school hours. A bike rack is provided for students to lock their bikes. If a student walks or rides a bike, they need to leave the campus by 4:10 unless they are getting after school help from a teacher. TELEPHONE USE The office telephone is for official school business only and is to be used by students only for emergency calls approved by the office staff. Students requesting use of the office phone will be required to discuss the nature of the call. Student use of the office phone will be approved only for emergency calls. CELL PHONES MAY NOT BE USED ON SCHOOL TIME. LOST AND FOUND Lost and found articles will be turned in to the office, where they may be claimed by the owner. Check with the office secretary when you are looking for a lost article. Unclaimed articles of clothing are donated to a local charity at the end of the school year. SELLING CANDY, COOKIES, ETC. We have reserved the right for all money making sales at Pleasant View to our school club groups, classes, or school activities. All sales or money making projects are to be scheduled through the Principal’s office. No sales are to be made by any individual or group not sponsored by the school. HALL LOCKERS Students are assigned a hall locker at the beginning of the year. This locker is for your use only. Do not use another student’s locker or let someone use yours. This leads to problems such as missing books, personal property, assignments, etc. Do not exchange lockers or padlocks with your friends. If you have a problem with your locker, lock, or missing items, please report this to the office. A locker clean-out is held periodically. School lockers are school property and should be kept in good order. This locker clean-out is supervised by the librarian and/or classroom teachers. Because school lockers are school property, the school may search the lockers at any time. LIBRARY The purpose of the library is to serve the staff and students of PVMS. Presently we have approximately 6,000 volumes plus a collection of magazines, videos, and other informational materials. The library is available for group or individual use. The library is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Students may check materials out during this time. Books may be checked out for two weeks. Fines may be charged on overdue books. Certain encyclopedias and reference books may be checked out overnight. This is your library. We hope you will have pride in it, abide by library rules, and return books on due date. The student assigned to the locker is solely responsible for any damage to the locker or for any lost locks. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL THE SCHOOL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO PERSONAL PROPERTY KEPT IN OR OUT OF LOCKERS. TEXTBOOKS Basic texts are loaned to students for their use during the school year. These textbooks are to be kept clean and handled carefully. Please be sure your name, grade, and school are written in ink in the book in case they are lost or misplaced to help insure their return. Fines will be charged for misuse or abuse of books. You will be charged for replacement of books lost or not returned. The student to whom the textbook is issued is responsible for any damage or loss REGARDLESS OF WHO CAUSED THE RESTROOMS The restrooms are provided for the convenience of the students. Students must assist in keeping them attractive and sanitary. It is up to the students to see that no one defaces or mars the walls, mirrors, and fixtures. Any malicious activity should be reported to the office immediately. Students must sign out with their teacher in order to use the restroom. 14 VISITORS School hours are considered work time for students, therefore, STUDENT VISITORS ARE STRONGLY DISCOURAGED. However, under certain circumstances, a visitor may be approved by the principal. Parent contact with the principal prior to the date of the visit is REQUIRED. No visitors will be allowed on campus without a visitor pass. Visitors will be restricted to middle school age students. Students from nearby schools will not be approved as visitors, whether their school is in session or not. No visitors will be approved during the last two weeks of the school year or the week before or after Christmas vacation or spring break. 2. 3. 4. Boys Football, Girls Softball & Girls Volleyball, Cross Country. November/December: Boys Basketball January/February: Girls Basketball & Boys Wrestling April/May: Boys and Girls Track ELIGIBILITY Students who are participating in sports or cheerleading are expected to maintain satisfactory grades in their classes. The philosophy of District 70 is that student-athletes are students first and athletes second and that classroom performance takes priority over any athletic participation. A weekly check of grades is done by the Dean of Students or principal. If a student is failing in any class, he/she is declared ineligible to participate in that week’s events. The student must bring his/her grade up before being able to participate again. The student does need to continue practicing with the even though he/she is ineligible to participate in the contest. A student must have satisfactory grades from the beginning of practice for each season until the last contest of that season. LUNCHES A reasonably priced, nourishing hot lunch is available to students. Paper sacks, milk cartons, trays, and silverware are to be placed in receptacles provided for that purpose. No food is permitted in the halls or on the playground. No one is to leave the school grounds during lunch. Rough play or rock throwing during the lunch recess is NEVER PERMITTED. ATHLETICS All students going out for athletics will be given a copy of our policy governing participation in school activities. This policy is to be signed by the student and their parents. This policy is intended to inform both student and parent of academic and citizenship or behavior expected of our athletes. A student may be declared ineligible by the principal due to citizenship as a result of behavior problems. Out-of-school suspensions will result in a minimum of one week of ineligibility. At Pleasant View Middle School, we believe that academics are first priority and athletics are second. STUDENT COUNCIL Student Council is the arm of student government in the school. Members are selected to this body each year through an application process. Students may NOT participate in any activity if they are not present for ½ of a school day. PARTICIPATION FEE The School District No. 70 Board of Education has approved a participation fee for student athletes. The amount of the participation fee is set by the Board of Education and applies to each sport in which a student athlete chooses to participate. The fee is $60 for the first sport/child and $50 for each sport/child thereafter. Families with hardship situations are encouraged to contact the principal to make arrangements for athletic fees. CLUBS Science/Environment Club, FCA, and others are available for students who have interest in these areas. Students are encouraged to become involved in club activities. NATIONAL JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETY The purpose of the National Junior Honor Society is to create a reputation for excellence among its members. Membership is an honor bestowed upon a student. Selection for membership is based upon scholarship, character, leadership, citizenship and service. Once selected, a student must continue to demonstrate these qualities. Members must maintain a 3.2 average or higher each semester. If you have any questions regarding the participation fee or catastrophic insurance coverage, please contact the principal or the Associate Superintendent, at 5420220. SPORTS SEASONS Middle school sports are offered during four seasons: 1. August/September/October: Membership is open to qualifying 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students that have been enrolled at least one 15 semester. Students must demonstrate behavior that is consistent with good citizenship and high moral character. Any discipline referral to the office resulting in any form of suspension will be grounds for dismissal from the National Junior Honor Society. Candidates must have a cumulative scholastic grade point average of at least 3.5. An induction during the spring will be held. Pleasant View Middle School is a member of the National Junior Honor Society of Secondary Schools. The chapter membership was established on April 19, 1962. All standards of the Pleasant View Chapter meet guidelines established by the national organization. Several moneymaking projects and service projects are conducted throughout the year. AWARDS Awards day assemblies are during the last week of school. Among the awards presented are Presidential Awards, Daughters of American Revolution Good Citizenship Award, and Outstanding Student awards. In addition, special recognition events are planned by coaches to award athletic certificates. Additionally, the Windows of Opportunity Awards are distributed in January. 16 School District 70 Policy: JICBA Acceptable Use for Accessing the Internet Guidelines for Use The Internet is a global network, linking computers at universities, high schools, science labs, and other sites. Through the Internet, one can communicate with people and access information from libraries and museums all over the world. In addition, many files are available for downloading in the Internet. Because of its enormous size, the Internet’s educational potential is boundless. There is, however, some potential for abuse. The most important prerequisite for someone to access the school Internet account is that he or she must take full responsibility for his or her actions. Pueblo School District No. 70 will not be liable for the actions of anyone connecting to the Internet through this hook-up. All users assume full liability, legal, financial, or otherwise, for their actions. In addition, Pueblo School District No. 70 assumes no responsibility for any information or materials that are transferred through the Internet. Because of the size of the Internet, many kinds of materials find their way onto the system. Should a user happen to find materials that may be inappropriate for an academic setting while using the school’s Internet account, the user shall exit the site immediately, notifying a school official, refrain from accessing the site again, and shall not share the location of the site with another user. Users should be aware that the transfer of certain kinds of materials may be illegal and punishable by fine or imprisonment. The primary purpose of the Internet connection at Pueblo School District No. 70 is to serve as a resource for academic coursework applicable to education; it is not intended for interpersonal communications by students. Therefore, any student who accesses the Internet for purposes not directly related to the approved curriculum of Pueblo School District No. 70 shall have the Internet privileges suspended. Continued, willful abuse of the system may result in permanent access denial and/or suspension from school. Pueblo School District No. 70 makes no guarantees, implied or otherwise, regarding the reliability of the data connection. School District 70 shall not be liable for any loss or corruption of data while using the Internet connection. Pueblo School District No. 70 reserves the right to examine all data stored in the machines involved with the Internet link to make sure all users are in compliance with these guidelines. Furthermore, no user shall use the Internet connection at Pueblo School District No. 70 to perform any act that may be construed as illegal or unethical, including the use of the link to gain access to the systems on the network. Pueblo School District No. 70 does not condone the illegal distribution of software, otherwise known as “pirating.” Any user caught transferring such files through the Internet shall have access privileges revoked. Furthermore, all users are on notice that software piracy or copyright infringement is a Federal offense and is punishable by fine or imprisonment. Finally, all students should be mindful that when they use the Internet, they are entering a global community, and any action performed by them over the Internet is a reflection upon our school community as a whole. Approved by the Board of Education, Pueblo School District No. 70 February 17, 1998 17 School District 70 Policy: JICBA-E CONTRACT Pueblo School District 70 INTERNET ACCESS I, ________________________________________________, agree to abide by the following rules relative to the use of Pueblo School District No. 70’s Internet connection: I have read and agree to abide by Pueblo School District 70’s Internet Access Policy Guidelines. I understand that the primary purpose of the School District 70 Internet connection is educational, and I will use my access privileges for purposes related to my classroom assignments. I will not use my access privileges for interpersonal communications (ie. Chat groups, e-mail, news groups, etc.), without prior approval of the instructor. I agree not to participate in the transfer of inappropriate or illegal materials through the school’s Internet connection. I understand that in some cases, the transfer of such materials may result in legal action against me. I also understand that my access privileges may be denied for misuse of the Internet connection, and I may be suspended from school for repeated misuse of the system. I release Pueblo School District No. 70 from any liability or damages that may result from my use of the Internet connection. Furthermore, I accept full responsibility and liability for the results of my actions with respect to the use of the Internet. Student Signature _________________________________________ Date __________________________ Current School: PLEASANT VIEW MIDDLE SCHOOL I, _____________________________________________ the parent/guardian of the above, have read the Pueblo School District 70 Internet Access Policy guidelines. I agree to accept all financial and legal liabilities that may result from my student’s use of the Pueblo School District 70 Internet connection. Furthermore, I do not hold School District 70 nor any teacher employed by School District 70 liable in any manner for the misuse by my student of the Internet connection. Parent/Guardian Signature ___________________________________________ Date ______________________ I have read the policies and procedures in this handbook. Parent /Guardian Signature ___________________________________________ Date _____________________ 18