VCE EXTENDED INVESTIGATION 2014 UNIT 4 OUTCOME 2: ORAL PRESENTATION ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Assessor: Student: Student no: LEVELS OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA 1–2 (low) 1. Knowledge and understanding of the research area 3–4 5–6 (medium) 7–8 9–10 (high) Basic description of the investigation, its significance and of key issues identified in the research. Some explanation of the investigation, its significance and key issues identified in the research. Satisfactory explanation of the significance of the investigation and of key issues identified in the research. Effective and coherent explanation of the investigation, its significance and key issues identified in the research. Incisive and comprehensive explanation of the investigation, its significance and key issues identified in the research. Brief description of background research, methods and data with very little understanding of their use. Descriptive summary of background research, methods and data with limited understanding of their use. Adequate and informative summary of background research, methods and data with clear understanding of their use. Detailed and critical exploration of background research, methods and data with effective understanding of their application. Comprehensive and critical interrogation of background research, methods and data with precise and thorough understanding of their application. 1 2. Defence of research findings and understanding of audience 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Very limited discussion and minimal defence of research findings. Limited discussion and some defence of research findings. Clear discussion and satisfactory defence of research findings Effective discussion and welldeveloped defence of research findings. Highly effective discussion and convincing and comprehensive defence of research methods and findings Unclear organisation in the presentation that makes little adjustment of language for an educated non-specialist audience. Some organisation in the presentation that makes some adjustment of language for an educated non-specialist audience. Generally organised presentation that demonstrates a satisfactory adjustment of language for an educated nonspecialist audience. Well- organised presentation that demonstrates a responsive adaptation of language for an educated non-specialist audience. Skilfully organised and proficient presentation that demonstrates a highly responsive adaptation of language for an educated nonspecialist audience. 1 ©VCAA, June 2014 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 VCE EXTENDED INVESTIGATION 2014 UNIT 4 OUTCOME 2: ORAL PRESENTATION ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Assessor: CRITERIA 3. Responses to questions and challenges Student: LEVELS OF PERFORMANCE 1–2 (low) 5–6 (medium) 7–8 9–10 (high) Responses provide some information with limited evidence and argument. Adequate responses drawing on appropriate evidence with some supporting argument. Well-considered responses drawing on sound evidence and relevant supporting argument. Highly insightful responses drawing on significant and relevant evidence and supporting argument. Very little attempt to clarify and Elaborate own ideas and thinking about the investigation. Limited attempt to clarify and elaborate own ideas and thinking about the investigation. Generally able to clarify and elaborate own ideas and thinking about the investigation. Well-developed ability to clarify and elaborate own ideas and thinking about the investigation. Sophisticated ability to clarify and elaborate own ideas and thinking about the investigation. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Some descriptive commentary on research methods and findings. Limited evaluative commentary on research methods and findings. Satisfactory evaluative commentary on research methods and findings. Detailed and well-articulated evaluative commentary on research methods and findings. Cogent and extensive evaluative commentary on research methods and findings. Very limited reflection on the outcomes of the investigation. Some reflection on the outcomes of the investigation with some conclusions drawn. Satisfactory reflection on the outcomes of the investigation with appropriate conclusions drawn. Thoughtful reflection on the outcomes of the investigation with logical and relevant conclusions drawn. Insightful reflection on the outcomes of the investigation with discriminating and highly reasoned conclusions drawn. 1 ©VCAA, June 2014 3–4 Responses provide minimal information and ideas with very little evidence and/or argument. 1 4. Reflection and evaluation Student no: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Page | 2