Bequest Language - Community Foundation of North Texas

Bequest Language for Gifts to the Community Foundation
The following language may be used to make bequests to different types of endowment funds
at the Community Foundation of North Texas:
I give, devise and bequeath to the
Community Foundation of North Texas the sum of
__________________dollars ($_________)
the following described property, _____________________________
______ percent (___%) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate to the
NAME OF FUND: _______________________________
Identify type of fund to be established:
Said sum is to establish a donor advised endowment fund. The advisor(s) to the fund
shall be ___________________________________________. Example – “The fund shall
be named the John and Mary Jones Fund. The advisors shall be our children, John Jones,
Jr. and Mary Jones-Smith.”
Said sum is to establish an endowment fund for the most pressing needs in (CITY) to be
used as the Foundation’s Board of Directors shall determine from time to time.
306 West 7th Street, Suite 1045 ● Fort Worth, Texas 76102 ● 817.877.0702 ●
Said sum is to establish a field of charitable interest endowment fund and shall
benefit_________________________. Example – “The fund shall be named the John
and Mary Jones Fund and shall benefit the arts.”
Said sum is to establish a designated endowment fund and shall benefit the following
specific charity: ____________________________________.
Example - “The fund shall be named the John and Mary Jones Fund and shall benefit
the following specific charity: XYZ Charity, Inc., a Texas nonprofit corporation having
its principal office at 123 Elm Street, City, Texas.”
Said sum is to establish a scholarship fund and shall provide college scholarships to
graduating high school seniors of (Tarrant and/or other) Counties, Texas. Recipients of
the scholarships shall satisfy the following additional criteria:_______________________.
Examples of additional criteria are financial need, grade point average, field of interest,
etc. Example – “The fund shall be named the John and Mary Jones Fund and shall
provide college scholarships to graduating high school seniors of Tarrang and other
Counties, Texas who demonstrate financial need, have a grade point average of at least
3.0 and will be pursuing a college degree in education.”
To add to a fund that has already been established:
Said sum is to be deposited into ____________________________ Fund already
established as a component endowment fund of The Community Foundation of North
*Note: If the charitable gift is being made from a revocable trust, it may be desirable to use the
language, “The Trustee shall distribute …” rather than “I give and devise …”
Tax ID Number of the Community Foundation of North Texas: 75-2267767
306 West 7th Street, Suite 1045 ● Fort Worth, Texas 76102 ● 817.877.0702 ●