biographical sketch - Atlanta Pediatric Research

Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed
on Form Page 2.
Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.
Richard A Jones
Assistant professor of Radiology,
Emory University.
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing,
and include postdoctoral training.)
University of Nottingham, UK
University of Aberdeen, UK
Medical Physics
AVH, Trondheim, Norway
Medical Physics
A. Personal statement.
With over 20 years experience in MRI I have expertise in a range of MRI techniques, have previously worked
on contrast enhanced applications for the lung and have extensive experience with image post-processing.
B. Positions and Honors.
Positions and employment
1981-1982. Engineer
1983-1988. Research assistant
1988-1995. Research scientist
1995-1997. Senior scientist
1998-2001. Senior researcher
Assistant professor
British Telecom, London, UK
Dept. of Medical Physics, University of Aberdeen, UK
MRI Centre, SINTEF, Trondheim, Norway
Dept of Radiology, Max Planck Inst. for Psychiatry, Munich, Germany.
RMSB, University of Bordeaux, France.
Dept. of Radiology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA.
Professional membership
Member; International Society for Magnetic resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)
Reviewer for Magnetic resonance in Medicine, Journal of magnetic resonance imaging and Journal of Urology.
NHS scholarship (1982-1983)
EU Marie Curie Senior researcher scholarship (1998-2000)
FMR (Foundation for medical research); Research award (2000-2001)
SPR Caffey Award (2002).
SPR Berdon Award (2003).
SPR Caffey Award (2007).
C. Selected peer-reviewed publications
1. TW Redpath and RA Jones (1988). FADE: a new fast imaging sequence. Magn. Reson. Med. 6,224-234.
PMC Journal – in process
2. Jones RA and Southon TE (1992). Improving the contrast in rapid imaging sequences with pulsed
magnetisation transfer contrast. J. Magn. Reson. 97, 171-176. PMC Journal – in process
3. RA Jones, O Haraldseth, TB Müller, PA Rinck and AN Øksendal (1993). K-space substitution: A novel
dynamic imaging technique. Mag. Res. Med. 29,830-834. PMC Journal – in process
4. RA Jones, O Haraldseth, AM Baptista, TB Müller and AN Øksendal (1996). A study of the contribution of
changes in the cerebral blood volume to the haemodynamic response to anoxia in rat brain. NMR in
Biomedicine, 9, 233-240. PMC Journal – in process
5. RA Jones, T Schirmer, B Lipinski, GK Elbel and DP Auer (1998). Signal undershoots following visual
stimulation: A comparison of gradient and spin echo BOLD sequences. Magn. Reson. Med. 40, 112-118. PMC
Journal – in process
6. RA Jones (1999). Origin of the signal undershoot in BOLD studies of the visual cortex. NMR in Biomed. 12,
299-308. PMC Journal – in process
7. KKW Kampe, RA Jones, DP Auer (2000). Frequency Dependence of the Functional MRI Response after
Electrical Median Nerve Stimulation. Human Brain Mapping. 9, 106-114. PMC Journal – in process
8. M Ries, RA Jones, V Dousset, CTW Moonen (2000). Diffusion tensor imaging of the spinal cord. Magn.
Reson. Med 44, 884-892. PMC Journal – in process
9. RA Jones, M Ries, CTW Moonen, N Grenier (2002). Imaging the changes in renal T1 induced by the
inhalation of pure oxygen : a feasibility study. Magn. Reson. Med. 47, 728-35. PMC Journal – in process
10. RA Jones, S Palasis, JD Grattan-Smith (2003). The evolution of the ADC in the pediatric brain at low and
high diffusion weightings. J. Magnetic. Reson. Imaging. 18(6): 665-674. PMC Journal – in process
11. RA Jones, JD Grattan-Smith, S Palasis (2004). MRI of the neonatal brain : Optimisation of spin-echo
parameters. Am. J. Roentgenol. 182(2) 367-72. PMC Journal – in process
12. RA Jones, MR Perez-Brayfield, A Kirsch, JD Grattan-Smith (2004) . Renal transit time using MR
urography: classification of obstructive uropathy in children. Radiology. 233: 41-50. PMC Journal – in process
13. RA Jones, K Easley, SB Little, H Scherz, AJ Kirsch, JD Grattan-Smith (2005). Dynamic, contrast enhanced,
MR urography in the evaluation of pediatric hydronephrosis. Part 1: Functional assessment. Am. J.
Roentgenol. 185(6):1598-1607. PMC Journal – in process
14. GR Kirk, MR Haynes, S Palasis, C Brown, TG Burns, RA Jones (2009). Regionally specific cortical thinning
in MRI negative children with sickle cell disease. Cerebral Cortex. 19 (7): 1549. PMID: 18996911
15. RA Jones, JD Grattan-Smith, S Little (2011). Pediatric MR Urography. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 33:510–
526. PMC Journal – in process
D. Research Support
Previous support (2005-2010)
Siemens : PI. Using DTI to investigate laterality and connectivity in pediatric epilepsy patients. A study to
investigate the use of a non-invasive technique (DTI) to assess language laterality in sedated patients. (20072009)
CHOA: PI. Radiology Research grant. Anatomical correlates of cognitive impairment in pediatric sickle cell
patients. A study using morphometry, diffusion and fMRI, to assess changes in the brain of adolescents with
sickle cell disease. (2008-2010)
CROC : Co-PI. Executive Function in Children Diagnosed with Frontal Lobe Epilepsy and Sleep Disordered
Breathing: A Correlation of Neurocognitive Skills and Cortical Thickness. Study to examine the correlation
between executive function and cortical thickness in two clinical populations suspected of having executive
skills deficits. (2007-2009)
CHOA : PI. Radiology Research grant. MRI of macrophage activity in an animal model of partial uretero-pelvic
junction obstruction. A study to determine the feasibility of using iron oxide contrast agents as a marker for UPJ
obstruction. (2007-2010)
Current support
Siemens : PI. Dynamic MR urography. Development of pulse sequences, protocols and processing software
for MR urography in children. Development of software and protocols to help with the dissemination of MR
urography techniques in the pediatric imaging community. Effective 2007,
CHOA : PI. Radiology Research grant. Cerebro-renal disease? A morphometric study of the brains of pediatric
patients with chronic renal insufficiency. A study to use advanced imaging techniques, including morphometry,
diffusion tensor imaging and resting state fMRI to assess changes in the brain of adolescents with chronic
kidney disease. Effective 2009.
CROC : PI. A novel treatment regime and optimized imaging protocol to permit non-sedate MRI studies of
autistic individuals. Effective 2010