Honors Mandarin 7 - Higley Unified School District

Chandler-Gilbert Community College
Course Syllabus
Course: CHI 201, Honors Mandarin 7
Title: Elementary Chinese (Mandarin) I
Semester: Fall 2014
Location: Williams Field High School
Instructor Name and Degrees: Jiexin Zhang MA
Contact Information: jiexin.zhang@husd.org
Office Hours: 7:10 am – 11:55 am
Textbooks and editions: Integrated Chinese, Part Level 1 Part 2
ISBN #: 978-0-88727-670-5
Course Description: Continued study of grammar and vocabulary along
with the study of Chinese culture. Emphasis on pronunciation and speaking
skills. Prerequisites: CHI101, CHI 102 or equivalent.
Course Competencies:
1. Demonstrate proper social interaction in Chinese. (I)
2. Demonstrate proper use of Chinese vocabulary required for common
tasks, such as checking into a hotel, seeing a doctor and discussing travel
plans. (I)
3. Use common idiomatic expressions in Chinese. (I)
4. Demonstrate fundamental knowledge of basic pronunciation, grammar
and elementary conversational, reading and writing skills of standard
Mandarin Chinese. (I, II, III)
5. Read and write approximately 200 additional Characters. (I, II)
6. Identify and practice Chinese rules of grammar. (II)
7. Practice expressions of time. (II)
8. Identify and use three common Chinese sentence structures. (II)
9. Practice correct usage of Chinese verbs. (II)
10. Use terms to describe physical objects, including color, weight, height,
length, and measurement. (II)
11. Use the particles "je," "de," and "ne." (II)
12. Describe basic elements of Chinese history and culture. (IV)
Attendance: Aligned with Higley Unified School District #60 attendance policy.
80% (Assessment)/20% (Practice)
A= 90% - 100% B= 80%- 89% C=70%- 79% D= 60%-69%
All assignments need to be turned in with Name, Date, and Period. Late work is only acceptable
the next day for a 50% reduced grade. Make-up work must be completed in a timely manner.
Cheating and disruptions during a test/ quiz will result in a zero. There will be no talking during
the test.
Retaking tests/assessments: You are permitted within 2 weeks to retake only once any graded
assessment, excluding the final exams. This includes quizzes, writing tests, speaking tests and
Chapter exams. The grade you get on the retake will be the score that goes into the gradebook.
Extra Credit is not available for this class. It is the belief of Rio Salado College that all work
done for a class should receive regular credit and is more than sufficient to assess the
understanding of material presented in the course.
Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Week Four
Week Five
Week Six
Review Lesson 14-Lesson 16
Lesson 17 Dialogue 1 Vocabularies about renting a
house: 吵, 广告,出租,卧室,厨房,……
Sentence patterns :Verb +了
Dialogue 1 Sentences with 了,
Descriptive Sentences 连…都/也… v+ 不下, 多,
Workbook Sentence Practice and Reading
Dialogue 2 Part 1 Vocabulary and sentence patterns
Dialogue 2 Part 2
Sentence patterns: 都/也 我什么都/也不想喝。
Week Seven
Textbook and workbook sentence practice and reading
Lesson 17 Test
Week Eight
Lesson 18 Dialogue 1 Vocabulary about sports: 当然,
胖,怕,难受,篮球,游泳,网球, 跑步,拍,
sentence patterns:Time +没+v+.了 他三天没上网了。
Sentence Patterns: 好/难 好受/难受, 好写/难写,好唱/难
唱,好吃/难吃,好听/难听, 好懂/难懂,好看/难看,好说/难
…下去: 再跑下去要累死了。
Week Nine
Week Ten
Spring Break
Week Eleven
Workbook Sentence Practice and reading
Lesson 18 Dialogue 2
为了,提高,足球,国际,美式, 脚,运动服,……
Sentence Patterns: 着, 被/ 叫/ 让
Sentence and Dialogue practice
Lesson 18 Test
Lesson 19 Dialogue 1 Vocabulary about Travel:放假,
Sentence Patterns: 不得了,那个地方热得不得了。
Week Twelve
Week Thirteen
Week Fourteen
Week Fifteen
Dialogue 2 Vocabulary: 单程,往返,航空,航班,直飞,
Sentence Patterns: … 就 谁想去,谁就去。你吃什么,我
Week Sixteen
Textbook and workbook sentence practice and reading
Textbook and workbook Practice and reading
Writing assignment: A travel experience
Week Seventeen
Week Eighteen
Week Nineteen
Week Twenty
Speaking Practice:
Renting a house
Verbal Test
Study guide and Review for Final Exam
Final Exam
The faculty and programs at CGCC are dedicated to effective teaching and successful learning with
emphasis in the following areas: communication, critical thinking, literacy, and personal development.
Periodically, students will participate in formal and informal assessment activities that will help faculty
improve programs and teaching strategies. These activities are designed to facilitate student growth in
whatever combination of the above outcomes applies to a course.
Students with disabilities are required to register for services in the Disability Resources and
Services (DRS) office in the Student Center at the beginning of the semester. Do not wait to visit
the DRS office if you want support with any CGCC classes. The DRS office will meet with you
to determine accommodations based on appropriate documentation. Therefore, faculty members
are not authorized to provide or approve any accommodations for students in this class without
written instructions from the DRS office. This must be on file before any accommodation will be
provided. You can contact the DRS office at (480) 857-5188.
The CGCC Learning Center's mission is to support students' academic learning by providing free tutoring
and resources to reinforce and supplement classroom instruction and to assist CGCC students to achieve
academic success. All Learning Center services are free to students currently enrolled at Chandler-Gilbert
Community College. At the Pecos Campus, the Learning Center is located on the second floor of the
Library, rooms LIB227, LIB228, LIB229 and LIB237. At the Williams Campus, the Learning Center is
located in Bridget Hall, rooms BRID114 and BRID115. The Learning Center also provides instructional
support resources in the form of videotapes, software, and print materials. For a schedule of tutoring
hours, additional information, or assistance, students should contact the Learning Center at (480) 7327231, or visit our website at http://www.cgc.edu/lc .
Plagiarism is defined as presenting the work of another as one’s own. More than four
consecutive words from a source other than the writer constitute plagiarism when the source is
not clearly identified in appropriate documentation format.
From the CGCC Student Handbook:
“Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the use of paraphrase or direct quotation, of the
published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgement. It also
includes the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in
the selling of term papers or other academic materials.”
The Maricopa District provides every student with Google-powered Maricopa Student Email upon
enrollment. CGCC uses this official student email to send information concerning class enrollment,
financial aid, tuition, and other important student information. Students must activate this email account
in order to receive these messages. Activate your Maricopa Student Email now at maricopa.edu/google.
The CGCC Alert system utilizes text messaging and email to notify students of emergency situations on
or around campus. Students should update their contact information in the Maricopa Online Student
Center at my.maricopa.edu in order to receive a CGCC Alert notification in the event of an emergency.
As of June 1, 2010, all CGCC students must pay for printing in the college computer labs and libraries.
Registered students will receive their first 50 prints at no charge. Thereafter, black and white print costs
will be 10 cents per print. Pre-paid printing accounts can be set up in the CGCC Cashier’s Office. For
more information, contact the CGCC Cashier’s Office at (480) 732-7312.