Majority Logic Decoder for Fault Detection and Correction in

Majority Logic Decoder for Fault Detection and Correction in
Memory Applications
A.Sneha, M. Tech, Department of ECE,SNIST ,Hyderabad.
Abstract: Memories are the important components in
most the digital systems to store and retrieve the data.
The faults in memories include single event upset
(SEU), soft errors, multiple cell upset (MCU) etc, flip
or reverse the stored data on memory cell. An
efficient and an effective code are required to detect
the errors and to correct them for protection of
memories from the faults. New MLDD has been
implemented using Euclidean Geometry low density
parity check (EG-LDPC) codes with extra logic is
used in addition to stop immediately in one cycle
when there is no error in the read data instead of
decoding for whole code word size. Fault secure
encoder and decoder is also desgned.
Errors occur in memories change a data value or
an instruction. Memories have been suffering from
hard and soft errors. Hard errors are referred as
permanent damages to the memory. The solution is
only replacing the entire memory chip. Soft errors
will not affect the memory hardware, but cause the
memory cell to change its state to a different value
and errors in the processing data. Single Event Upset
(SEU) is a type of phenomenon in which state of the
memory changes by ions or electro-magnetic
radiation. When a high energetic particle strikes the
memory cell, it discharges the charge in to the
memory cell [1][2]. These single event effects are
soft errors appear in memory chips, microprocessors
and power transistors etc. SEU is not considered as a
permanent damage in digital devices.
To recover the memories from failures, some
techniques are required. Some commonly used error
correction and detection methods are Triple Modular
Redundancy (TMR) and Error correcting codes
TMR system consists of three systems which perform
a process and the majority of the process result is
selected and provides output by a majority voting
system. This is a fault tolerant system which has
large area and complexity overhead [3]. Hence,
powerful ECC with check bits are considered as the
best codes [4] to reduce the soft errors.
Low density parity check codes are a special class
of linear block codes. These codes have less number
of 1’s in comparison to number of 0’s, hence name
comes. These codes can be represented in matrix
form and as well as in graphical form.
EG-LDPC codes are a type of LDPC with simple
encoder design [16][]17][20][21]. Its information bit
length for encoding and length of encoded data etc
are given by
Information bits k - 22S - 3S ,
Length of encoded data - 22S - 1 Dimensions of
parity check matrix - n x n, Minimum distance (d)
- 2S + 1.
In general, error detection and correction
capability of codes is decided by hamming distance.
( Dmin - 1 ) - Number of errors detection,
( Dmin – 1 ) / 2 – Number of errors correction.
Rows of a generator matrix are the basis of linear
codes. Codeword using these codes are in the form of
I- Identity matrix, G- Generator
matrix = [ I | X ], X- parity bit matrix ‘(n-k)xk’
Parity check matrix ‘H’ and is in the form of H = [ PT | In-k ]
Here P- parity bit matrix with ‘ kx(n-k)’.
A new design of memory with encoder and
decoder is shown in Fig.1 [25][27][28]. Encoding of
data is to be done and placed in memory. Data is read
from memory by decoder circuit to check the errors
with the help of majority decoder circuit. Detection
of errors in the data read is depends on the hamming
distance between code words. EG-LDPC codes are
used for encoding the information bits. Encoding of 7
information bits using EG-LDPC codes is shown in
Fig.2. It requires 8 parity check bits. Then the
encoded data is stored in the memory. Because of
soft errors if, any bits are flipped in the stored
encoded data of memory, the decoded data may be
different from the original data. Here majority logic
decoder is designed in such a way that it can detect
and correct the errors in the read encoded data
Figure 1: Memory
Encoder and with MLD.
result of corrected circuit will be placed in the
starting bit place as shown in Fig.3
Figure 3: Majority Logic Decoder with
automatic Correction circuit.
This design works well with an assumption that
encoder and decoder circuits which are external to
the memory. But this assumption is not valid in all
times. Encoder and decoder circuits may also have
faults and can produce a wrong encoded and decoded
data [29]. New design is proposed to find the faults in
encoder and decoder circuits based on the codeword
generation[30][31]. If it is found that there are errors
in codeword, the encoding and decoding process has
to be repeated. This new design is as shown in Fig.4.
Figure 4: Error detection circuit for both Encoder
and Decoders.
Figure 2: EG-LDPC Encoder circuit with
7 information bits and 8 parity bits.
The majority logic decoder with detector is shown
in Fig 3. The read data of 15 bits are stored in right
shift register. This shift register is of parallel in and
serial out register. The data stored in the shift register
is then given to a XOR matrix. XOR matrix is a
combination of different bits with the last bit in
register. The result of XOR matrix will be given to a
majority logic which gives output of one bit depends
on number of 1’s and 0’s. The result of majority logic
will be XORED with last bit in the shift register
which acts as a corrector circuit. Then the shift
register data is shifted one place to the right and the
In order to reduce the number of clock cycles
required to decode and correct the errors, extra circuit
is designed. This circuit is used in combination with
plain MLD. The code word read from the memory
is to be multiplied with transposed parity check
matrix. If the result is zero indicates the code word is
correct otherwise the codeword is incorrect. It takes
one clock cycle incase of no error in codeword. If
there are any errors, the code word undergoes the
shown process to make error free. Syndrome check to
detect error is as shown in below Fig 5.
Figure 5: Error detector for (15,7,5) EG-LDPC.
Experimental Results:
The design is coded in verilog description language.
The simulation results of the proposed majority logic
design are done by using XILINX ISE tool. The
experimental result of encoder and decoder are
shown in figure 6 and 7. Result of 7-bits of data with
an example is shown here. The code can correct 2 bit
errors in information bits and as well as in parity bits.
Here the example is taken, error free, one bit error
and with 2 bit errors. The seven bits of the codeword
after error correction is the output. The final result is
as shown in figure below.
The authors would like to thank the Management
and Principal of Sree Nidhi Institute of Science and
Technology, Hyderabad for valuable support,
providing excellent facilities and encouragement.
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