SPSS Directions--Chapter 7 linear correlation

MA155 Directions to use SPSS for Chapter 7
Use the following data to work through the problems
Mother’s height (in.)
Daughter’s height (in.) 58.6 64.7 65.3 61.0 65.4 67.4 60.9 63.1
1. Open up SPSS Inc., PASW Statistics 17. It is in any open lab on campus. There are other versions of SPSS, but the
steps are the same. Cancel the initial pop-up.
2. Click on the variable view tab in the lower left corner.
You need to set-up what type of data you will be entering.
Name: describe the data enough for you to remember what it is, no spaces or symbols
Type: drop down menu, you want numeric
Width: how many characters does your data have, 134.2 has a width of 4, this can be larger than your actual
Decimals: how many decimal places do you need, 134.2 needs 1 decimal place
Label: the description you want the graph to show; spaces, capitals, etc. allowed
Measure: another drop down menu, you’ll need scale
Enter what I have below.
Now you are ready to enter your data.
Click on the data view tab in the lower left corner.
There should be columns labeled mother and daughter. Enter the data in those columns.
You can access the scatterplot from either the output or data screen. Click on: Graphs, Legacy Dialogs,
Interactive, Scatterplots
Drag the explanatory variable (mother) to the horizontal axis and the response variable (daughter) to the
vertical axis.
OK will draw the scatterplot, but SPSS will also draw the best-fit line. Click Fit, from the drop down menu click
Regression, OK.
A new screen will come up with the scatterplot and best-fit line. You can right click on the graph and copy and
paste into a word document.
To find the value of r and write the equation of the line of best fit, click: Analyze, Regression, Linear. You can
do this from the output or data screen.
Drag the Mother’s height into independent and the daughter’s height to dependent. Click OK.
You may need to scroll down, but the Regression Statistics will be on the output screen.
In the Model Summary box, you can find the value of r and r square. ๐‘Ÿ = 0.857and ๐‘Ÿ 2 = 0.691
In the Coefficient box, the values for the best-fit line are in the B column. The equation of the best fit line is:
๐‘ฆ = 16.415 + .747๐‘ฅ ๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ ๐ท๐‘Ž๐‘ข๐‘”โ„Ž๐‘ก๐‘’๐‘Ÿ ′ ๐‘  โ„Ž๐‘’๐‘–๐‘”โ„Ž๐‘ก = 16.415 + .747(๐‘€๐‘œ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’๐‘Ÿ ′ ๐‘  โ„Ž๐‘’๐‘–๐‘”โ„Ž๐‘ก)
Right click on the Model Summary box and Coefficients box and copy and paste into the word document.
Type the equations shown above so you have it to use as a reference. Turn in the word document with the
graph, the two tables and the equation.