WISE Microform collection (10/3/2008) Class order list The Cornwall chronicle (Jamaica) 17761794. AN 6 C82. Church Missionary Society archive. Section IV, Africa missions. Part 1, West Africa (Sierra Leone), 1803-1880. BV 2500 A2 C5. Church Missionary Society archive. Section IV, Africa missions. Part 2, West Africa (Sierra Leone), 1820-1880. BV 2500 A2 C5. Church Missionary Society archive. Section IV, Africa missions. Part 3, NigeriaYoruba, 1844-1880. BV 2500 A2 C5. Church Missionary Society archive. Section IV, Africa missions. Part 4, NigeriaYoruba, 1844-1880 1850-1880. BV 2500 A2 C5. Church Missionary Society archive. Section IV, Africa missions. Part 5, West Africa (Sierra Leone), 1820-1880. BV 2500 A2 C5. Church Missionary Society archive. Section IV, Africa missions. Part 6, NigeriaNiger, 1857-1882. BV 2500 A2 C5. Church Missionary Society archive. Section IV, Africa missions. Part 7, Sudan, 19051949, Northern Sudan Mission, 1931-1949,Upper Nile Mission, 1926-1949. BV 2500 A2 C5. Church Missionary Society archive. Section IV, Africa missions. Part 8, Nigeria Yoruba, 1880-1934. BV 2500 A2 C5. Church Missionary Society archive. Section IV, Africa missions. Part 9, NigeriaYoruba, 1880-1934. BV 2500 A2 C5. Church Missionary Society archive. Section IV, Africa missions. Part 10, NigeriaNiger, 1880-1934. BV 2500 A2 C5. Church Missionary Society archive. Section IV, Africa missions. Part 11, NigeriaNiger, 1880-1934 and Nigeria Northern Nigeria, 1900-1934. BV 2500 A2 C5. Church Missionary Society archive. Section IV, Africa missions. Part 12, West Africa (Sierra Leone), 1881-1934. BV 2500 A2 C5. Church Missionary Society archive. Section IV, Africa missions. Part 13, West Africa (Sierra Leone), 1935-1949 and Nigeria missions, 1935-1949. BV 2500 A2 C5. Church Missionary Society archive. Section V, Missions to the Americas. Part 1, West Indies mission, 1819-1861. BV 2500 A2 C5. Church Missionary Society West Indies mission records, 18191861. BV 2500 A2 C5. Central Africa, 1883-1964 BV 3520 C3. Mediterranean passes in the Public Record Office, London / introduction to the microfilm collection by David Richardson. CD 1053 M4. Abstracts of Jamaica wills, 1625-1792. CS 248 A1 A1 Empire and Commonwealth : archives of the Royal Commonwealth Society from Cambridge University Library. DA 16 E5. Original letters from W. Roscoe to T.W. Coke, 1814-1830. DA 535 O6. The papers of Thomas Perronet Thompson (1783-1869) & his family. Papers of Thomas Perronet Thompson relating to Sierra Leone. DA 536 T48. Excursions in Madeira and Porto Santo during the autumn of 1823, while on his third voyage to Africa / by the late T. Edward Bowdich ; to which is added, by Mrs. Bowdich, I. A narrative of the continuance of the voyage to its completion … DP 702 M16 B7. Alien (Jewish) immigration : causes, disadvantages, benefits, remedies, and opportunities / by W.T. Gidney. DS 116 J5. Apologie der Menschenrechte : oder, Philosophisch kritische Beleuchtung der Schrift ueber die physische und moralische Verfassung der heutigen Juden / von Moses Hirschel. DS 116 J5. The arguments advanced against the enfranchisement of the Jews : considered in a series of letters / by Francis Henry Goldsmid. DS 116 J5. Australia in Palestine / [H.S. Gullett, Chas. Barrett, editors]. DS 116 J5. Beitrage von judischen und christlichen Gelehrten zur Verbesserung der Bekenner des judischen Glaubens / herausgegeben von Heinrich Eberh. Gottlob Paulus. DS 116 J5. Byeways in Palestine / by James Finn. DS 116 J5. The case of Henry Simons : a Polish Jew merchant, and his appeal to the public thereon : now publish'd, with the Tryal at Chelmsford, for the benefit of him and his unhappy family. DS 116 J5. A collection of the churchhistory of Palestine : from the birth of Christ, to the beginning of the empire of Diocletian / by J.M. DS 116 J5. The complaint of the children of Israel : representing their grievances under the penal laws, and praying that if the tests are repealed, the Jews may have the benefit of this indulgence in common with all other subjects of England : in a letter to a Reverend High Priest of the Church by Law Established / by Solomon Abrabanel of the House of David. DS 116 J5. Considerations on the bill to permit persons professing the Jewish religion to be naturalized by Parliament : in several letters from a merchant in town to his friend in the country : wherein the motives of all parties interested therein are examined : the principles of Christianity, with regard to the admission of Jews are fully discussed and their utility in trade clearly proved. DS 116 J5. Considerations sur l'existence civile et politique des Israelites : suiveies de quelques idees sur l'ouvrage de M. Bail, qui a pour titre, Des Juifs au XIXe siecle, et de trois lettres de M. de Cologna, grand rabbin du consistoire israelite de Paris / par M.A.T.D. de S.A. DS 116 J5. A cry from the empty lands of Turkey : justice to all men, or, The Jew at home : the safety of civilization / by John H.L. Christien. DS 116 J5. Customs and traditions of Palestine : illustrating the manners of the ancient Hebrews / by Ermete Pierotti ; translated by T.G. Bonney. DS 116 J5. Dell'emancipazione civile degl'Israeliti / di Massimo d'Azeglio. DS 116 J5. Eight years in Asia and Africa : from 1846 to 1855 / by J.J. Benjamin II ; with a preface by Berthold Seeman. DS 116 J5. An essay on the ancient topography of Jerusalem : with restored plans of the temple, &c., and plans, sections, and details of the church built by Constantine the Great over the Holy Sepulchre ... / by James Fergusson. DS 116 J5. Explorations in Bible lands during the 19th century / by H.V. Hilprecht ; with the cooperation of Dr. Benzinger... [et al.]. DS 116 J5. The Falashas (Jews) of Abyssinia / by J.M. Flad ; with a preface by Dr. Krapf ; translated from the German, by S.P. Goodhart. DS 116 J5. Fur die Juden : ein Wort zur Beherzigung an die Freunde der Menschheit und die wahren verehrer Jesu / vom Professor Kosmann. DS 116 J5. Further considerations on the Act to permit persons professing the Jewish religion to be naturalized by Parliament : in a second letter from a merchant in town to his friend in the country : in this part the utility of the Jews in trade, their situation in other nations, and the expediency of continuing them on the present footing are fully considered and proved. DS 116 J5. Geschichte der Juden in Lemberg : von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Theilung Polens im Jahre 1792 : aus Chroniken und archivalischen Quellen bearbeitet / von Jecheskiel Caro. DS 116 J5. Geschichte der Juden in Riga : bis zur Begrundung der rigischenHebraergemeinde im J. 1842 / von Anton Buchholtz ; herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft fur Geschichte und Alterthumskunde der Ostseeprovinzen Russlands. DS 116 J5. Geschichte der Juden in Schlesien / von M. Brann. DS 116 J5. Geschichte der ungarischen Juden : nach den besten Quellen / bearbeitet Joseph Bergl. DS 116 J5 Gesuch der Bekenner des judischen Glaubens : im Herzogthum Braunschweig an Se. hochfurstliche Durchlaucht den regierenden Herrn' Herzog Wilhelm von BraunschweigLuneburg, um gnadigste Verleihung voller burgerlichen Rechte / verfasst und mit erlauternden Zusatzen versehen von G.A. Geitel. DS 116 J5. Die Gleichstellung der Juden mit den christlichen Staatsburgern : nach ihrer Moglichkeit und Wirklichkeit in geschichtlichen Beispielen gezeigt / von Georg Wilhelm Bohmer. DS 116 J5. An historical treatise concerning Jews and Judaism in England : being a circumstantial narrative of the punishments that people have undergone in this kingdom ... together with a confutation of the arguments made use of for their readmission. DS 116 J5. Jerusalem revisited / by W.H. Bartlett. DS 116 J5. The Jewish question in Russia / by Prince Demidoff SanDonato; translated from the Russian by J. Michell. DS 116 J5. A journey to Damascus : through Egypt, Nubia, Arabia Petra, Palestine, and Syria / by Viscount Castlereagh. DS 116 J5. Der Jude und der Christ : eine Unterhaltung auf dem Postwagen / herausgegeben von Christian Ludewig Paalzow. DS 116 J5. Die Juden und ihre gerechten Anspruche an die christlichen Staaten : ein Beytrag zur Milderung der harten Urtheileuber die judische Nation / August Kramer. DS 116 J5. Die Judenfrage in den Donaufurstenthumern / Bernhard Levy. DS 116 J5. Das Judenthum und seine Reform : als Vorbedingung der vollstandigen Ausnahme der Nation in den StaatsVerband: Justizund PolizenBeamten zur vorzuglichen Ruchsichtnahme / von J.B. Graser. DS 116 J5. Os Judeus em Portugal / J. Mendes dos Remedios. DS 116 J5. Les Juifs en France, en Italie et en Espagne : recherches sur leur etat depuis leur dispersion jusqu' a nos jours sous le rapport de la legislation, de la litterature et du commerce / par I. Bedarride. DS 116 J5. Landscape illustrations of the Bible: consisting of views of the most remarkable places mentioned in the Old and New Testaments / from original sketches taken on the spot, engraved by W. and E. Finden ; with descriptions by Thomas Hartwell Horne. DS 116 J5. Letters admonitory and argumentative, from J. Hy,merchant, to J. Sr,merchant : in reply to particular passages and the general argument of a pamphlet entitled Further considerations on the bill, &c. DS 116 J5. Lettres de quelques Juifs portugais, allemands, et polonais a M. de Voltaire : avec un petit commentaire, extrait d'un plus grand, a l'usage de ceux qui lisent ses oeuvres ; suivies des Memoires sur la fertilite de la Judee / par l'abbe Guenee. DS 116 J5. Moses und Jesus : oder, Uber das intellektuelle und moralische Verhaltniss der Juden und Christen : eine historischpolitische Abhandlung / von Friedrich Buchholz. DS 116 J5. Narrative of a mission of inquiry to the Jews from the Church of Scotland in 1839. DS 116 J5. Narrative of a visit to the Holy Land ; and, Mission of inquiry to the Jews / by Andrew A. Bonar and R.M. McCheyne. DS 116 J5. A narrative of the remarkable affair between Mr. Simonds, the Polish Jew merchant, and Mr. James Ashley, merchant of BreadStreet, London : wherein the robbery at CranfordBridge, the several trials at the OldBailey, KingsBench, and Chelmsford, are particularly set forth, and an impartial enquiry made into the truth of the several facts sworn on both sides ... DS 116 J5. Neuer Judinspiegel : oder, Apologie der Kinder Israels / von Hartwig HundtRadowsky. DS 116 J5. A Palestine notebook, 19181923/ by C.R. Ashbee. DS 116 J5. A pastor's memorial of Egypt, the Red Sea, the wildernesses of Sin and Paran, Mount Sinai, Jerusalem, and other principal localities of the Holy Land, visited in 1842 : with brief notes of a route through France, Rome, Naples, Constantinople, and up the Danube / by George Fisk. DS 116 J5. Pelerinage a Jerusalem et au MontSinai en 1831, 1832, et 1833 / par MarieJoseph De Geramb. DS 116 J5. Rede des Burgers Hahn : gehalten in der batavischen Nationalversammlung uber die vollkommene Gleichstellung der Juden mit den ubrigen Burgern : ein Aktenstuck zur Geschichte der Aufklarung : aus dem hollandischen. DS 116 J5. Reflections upon naturalization, corporations, and companies : supported by the authorities of both ancient and modern writers / by a country gentleman. DS 116 J5. Report on the work of the Commission sent out by the Jewish Territorial Organization : under the auspices of the Portuguese government to examine the territory proposed for the purpose of a Jewish settlement in Angola / J.W. Gregory. DS 116 J5. Unholy memories of the Holy Land / by Horace Samuel. DS 116 J5. Der Verhaltniss des Judenthumes und Christenthumes : gegen einander betrachtet / von Andreas Gottlieb Masch. DS 116 J5. A visit to my fatherland: being notes of a journey to Syria and Palestine in 1843 / by Ridley H. Herschell. DS 116 J5. Voyage en Terresainte/ par Felix Bovet. DS 116 J5. Voyages en orient : les Juifs et les etrangers en Roumanie / Eusebio Gonzalez y Mendoza ; traduit de l'Espagnol par Jules Flamerie. DS 116 J5. Walks about Jerusalem / by J.E. Hanauer. DS 116 J5. Wider die Juden : ein Wort der Warnung an alle unsere christliche Mitburger / C.W.F. Grattenauer. DS 116 J5. With the Zionists in Gallipoli / by J.H. Patterson. DS 116 J5. Zur Geschichte der Juden in Bohmen, Mahren und Schlesien, von 906 bis 1620 / herausgegeben von Gottlieb Bondy ; zur herausgabe vorbereitet und erganzt von Franz Dworsky. DS 116 J5. West Africa . DT 1 W51. Africa through Western eyes. Part 1, Original manuscripts from the Royal Commonwealth Society Library at Cambridge University Library. DT 28 A2. Africa through Western eyes. Part 2, Original manuscripts from the Royal Commonwealth Society Library at Cambridge University Library. DT 28 A2. Africa through Western eyes. Part 3, Original manuscripts from the Royal Commonwealth Society Library at Cambridge University Library. DT 28 A2. An essay on colonization, particularly applied to the western coast of Africa, with some free thoughts on cultivation and commerce : also brief descriptions of the colonies already formed, or attempted, in Africa, including those of Sierra Leona and Bulama / by C. B. Wadstrom. DT 31 W1. Narrative of travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa in the years 1822, 1823, and 1824 / by Dixon Denham and Hugh Clapperton. DT 351 D3. Journal of a second expedition into the interior of Africa, from the Bight of Benin to Soccatoo / by the late Commander Clapperton ; to which is added, the journal of Richard Lander from Kano to the seacoast, partly by a more eastern route. DT 356 C5. Records of Captain Clapperton's last expedition to Africa / by Richard Lander, his faithful attendant and the only surviving member of the expedition ; with the subsequent adventures of the author. DT 356 L2. Report from the Select Committee on the west coast of Africa : together with the minutes of evidence, appendix and index. DT 470.2 A3. Remarks on the country extending from Cape Palmas to the River Congo : including observations on the manners and customs of the inhabitants ; with an appendix containing an account of the European trade with the west coast of Africa / by John Adams. DT 471 A2. Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee : with a statistical account of that kingdom, and geographical notices of other parts of the interior of Africa / by T. Edward Bowdich. DT 507 B7. A voyage to Africa : including a narrative of an embassy to one of the interior kingdoms, in the year 1820, with remarks on the course and termination of the Niger, and other principal rivers in that country / by William Hutton. DT 507 H9. An account of the Gold Coast of Africa : with a brief history of the African Company / By Henry Meredith. DT 511 M5. Government publications relating to Sierra Leone, 18081961. DT 516.13 G7. African memoranda, relative to an attempt to establish a British settlement on the island of Bulama, on the western coast of Africa, in the year 1792 : with a brief notice of the neighbouring tribes, soil, productions, &c. and some observations on the facility of colonizing that part of Africa DT 613.9 B65 B3. Africans in the New World, 14931934:from the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University. E 29 N3 A3. Papers relating to the English colonies in America and the West Indies, 16271699, in the British Museum : Egerton Mss 2395. E 162 P2. American papers in the House of Lords Record Office / edited by Walter Minchinton and Peter Harper. E 173 A5. The Liverpool papers : a selection of material relating to the American colonies and the United States from the Liverpool Papers in the British Museum, London / with an introduction by Geoffrey Seed. E 183.8 G7 L7. The Roscoe papers : material relating to the United States in the Roscoe manuscript collections at the Picton Library, Liverpool / edited by John Rowe. E 301 R7. The Estlin papers 18401884 [microform] : from Dr. William's [sic] Library, Gordon Square,London / editor, Clare Taylor ; advisory editor, George Shepperson . E 449 E8. Butler Plantation Papers : The papers of Pierce Butler (17441822) and successors from the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. F 213 B9. The WykehamMartin papers : material relating to the problems of settlement in America, especially after the War of Independence / introduction by Dennis Rubini. F 229 W9. The Saumarez papers : material relating to South Carolina deriving from the Middleton family, 1725-1860/ introduction by William R. Serjeant. F 273 S2. Jamaica plantation records from the Dickinson papers, 1675-1849. F 1863 J2. The GaleMorant papers, 1731-1925 in the University of Exeter Library. F 1884 G1. Jamaican material in the Slebech papers from the National Library of Wales and Pembrokeshire Record Office / introduction to the microfilm collection by Kenneth Morgan. F 1884 J2. Materials on the history of Jamaica in the Edward Long papers held at the British Library. F 1884 M4. Plantation life in the Caribbean :the Taylor and VanneckArcedeckne Papers from Cambridge University Library and the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London Part 1 Jamaica, c.1765-1848. F 1884 P7. Records of the Jamaican Prospect Estate. F 1884 R3. The Tudway of Wells Antiguan estate papers, 16891907: from Somerset Archive and Record Office. F 1884 T9. The Vassal letterbooks 17691800. F 1884 V3. Papers relating to the Jamaican Estates of the Goulburn Family of Betchworth House: from the Surrey History Centre. F 1891 V48 P2 The administration of the Leeward Islands, 16991721. F 2006 L4. Delvin Estate papers (Montserrat, Leeward Islands) 18121838 from Rudding Park,Harrogate. F 2082 D3. Material relating to the West Indies from the Senhouse papers, 17621821, in the Carlisle Record Office. F 2131 M4. Records relating to the Codrington Family Estates, Barbados from Gloucester Record Office. F 2131 R3. William Hewitt papers, 1756-1790 (Ms. 522), 1756-1790, in the University of London Library / introduction to the microfilm collection by Paul Kelly. F 2131 W7. Claims to memory : beyond slavery and emancipation in the French Caribbean / Catherine A. Reinhardt. F 2151 R3. Colonial discourses Series two ; Part 2 Imperial adventurers and explorers ; Papers of James Augustus Grant (18271892) and John Hanning Speke (18271864) from the National Library of Scotland. G 245 C7. Colonial discourses Series two ; Part 1 Imperial adventurers and explorers ; The papers of Sir Richard Burton (1821-1890) from the Wiltshire and Swindon Record Office. G 246 B9 C7. The Lascelles & Maxwell letterbooks (17391769). HC 155.5 L3. The Elbridge, Woolnough and Smyth families of Bristol in the eighteenth century : with special reference to the Spring Plantation, Jamaica. HD 1471 J3 J7. The Naval Office shipping lists for Nova Scotia, 17301820, in the Public Record Office. HE 565 C2 N3. The Liverpool plantation registers, 17441773 and 1779-1784, in the Custom House,Liverpool. HE 565 G7 L7. The Naval Office Shipping Lists for Jamaica, 16831818 in the Public Record Office /introduction to the microfilm collection by Walter E. Minchinton. HE 565 J2 N3. Naval Office shipping lists for East Florida, 17641769. HE 565 U5 N3. Naval Office shipping lists for Georgia, 17521767. HE 565 U5 N3. Naval Office shipping lists for Maryland, 16891754. HE 565 U5 N3. Naval Office shipping lists for Massachusetts, 16861765. HE 565 U5 N3. Naval Office shipping lists for New Hampshire, 17231769. HE 565 U5 N3. Naval Office shipping lists for New Jersey, 17221764. HE 565 U5 N3. Naval Office shipping lists for New York, 17131765. HE 565 U5 N3. Naval Office shipping lists for South Carolina, 17161767. HE 565 U5 N3. The Naval Office shipping lists for Virginia, 1698-1769,in the Public Record Office. HE 565 U5 N3. The Naval Office shipping lists for the West Indies, 1678-1825, (excluding Jamaica) in the Public Record Office, London / introduction by Walter E. Minchinton and Peter Waite. HE 565 W5 N3. Bristol presentments, 1770-1917,in Bristol Central Library. HE 824 B8. The Darien papers, 1696-1707: records of the Company of Scotland, from the archives of the Royal Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh. HF 491 C7375 C7. The Hobhouse letters, 1722-1755: letters and other papers of Isaac Hobhouse & Co., Bristol merchants, in Bristol Central Library and Bristol Record Office. HF 3520 B8 H6. The papers of Graffin Prankard (Dickinson papers), 17121757, in the Somerset Record Office, Taunton. HF 3520 B8 P2. American material from the HoltGregson papers : in the Liverpool Central Library / introduced by Patrick Buckland. HF 3520 L7 A5. American material from the Tarleton papers in Liverpool Record Office. HF 3520 L7 A5. Glasgow West India Association minutes, 1807-1969: from the Archives of the Mitchell Library, Glasgow. HF 3528 W5 G5. Copy of the report of Colonel Ord, the Commissioner appointed to inquire into the condition of the British settlements on the West coast of Africa. HF 3881 O6. Customs 16, America, 17681772: in the Public Record Office, London / introduction by R. C. Jarvis. HJ 6622 C9. Customs 3, 1696-1780 in the Public Record Office, London / introduction by W.E. Minchinton and C.J. French. HJ 6891 C9. Customs 17 : 17721808, in the Public Record Office, London / introduction by Robert Craig. HJ 6891 C9. Women, suffrage and politics : the papers of Sylvia Pankhurst, 18821960: from the Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, Amsterdam. Part 1, Inventory numbers 1224, 1896-1959. HQ 1595 P1. Women, suffrage and politics : the papers of Sylvia Pankhurst, 18821960: from the Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, Amsterdam. Part 2, Inventory numbers 225362 and photographs and pictures deposited in the AudioVisual Department, 1860-1988 1888-1959. HQ 1595 P1. AntiSlavery International [microform]. HT 853 A63 A6. The abolitions of slavery : from Leger Felcite Sonthonax to Victor Schoelcher, 1793, 1794, 1848 / edited by Marcel Dorigny. HT 1025 A1. Wilberforce : slavery, religion and politics. Series 1, The Wilberforce papers from the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Pt.1, Papers of William Wilberforce (1759-1833) and Robert Isaac Wilberforce (18021857). HT 1029 W6 W6. Wilberforce : slavery, religion and politics. Series 1, The Wilberforce papers from the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Pt.2, Papers of Samuel Wilberforce (1818-1873). HT 1029 W6 W6. Wilberforce : slavery, religion and politics. Series 1, The Wilberforce papers from the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Pt.3, Papers of Samuel Wilberforce (1818-1873). HT 1029 W6 W6. Wilberforce : slavery, religion and politics. Series 2, Papers of William Wilberforce (1759-1833) and related slavery and antislavery materials from Wilberforce House, Hull. HT 1029 W6 W6. Abolition and emancipation. Part 1: Papers of Thomas Clarkson, William Lloyd Garrison, Zachary Macaulay, Harriet Martineau, Harriet Beecher Stowe & William Wilberforce from the Huntington Library. HT 1031 A1. Abolition and emancipation. Part 2: Slavery collections from the Merseyside Maritime Museum, Liverpool, 1739-1866. HT 1031 A1. Abolition and emancipation. Part 3: Slavery collections from the Merseyside Maritime Museum, Liverpool, 1824-1855. HT 1031 A1. Abolition and emancipation. Part 4: The Granville Sharp papers from Gloucestershire Record Office, 1743-1813. HT 1031 A1. Abolition and emancipation. Part 5: Papers of Thomas Clarkson from the British Library, London, 1785-1846. HT 1031 A1. Abolition and emancipation. Part 6: Papers of William Wilberforce, William Smith, Iveson Brookes, Francis Corbin and related records from the Rare Book, Manuscript and Special Collections Library, Duke University, 1780-1880. HT 1031 A1. Britain, Spain and the slave trade to Cuba, 1807-1845. HT 1077 M9. The slave colonies of Great Britain : or, a picture of negro slavery drawn by the Colonists themselves : being an abstract of the various papers recently laid before Parliament on that subject. HT 1091 S6. Slave trade journals and papers. Part 1 The Humphrey Morice papers from the Bank of England, London. HT 1161 A2. The papers of William Davenport & Co., 17451797. HT 1162 P2. The Rhodes House AntiSlavery papers : material relating to America from the AntiSlavery Collection in Rhodes House, Oxford, mainly 1839-1868/ introduction by Howard R. Temperley. HT 1163 R4. Records relating to the Birmingham Ladies' Society for the Relief of Negro Slaves, 1825-1919 : in the Birmingham Reference Library / introduction by Celia M. King. HT 1164 B61 R3. Records relating to the slave trade at the Liverpool Record Office HT 1164 L7 R3 The Scottish factor in the fight against American slavery, 1830-1870/ C.D. Rice. HT 1164 S35 R4. Report on the slave trade : reports on the commissioners on African settlements. HT 1332 A3. East Indians and negroes in British Guiana, 1838-1880. HT 1600 G98 M8. Convict transportation and the metropolis : letterbooks and papers of Duncan Campbell (1726-1803) from the State Library of New South Wales. HV 8950 A8 C7. Antislavery Society papers, vol. E1/4 : Trinidad 1836-1842. LC 4095 T8 A6.Uncle Tom's cabin / authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism / edited by Elizabeth Ammons. PS 2954 U5. Approaches to teaching Stowe's Uncle Tom's cabin / edited by Elizabeth Ammons and Susan Belasco. PS 2954 U5 Z61. Log & journal of The Black Prince, 1762-1764. VK 211 L8