OSP REQUIRED DOCUMENTS - FEDERAL and NON PROFIT Submission Type Original/New Federal Grant UAB Extramural Checklist - signed Proposal (if electronic, access drop box or sponsor portal. If paper submission use hard copy) * Responsible Personnel List RFA or PA # provided on the checklist Federal Contract Non-Federal Contract Non Profit UAB Extramural Checklist - signed Business Proposal Technical Proposal (draft) Detail Budget in EXCEL or sponsor format Responsible Personnel List (If Applicable) (If Applicable) Letter / Statement of Intent Institutional Commitment Letters Cost Sharing Form (If applicable) IDC Rev Redistribution Form VA Memo of Understanding Cover Pages Letter of Intent Institutional Commitment Letters Sponsor required documentation Copy osp@uab.edu on any "Intent to Apply" and/or white paper Cost Sharing (If applicable) IDC Rev Redistribution Form VA Memo of Understanding Competing Continuation/Renewal UAB Extramural Checklist - signed Proposal (if electronic, access drop box or sponsor portal If paper submission use hard copy) * Responsible Personnel List RFA or PA # provided on the checklist N/A (If applicable) Letter / Statement of Intent Institutional Commitment Letters Cost Sharing Form IDC Rev Redistribution Form VA Memo of Understanding UAB Extramural Checklist - signed Application includes the full draft proposal which consists of budget, budget justification and statement or scope of work * Agreement (Word Version if applicable) Responsible Personnel List RFA Guidelines – submit a hard copy or direct link identified on the UAB Checklist; if application is restricted access then a copy of the application and guidelines must be submitted to OSP Sponsor IDC Guidelines Letter/Statement of Intent (if applicable) Institutional Commitment Letters (if applicable) Cost Sharing Form (if applicable) IDC Revenue Redistribution form (if applicable) UAB Extramural Checklist - signed Responsible Personnel List Application includes full draft proposal which consists of budget, budget justification and statement or scope of work * Agreement (Word Version) RFA Guidelines – submit a hard copy or direct link identified on the UAB Checklist Sponsor IDC Guidelines If application is restricted access then a copy of the application and guidelines Cost Sharing Form (if applicable) Non-Federal Grant Non Profit UAB Extramural Checklist - signed Face pages requiring OSP signature Application consists of full draft proposal which includes the budget, budget justification and statement or scope of work * Responsible Personnel List RFA & application, guidelines (complete copy) Protocol (if applicable) Sponsor IDC guidelines Letter/Statement of Intent (if applicable) Institutional commitment letters (if applicable) Cost Sharing Form (if applicable) IDC Revenue Redistribution form (if applicable) Data Use Agreements UAB Extramural Checklist – signed Responsible Personnel List Face Pages requiring OSP signatures Application includes full draft proposal which consists of budget, budget justification and statement or scope of work * RFA & application, Guidelines Protocol (if applicable) Sponsor IDC guidelines Cost Sharing Form (if applicable) UAB Expedited Checklist If DUA include a DUA submission evaluation form Editable version of the agreement An RPL is not required N/A OSP Required Documents – V11.21.13 Notes: Any document submitted earlier in the process does not need to be resubmitted again unless it has been modified, i.e. a protocol submitted to the CBR for FAP review should not be resubmitted with a new submission unless it changed. * A proposal consists of the fully signed UAB Extramural Checklist, a budget, budget justification, draft of the science, sponsor required documentation, statement of intent (if applicable) and cover letter (if applicable). Page 1 Submission Type Non-Competing Continuation/Continuation Federal Grant Federal Contract UAB Extramural Checklist – signed Responsible Personnel List (ONLY if changes in Responsible Personnel) Proposal (if paper, hard copy) * N/A Supplement/Revision Amendment/Mod No Cost Extension (First) (If Applicable) Non-Federal Contract Non Profit If electronic access the sponsor portal e.g.ERA Commons Cost Sharing Form VA Memo of Understanding N/A UAB Extramural Checklist - signed Proposal (if electronic, access drop box or sponsor portal. If paper submission use hard copy) * Responsible Personnel List (ONLY if changes in Responsible Personnel) Cost Sharing Form (if applicable) UAB Extramural Checklist - signed Responsible Personnel List (ONLY if changes in Responsible Personnel) UAB Expedited Checklist & letter of request Responsible Personnel List (ONLY if changes in Responsible Personnel) For NIH Grants - Letter of request addressed to OSP Officer signed by PI and Dept Chairman Non-Federal Grant Non Profit UAB Extramural Checklist –signed Responsible Personnel List (ONLY if changes in Responsible Personnel) Annual Progress Report if it acts as a proposal Full proposal if applicable * Budget, Justification (if applicable) Contract (Word version) Cost Sharing Form (if applicable) Carry Forward budget if available UAB Extramural Checklist - signed Proposal which includes the Budget & Justification Responsible Personnel List (ONLY if changes in Responsible Personnel) Cost Sharing Form (if applicable) UAB Extramural Checklist – signed Responsible Personnel List (ONLY if changes in Responsible Personnel) Annual Progress Report if it acts as a proposal Full proposal if applicable * Budget, Justification (if applicable) Cost Sharing Form (if applicable) Carry Forward budget if available N/A UAB Extramural Checklist Proposal which includes the Budget & Justification* Responsible Personnel List (ONLY if changes in Responsible Personnel) Cost Sharing Form (if applicable) N/A UAB Extramural Checklist (For Change in PI or an increase in contract value) Expedited Checklist (if applicable) Responsible Personnel List (ONLY if changes in Responsible Personnel) UAB Extramural Checklist - signed Proposal * Budget & Justification Responsible Personnel List (ONLY if changes in Responsible Personnel) UAB Extramural Checklist - signed Proposal * Budget & Justification Responsible Personnel List (ONLY if changes in Responsible Personnel) UAB Expedited Checklist Responsible Personnel List (ONLY if changes in Responsible Personnel) A copy of the letter or email requesting the extension or whatever prompted the extension along with the written justification. The Sponsor issues an amendment or modification to make the extension official. UAB Expedited Checklist Responsible Personnel List (ONLY if changes in Responsible Personnel) Request letter if required by sponsor Carry forward budget if included in NCE request UAB Expedited Checklist Responsible Personnel List (ONLY if changes in Responsible Personnel) Request letter if required by sponsor Carry forward budget if included in NCE Data Use Agreements UAB Expedited Checklist Sponsor Contact Info required Sponsor amendment – Word document N/A OSP Required Documents – V11.21.13 Notes: Any document submitted earlier in the process does not need to be resubmitted again unless it has been modified, i.e. a protocol submitted to the CBR for FAP review should not be resubmitted with a new submission unless it changed. * A proposal consists of the fully signed UAB Extramural Checklist, a budget, budget justification, draft of the science, sponsor required documentation, statement of intent (if applicable) and cover letter (if applicable). Page 2 Submission Type No Cost Extension (Second) Federal Grant UAB Expedited Checklist & attachments Responsible Personnel List (ONLY if changes in Responsible Personnel) For NIH grants letter addressed to GMS co-signed by Dept Chairman and for other federal, a letter of request to the sponsor forwarded to OSP for review and submission to sponsor Detailed Budget UAB Extramural Checklist Signed Relinquishment Statement Final Invention Statement Letter of transfer Transfer Out Federal Contract UAB Expedited Checklist Responsible Personnel List (ONLY if changes in Responsible Personnel) A copy of the letter or email requesting the extension or whatever prompted the extension along with the written justification forwarded to OSP for review and submission to sponsor. The Sponsor issues an amendment or modification to make the extension official. N/A Non-Federal Contract Non Profit UAB Expedited Checklist Responsible Personnel List (ONLY if changes in Responsible Personnel) Request letter if required by sponsor forwarded to OSP for review and submission to sponsor Carry forward budget if included in NCE UAB Extramural Checklist - Signed Letter of transfer from PI to sponsor requesting permission to transfer award Letter of acceptance from new institution if already provided Contact info for new institution UAB Extramural Checklist – signed Responsible Personnel List Proposal or agreement Letter of Appointment from UAB department Letter to sponsor requesting permission to transfer award Contact information from last institution (if applicable) Proposal or agreement UAB Extramural Checklist - signed Proposal (if electronic, access drop box. If paper submission use hard copy) * Responsible Personnel List (If Applicable) Letter/Statement of Intent Institutional Commitment Letters Cost Sharing Form IDC Rev Redistribution Form Transfer In UAB Extramural Checklist – signed Proposal (hard copy) Responsible Personnel List N/A (If Applicable) Resubmission VA Memo of Understanding Cost Sharing Form IDC Rev Redistribution Form Letter / Statement of Intent Institutional Commitment Letters UAB Extramural Checklist - signed Proposal (if electronic, access drop box. If paper submission use hard copy) * Responsible Personnel List (If Applicable) Letter / Statement of Intent Institutional Commitment Letters Cost Sharing Form IDC Rev Redistribution Form\ VA Memo of Understanding UAB Extramural Checklist - signed Proposal (if electronic, access drop box. If paper submission use hard copy) * Responsible Personnel List (If Applicable) Letter / Statement of Intent Institutional Commitment Letters Cost Sharing Form IDC Rev Redistribution Form VA Memo of Understanding Non-Federal Grant Non Profit UAB Expedited Checklist Responsible Personnel List (ONLY if changes in Responsible Personnel) Request letter if required by sponsor forwarded to OSP for review and submission to sponsor Carry forward budget if included in NCE UAB Extramural Checklist - Signed Letter of transfer from PI to sponsor requesting permission to transfer award Letter of acceptance from new institution if already provided Contact info for new institution UAB Extramural Checklist –signed Responsible Personnel List Letter of Appointment from UAB dept Letter to sponsor requesting permission to transfer award Contact information from last institution Proposal (if required) Agreement (if required) UAB Extramural Checklist - signed Proposal (if electronic, access drop box. If paper submission use hard copy) * Responsible Personnel List (If Applicable) Letter/Statement of Intent Institutional Commitment Letters Cost Sharing Form IDC Rev Redistribution Form Data Use Agreements N/A N/A N/A OSP Required Documents – V11.21.13 Notes: Any document submitted earlier in the process does not need to be resubmitted again unless it has been modified, i.e. a protocol submitted to the CBR for FAP review should not be resubmitted with a new submission unless it changed. * A proposal consists of the fully signed UAB Extramural Checklist, a budget, budget justification, draft of the science, sponsor required documentation, statement of intent (if applicable) and cover letter (if applicable). Page 3 Submission Type Federal Grant Change in PI UAB Extramural Checklist – signed Responsible Personnel List Letter Sponsor required documents Carry-Over Request UAB Expedited Checklist Responsible Personnel List (ONLY if changes in Responsible Personnel) Budget Letter of justification Federal Contract Non-Federal Contract Non Profit Non-Federal Grant Non Profit Data Use Agreements UAB Extramural Checklist – signed Responsible Personnel List Letter Sponsor required documents UAB Extramural Checklist – signed Responsible Personnel List Letter Sponsor required documents UAB Extramural Checklist – signed Responsible Personnel List Letter Sponsor required documents N/A N/A UAB Expedited Checklist Responsible Personnel List (ONLY if changes in Responsible Personnel) Budget Letter of justification UAB Expedited Checklist Responsible Personnel List (ONLY if changes in Responsible Personnel) Budget Letter of justification N/A OSP Required Documents – V11.21.13 Notes: Any document submitted earlier in the process does not need to be resubmitted again unless it has been modified, i.e. a protocol submitted to the CBR for FAP review should not be resubmitted with a new submission unless it changed. * A proposal consists of the fully signed UAB Extramural Checklist, a budget, budget justification, draft of the science, sponsor required documentation, statement of intent (if applicable) and cover letter (if applicable). 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