Curriculum Vitae - Indian Society of Agricultural Economics

Principal Scientist
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, (ICRISAT),
(Based at National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research)
Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi-12
Phone: 91-11-25843973
Mobile: 91-9911106918
15 years of research experience in analytical and policy research in
leading national and international institutes
Areas of Interest:
Value chain analysis, Agricultural trade and WTO issues, Food safety,
Food & nutrition security, Agricultural diversification, Agricultural
productivity, Impact assessment, Regional disparities, Livestock &
fisheries sector etc.
Principal Scientist (Economics): International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid
Tropics, Based at New Delhi. April 2012 – till date.
Research Focus:
Rural Poverty and Agricultural Growth, Food and Nutrition Security, Impact Assessment,
Farmers’ linkage to Markets, Financial Innovations and Smallholders Access to Institutional
Project Leader For:
1) Tracking Change in Rural Poverty in Household and Village Economies in South Asia
– An initiative to continuously monitor the changes in the socio-economic welfare of
the rural households in one of the most poverty stricken regions of the world to
contribute to evolve effective strategies for accelerated poverty reduction.
Principal Scientist (Agricultural Economics): National Centre for Agriculture Economics
and Policy Research, New Delhi. November 2010 – March 2012.
Research Focus:
Food Safety Issues in Agricultural Value Chain, Agricultural Commodity Market Outlooks,
Smallholders’ Access to Alternative Market Chains, Rural Poverty and Agricultural Growth,
Financial Innovations and Smallholders Access to Institutional Credit.
Project Leader For:
1) Developing a Decision Support System for Commodity Market Outlook in India – An
initiative to facilitate informed food management policies and strategies.
Senior Scientist (Agricultural Economics): National Centre for Agricultural Economics and
Policy Research, New Delhi. January 2008 - November 2010
Research Focus:
Food Safety Issues, Smallholder Dairy Farmers’ Access to Alternative Milk Market Chains,
Export Competitiveness of Livestock Products, Employment Diversification.
Project Leader For:
1) Developing a Decision Support System for Commodity Market Outlook in India
2) International Food Safety Standards and Processed Food Exports from India – An
initiative focused to assess status of compliance with food safety measures (FSM) in
production and processing major livestock products, estimate cost of compliance with
FSM, and identify the drivers for improved compliance with FSM.
Senior Scientist (Agricultural Economics): ILRI-Asia Office, International Livestock
Research Institute (ILRI), Nairobi, Kenya. 2005 August –December 2007
Research Focus:
Improving Smallholders Dairy Farmers’ Access to Market Opportunities, Inputs and Services;
Facilitating Development of Pro-poor Dairy Development Policies and Food Safety Issues in
Livestock Value Chain.
Project Leader For:
1) Comprehensive Study of Dairy Sector in Assam- An initiative to develop pro-poor
dairy development policies in Assam, improve market opportunities for small scale
dairy producers and enhance quality and safety along the milk value chain
2) International Food Safety Standards and Processed Food Exports from India
3) Improvement of Fodder Markets and Identification of Crop Varieties with Improved
Fodder Characteristics in Selected Disadvantaged Areas of India- An initiative to
understand and improve the functioning of fodder markets and identification of crop
varieties for increasing availability and improving quality of fodders
Scientist (Agricultural Economics), National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy
Research, New Delhi-12, India. January 1997- July 2005
Research Focus: Total Factor Productivity in Indian Agriculture and Livestock Sector,
Agricultural Diversification, Agricultural Trade and WTO Issues, Food Safety Issues in
Indian Fisheries.
Project Leader For:
1) Strategies and Options for Increasing and Sustaining Fisheries and Aquaculture
Production to Benefit Poor Households in Asia- Analysis of technologies, policies,
institutions, support systems, consumers demand and preferences led to the
development of strategies and options for increasing and sustaining fisheries and
aquaculture production to benefit poor households in India
2) Economic Analysis of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) of Crop Sector in the IndoGangetic Plain (IGP) Region of India by Districts and Regions- First initiative in India
to estimate TFP for crop sector at district level for the IGP, which helped to revisit the
issues of agricultural sustainability in the region during late 1990s.
3) Agricultural Diversification in Eastern India: Problems and Prospects- Focused to
understand the potential and constraints of agricultural diversification to facilitate
evolve agricultural diversification strategies in one of the under-developed regions of
Dairy Economics, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, 1999
Dairy Economics National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, 1992
Agriculture, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 1990
Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences w.e.f. January 2013.
National Fellow by Indian Council of Agricultural Research in 2010
Indo-US Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science & Technology
Fellowship in 2008.
Lal Bahadur Shastri Young Scientist Award for the Biennium 2003-04 for
outstanding contribution in Social Sciences.
Young Scientist Award of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences for the
Biennium 2001-02 for outstanding contributions to Social Sciences.
National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) Associate w.e.f. January 2008.
Best Paper Award in South Asia Regional Conference of International Association of
Agricultural Economists (IAAE) on Globalization of Agriculture in South Asia: Has it
Made a Difference to Rural Livelihoods? 23-25 March, Hyderabad, India.
Dr. R T Doshi Foundation Award for best paper published in Agricultural
Economics Research Review in 2003.
National Rural Talent Scholarship during school education
ICAR Merit Scholarship in graduation
NDRI Junior Research Fellowship in Post-graduation
NDRI Senior Research Fellowship in Ph. D
Research Projects
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Principal Investigator, VDSA: Village Dynamics
Studies in South Asia, US $ 1378,000. (2009-2014)
National Agricultural Innovation Project (World Bank Supported), Principal
Investigator, Agricultural Commodity Market Outlook, US $ 470,000. (2009-2012)
Indian Council for Agricultural Research, Principal Investigator, International Food
Safety Standards and Processed Food Exports from India, US $ 40,000. (2005-2007)
OPEC Fund for International Development, Principal Investigator, Fodder Markets in
Selected Disadvantaged Areas of India, US $ 100,000. (2008)
Asian Development Bank in Collaboration with the World Fish Centre, Co-Principal
Investigator, Strategies and Options for Increasing and Sustaining Fisheries and
Aquaculture Production to Benefit Poor Households in Asia, US $ 50, 000. (20022004)
World Bank under Assam Agricultural Competitiveness Project, Co-Principal
Investigator, Comprehensive Study of Dairy Sector in Assam, US $ 200, 000. (200506)
National Agricultural Technology Project, Principal Investigator, Economic Analysis
of Total Factor Productivity of Crop Sector in the Indo-Gangetic Plain Region of India
by Districts and Regions, US $ 100, 000. (1999-2003)
Consultancy Assignments
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Senior Consultant, District-wise
Agricultural Productivity Analysis in India, US $ 20,000. (2011-12)
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Consultant, Structural
Transformation in Indian Dairy Sector, US $ 4,500. (2011-12)
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Consultant, Support to National Medium
Term Priority Framework for Livestock Sector in India, US $ 2,000. (2009)
National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Limited (NAFED),
Lead Consultant, Capacity Building to Enhance Competitiveness of Indian Agriculture
and Registration Abroad, US $ 30,000. (2008)
World Bank, Consultant, Livestock Support Services in India, US $ 20,000. (20072008)
Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, Consultant, Impact
Assessment of Weather Forecasting, US $ 10,000. (2003-2004)
International Organizations
 FAO, World Bank, IFPRI, IRRI, ILRI, ICRISAT, World Fish Centre, SAARC
Agriculture Centre, OHIO State University, USA, IOWA State University, USA, Etc.
National Organizations
 Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, Directorate of Water Management,
Bhubaneswar, ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Central Inland
Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute,
Cochin, Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur, Central Research Institute for
Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, ICAR Research Complex for North-Eastern Hill
Region, Barapani, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Birsa Agricultural
University, Kanke, Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa, Dr Punjab Rao Deshmukh
Krishi Vidhyapeeth, Akola, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur,
Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Orissa University of Agricultural &
Technology, Bhubaneswar, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Tamil Nadu
Agricultural University, Coimbatore, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore,
Bidhan Chandra Krishi Vishwavidyalaya. Assam Institute of Management, Guwahati,
Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, Guwahati, Public Advocacy Initiatives for
Rights and Values in India, New Delhi, Institute for Human Development, New Delhi.
Trainings Organized (Course Director) for Agricultural Economists
Commodity Outlook Models for Indian Agriculture (2012),
Methodologies for Agricultural Policy Research (2010), Multi-Market
Indian Agricultural Policy Analysis (2008), (Course Co-Director)
Methodology for Agricultural Policy Research (2004).
Sensitization cum Training Workshop Organized (Course Director) for Leading
Farmers and Agro Exporters to Enhance the Competitiveness of Indian Agriculture
and Registration Abroad in Six States (Bihar, Karnataka, Kerala, North Eastern States,
Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh), (2008)
Trainings (Course Director) organized for project personnel on Field Survey,
Electronic Compilation and Analysis of Data, (2010, 2011and 2012)
Coordinator for sub-project on Social Science Information Repository under World
Bank supported National Agricultural Technology Project
in India on
Modeling on
Selected Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals
1. Kumar, Anjani, M C S Bantilan, Praduman Kumar, Sant Kumar and Shiv Jee (2012).
Food Security in India: Trends, Patterns and Determinants. Indian Journal of
Agricultural Economics. 67(3):445-63.
2. Kumar, Anjani, Iain A Wright and Dhiraj K Singh (2011). Adoption of Food Safety
Practices in Milk Production: Implications for Dairy Farmers in India. Journal of
International Food & Agribusiness Marketing. 23(4): 330-344.
3. Kumar, Anjani, Steven J Staal and Dhiraj K Singh (2011). Smallholder Dairy Farmers’
Access to Modern Milk Marketing Supply Chain in India. Agricultural Economics
Research Review 24 (2): 243-253
4. Kumar, Anjani, Praduman Kumar and Alakh N Sharma (2011). Rural Poverty and
Agricultural Growth in India: Implications for the Twelfth Five Year Plan. Indian
Journal of Agricultural Economics 66 (3): 269-278
5. Kumar, Anjani, and D C Rai (2011). Trends and Volatility in Domestic and International
Prices of Livestock Products In India. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences
6. Kumar, Anjani, Chitra Yadav, Shiv Jee, Sant Kumar and Sonia Chouhan (2011).
Financial Innovation in Indian Agricultural Credit Market: Progress and Performance of
Kisan Credit Card. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 66 (3):418-428
7. Kumar, Anjani, Sant Kumar, Dhiraj K Singh and Shivjee (2011). Rural Employment
Diversification in India: Trends, Determinants and Implications on Poverty. Agricultural
Economics Research Review 24 (Conf. No.): 361-372
8. Kumar, Anjani, Harbir Singh, Sant Kumar and Surabhi Mittal (2011). Value Chains of
Agricultural Commodities and their Role in Food Security and Poverty Alleviation – A
Synthesis. Agricultural Economics Research Review 24 (1):169-181.
9. Kumar, Praduman, Anjani Kumar, P. Shinoj, and S.S. Raju, (2011). Estimation of
Demand Elasticity for Food Commodities in India. Agricultural Economics Research
Review 24 (1): 1-14.
10. Kumar, Anjani, D C Rai, Khyali Ram Chaudhary (2011). Prospects and Opportunities
for Export of Dairy Products from India. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 81
11. Kumar, Anjani and Steven J Staal (2010). Is Traditional Milk Marketing and Processing
Viable and Efficient? Empirical Evidence from Assam, India. Quarterly Journal of
International Agriculture 49 (3):213-225
12. Kumar, Anjani, P. Shinoj and P K Joshi (2010). Global Economic Crisis and Indian
Agriculture: Impacts and Perspectives. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics
65(3): 508-19
13. Kumar, Anjani, Steven J Staal, Lucy Lapar and Isabelle Baltenweck (2010). Traditional
Milk Market in Assam: Potential for Income and Employment Generation. Indian
Journal of Agricultural Economics 65(4): 747-59
14. Kumar, Anjani, K M Singh, and Shradhanjali Sinha (2010). Institutional Credit to
Agriculture Sector in India: Status, Performance and Determinants. Agricultural
Economics Research Review 23(2): 253-64
15. Kumar, Anjani (2010). Milk Marketing Chains in Bihar: Implications for Dairy Farmers
and Traders. Agricultural Economics Research Review. Conference Issue: 469-77.
16. Kumar, Praduman, P. Shinoj, S.S. Raju, Anjani Kumar, Karl M Rich, and Siwa Msangi
(2010). Factor Demand, Output Supply Elasticties and Supply Projections for Major
Crops of India. Agricultural Economics Research Review (23):1-14
17. Kumar, Anjani (2010). Exports of Livestock Products from India: Performance,
Competitiveness and Determinants. Agricultural Economics Research Review (23):5767.
18. Sirohi, Smita; Anjani Kumar and Steven J Staal (2009). Formal Milk Processing Sector
in Assam: Lessons to be Learnt from Institutional Failure. Agricultural Economics
Research Review 22(2). 245-54
19. Kumar, Anjani (2009). Rural Employment Diversification in Eastern India: Trends and
Determinants. Agricultural Economics Research Review. 22 (1):47-60
20. Kumar, Anjani and Dhiraj K Singh (2008). Livestock Production Systems in India: An
Appraisal Across Agro-Ecological Regions. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics
21. Kumar, Anjani; Dhiraj K. Singh and Prabhat Kumar (2007). Performance of Rural Credit
and Factors Affecting the Choice of Credit Sources. Indian Journal of Agricultural
Economics 62(3): 297-313
22. Kumar, Anjani; Steven J. Staal; K. Elumalai, and Dhiraj K. Singh (2007). Livestock
Sector in North-Eastern Region of India: An Appraisal of Performance. Agricultural
Economics Research Review 20(2):255-72
23. Dey, Madan M; M A Rab; K M Jahan; A Nisapa; A Kumar and M Ahmed (2004). WTO,
Food Safety Standards and Regulatory Barriers: Implications for Selected Fish Exporting
Asian Countries. Aquaculture Economics and Management 9(1&2):217-36
24. Kumar, Anjani (2004).Export Performance of Indian Fisheries Sector: Strengths and
Challenges Ahead. Economic and Political Weekly 39 (38): 4264-70.
25. Kumar, Anjani; Pratap S Birthal and Badruddin (2004). Technical Efficiency in Shrimp
Farming in India: Estimation and Implications. Indian Journal of Agricultural
Economics 59(3): 413-20.
26. Kumar, Praduman; Anjani Kumar and Surabhi Mittal (2004). Total Factor Productivity
of Crop Sector in the Indo-Gangetic Plain Of India: Sustainability Issues Revisited.
Indian Economic Review 39(1):169-201.
27. Kumar, Anjani and Praduman Kumar (2003). Food Safety Measures: Implications for
Fisheries Sector in India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 58(3):365-74.
28. Kumar, Anjani; P S Birthal and P K Joshi (2003). Research on Crossbreeding in Cattle:
An Analysis of its Economic and Social Impact in India. Agricultural Economics
Research Review 16(2):91-102.
29. Kumar, Anjani (2001). Agricultural Exports of India: Some Issues. The Asian
Economic Review 43(2): 176-88.
30. Kumar, Anjani (2000). Performance of Livestock Sector in India: Implications for Food
Security. Afro-Asian Journal of Rural Development 33(2):77-90.
NCAP Policy Papers
1. Kumar, Anjani; Dhiraj K Singh and Shiv Jee (2011). Alternative Milk Market Chains in
India: Implications for Smallholder Dairy Farmers. NCAP Policy Paper (27). National
Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research, New Delhi. (Forthcoming)
2. Kumar, Anjani (2009). India’s Livestock Sector Trade: Opportunities and Challenges.
NCAP Policy Paper (24). National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy
Research, New Delhi
3. Birthal, S Pratap; P K Joshi and Anjani Kumar (2002). Assessment of Research Priorities
for Livestock Sector in India. NCAP Policy Paper (15). National Centre for Agricultural
Economics and Policy Research, New Delhi.
4. Birthal, S Pratap, Anjani, Kumar, A. Ravishankar and U.K.Pandey (1999). Sources of
Growth in the Livestock Sector. NCAP Policy Paper (9). National Centre for Agricultural
Economics and Policy Research, New Delhi.
Books edited
1. State of Indian Agriculture: The Indo-Gangetic Plain. National Academy of Agricultural
Sciences, New Delhi. 2010
2. Impact of Agricultural Technology on Growth Equity and Sustainability of Natural
Resources. Agricultural Economics Research Review (Conference Issue): 2004
3. A Profile of People, Technologies and Policies in Fisheries Sector in India. National
Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research, New Delhi. 2002.
4. Livestock in Different Farming Systems in India. Advance Publishing Concept, New
Delhi in 2001.
Research Reports/Discussion Papers/Working Papers
1. Kumar, Anjani (2009). Sector Paper on Livestock Sector in India. Prepared for
Developing a National Medium Term Priority Framework for India by FAO
2. Kumar, Anjani (2008). Rural Employment Diversification in Eastern India: Trends and
Determinants. Working Paper 11, National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy
Research, New Delhi.
3. Deka R.; Thorpe W.; Lapar, M.L. and Kumar, Anjani (2007). Assam’s pig sub-sector:
current status, constraints and opportunities.
4. Deka R.; Thorpe W.; Lapar, M.L. and Kumar, Anjani (2007). Karbianglong’s pig subsector: current status, constraints and opportunities.
5. Deka R.; Thorpe W.; Lapar, M.L. and Kumar, Anjani (2007). Kokarajhar’s pig subsector: current status, constraints and opportunities.
6. Deka R.; Thorpe W.; Lapar, M.L. and Kumar, Anjani (2007). Dhemaji’s pig sub-sector:
current status, constraints and opportunities.
7. Deka R.; Thorpe W.; Lapar, M.L. and Kumar, Anjani (2007). Golaghat’s pig sub-sector:
current status, constraints and opportunities
8. Deka R.; Thorpe W.; Lapar, M.L. and Kumar, Anjani (2007). Kamrup’s pig sub-sector:
current status, constraints and opportunities.
9. Sharma, Vijay Paul; Alejandro Nin Pratt; Anjani Kumar; Rajvir Singh and Steven Staal
(2008). Dairy Development in India in Dairy Development for the Resource Poor Part-3:
Pakistan and India Dairy Development Case Studies. PPLPI Working Paper 44(3): 29-62.
10. Strategies and Options for Increasing and Sustaining Fisheries and Aquaculture
Production to Benefit Poor Households in India. National Centre for Agricultural
Economics and Policy Research, New Delhi (2004).
11. Kumar, Anjani and Dayanatha Jha (2003). Agricultural Development in Bihar:
Performance, Constraints and Priorities. Bihar Development Report. Institute for Human
Development, New Delhi.
12. Kumar, P.; Dayanatha Jha; Anjani Kumar; M. K. Chaudhary; R. K. Grover; R. K. Singh;
A. Mitra; P. K. Joshi; Alka Singh; P. S. Birthal; Surabhi Mittal and Jabir Ali (2002).
Economic Analysis of Total Factor Productivity of Crop Sector in the Indo-Gangetic
Plains of India by District and Region. Agricultural Economics Research Report (2),
NATP-IARI, New Delhi.
Book Chapters
1. Kumar, Anjani and Dhiraj K Singh (2010). Performance of Livestock Production System
in India: Where Rainfed Region Stands? In Singh, Surjit and M S Rathore (Eds) Rainfed
Agriculture in India: Perspectives and Challenges, Rawat Publications, pp – 254-80.
2. Ma. Lucila A Lapar, Manesh Choubey, Partho Patwari, Anjani Kumar, Isabelle
Baltenweck, Mohammad A Jabbar and Steven Staal (2010), Consumer Preferences for
Attributes of Raw and Powdered Milk in Assam, Northeast India, International Livestock
Research Institute, PP: 103-15
3. Joshi, P K; S S Acharya; Ramesh Chand and Anjani Kumar (2009). Agricultural Sector:
Status and Performance. In State of Indian Agriculture, National Academy of Agricultural
Sciences, New Delhi. PP:1-34
4. Kumar, Anjani and K. Elumalai (2007). Agricultural Growth and Productivity in India:
An Inter-State Variations. In Papola, T.S.and Alakh N Sharma (Eds) Economic Growth
and Regional Balance: Recent Experiences and Implications in India. Institute for
Human Development, New Delhi.
5. Kumar, Anjani and A K Jha (2006). Trade Policy Reforms, Food Safety Standards and
Indian Fisheries Exports. In Gaonkar, R Rekha et al (Eds) Fishes and Fisheries:
Conservation and Social Development APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.
6. Kumar, Anjani; Dayanatha Jha and U K Pandey (2005). Total Factor Productivity of the
Livestock Sector in India. In Joshi et al (Eds) Impact of Agricultural Research: PostGreen Revolution Evidence from India. National Centre for Agricultural Economics
and Policy Research, New Delhi and International Crops Research Institute for the SemiArid Tropics, Hyderabad.
7. Suresh, Pal; Anjani Kumar and Alka Singh (2005). Agricultural Research Intensity in
India. In Joshi et al (Eds) Impact of Agricultural Research: Post-Green Revolution
Evidence from India. National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research,
New Delhi and International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics,
8. Kumar, Anjani and P.S. Birthal (2001).Growth of Livestock Sector in India: Implications
for Food and Nutrition Security. In Asthana and Pedreno (Eds) Towards Hunger Free
India: Agenda and Imperatives Manohar Publications.
9. Kumar, Anjani and A K Jha (2001). Constraints to Adoption of Modern Varieties of
Rice in Bihar, Eastern India. In Tuong et al (Eds) Characterizing and Understanding
Rainfed Rice Environments. International Rice Research Institute, Manila, Philippines.
Popular articles/technical notes
1. Kumar, Anjani (2012). Status of Milk Production in India. ICAR News 18 (1). Indian
Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi
2. Kumar, Anjani (2011). Is Modern Milk Supply Chain Inclusive? ICAR News 17 (4).
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.
3. Joshi, P.K.; Anjani Kumar; A K Jha and Raka Saxena (2003). Prioritization of
Production Constraints: Concept and Methods (2003). PME note (11). National Centre for
Agricultural Economics and Policy Research, New Delhi.
4. Pal, Suresh; P. K. Joshi and Anjani Kumar (2000). Agricultural Research Prioritization:
Concepts and Approach. ICAR News 6(3). Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New
5. Kumar, Anjani and Harbir Singh (1999). Trade in Livestock Products in India: An
Overview. Yojana, Ministry of Information& Broadcasting, GOI, October, 1999.
Papers in selected Conferences/Seminars/Workshops/Symposia
1. Kumar Anjani, Alakh N Sharma, Rajni Jain, Praduman Kumar and Usha Rani Ahuja
(2011). Dynamics of Rural Poverty in India: The Role of Agricultural Growth. 7th
Conference of Asian Society of Agricultural Economics, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 13-15,
2. Kumar Anjani (2011). Potential of Livestock Sector for Sustainable Income and
Employment Generation in India, International Conference on Managing Sustainable
Development of Rural Economy and Agri Business, BHU, Varanasi, India, January 21-23,
3. Kumar, Anjani and P K Joshi. 2010. Livestock Trade under WTO Regime: Challenges
and Opportunities. In International Buffalo Conference on Optimizing Buffalo
Productivity through Conventional and Novel Technologies, National Agricultural Science
Complex, New Delhi, February 1-4.
4. Kumar, Anjani, D C Rai, Dhiraj K Singh and Shiv Jee (2009), Dairy Farmers’ Linkage to
Alternative Milk Marketing Supply Chains in India: Implications for Smallholders, In:
Perspectives on Agripreneurship and Rural Development. International Conference on
Agripreneurship & Rural Development, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, December
5-6, pp.138-144.
5. Joshi, P K; Anjani Kumar and Shiv Kumar (2009). Indian Approaches and Experience in
Linking Farmers with Markets. In Indo-US Agricultural Knowledge Initiative Workshop
on Linking Farmers and Agro-based SMEs with Markets organized by ICAR, USDA,
FICCI and NCAP, New Delhi, March 17-18, 2009.
6. Kumar, Anjani (2009). Compliance with Food Safety Measures: Status, Determinants
and Scope. In Indo-US Agricultural Knowledge Initiative Workshop on Linking Farmers
and Agro-based SMEs with Markets organized by ICAR, USDA, FICCI and NCAP, New
Delhi, March 17-18, 2009.
7. Kumar, Anjani; P K Joshi and Dhiraj K Singh (2009). Integration of Smallholder
Livestock Farmers. In Changing Market Economy: Threats and Opportunities in World
Conference 2009 of Animal Nutrition Association organized by ANA, ILRI, ICAR and
IVRI, New Delhi, February 14-17, 2009.
8. Joshi, P K and Anjani Kumar (2008). The Social Science Information Repository
(SSIR)-NCAP Experience in Developing Panel Data for Policy Research. In The Scoping
Meeting on ‘Village-level Studies for Evidence-based Decision Making’ organized by
ICRISAT, Patancheru, May 3-4, 2008
9. Kumar, Anjani and P K Joshi (2008). Indian Dairying Scenario: Prospects and
Opportunities for Exports. In Consultation Meeting on Operationalization of SAARC
Milk Grid at Kolkata, September 17-18, 2008
10. Kumar, Anjani and Alakh N Sharma (2007). Agricultural Diversification in Bihar:
Problems and Constraints, Global Meet on Resurgent Bihar, January 19-21, Patna.
11. Kumar, Anjani (2005). Indian Fisheries Exports: Impact of Trade Policy Reforms and
Food Safety Standards. In South Asia Regional Conference of International Association
of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) on Globalization of Agriculture in South Asia: Has it
Made a Difference to Rural Livelihoods? March 23-25, Hyderabad, India.
12. Kumar, Anjani; P K Joshi and Badruddin (2002). Fisheries Trade in India: Policies,
Performance and Competitiveness. In Biennial Conference of International Institute of
Fisheries Economics and Trade at Wellington, New Zealand 19-22 August, 2002.
13. Kumar, Anjani; P.K. Joshi and Pratap S. Birthal (2001). Fisheries Sector in India: An
Overview of Performance, Programs and Policies, Regional Workshop on Strategies and
Options for Increasing and Sustaining Fisheries and Aquaculture Production to Benefit
Poor Households in Asia during 20-25 August 2001 at International Centre for Living
Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM), Penang, Malaysia.
14. Kumar, Anjani and A., K., Jha (1999). Constraints to Adoption of Modern Varieties of
Rice in Bihar, Eastern India, International Workshop on Characterizing and
Understanding Rainfed Environments organized by Rainfed Lowland Rice Research
Consortium (RLRRC) and International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in Indonesia
December 5-9, 99.
1. Kumar, Anjani and Rajni Jain (2011). Agricultural Productivity in India: Historical and
Spatial Trends at District Level. In Policy Options and Investment Priorities for
Accelerating Agricultural Productivity and Development in India organized by Indira
Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, November 10-11, 2011.
2. Kumar, Anjani (2010). Milk Marketing Chains in Bihar: Implications for Dairy Farmers
and Traders presented in 18th Annual Conference of AERA at NAARM, November 18-20,
2010, Hyderabad.
3. Kumar, Anjani (2010). Global Economic Crisis and Indian Agriculture: Impacts and
Perspectives presented in the 70th Annual Conference of The Indian Society of Agricultural
Economics, November, 29th November, 2010 to December 1, 2010, Jammu.
4. Kumar, Anjani (2009). Food Safety Issues, Costs of Compliance and Drivers for
Improved Quality and Safety of Food Products. Lead Paper in 9th Agricultural Science
Congress, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Shere-E-Kashmir University of
Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, June 22-24, 2009, Srinagar.
5. Kumar, Anjani; Iain A Wright and Dhiraj K Singh (2008). Status and Cost of
Compliance of Food Safety Measures. In Milk Production at Farm-Level in First Annual
Conference of the Indian Society of Agribusiness Management organized by GKVK,
UAS, Bangalore, September 25-27, 2008.
6. Kumar, Anjani (2008). WTO Implications and Emerging Challenges for Export of
Spices and Agriproducts. In Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions in Processing, Value
Addition, Marketing and Export of Seed Spices organized by ISSS, NRCSS, CIPET and
NCAP, Jaipur, December 20-21, 2008.
7. Kumar, Anjani and Dhiraj K. Singh (2007). Performance of Livestock Production
System in India: Where Rainfed Region Stands? In Silver Jubilee Seminar on Livestock
Development in Rainfed Areas, Institute of Development Studies, Jaipur, April 22-23
8. Kumar, Anjani and K. Elumalai (2005). Agricultural Growth and Productivity in India:
An Inter-State Variations in National Seminar on Indian Economy and Productivity
organized by the Indian Society of Economics, Institute for Social and Industrial
Development, New Delhi and Institute for Human Development, New Delhi, September
17-19, 2005.
9. Kumar, Anjani (2004). Trade Policy Reforms and Food Safety Standards: Implications
for Indian Fisheries Exports. National Seminar on Conservation and Sustainable Growth
of Fisheries at College of Arts & Commerce, Zuarinagar, October 4-5, 2004.
10. Kumar, Anjani (2004). Analysis of Policies, Institutional Environment and Support
Services in Fisheries Sector in India. National Workshop on Strategies and Options for
Increasing and Sustaining Fisheries and Aquaculture Production to Benefit Poor
Households in India held at NCAP, New Delhi, January 29-30, 2004.
11. Kumar, Anjani and Dayanatha Jha (2003). Agricultural Development in Bihar:
Performance, Constraints and Priorities. Workshop on Bihar Development Report
organized jointly by Institute for Human Development, New Delhi and Planning
Commission, Government of India at Maurya Hotel, Patna, May 22-23, 2003.
12. Kumar, Anjani and Dayanatha Jha (2002). Agricultural Development in Bihar:
Performance, Constraints and Priorities. Workshop on Bihar Development Report
organized jointly by Institute for Human Development, New Delhi and Planning
Commission, Government of India at Institute of Applied Manpower Research, New
Delhi, June 29-30, 2002.
13. Kumar, Anjani and P.S., Birthal (2001). Economic Impact of Crossbreeding Technology
of Cattle in India. ICAR-ICRISAT Collaborative Workshop on Documentation, Adoption
and Impact of Technologies in Livestock Sector in India at ICRISAT January 18-19, 2001.
14. Kumar, Anjani and P.S. Birthal (2001). Growth of Livestock Sector in India:
Implications for Food and Nutrition Security in consultation workshop on Hunger Free
India jointly organized by Planning Commission (Govt. of India), MS Swaminathan
Research foundation and World Food Programme of United Nations in New Delhi April
24-26 2001.
15. Kumar, Anjani; Jabir Ali and RKP Singh (2001). Recent Developments in Bihar
Agriculture in workshop on Strategic Direction for Bihar's Economic Development
organized by Bihar Industries Association in Patna May 23-24 2001.
16. Kumar, Anjani; Dayanatha Jha and U. K. Pandey (2000). Total Factor Productivity of
Livestock Sector in India. NCAP-ICRISAT collaborative workshop on Impact of
Agricultural Research, ICRISAT Hyderabad February 10-11 2000.
17. Kumar, Anjani; Dayanatha Jha and U.K.Pandey (1999). Growth and Productivity of
Livestock Sector in India. National Workshop on Measurement of Productivity in India
organized by Institute for Human Development and sponsored by Department of
Statistics, Government of India at India International Centre during July 9-10, 1999.
Life Member, Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, Mumbai
Life Member, Agricultural Economics Research Association, New Delhi
Member, International Food and Agribusiness Management Association, Texas, USA.
Life Member, Haryana Economic Association
Member, International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade
Member, Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing
Member, Bihar Journal of Agricultural Marketing
Vice-President, Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, Mumbai
Referee for Agricultural Economics, World Development, Indian Journal of
Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Economics Research Review, Indian Journal of
Animal Sciences, Artha Vijnana, and Reviewing Research Proposals/Reports submitted
to different agencies.
Reviewer for Projects Submitted to National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP),
ICAR; Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of
Agriculture, Government of India; Indian Council of Agriculture Research, UNDP, Etc.
Guest Editor, Agricultural Economics Research Association,
Joint Secretary, Agricultural Economics Research Association w.e.f January, 2010
Member, Quin-quenniel Review Team (QRT) Project Directorate for Farming Systems
Research, Modipuram, Meerut, India;
Lead Speakers/Rapporteurs/Chairs
USA, Canada, New Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Bhutan, Bangladesh,
Thailand, Philippines, Singapore
Date of birth:
Marital Status:
14th November 1969
Married and two children
1. Prof. G.K. Chadha
President, South Asian University
Akbar Bhawan, 2nd Floor,
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021 (India)
Phone: 91-11-24122507
2. Prof. Alakh N. Sharma
Professor and Director
Institute for Human Development
NIDM Building, IIPA Campus
IP Estate, Mahatma Gandhi Marg
New Delhi- 110002
Phones: + 91 - 11 - 23358166, 23321610/
Fax: 91 - 11 - 23765410
3. Dr Iain A Wright
Theme Director, People, Livestock and the Environment
ILRI, P.O. Box 5689
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
P +251-11 617 2000
+1650 833 6696 (USA direct)
F +251-11 646 1252/646 4645Mob: +91 9871877035
(Anjani Kumar)