Assumption College

Table of Contents
Understanding Our Chapter and Our School ......................................................................................................................3
About Our School
Mission Integration Statement
The Direction of Assumption AMA
S.W.O.T. Analysis .............................................................................................................................................................................4
Professional Development ...........................................................................................................................................................................5
Professional Development Objectives
Field Trips
Guest Speaker Series
Social Events (Meetings/ Social Media)
Community Service .................................................................................................................................................................................... 6-7
Community Service Objectives
Community Service Activities
Fundraising .........................................................................................................................................................................................................7
Fundraising Objectives
Fundraising Strategies
Membership ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7-8
Membership Objectives
Membership Strategies for Renewals
Membership Strategies for Recruitment
Communications .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8-9
Communication Objectives
Strategies for Communication
Strategies for Communication with Assumption Community
Strategies for Communication with External Community
Chapter Operations ................................................................................................................................................................................. 9-10
Chapter Operations Objectives
Chapter Operations Strategies
Calendar of Events ............................................................................................................................................................... 10-11
Understanding Our Chapter
About Our School
The Assumption College Chapter of the American Marketing Association, also known as GAME (Greyhound
Association for Marketing Enrichment), was officially recognized as an academic student organization in
2009 by the Assumption College administration. Subsequently, GAME was rewarded its charter by the AMA in
January of 2010. GAME is composed of 7 Executive Board members, and is advised by Dr. Cary LeBlanc,
Assistant Professor of Marketing/Management. Assumption College in a private, Catholic College founded by
the Augustinians in 1904 and is located in Worcester, Massachusetts. Assumption College is known for its
classic liberal arts curriculum, and strong business and professional studies programs. Undergraduates,
graduate, and continuing and career education students cultivate the knowledge, skills and personal values
they need to contribute to and succeed in a changing world. Assumption College has an enrollment of
School Type
4-year private, Catholic, Liberal Arts
Undergraduate Enrollment
Undergraduate Business Majors
Gender Distribution at Assumption College
63% Female, 37% male
GAME Mission Statement
The Assumption College American Marketing Association collegiate chapter exists to build a foundation for
advancing education and discovering effective applications of marketing concepts. Students will develop and
obtain professional capabilities through community outreach and participation in marketing industry
The Direction of GAME
“Get in the GAME!” The Assumption College American Marketing Association is currently in its 3 rd year as a
recognized student organization. “Get in the GAME” has a triple meaning. (1) The phrase relates to how our
chapter is currently focusing on increasing our membership. Being that we are only three years old,
membership drives must always be a focal point in order to expand our club. (2) The phrase also means that
we are prepared to not only enter, but also lead the competitive world of marketing. This year we will
emphasize our efforts to the case competition and we will be prepared for the international collegiate
conference. (3) Finally, “Get in the GAME” relates to our fundraising efforts. The Assumption College student
body has about a 70% student athlete percentage. GAME will be fundraising at an array of Assumption
College sporting events, as well as raffling off tickets to a variety of New England sports teams.
GAME is recognized by the Assumption College
community and Worcester community for excellent
programming and community outreach activities
Strong industry connections with alumni and local
external professionals
Location of Assumption College: Worcester MA,
central area with at least 10 major Colleges in the city,
less than an hour from Boston
GAME creatively utilizes resources due to budget
High-spirited and passionate new E-board consisting
of 7 returning members, 3 of whom attended National
AMA conference
Increased respect on Campus
Experienced advisor who established GAME in 2009
GAME is a professional club
Facebook page and GAME website in full effect
Partnership with other Assumption clubs such as
APICS (Advancing Productivity Innovation and
Competitive Success) Association for Operation
Active Integration with Assumptions Career
Development Center
Establish relationship with new Student Activities
Initiate the AMA ambassador Program within the
Worcester Consortium Colleges
Fundraising with other clubs on campus
Social Networking: Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. provides
opportunities to further our communication with
Strong interest from Alumni to get involved
Good Support in the past from Assumption
Assumption College portal, newspaper, and campus
connections are able to make announcements about
upcoming GAME activities and meetings
Strengthening communication with the Assumption
Public Affairs to promote awareness of our Chapter
Fundraising for our own chapter and corporate
Permission granted to affiliate our GAME website
with the Assumption College Website
Lack of experience, for GAME is only in its second
full academic year
Membership size: despite increase in number of
members, still a very small Chapter
Only 7 returning members; past membership has
included mostly upper classmen, with the greatest
number being seniors resulting in huge turnover in
membership every year, and significant recruiting
Limited funds provided by Assumption College’s
Student Government Association
Field trips occur infrequently due to lack of funds
Members have additional academic commitments
and involvements outside of AMA
Time constraints of students
Difficulty attracting new people outside of the
Business Department to come to events
Must develop programming within Assumption
College guidelines
Mostly marketing majors represented in GAME
New E-board members with a lack of board
Assumption College is a small school with an
enrollment of about 2,000 undergrads, causing our
chapter to be much smaller than many other schools
Students have many other clubs at Assumption
College attracting their attention
Economic conditions may reduce the number of
students able to afford the AMA membership fee
GAME competes with other student organizations
for new members, participations from the
community, and time of current members
Assumption regulations limit the nature and type of
fundraisers and social events clubs may have
GAME must get Assumption’s Student Government
Association to approve any public releases
Student Government is in charge of GAME’s finances
and there are numerous restrictions on the usage of
our budget
Student Apathy
Professional Development Objectives
 To organize a guest speaker series with at least 4 speakers per semesters that will allow the
Assumption College community to enhance their knowledge of the business world through the
experiences of the speakers
 To give members the opportunity to learn about the types of skills that will increase their chances of
success in the business field and other professional fields
 To increase awareness of the daily activity in the professional business field
 To provide the opportunities for students to enhance their resume by participating in programming
 To create sub-committees that will gauge the interests and purposes of new and renewing members
 To make members aware of the rise in technology in marketing
Field Trips
 Attend an AMA conference in the New England area
 Network with local businesses through speaker series, conferences, and visits
 Attend local conferences, visit local businesses, and other club’s speaker series
We will participate in the following 2011-2012 AMA competitions
Chapter Plan
October 4, 2011
Chapter Website Competition Form
November 1, 2011
AMASavesLives Competition Form
December 16, 2011, March 16, 2012, March 23,
Pearson Case Competition
December 13, 2011
Annual Report
February 21, 2012
Chapter Exhibits Intent to Compete
February 7, 2012
Chapter T-shirt Competition
March 22, 2012
Guest Speaker Series
Aggressively advertise throughout the year to promote the benefits of the speakers in order to get 20
students outside of the club to attend
Hold at least 3 workshops over the course of the year that focus on Resume building/writing as well
as Business and Professional Writing
Work with the Career Services Department to organize an etiquette dinner for the Spring Semester
Social Events (Meetings/Social Media)
By organizing our group into committees, it will allow us to understand the direction of the group
and what other activities we should plan
o Discuss these ideas as a whole then at the end of the club meeting
Institute a weekly “Current Events” segment at meetings
o 2-3 volunteers a week, with the Executive Board initializing the concept in the beginning
Establish a Twitter and LinkedIn page to contact at least 5 outside businesses or organizations
Keep Facebook page and website updated weekly
Community Service Objectives
 To remain a role model at Assumption College and within the greater Worcester area for community
 To provide other extra-curricular groups on campus with promotional advertising services for their
games, events, and competitions, in an effort to promote college-wide advertising
 To continue our relationship with Community Harvest, as we have done the past two years during the
spring semester
 To become active with several of the community outreach organizations that already have partnerships
with AMA, such as AMA Saves Lives and the AMA Ambassador Program
Community Harvest
 Maintain our current relationship with Community Harvest to help raise awareness for their cause in the
region (Note: Community Harvest is a local non-profit whose mission is to grow fresh produce, which is
donated to 170+ food banks in Worcester County)
 Schedule a meeting with Kristin Bafaro, the new President of Community Harvest, by first week in
October in order to plan our strategy for the year, and map out a schedule for our annual marketing
research project with them each spring
 Conduct marketing research surveys at local supermarkets to gather information for Community Harvest
by April
o Prior to conducting the surveys, have a representative from Community Harvest attend a GAME
meeting and speak with the entire club, or have members of GAME visit Community Harvest,
with the goal of further fostering the relationship between these two organizations
o Increase the number of supermarkets where we collect data from last year’s four to at least five,
creating a larger, more accurate pool of data for Community Harvest
o Require every member of GAME to participate in some aspect of this project, as it is our priority
community outreach effort of the year
 Compile the research results into a computer database to be sent to the organization within three weeks
of collecting the data
o Compare the 2012 data with the previous 2011 and 2010 data
AMA Saves Lives
 Inform Assumption students about organ donation and the process of registering as organ donors
 Add an organ donation registration booth to the annual blood drive on campus
o Speak with an executive for Assumption’s Student Government Association (SGA), the club that
organizes these blood drives, to find out the dates of them as well as have our booth approved
o Promote this event throughout campus – after all, we are a marketing club
 Organize one activity to raise awareness on organ donation (preferably before holding the blood drive so
it can be used as a promotion mechanism) as decided on by the GAME Executive Board in the fall
o 30 Second Video Competition- Set up a table in our Student Activities Center, on campus grill and
snack bar, and the student lounge, for a three day period and ask students passing by to make up
their own 30 second public service announcement informing and encouraging organ donation
o Record the Public Service Announcements on our GAME camcorder, select a winning video,
reward the winner with a gift card, and use the PSA on campus
 Explore what we could do to extend this program into the Worcester community by means of other
schools within the city in coming years
AMA Ambassador Program
 Become active for the first time in AMA Ambassadors
 Reach out specifically to other colleges in the Worcester area who have Business Departments, informing
them about AMA as well as our individual chapter, GAME, in hopes that they will consider initiating
chapters on their campuses
Specific schools to focus our attention on: Clark University, Becker, Anna Maria Worcester State
o Email the Chair of the Business Department at each of these schools by December, providing
them with the AMA website and information about our Assumption College AMA Chapter
o If the schools reply to these emails with interest, invite a professor from each to sit in on a GAME
o Follow up with each school to determine their possible interest. Setup site visit(s) by GAME
members to the other schools for a question and answer segment.
Having local colleges involved in AMA will give us partners to work with on larger-scale projects in future
Fundraising Objectives
 To acquire funds that will defray some of the conference expenses ($200 per attendee) to
conferences and businesses
 To connect with local businesses in order to raise funds to cover the expenses for various events, but
also as a networking opportunity that will allow for all of Assumption College’s student body to
 To help promote the AMA Saves Lives program
 To effectively use our funds to ensure the approval of funds for next year’s AMA chapter
Fundraising Strategies
 Apply for $1,800 from the Finance Committee of the Student Government Association as a base for
 Partner with at least three local businesses to raise a total of $500 that can be used for the guest
speaker series or travel expenses to certain events
 Contact at least two local marketing businesspeople who would be interested in advertising or
forming a mentoring program with our chapter of the AMA
 Increase the number of people surveyed for Community Harvest by 10%
 Register at least 15 new organ donors through the AMA Saves Lives program
 Not spend more than allotted by the Student Government Association
Membership Objectives
To recruit at least 11 new members which would more than double our membership from 9 to 20
To have 50% of members be more active in events
To increase membership of non marketing majors by 100%
To increase membership of marketing majors by 100%
2010-2011 Actual
2011-2012 Goal
Total Membership
New Members
Marketing Majors
Non-Marketing Majors
Membership Strategies for Renewals
Offer events for career opportunities and professional development
Promote new forms of social media such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, to provide information
Maintain updated and accurate membership database
Include more events to increase professional development to build up resume
Membership Strategies for Recruitment
Utilize websites such as Facebook, Twitter,, and LinkedIn
Use posters and flyers to reach entire campus
Set up a booth at clubs and activities fair
Make presentations to all marketing classes and underclassmen business classes
Spread awareness of AMA through fundraising and special events to have us seen throughout
Offer events for career opportunities and professional development
Place brochures in student mailboxes to spread the word
Communication Objectives
 To inform and maintain regular communication with GAME AMA members about clubs and events
 To aid members of the Executive Board in obtaining contacts in order to inform the internal and
external environment about fundraising, various programs, Community service activities, and other
events promoted by AMA
 To spread internal awareness throughout the Assumption College
 To promote awareness to the external environment to Worcester, MA community surrounding areas
regarding networking events, social events, fundraising, and accomplishments
 To aid members to the executive board on obtaining contacts in order to inform the inform the
internal and external environment about fundraising, various programs, community service activities
and all other events preformed by the AMA
 To gain and maintain media contacts for the AMA regionally
 To inform and maintain communications with GAME AMA members about events and activities
Strategies for Communication with GAME Members
 Maintain open communications by regularly updating social media accounts such as; our Facebook,
Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts
 Inform the internal and external AMA community through e-mail blasts, Assumption Portal, On
campus Bulletin Boards, and Assumption College website
 Each VP will have their own sub-committee of GAME members to gain new contacts and to maintain
previous relationships
 Create flyers and Posters that will be displayed around campus about meetings and speakers
 Maintain our already existing Website
 Encourage WOM (word of mouth) and Gorilla Marketing around campus to increase awareness of
our club’s activities
Strategies for Communication with Assumption Community
 Frequently update GAME’s AMA bulletin board in the business hall of Desautels Hall and to ensure
students are aware and interested about the events an activities that GAME is involved with
 Use “The Best of Worcester” magazine to inform the community of GAME’s and AMA’s events and
current news
Use connections with Assumption Public Affairs Department to make sure that GAME’s Website is up
to date with postings of events and activities
Incorporate our website and social media accounts like; facebook, LinkedIn, and Assumption Website
to reach out effectively to our alumni concerning events and to contact possible guest speakers
Create and hang posters and flyers throughout the College to gain membership and awareness
throughout the year
Post our logo onto each and every poster and flyer we create and hang around campus to develop
brand awareness
Extend knowledge of GAME through club fair events by creating a GAME board in the hallway in the
business department where students often visit
Strategies for Communication with External Community
 Continue networking with previous contacts to maintain relationships with Assumption Public
Affairs and Assumption Alumni office
 Reach out to The Worcester Telegram and Gazette, to include Assumption College’s GAME Program
with AMA
 Create press releases and maintain media connections through Assumption Public affairs
department to inform the public and alumni
Chapter Operations Objectives
 To begin to use an integrated leadership approach, in which general members are encouraged to
work closely with executive board members
 To establish committees for each department of our chapter to ensure the workload is evenly
dispersed among all members of the group
 To begin to collaborate with other clubs and organizations on-campus such as the Business Club,
APICS and the Student Development Center.
 To establish stronger relationships with Assumption College faculty, Assumption College Alumni, and
AMA members to develop a network of guest speakers and potential field trips
 To perform a mid-year evaluation of the Executive Board as well as each sub committee, to keep
everybody on track and motivated
 To implement a point style system in order to keep track of member involvement and use as a
motivational tool
Officer Report Form
GAME’s Chapter Plan
Case Competition Entry
AMA Saves Lives
GAME’s Chapter Report
September 13, 2011
October 4, 2011
December 13, 2011
December 16, 2011
February 21, 2012
Chapter Operations Strategies
Conduct Weekly AMA Executive Board Meetings
 Keep the Executive Board motivated and productive
 Follow our GAME plan for the 2011-2012 year and coordinate events
 Provide Executive Board members with written job descriptions and expectations
Reach Out to Other Clubs and Organizations
 Plan activities and share costs with other Assumption College organizations
Coordinate and Connect with Assumption Alumni
Visit Assumption Alumni through field trips to establish relationship with Assumption College’s
Alumni Office
Plan Assumption Alumni and GAME Alumni to guest speak
Encourage Alumni to find us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to connect with them for
networking and programming
Implement a Point System
 When a member participates in chapter activities, he/she will receive a certain amount of points for
attendance and/or participation
 Members will be awarded prizes in accordance to the amount of points they earned
 This incentive will encourage members to “Get in the GAME” and be more active within the chapter
Perform at least two fundraising activities: i.e. raffles
Begin developing ideas and researching for the AMA Case Competition
Contact corporations who would be interested in sponsorships and/or
allowing us to visit
Meet with Student Government to finalize budget
Hold 4 GAME general meetings
Hold 2 Executive Board meetings
Submit Chapter Plan by October 4th
Update Facebook Page, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Club Website
Meet with Directors of Career Services and Student Activities to formulate
plans for the Spring semester
Hold first event from the Guest Speaker Series
Follow up on contacts with corporations
Hold Case Competition Meetings throughout the month to develop the
IMC plan
Professional Development workshop
Fundraising event
Update Facebook Page, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Club website
Hold 3 general AMA meetings
Hold 2 Executive Board meetings
Submit Case Competition by Dec. 13th
Hold general GAME meeting
Hold one Executive Board Meeting
Update Facebook page, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Club website
Submit AMA SavesLives competition form by Dec. 16th
Reconvene at general AMA meeting after holding 2 executive board
Update Facebook page, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Club website
Contact possible community service opportunities
Membership drive
2 Guest Speakers
Annual report- Feb. 21st
AMA SavesLives Event
Hold 2 fundraising events
Field trip to local business
Hold 3 GAME General Meetings
Hold 2 Executive Board Meetings
Update Facebook page, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Club website
Attend AMA local conference
Attend AMA International Collegiate Conference in New Orleans
Submit AMA SavesLives competition video in New Orleans
Hold 3 GAME General Meetings
Hold 2 Executive Board Meetings
1 Guest Speaker
Chapter T-Shirt Competition in New Orleans- Mar. 22nd
Update Facebook page, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Club website
Community Harvest community service event
1 Guest Speaker
Other community service event
Hold 2 GAME General Meetings
Hold 2 Executive Board meetings and elections for 2011-2012
G.A.M.E.’s Budget
2009-2010 Requested Budget
Food for guest speakers events
Gifts for guest speakers
Total Request
Budget Received
Generated funds from raffles
Generated funds from student dues
2010-2011 Requested Budget
Gifts for guest speakers
Copy Center Posters/Materials
GAME Member t-shirts
Total Request
Budget Received
Generated funds from raffles
Generated funds from student dues
2011-2012 Requested Budget
Guest Speakers
Professional Development
2 Raffles each semester for New England sports teams.
Worcesteropoly Investment.
Involvement in Worcester community schools.
Food and beverages for selected general meetings,
along with guest speaker events
Paying for guest speakers, gifts for guest speakers
Etiquette Dinner, resume workshops
AMA Saves Lives T-Shirt, competition T-Shirts
Total Request
Meeting posters, competition supplies, fundraising advertising